"We forgot to go to Magic Kingdom!" (Not really) – A September 2019 Trip Report - F&W, MNSSHP - COMPLETE 4/17

We started with drinks. I was intrigued by the Smoking Mirror, which was Johnnie Walker Black, wildberry, lime, and rosemary smoke. The wildberry, lime and rosemary sounded like a great mix. When I tried to order this, our server asked me if I like scotch. To be honest, I’m sure I’ve had it before but do not know what scotch tastes like. I told him, “Umm, I’m not sure.” He convinced me to order the Enchanted Apple instead, which is Skyy Citrus Vodka, sour apple and white cranberry juice. This turned out to be a great recommendation
I think it's basically just scotch. I wanted to try that as well, but I can't just drink liquor straight like that.

he mushroom soup was my favorite. It came in a cute cauldron. Unfortunately for me, DD2 loved this soup too, so I had to share 😊 I liked the Impossible burger with the onions on top. I did not care for the spring roll.
I have heard you can ask for more of any of the apps or dessert.

I didn’t really care for the Gooseberry Pie, which was meringue and gooseberry, but I think other adults did.

Funny, this was our families favorite. But it's very key lime tart like. And if you don't like tart things, I can see how you wouldn't like it.

If I had the dining plan, this one would definitely be on my list.
It was def a really good use of a dinning credit! Those were the days!
I think it's basically just scotch. I wanted to try that as well, but I can't just drink liquor straight like that.

That's what the server said! I really wanted to try it but it didn't sound like something I would like.

I have heard you can ask for more of any of the apps or dessert.

That would have been good to know!! The soup is the one thing I probably would have asked for more of.
Beauty and the Beast, Doc, Vampirina, Pluto

Our first FP was for the Beauty and the Beast show. I know you don’t need a FP here, but we wanted to see this in the morning and I was hopeful to get a better seat than we had in the past. We ended up closer to the front, but off to the left.


I love this show so much! I remember seeing it as a kid, back in 1995. I can’t believe it has been running for so long. This is one I hope they never get rid of.


We took a bathroom/outfit change break after the show. We were only planning to meet Doc McStuffins at this time, but we ended up meeting three characters right in a row. Doc was up first! We were in her line around 12:00pm and waited about 10 minutes. Doc loved that the girls were dressed like her.


We were going to head to lunch next, but the girls saw Vampirina nearby and really wanted to meet her. We quickly realized the Disney Jr. characters were the only non-face characters the girls really wanted to meet (and I was no longer feeling bad about missing Daisy). Her line was longer, but we jumped on it. While we were waiting, we saw at one point that Pluto (right next door) had no line at all, so I grabbed the girls to go get a picture with him while my parents and Pat held our spot for Vampirina. Unfortunately, several people had the same idea, so we had a few people ahead of us before we met Pluto.

DD4 did not want to meet Pluto, but DD2 did!


Pluto was really excited about the girls’ dresses. He took DD2’s hand and started walking off with her. I didn’t realize what he was doing at first, but he was taking her to go see Doc around the corner. I assured Pluto we had just met Doc and she waved excitedly at the girls again. I loved that the characters appreciated the dresses!

We jumped back in line for Vampirina and ended up waiting about 20 minutes in total. Vampirina also excitedly pointed out the girls’ dresses to her handler. I told them, “I think Vampirina likes Doc too!” and she nodded and crossed her fingers to signal that they are besties. I had no idea how much the girls liked Vampirina before this trip. They asked to watch her show every night back at the hotel/condo!


Pat was worried about getting poked by her hair!



While we were waiting in line, I had set up our mobile order for Woody’s Lunch Box. But I realized I couldn’t order my lunch on the app (the vegetarian version of Totchos), so I ran ahead of the group to click “I’m here!” and get in line for my lunch while everyone else caught up and looked for a table for us.


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Toy Story Land

The entrance to Toy Story Land is always a happy sight for me!


It was so hot at this point, I was really wishing there was an A/C spot in TSL. I saw my family arrive while I was waiting in line to order food. It took them longer than usual, but they eventually found a table before I had our food. I really wish they would add the vegetarian Totchos to the mobile ordering app! Everyone else’s food came out quickly, but mine took another 5 minutes or so.

Everyone else had ordered sandwiches.


We ordered grill cheese for the girls, 3 smoked turkey sandwiches and a BBQ Brisket Melt. Between my food being delayed and being so hot while I ate, I apparently didn’t get pictures of it all, but I think everyone enjoyed their meal.

I loved my vegetarian Totchos.


I really think two people could share this serving. Any guesses as to what our next stop was?


If you guessed the bathrooms for an outfit change, you would be correct! Time for our Toy Story outfits. We had a 12:45pm FP for Toy Story Mania and we scanned in around 1:30pm.


We didn’t get to enjoy much of the line. We were ushered through a backstage area and waited just over 10 minutes as we got closer to the ride. Pat and his mom got on in a car ahead of the rest of us.


I rode with DD4 and we had so much fun. She was really into it this year!



Another couple asked us who won, and DD4 said she did... I didn't say anything :) I forget his score, but Pat beat us all of course.
Frozen, Rock n’ Roller Coaster

Besides Beauty and the Beast, the Frozen Singalong is my other favorite show. I love the historians, they are hilarious! We had a 2:00pm FP for the show, which was set to start at 2:30pm. We were in line just after 2:00 but had to wait almost 15 minutes before they opened the door to the theater. Even in the shade, we were melting. DD2 was insisting on being held, so my dad and I took turns with her… some people are worth melting for :-D

We sat pretty close this time, and I’m almost positive the female historian was the same one we saw last November. She is awesome!


Does anyone else gets chills (pun intended) when Elsa comes out and makes it snow?


The girls loved the snow!


When the show ended, we were not ready to be back out in the heat just yet. We took our typical afternoon A/C and water break at the Backlot Express around 3:15pm. My dad went to pick up some frozen lemonades for everyone to share. I said I didn't want one, but I helped the girls eat theirs and it was very refreshing.


After sitting awhile, we planned out our next move. I still really wanted to ride RNRC and managed to pick up a FP for three. My dad loves the Muppets, so we decided he and my mom would take the girls to the show while we used our FP. We made it onto the ride around 4:15pm. We didn’t get to ride this one last year, so this was really fun!


We met up with the rest of our group outside the Muppets theater around 4:30pm and seriously considered going to check out the new Star Wars area. We had time before dinner but we were so hot and tired. I wish we had gotten a glimpse of it now, but at the time it didn’t seem worth it. We were all fading a bit – this was the hottest day yet. We decided to see if we could check into dinner a little early.

We took a few family pictures before we made it to the restaurant.



50’s Prime Time

We were supposed to eat at 50’s Prime Time last year but ended up cancelling our reservation the same day. I was excited to finally give it a try. I took a few pictures of the girls outside the restaurant while we waited for our table.


We actually had two reservations for this evening – both at 5:05pm, but one for three people and one for four. For some reason the system would not let me book 7 together. I thought we could show up early and ask for a table together, which is what we did. We checked in at 4:45pm. They told me they couldn’t guarantee us a seat together or even near each other. They asked which table we wanted the girls at – the 4 or the 3. We decided on the 4 because they would share a meal, and that way Pat and I could be with them. We also told them we preferred to sit together as a family and were willing to wait longer if they could make that work.

I really liked the vibe of the restaurant. We went to sit on some couches, and DD2 tried to figure out the old radio.


Less than 5 minutes later, we were sat at a table for 7! I was so happy they could accommodate us. Our moms seemed to love the nostalgia of this place. They commented on the Melamine plates. I had no idea what Melamine was, but apparently their families both had Melamine plates in the 50’s.



Our server explained the rules (eyeing my phone, which I was trying to hide - it was just for pictures, really!). We ordered shakes to share. I had to try the peanut butter and jelly milk shake. It really tasted like PB&J!


My MIL also ordered a PB&J, and my parents ordered a chocolate shake, which was also really good. We ordered onion rings as an appetizer to share.


I was planning to order lasagna as the vegetarian option, but they didn’t have it anymore. Instead, it said they had Cousin Harold’s Plant-Based Entrée – “a seasonal alternative with all the fixings – market price.” Our server told me the option tonight was a mushroom ragu. I really don’t like mushrooms and told him that. He told me to trust him, it was really good. When he informed me there were no other vegetarian options, I agreed to give it a try.


I noticed they did not add any mushrooms to my dish, which I appreciated. It was mostly kale, with white beans, lentils, onion, and tomato, served on polenta, with a side of tofu “cheese”. It looked really good, but tasted just okay. It was loaded with garlic and salt. So much so that I really only ate a few bites. I was really wishing they had the lasagna, or maybe a vegetarian meatloaf. Our server commented that I barely touched it, but didn’t offer anything else and I didn’t ask. I was full after the onion rings and milkshake anyway. For those interested, the “market price” was $21. I hope this means this will not be the permanent vegetarian option at this restaurant.

The rest of my family ordered Grilled Salmon, Meatloaf, and Pot Roast, and the girls ordered mac n’ cheese.



My MIL wasn’t very hungry, so she just ordered the milkshake and had a few bites of Pat’s meal.

Overall, it was a nice family meal in a great setting. I will go back, but will just stick with appetizers and shakes if they don’t change the vegetarian option. Our bill was only $138 before gratuity, so not bad at all for table service with a party of 7.

We finished dinner just after 6:00pm and had more rides to catch before Fantasmic!
Aliens and Cars

I was looking for a Fantasmic FP all day, but it just wasn’t popping up. I knew we could line up early for Fantasmic, but I didn’t like the idea of being there 45-60 minutes early, which is what a CM told us we would need to do to guarantee entry. Apparently it had hit capacity most nights in the weeks leading up to our trip, probably thanks to Star Wars opening. I eventually found a FP for Aliens at 6:30pm and picked that up instead.

DD4 had been begging for the Aliens ride, so I knew this would make her happy. We headed back to Toy Story Land.


My dad decided to sit this one out because he doesn’t do well on rides that go in circles. While in line, DD2 kept saying “oooohhhh!” and got us all going.



I rode with my mom and DD4. It was fun but didn’t whip us around quite as much as I remembered it doing last time. I also noticed the transitions from circle to circle felt a little rough – there was a bit of a grinding as you moved from one to the other. I didn’t remember that from the previous year either.

When we got off the ride, I struck gold – I got a Fantasmic FP for 6! We were going to walk to the show after Aliens, but decided we now had time to check out the new Cars show (is it considered a show?), which we were going to have to skip.

We made it to Cars right at 7:00pm and a show was just about to start. I’m not sure what I think of this one. It’s sort of a show where Lightning McQueen is revealed, talks to the audience, and simulates a drive. I wasn’t overly impressed but the girls seemed to like it, so I’m glad we checked it out. It’s one I wouldn’t be sad about skipping if we were short on time in the future.

We wrapped up the Cars show around 7:15pm and headed over to Fantasmic.

It’s hard for me to pick a favorite night time show, but it’s between MK Fireworks and Fantasmic. I love the story that Fantasmic tells. We decided to sit a little closer this time. I didn’t want to be down at the very bottom rows where you might get wet, but wanted a better view this time. This was only our second time seeing this show.

I knew parts of the show would be scary to the girls, but they did pretty well. They do not like fireworks/loud noises, so that was the worst part for them. Even though parts of the show are kind of scary, the giant snake and dragon did not seem to bother them. All the characters come out at the end, and that makes up for any of the loud and scary parts.


When she spotted Pocahontas, DD2 exclaimed, “We forgot to meet Pocahontas!” She was so concerned. I didn’t have Pocahontas on our “must meet” list for our last day at AK, but decided I needed to make that happen. I assured DD2 we would still have a chance to meet Pocahontas. She also kept asking me during the show, “Is this just pretend?” At the very end, when we see Mickey, she asked, “Where is Minnie?” Good question!

After the show ended, we waited for the crowds to clear out. Both girls were either asleep or drifting off, and wanted to be held. I thought it would be easier to carry them out if the crowds weren’t so thick, so we could move quicker to our stroller. This turned out to be a good strategy, as we were able to walk right out just 10 minutes after the show ended.

We were back to the tram at 9:00pm, at our car at 9:15pm and back to the condo by 9:30pm. This was an exhausting but very fun day!

Steps: 18,772
Miles: 7.57
Predicted Crowd Levels: 4
Actual Crowd Levels: 1
Day 6: Wednesday, September 25 – Magic Kingdom

We had a special breakfast planned for this morning, so we had to be up at 6:00am and out the door by 7:00am. This resulted in less than 6 hours of sleep for me. Our plan was to go to breakfast and then head to MK for the rest of the day.

We were going to sleep in this day, until I managed to snag a 7:45am reservation for Bon Voyage just a few weeks before our trip. We had so much fun last year and it had been on my wish list all along. My parents didn’t go last year but we knew the girls would love the characters, so we decided to go for it.

On our drive to breakfast, DD4 said, “I had a dream last night that it was snowing.” She must have really liked the snow from the Frozen Singalong!

We parked at the Boardwalk just before 7:30am. We could see the Gondola testing that was happening at the time. It was a beautiful view with the sun coming up.


The Boardwalk is so beautiful, I would love to stay here some day. Pat and his family stayed here when he was younger.


DD4 threw a bit of a fit walking to the restaurant (probably exhausted like the rest of us), so Pat and I sent the others on ahead without us so we could wait for her to cool down. Unfortunately, I forgot that they wouldn’t seat our party until everyone was there, and my mom came looking for us to see if she could help move things along. We had already gotten DD4 moving again and we arrived just before 7:45am. Thankfully, we were seated quickly once we arrived.

I’ll start a new post for our breakfast so I can include plenty of pictures!
Bon Voyage, Part 1

We were sat in the center of the restaurant. Our pastries came out quickly. I love the frying pan presentation, and it’s fun to sample different pastries. The chocolate croissant was the favorite for almost everyone at our table.


We hadn’t been there long before they announced the first princess… Princess Elena. Now, I have nothing against Elena. But I immediately knew that she was there because someone else I came to see would not be there. Our server stopped by our table and I tried to ask who Elena was replacing – I’m not sure if she was avoiding the question or mis-understood me (I think I asked if the Rapunzel/Ariel characters and princes were still coming), but she assured us that Rapunzel and friends were still coming.

I don’t think the girls have seen Elena’s show before – we mostly just watch movies, not much TV at home. But they thought her dress was beautiful and she was nice and chatty with them, so they seemed to enjoy meeting her.


Rapunzel came in next, and I was relieved, as the girls were wearing Rapunzel dresses. The only video I took was of her asking the girls if they were sisters. I think she also talked to them about painting/art. We took a few pictures with the girls, and then with Pat, his mom and I, since we were wearing Rapunzel-themed shirts.

Our food came after that, but I was still distracted, wondering who we were not going to see – Prince Eric or Eugene? I ordered the pancakes, which came with strawberry topping.


The girls also ordered pancakes and eggs.


These pancakes were so good – even fluffier than I remembered them being, if that’s possible!

Prince Eric and Ariel came out while we were eating. I was thrilled to see them, but also pretty disappointed that Eugene was not going to be joining us. Isn’t Flynn Rider the whole reason to book this reservation?? I really feel like it’s a pretty big swap and they should tell people in advance if he won’t be there – we can (and did) meet Rapunzel and Ariel at the parks, so we were there to meet Eric and Eugene (and, okay, the food is really good). I felt a bit let down, but tried not to let it bother me too much. It was still a great experience overall.

Prince Eric was charming as always.



Of course, I needed to get in on a picture too!

Bon Voyage – Part 2

Ariel was the last to visit our table. The girls had been tracking her as she went from table to table and were very excited to meet her (again). We ended up meeting Ariel 3 times on this trip. This one was good, but not as chatty as the other two times we met her.



We finished eating and enjoyed this meal. I love the food here, and they kept the coffee coming. We ended up spending $201 for 7 people before tip (and with the 10% AP discount).

I really liked the bathrooms here too.



I decided to wait until we were at MK for our next change, so we headed back to the car.


It was a little before 9:30am when we left the Boardwalk to head to MK. It took us just 10 minutes from parking spot to parking spot. By the time we took the tram, got through security, and then took the Monorail to MK, it took 30 minutes to actually make it into the park. I love that the girls could stay in their stroller on the Monorail.


I love the fall decorations at MK and stopped to take a few pictures when we entered the park.


What would our first stop be at MK?

Our first stop was actually for some castle pictures. I wanted to get pictures while the girls were still in their Rapunzel dresses.

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But our first real stop was to see Gaston. He is always one of our favorites (though maybe we have a lot of favorites). We got to his line at 10:17am, just as they were closing his line for his set that would end at 10:30am. This actually worked out fine, because waiting for the next set gave us time to change the girls into the Belle dresses I had packed. My dad held our spot so we were first in line for his set starting at 10:50am.

The photographer arrived a few minutes ahead of Gaston and was chatting with us. She let DD4 show off her autograph book and they talked about their favorite characters.

This was the same Gaston we met last year. He noticed Pat’s shirt immediately and said, “Gross!”

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He told the girls, “Come here, little Belles. You remember me, right?” I figured he was just referring to knowing who he was, I don’t think he could have possibly remembered meeting the girls last November – but also thought it was an odd way to approach children who might have never “met” him before and wondered if they looked familiar to him.

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He had the girls flexing with him too.

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DD4 asked Gaston why he hurt the Beast (we had a lot of conversation about this after watching B&TB at HS the day before). Gaston pointed out that he was the one who was thrown from a building. DD4 asked again if he hurt the Beast because he wanted to be the one to marry Belle and he confirmed. She said, “But the Beast is a Prince!” and he said, “But I’m more handsome!”

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It was a funny exchange and he ended by assuring the girls that he is the good guy.

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We will always make time to meet Gaston!
This was the same Gaston we met last year. He noticed Pat’s shirt immediately and said, “Gross!”

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Is it bad that I think that Gaston is too young.... maybe I am getting too old.
a building. DD4 asked again if he hurt the Beast because he wanted to be the one to marry Belle and he confirmed. She said, “But the Beast is a Prince!” and he said, “But I’m more handsome!”
Did she seem to accept that answer?

After saying it would be awhile before we return to Disney World, we've booked a trip for June! I might start a planning report if I get around to it, but at least need to finish this report before our trip. We'll be staying offsite and spending just one day at each park, but we'll have some non-park days too. I feel a bit overwhelmed trying to plan with Genie+ rather than Fast Passes, so any tips are welcome!
Under the Sea

We had an 11:00am FP to meet Ariel, so we changed once more and headed to her Grotto. We arrived at 11:08am and had almost no wait in the FP line. Gaston and Ariel ended up being our favorite meets of the trip. I just wish our PP Photographer had snapped more pictures, as we don’t have pictures of some of the interaction! We watched her having a fun time with the couple ahead of us too. I think they were from Australia and they were having a conversation about how long it would take for her to swim there.

When it was our turn, Ariel immediately commented on our outfits. She got the girls talking by starting a conversation about collecting things. DD4 likes to collect “nature” (leaves, pinecones, acorns, things like that) and Ariel was asking her to explain what acorns are, which made for a funny conversation.

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When Pat and I joined the picture, she liked my shirt so much, she decided to give me Dinglehopper hair. She started combing my hair with her fork (and I tried not to think about how many other people might have had the same in their hair!) and gave me a new hair style with hair in my face. When I brushed it out of my eyes, she exclaimed, “You’re messing it up!”
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She was playful like you would expect Ariel to be and we all had a great time with this meet.

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When we left Ariel’s Grotto, the standby line for Under the Sea was only 10 minutes so we got in line. TouringPlans said 8 minutes and that was exactly what we waited. We rarely wait in the regular line for this one.

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DD4 loved her Ariel dress.

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DD2 rode with Pat and his mom this time, and I rode with DD4 again.


I like this ride enough to go on it multiple times. Ursula amazes me every time and being a child of the 90’s, I can’t get enough of The Little Mermaid music.

When we were off the ride, most other rides had longer lines than we were wanting to wait on. We decided on It’s a Small World, as the standby time was 20 minutes but TouringPlans said 16 minutes, and that didn’t sound too bad. We were in line at 11:42am, and just before noon, we were on the happiest cruise that ever sailed.



After the ride, we weren’t quite ready for lunch since we were still full from the Bon Voyage breakfast, but we were ready for some A/C, water, and a snack. We found a table at Pinnochio Village Haus. My dad got a pizza for everyone to share. DD4 was begging for popcorn. As tired as I was, I agreed to go back out into the heat to fill our popcorn bucket.

Apparently there is usually a stand where you can get a refill near Gaston, which would have been close to Pinocchio Village Haus. Unfortunately, that stand was closed this day. A CM told me the next closest location would be the one in Storybook Circus. It was so hot, but I trudged over to the popcorn stand and back. Anything to make the girls happy on vacation :-D

DD4 was thrilled. I was happy to be able to take a break in A/C after that short hike. Our next FP was at 12:40pm though, so we didn’t sit for too long this time.
Cinderella and Elena

We had a 12:40pm FP to meet Cinderella and Elena. I wasn’t going to schedule this one, but when DD4 was making the list of characters she wanted to meet, Cinderella was high on her list. We’ve never done this meet before, so decided to go for it. Of course, we weren’t expecting to be meeting Elena twice in one day 😊

There was only one family ahead of us in the FP line, so we did not wait long at all. Cinderella was first. She asked the girls if their fairy godmother made the dresses for them, just like hers did. The girls were back to being pretty quiet for this meet but seemed to enjoy it.
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Elena was next. I felt bad that they didn’t really know who she was. She was great and chatty and was going on about another character from her show, but we were a bit clueless. The girls seemed to enjoy meeting her (again) anyway.

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I was planning to skip the Country Bears on this trip, but my dad had mentioned them, and it was a show in A/C with seats, so we headed there next. It’s not my favorite, but the girls’ reaction was kind of funny this time. DD4 asked me, “Are these bears trying to make you laugh?” At least should understood the intent haha.

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By the end of the show, it was time to head to our 3rd FP. What had we booked?
Splash Mountain, Tiki Room, Carousel of Progress

We had a 1:40pm FP for Splash Mountain. Prior to this trip, I had never been on Splash Mountain at WDW – I had only been at Disney Land once when I was in high school. On our previous 4 trips, either the ride was closed for refurbishment, down when we wanted to ride, or it was too cold to get wet. I booked a FP to make sure we would ride it on this trip.

DD2 was too short to ride, and as predicted, DD4 decided she did not want to ride after watching it from a distance. I think it was more about the fact that she would be splashed with water than the drop itself. I suggested that we do Rider Swap so all adults could ride, but my mom offered to sit this one out. We dropped her off with the girls at Pecos Bill’s and got them situated before leaving.

We got in line at 1:42pm and the FP line was really long! I took a picture to show how far we had to wind around before even getting to the FP entrance. I wondered if the ride had been down earlier in the day.

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We probably waited about 15 minutes, maybe a little less. I knew we could get wet on this ride but did not realize how wet. We should have heeded the warnings!

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Pat and I ended up in the front row, and his mom and my dad were behind us. I will request to not be in the front row next time! I loved this ride. Since I have never been on this before, I kept getting faked out by the mini drops. I kept thinking, here comes the big one! The drop was great. As you can see in the picture, my MIL still has her hat on…


But once we landed this fall, she realized it was missing! And we were SOAKED. It was like someone poured a bucket of water right into my face. My hair was soaked. I knew we would get wet but like I said, I had no idea it would be that wet. I liked that there were still more rooms to see after the drop, before we got off the ride.

When we got off the ride, I asked a CM about MIL’s hat. I wondered if they would collect them at the end of each night and send them off to Lost and Found. Nope. She told me flatly that they don’t go after hats. I quickly realized why – they want you to buy one in the gift shop! This was the first thing we saw as we entered.

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Thankfully, it turned out that her hat had just flown into the back row seat. Someone called after us that they had found the hat, so she got hers back! I would think if it’s this common to lose a hat, they might warn people as they get on the ride – but then again, maybe it should have been common sense :). We saw someone boarding with a giant Goofy hat after us and I almost called out to warn him to take it off.

We met back up with my mom and the girls at Pecos Bill’s, and my dad went off to find frozen lemonades to help cool us down. Each day of our trip was increasingly hotter.

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Around 3:00pm we headed out to the Tiki Room. We were all about A/C hopping at this time of day. At 3:07pm the sign said a show would start in 12 minutes, but we ended up waiting almost 20 minutes. At least it was in the shade!

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I think DD4 fell asleep during the show.

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We didn’t want to wake up DD4, and had already completed all the shows and rides that were on our “must do” list for the trip. We decided to head to Tomorrow Land and find more A/C. The walk over was brutal. We decided to go on Carousel of Progress since it would be a seated indoor show, and we could let DD4 sleep on us. We walked on just as it was starting, right before 4:00pm. It was about a 20 minute show and I enjoyed it. I think I saw this show when I was little and didn’t remember seeing it since then. I enjoyed it!

When the show ended, we debated watching again – another 20 minutes in the A/C sounded appealing and DD4 was still sleeping so I was sold – but others wanted to find something else to do, so we went back out into the heat.

My dad saw the original Carousel of Progress at the 1964 World Fair in New York, so it was pretty cool for him to be seeing it again here 55 years later.
People Mover, Monster’s Inc., Peter Pan

DD4 was still napping, so we decided to go on the People Mover. I couldn’t remember if we had maybe been on this one 5 years before, but this was a first ride for the girls. It was great for people watching, we really enjoyed it.


It was neat to see the construction on the Tron roller coaster.


DD4 woke up on the first trip around. When we got back to the station, there was no line, and the CM asked if we wanted to stay on. We said yes and went on another spin.


DD4 didn’t like the dark parts, but it was a relaxing ride.

It was still 94 degrees when we got off the ride just before 5:00pm. We were struggling. We decided to seek out more A/C and got in line for Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor. I think I had picked up a FP for it earlier in the day. As we were entering the line, a CM asked me to step aside and then pretended to measure me to make sure I was tall enough for the show. HAHA.

We waited about 10 minutes for the show to start. While we were waiting, I noticed this door for the first time – Inhuman Resources. This had me cracking up because I work in Human Resources. I might need a sign like this for my desk!


This show was a little better than the one a few days before, so I was glad we came back again. The kid in the audience this time said he wanted to be a dentist when he grows up. They asked him, “What’s the best time go to the dentist?” and he replied, “10 o’clock.”

They do a bit where they ask an audience member to think of a number and tell the rest of the audience – and say, “Don’t worry, I can’t hear you when my eyes are closed.” This is the first time I’ve seen the audience member hold up fingers rather than “whisper” his/her number and it was pretty funny. The monster called her out on it, “You held up your fingers, didn’t you? This might be a challenge.”

While we were at the show, I picked up a 5th FP for Peter Pan. DD4 had since declared it her favorite ride since the alligator gets Captain Hook in the end. We headed in that direction next and passed Winnie the Pooh and Tigger as we went. Tigger waved at the girls as he walked by – it’s these little moments that can be so magical for little ones.

The girls saw the Teacups as we were walking and begged to ride them again. I don’t do the teacups, so was glad when my mom and Pat offered to take them.


Our Peter Pan FP was for 5:55pm, which meant we could tap in at 5:50pm. We arrived at 5:45pm and were going to wait, but there was a really long FP line, way past the point where you tap your magic band. We decided to take a chance and get in line, hoping we’d be at the kiosk in about 5 minutes. It almost worked out, but we got there about 2 minutes early. We let a few families go ahead of us while we waited for the clock to hit 5:50.

DD4 was so excited. She kept saying, “I can’t wait to fly!” The CM gave us some pixie dust as we set off on our ride. When we saw the pirates she yelled, “Save us, Peter Pan!”


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