We Ate, We Drank, We Conquered - An Aug/Sep '16 Dining Report - Complete 3/11

Great TR!! As always. Love Kona so much!! Haven't been for breakfast yet though...must try it!

Wine and Dine Half Marathon

This I am very jealous about...on my bucket list to do a RunDisney event...and how awesome that it's Wine and Dine as well..ONE DAY!! And you will get to eat all the things...so that is really cool!
This was one of the best character interactions Casey had as the character attendant was fascinated with the autograph book I'd made her. I'd taken photos of her with each of the characters and made a book on Shutterfly so they could sign by their picture. Rafiki was so excited that he was in there, they must have taken about 5 minutes to scroll through the book.

I just asked you about the book last night! Haha so funny, I should have just kept reading the next post!

And after all of that it was finally time for my favorite ride....LUNCH!!!!!!!!!


She even pointed out the 8th wonder of the world, the backside of the menu, which I'd somehow missed before.

:cool1: That's awesome

Despite my aversion to anything that starts with mush and ends with rooms

I forgot you don't like mushrooms. You eat eeeeeeeeeeverything else but not mushrooms :laughing: I LOVE mushrooms! DH thinks they're gross

When we finally made it to The Wave, we were met with what I will describe gently as the nastiest fishiest smell ever. Like it was so pungent in there, Jason wasn't even sure if we could stay and eat. Ultimately we stuck it out and stayed through the meal, but only with the promise to Jason of mucho quantities of alcohol to drowned the fish.

Ewww!!!! :eek: Why!?!?!? Why did the whole restaurant smell so bad?

I was able to snag a fast pass for Toy Story on the way over

Wow! That's awesome you got a last min FP for TSMM

Apparently the magic was making my kid disappear.

I just cracked up out loud

I stayed behind as he totally creeped me out last time, but per Jason he seemed none to amused to see himself in tiny stuffed form.


I'm sure many of you are gagging right about now, but the only thing better than a good medium rare steak is one that isn't cooked at all!

Yup, gagging over here
Ultimately we decided to go for it. In a bit of foreshadowing 5 months later, I think my shoes are still wet o_O


From there we cruised through space

Brilliant! :rotfl2:

To put a dessert party over the safety of guests was insane to me.


We eventually made our way toward main street and were shocked when the fireworks started going off. So soaking wet, standing in several inches of water, what better to do than enjoy the best fireworks view we'd ever had.

How weird that they had the fireworks! But wow that is a really great view

Sadly this turned into a cluster too as we got stopped for about 20 minutes just shy of the transportation center.

I think you forgot a word...

Another train was having issues, but being stuck in the middle of the monrail with the wind and rain pelting and shaking the train was not the most pleasant of experiences. Thankfully for no apparent reason the driver kept coming over the speaker just repeating his name. "Bob" "Bob" 'Bob" No idea what that was about but we had lots of fun at Bob's expense the rest of the week.

This does not sound fun. But the Bob thing is strange and hilarious.

We hung out in the county fair or whatever the name is for the god awful dinosaur carnival,


Beautiful picture

I presume the parents were somewhere near by, but we never once saw anyone other than the waiter check on them so apparently this was license to play duck, duck, goose around the table. So much for signatures :P

That's nuts. I'd be so annoyed.

Awesome picture!

This is so funny. She's such a ham.


Amazing Samoan
J Cakes
Casey French
Spicy Bloody Mary

While that could have translated to this....

This was so funny I just burst out laughing out loud. Especially "Casey French" :rotfl2:

Oh and before I go a certain little girl is looking over my shoulder and wanted to share this message....


Hiiiiiiiiii Casey! :wave2:


I did it! I caught up!!!! And just in time to start your new report!! :thumbsup2
What a great dining review! I can't wait to read the next one....did you get a chance to eat some of the goodies from the International Festival of the Arts? -Amanda
Hi!! :wave: I've been away for a while but I'm back and trying to catch up on TRs.
I know I posted on your PTR but welcome back!!!! What took you so long? Raising a child or something?

So excited to read more and catch up!
Looks like you did some great marathon catch-up sessions!

YAAAY! When? I'll be there 11/9-11/13 with my mama. As of right now. Unless she bails on me then it'll be my trusty sidekick Justin.
Woohoo, looks like we should overlap for a bit!!!! We'll be there the 3rd through 11th.

I didn't realize you had a peanut allergy! If you don't mind my asking, have you always had it? I've learned in the past year that food allergies definitely suck :sad2:
I didn't get it until I was an adult, maybe 10 years ago or so. It's more of an intolerence than a true allergy, so it won't kill me just make me miserable for a while :-)

That is adorable. How was the wait for Olaf? Ryann LOVES him
I think is wait was only 10 or 15 minutes. I don't think it ever gets too long. I'm sure Ryann would love it!

don't think I would ever order bone marrow, but the way you're describing it makes it sound good. Maybe I'll try some off your plate when you take me to Disney with you! ;)
I think if you'd try it, you'd love it. Usually once you get over what it actually is that you are eating, you can realize how good it is. I'll be sure to save some for you next time.

Did you make the autograph book on Shutterfly or a similar site? Did you customize the inside pages too?
Yeah, I made it on Shutterfly. I used some disney template they had and then customized it with her pictures and a few other things. Makes a fun keepsake for her.

This description is amazing. Also, is a Moscow mule a drink or an animal?

Loved your TR. Love that you love Bloody's, so do I especially spicier ones. Funny for some reason every time I fly home from a vacation I have to stop in the airport lounge for at least one bloody:drinking1. I don't know why airports make me crave them but I'm thinking it's my heavy drinking Vegas trips. :confused3.
Anyways I'm so glad that you showed me that we could plan a trip to Dis and not have a ton of advanced ADR's and can play it by ear. Exactly how I'm going to plan our Dec trip.
I hope you do write a TR for your most recent trip, just love living vicariously through you.....I don't end up with a hangover.:rotfl2:Enjoy your Nov. trip.
I'm totally with you on the bloody mary's at the airport, though I usually catch one on the departure and not the return :-)

Hope you love the laisez faire style as much as we do. I hate being tied down to time and for someone whose day is filled with meetings from 8-5 just about everyday, I need my vacation to be much different. Now if we could only make those pesky fast passes more flexible we'd be set :-)

Hopefully starting the new one this weekend or later this week when fingers crossed we get a snow day and I get to stay home from work.

Great TR!! As always. Love Kona so much!! Haven't been for breakfast yet though...must try it!
Hi there stranger, thanks!!!! Good to "see" you

Ewww!!!! :eek: Why!?!?!? Why did the whole restaurant smell so bad?
We still have no idea. Hope it was an anomaly.

I think you forgot a word...
:rotfl2:If only the disboards would let me speak in my true four letter word native tongue :P

Hiiiiiiiiii Casey! :wave2:


I did it! I caught up!!!! And just in time to start your new report!! :thumbsup2
Casey says hi back. She's currently putting on a gymnastics show for us :-) It apparently a very coveted event, I had to have a ticket.

What a great dining review! I can't wait to read the next one....did you get a chance to eat some of the goodies from the International Festival of the Arts? -Amanda
Thanks so much!!! We did try some of the festival of arts food. Sadly, we were very underwhelmed but we've got some great pics!
That's All Folks

Well there you have, another amazing Disney vacation in the books. This one was the longest trip we've ever taken, 11 days/10 nights, and in my estimation the perfect length. We had plenty of time to do what we pleased. at our own pace, and most importantly 11 days of food and drink!
The Polynesian has become one of our favorite resorts or THE favorite in Casey's book, because she likes the way it smells. Not sure I'll ever understand that kid :-)

Now some final thoughts on all our food and drink adventures. First the bad and the ugly..

Worst Smell

the wave. Yes I had to invent a category because food wise, it wasn't all that bad, but I'll never be able to get over the fish smell that overpowered the entire restaurant.

Worst Meal

kona. They may do breakfast well, but lackluster service and uninspired slushi didn't make anyone happy.

Worst Service

flying fish.... The service was actually fine, but any restaurant that thinks seating patrons next to this is ok is out of their mind.

And now the good....

Best Breakfast

KONA!!!!! While Grand Floridian Cafe was solid and Tusker House had me at Bloody Mary, there is no better breakfast on property than the Samoan and Macademia Nut Pancakes.

Best Dessert

SKIPPERS CANTEEN!!!! I had zero expectations with this dessert our server recommended, but dense chocolate cake, combined with bananas, and amazing cashew ice cream proved the perfect combination.
Honorable Mention

DOLE WHIP!!!!! While I didn't have any myself, about nothing in the world can taste as good as dessert, shared with your child, at almost midnight, while you're half in the bag. #ProudWife

Best Appetizer

SANAA!!!!!!!! We had some great appetizers on this trip, but nothing can beat the amazingness that is Sanaa bread service.

Best Lunch

VIA NAPOLI!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for Casey day so I could get a bit of the chewy, gooey, truffley, chard perfection that is Via Napoli pizza.

Best Entrees

NARCOOSSEE'S!!!!! I rarely eat them same entree twice, but when we returned for the third trip in a row to eat the exact same shrimp and scallop entree's you are clearly doing something right.

Best Service

CALIFORNIA GRILL!!!!! While no one stood a chance after our own personal wine tasting, the amazing Gary is in a class all his own.

Best Drink

TIFFINS!!!!! If you haven't been run, don't walk, to Tiffins or Nomads lounge. The Anapurna Zing is hands down the best drink I've ever had at disney. And at a mere $8.50 a rare disney bargain.

Best Overall Meal

TIFFINS!!!!!!! I had no idea in park food could be so adventurous or refined, but the combination of amazing food and gorgeous decor but Tiffins in a league all by itself. Hope this is a direction disney continues to go in.

Honorable mention goes to our Tables in Wonderland card. While we had to buy a new one for $125 we quickly recouped that money and ended up in the black to the tune of $215. Money well spent and drank!

And honorable, honorable mention to the best kid ever (besides all of your kids of course).

She may have looked like this at times, but kudos to her little kindergarten feet carrying her over 70 miles in the August heat without a stroller for the first time. We all knew she ate like an adult already, now she walks like one too :-)

Well there you have it. 11 days of eating, drinking, and downright gluttony. Hope you all enjoyed reading about it at least 1/100 as much as we loved eating and drinking it. I should be back in a few days with a link to our latest report. Other than that...
(oops wrong company)
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That's All Folks

Well there you have, another amazing Disney vacation in the books. This one was the longest trip we've ever taken, 11 days/10 nights, and in my estimation the perfect length. We had plenty of time to do what we pleased. at our own pace, and most importantly 11 days of food and drink!
The Polynesian has become one of our favorite resorts or THE favorite in Casey's book, because she likes the way it smells. Not sure I'll ever understand that kid :-)

Not sure if you have come across them but Spireside has candles that smell just like the Poly!!! They also have a Beach Club that is dead on!!!
I LOVE trip wrap-ups, especially when they end, with the promise of another TR coming very soon!!!
Great review as always, we are going to try Tiffins in August. We will be staying at Casey's smell good resort the Poly. I can't wait for your February review. I will be watching for it. Thanks for reading mine and commenting!
I know I posted on your PTR but welcome back!!!! What took you so long? Raising a child or something?

Something like that...

Yeah, I made it on Shutterfly. I used some disney template they had and then customized it with her pictures and a few other things. Makes a fun keepsake for her.

Awesome idea. I'm going to look into it

Casey says hi back. She's currently putting on a gymnastics show for us :-) It apparently a very coveted event, I had to have a ticket.

Oh man! I bet you could sell that on StubHub for a profit!

This one was the longest trip we've ever taken, 11 days/10 nights, and in my estimation the perfect length.

I'd love to agree with you that it's the perfect length, but first I have to convince Bobby to try it! :thumbsup2

TIFFINS!!!!! If you haven't been run, don't walk, to Tiffins or Nomads lounge. The Anapurna Zing is hands down the best drink I've ever had at disney. And at a mere $8.50 a rare disney bargain.

I just told Bobby that when we're at AK I'll take him to Nomad Lounge for a drink.

And honorable, honorable mention to the best kid ever (besides all of your kids of course).

:rotfl:But really! She did great!!!!

Hope you all enjoyed reading about it at least 1/100 as much as we loved eating and drinking it. I should be back in a few days with a link to our latest report.

I did! I majorly binged the last few days and now I'm all ready for your new TR! Let's go!!!!! :hyper:

Day 6 - Monday, August 29th
San Angel

Day 7 - Tuesday, August 30th
Skippers Canteen
The Wave

Day 8 - Wednesday, August 31st
Via Napoli
Tambu Lounge, Shula's, Blue Zoo, Il Mulino

Day 9 - Thursday, September 1st
Grand Floridian Cafe

Day 10 - Friday, September 2nd
Tusker House
California Grill

Day 11 - Saturday, September 3rd
Kona Cafe

Hi Kari,

I saw that you wrapped your trip report up today so I figured it was time for me to finally comment. I love your trip reports. You always give me some good ideas for where to go and what to eat. Your drink at Tiffins looks amazing. I need to add that to my must do list. :;yes:: But I must admit that Jason's fried fish is pretty scary looking. Good for Casey for being brave enough to eat it. :)

San Angel - I love the Sopa de Azteca and Tostadoes de Tinga. And the green salsa is my favorite, too.

Skippers Canteen - I love the dining room that you were in. That is a gorgeous room.

The Wave - We ate there in December and it didn't have a fish smell, thank goodness. We had a nice meal there but it was mostly due to the personable waitress who really made it a nice experience.

GF Cafe - we had breakfast there in December. I had the french toast and it was delicious. But my husband's pancakes were a different story. They were as hard as a rock and totally inedible. Worst of all, the waiter was no where to be seen. DH finally got up and grabbed the hostess. Needless to say, the replacement pancakes were good, and we weren't charged for them. But it kind of ruined the morning for him.

Narcossees - we ate here in October and again in December. We were underwhelmed in October. I hadn't expected a signature restaurant to be so noisy. The best things about the meal were the romaine salad, the pressed pot coffee and the almond cheesecake with the bonus of being able to see the Star Wars fireworks from our table. We hadn't planned to return, but when we got a free upgrade to the GF for our December trip, we thought we would give Narcossees a second chance, since it was so convenient to go there. This time I had a direct view of the castle and could watch it change colors for the castle lighting ceremony, which was the most I had ever seen of the ceremony. The restaurant wasn't as noisy as it was our first time. And the table full of children next to us was very well behaved. I had the lobster bisque and made my husband order the side of lobster mac for me. I wasn't sure if it could be ordered separately or if it had to be attached to an entree. Well, I didn't fool the waiter. He knew it was for me. ;) I thought it had too many bread crumbs but loved the rest of it.

Tusker House is our favorite character breakfast. The food is good, too.
Thank you for a great report! It was a pleasure to read and it kept me from doing other far less interesting things like work (shhh!) :p

I'll be looking out for the link to your next report.
Aww, what a great ending! I love the fact that your Casey is such an adventurous eater, and walked the parks for that long of a trip! That really does deserve a high fiving fist pumping congratulations!!! Can't wait until you start your next report!
Woohoo, looks like we should overlap for a bit!!!! We'll be there the 3rd through 11th.

Awesome!! As of right now we are at Saratoga but we may switch.

Worst Smell

the wave. Yes I had to invent a category because food wise, it wasn't all that bad, but I'll never be able to get over the fish smell that overpowered the entire restaurant.

HAHA.. I just wrote about our breakfast at The Wave :rotfl2: no fishy smell for us, phew.

KONA!!!!! While Grand Floridian Cafe was solid and Tusker House had me at Bloody Mary, there is no better breakfast on property than the Samoan and Macademia Nut Pancakes.

I really don't think there is! I just thought about those pancakes the other day. Yummmmm.

NARCOOSSEE'S!!!!! I rarely eat them same entree twice, but when we returned for the third trip in a row to eat the exact same shrimp and scallop entree's you are clearly doing something right.

Ugh, I just love this pasta dish!! Yum.

Best Overall Meal

TIFFINS!!!!!!! I had no idea in park food could be so adventurous or refined, but the combination of amazing food and gorgeous decor but Tiffins in a league all by itself. Hope this is a direction disney continues to go in.

I am dying to go here! That drink actually does sound like a bargain.

She may have looked like this at times, but kudos to her little kindergarten feet carrying her over 70 miles in the August heat without a stroller for the first time. We all knew she ate like an adult already, now she walks like one too :-)

Yaaaa Casey!! party:
LOVED your report! At one point I wanted to chant bloody mary's... then decided that might be weird? In any case I'm so excited to be trying Tiffins when we go in May, based on your recommendation. I'm hoping you write a report on your most recent trip because I don't think I can wait until Fall for a new one!
Looks like we may just be able to :-) Jason is doing the challenge too and of course we plan on lots of F&W. Have you all done the post-race party before? Jason seemed interested in doing it, but i"m not sure how much energy one would have left at night after running a 1/2 marathon in the morning.

Shaun skipped it last year. He enjoyed his bed more. I went in with our group of friends around 8:30PM that we had dinner with and I called it before the party even started as it was 9:30PM and I was dead! We didn't nap much which probably had something to do with it. I may use his after party ticket but we'll see!

I did the after party in 2015 back when it was a night race. I had a blast as it was so empty until the runners started coming in. Shaun lasted about an hour before he was ready for a shower after he finished the race. I did Soarin' with no wait. Obviously that is different now.
Worst Smell
Borrow my boys for a couple days, and I guarantee you'll vote "worst smell" to living with pre-teen and teen boys...............:scared:

Best Drink

TIFFINS!!!!! If you haven't been run, don't walk, to Tiffins or Nomads lounge
This makes me so, so excited to go to Tiffins in a couple weeks!! And try drinks, I will ::yes::

As always I loved your report, especially because I was in it :D Can't wait to read your new one!
Yum! That's all I've got when reading you reports! I guess overall no stroller worked out ok for everyone?

I have a love hate relationship with strollers in general but especially at Disney!
Wow how did I get so behind! Another great fun filled, foodie and boozie report. Three of my favorite things! Can't wait it here about the last trip and food and wine.
Not sure if you have come across them but Spireside has candles that smell just like the Poly!!! They also have a Beach Club that is dead on!!!
Thanks for the heads up. We have a few of their other ones, but I didn't know they made a Poly one. Totally getting one for Casey's easter basket.

I LOVE trip wrap-ups, especially when they end, with the promise of another TR coming very soon!!!
Thanks so much. Have a snow day today, so hopefully I can get it started later today

Great review as always, we are going to try Tiffins in August. We will be staying at Casey's smell good resort the Poly. I can't wait for your February review. I will be watching for it. Thanks for reading mine and commenting!
You all should definitely try Tiffins or at least some apps and drinks in the lounge. They even had some great non-alcoholic ones that Casey loved.

Awesome idea. I'm going to look into it
They are really easy to do and that is coming from someone without a crafting bone in her body :-)

I just told Bobby that when we're at AK I'll take him to Nomad Lounge for a drink.
If he loves it anywhere close as us this may tip him to an 11 day trip :-)

saw that you wrapped your trip report up today so I figured it was time for me to finally comment. I love your trip reports. You always give me some good ideas for where to go and what to eat. Your drink at Tiffins looks amazing. I need to add that to my must do list. :;yes:: But I must admit that Jason's fried fish is pretty scary looking. Good for Casey for being brave enough to eat it. :)
Thanks so much Sue!!!! Looks like you have a trip right around the corner so hopefully lots of good food awaits. If you can't get to Tiffins, definitely try the lounge one afternoon. Its a true get away from the parks experience.

The Wave - We ate there in December and it didn't have a fish smell, thank goodness. We had a nice meal there but it was mostly due to the personable waitress who really made it a nice experience.
Glad to hear they finally got the fish smell out of there :P Our server wasn't the best, so maybe that would have made a difference for us. But we still love breakfast, just not sure we'll be back for dinner anytime soon.

GF Cafe - we had breakfast there in December. I had the french toast and it was delicious. But my husband's pancakes were a different story. They were as hard as a rock and totally inedible. Worst of all, the waiter was no where to be seen. DH finally got up and grabbed the hostess. Needless to say, the replacement pancakes were good, and we weren't charged for them. But it kind of ruined the morning for him.
Oh no, I can't believe the pancakes were hard. That is so strange. Wonder if they had them sitting under a heater for a while or something. Glad they made it better though.

Narcossees - we ate here in October and again in December. We were underwhelmed in October. I hadn't expected a signature restaurant to be so noisy. The best things about the meal were the romaine salad, the pressed pot coffee and the almond cheesecake with the bonus of being able to see the Star Wars fireworks from our table. We hadn't planned to return, but when we got a free upgrade to the GF for our December trip, we thought we would give Narcossees a second chance, since it was so convenient to go there. This time I had a direct view of the castle and could watch it change colors for the castle lighting ceremony, which was the most I had ever seen of the ceremony. The restaurant wasn't as noisy as it was our first time. And the table full of children next to us was very well behaved. I had the lobster bisque and made my husband order the side of lobster mac for me. I wasn't sure if it could be ordered separately or if it had to be attached to an entree. Well, I didn't fool the waiter. He knew it was for me. ;) I thought it had too many bread crumbs but loved the rest of it.
Yeah, Narcoossee's certainly can get louder than the other signatures. Now that I think of it from the noise and decor and even the food, it really is like a signature-light than a true signature.

A free upgrade to GF and a castle view, how on earth did you score that? Sounds amazing.

Glad your second experience was much better than the first. I haven't tried the bisque, but we love the mac and cheese. Best on property IMO

Thank you for a great report! It was a pleasure to read and it kept me from doing other far less interesting things like work (shhh!) :p

I'll be looking out for the link to your next report.
Thanks. It was a pleasure to right and keep me from doing that pesky work thing too :P

Aww, what a great ending! I love the fact that your Casey is such an adventurous eater, and walked the parks for that long of a trip! That really does deserve a high fiving fist pumping congratulations!!! Can't wait until you start your next report!
Thanks. We definitely hit the kid lottery that Casey eats (and now walks) so well.

Awesome!! As of right now we are at Saratoga but we may switch.
Yeah we switched to CBR from POR so we could get the $75/night gift card. Stuck in a pirate room but for cold hard cash in my pocket I'll say Arrgh to just about anything pirate:

I am dying to go here! That drink actually does sound like a bargain.
You should definitely go on your next trip. The drinks are all amazing!!!!

LOVED your report! At one point I wanted to chant bloody mary's... then decided that might be weird? In any case I'm so excited to be trying Tiffins when we go in May, based on your recommendation. I'm hoping you write a report on your most recent trip because I don't think I can wait until Fall for a new one!
Thanks so much. Bloody Mary chant, weird? Sounds perfect to me!!!! BLOODY MARY, BLOODY MARY, BLOODY MARY :drinking1

Shaun skipped it last year. He enjoyed his bed more. I went in with our group of friends around 8:30PM that we had dinner with and I called it before the party even started as it was 9:30PM and I was dead! We didn't nap much which probably had something to do with it. I may use his after party ticket but we'll see!
We'll see how Jason does. He usually talks a good game, but the reality can be different. Of course we did go out for a night of bar hopping after the Key West Half, so ya never know.

I did the after party in 2015 back when it was a night race. I had a blast as it was so empty until the runners started coming in. Shaun lasted about an hour before he was ready for a shower after he finished the race. I did Soarin' with no wait. Obviously that is different now
Yeah, Jason definitely wishes they still did the race at night. He's excited for it, but since its the same course as Star Wars he was definitely looking to do something different.

Borrow my boys for a couple days, and I guarantee you'll vote "worst smell" to living with pre-teen and teen boys...............:scared:
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Not sure I ever want to experience that.

This makes me so, so excited to go to Tiffins in a couple weeks!! And try drinks, I will ::yes::

As always I loved your report, especially because I was in it :D Can't wait to read your new one!
And I loved my report even more because you were in it :lovestruc Hopefully our disney stars align another time because we have much more drinking to do :drinking1

Yum! That's all I've got when reading you reports! I guess overall no stroller worked out ok for everyone?

I have a love hate relationship with strollers in general but especially at Disney!
Glad you enjoyed. Yep, no stroller worked out well. I missed having somewhere to stash our gear and of course had to listen to her complain on more than one occasion, but on the whole it was a good unconscious uncoupling for all :-)

Wow how did I get so behind! Another great fun filled, foodie and boozie report. Three of my favorite things! Can't wait it here about the last trip and food and wine.
Hey, what do ya know fun, food, and booze are my favorite things too. Maybe that should be the name of my trip report :-)


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