We just returned from 7 night stay..questions anyone??

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
Okay we were there Sat the 16th and left sat the 23rd. Very hot and very crowded. Each day it poured except Mon. On Tues we spent 45 min in the bathhouse due to a Tornado watch. Magnificent t-storms if you're into that type of stuff. The crowds got less each day. We did the avoid EE mornings strategy due to all of the recomendations of people. Kind of missed that early quiet time in the parks, but took advice from everywhere and skipped this.Usually left the parks around 12:30. From about 11:00 on streams of people entering the parks. Magic Kingdom definately most crowded. Did e-ticket on the 19th which after 1st hour seemed empty. Waited maybe 5 min for stuff. Did not do Splash or Thunder that night due to personal reason for being there in the first place. Did not do water parks. Sorry for the people who did planning on whole day (due to massive rain. ) Been there before in Aug of 2001. Crowds this time much worse, weather much hotter and more humid. Used to be t-storm and heavy rain for maybe an hour. One t-storm with heavy rain lasted 6 hours. Standing water in lots of sites and between sites. Never seen this before and this was our 4th trip to campground. Overall strange vacation. After our first day fighting the crowds our attitude became, "we're back in Jan we'll do it then" With fast pass and good knowledge of parks we were able to ride all of the main attractions in each park. Mission Space is Awesome!! They blow cold air on your face so it was definately doable. I usually don't do well with the "put you in a box and shake you up rides" but this one is a must try for all. The only other thing I forgot to mention is that we rented a golf cart from Bike Barn. Service was impecable. Ask for a Green New cart. We started off with the older white cart and returned it because the headlights kept dimming when we accelerated. The green one they gave as replacement seemed roomier and faster. Good luck to anyone going. Happy to answer any questions.
Welcome back!

Wow, that is some amount of rain. We went 7/28 thru 8/4 and it rained all but one day.

I bet it was scary during the tornado watch. I can only imagine what that must have been like. What system did they have to tell people about the tornado?

I'm glad you were able to make the best of it considering the weather. But knowing you'll be back in a couple of months, that must be a good feeling. Will you be camping again?

The golf carts sound neat. We were able to go to WDW this summer and stay in a cabin because of the FTP. I'm not sure we would ever be able to afford a golf cart too!LOL

Thanks for posting a trip report. I love to hear about everyone's vacation.
We were watching t.v and husband was listening to the radio. Loud alarm sound and scroll went across bottom of screen. Very specific about which areas at which times. ie downtown disney was listed and parks etc. The radio announced it about every 5 min too. Don't know what they did for people in the parks. Mk is not very far from Ft Wilderness. Kind of scarry to be honest. I live here on the eastern shore and we have hurricanes but you usually see them coming for a while. Tornados would be new for us. Glad we didn't have to experience any!!
We were there 8/16/ to 8/23 stayed in cabin loop 2658, I could not believe the rain! One day we got caught in MK,everyone was running for cover, some man slipped and fell and ended up kicking me as he fell, I ended up with a big bruise on my leg. Then we went to mgm I got seperated from my 12 yr old and ended up at the exit for 3 hrs in thunder and lightning looking for him, I don't think I will ever go in August again. Last yr we went in July and it was not nearly as hot,crowded and wet!
My husband and I agree to not go in Aug again. Even though our trip in 1999 in Aug was pleasurable, this one really lacked alot. Maybe 'cause in '99 we went for the last two weeks, and this time we were only there for the third week. Crowds were ugly. Very greatful that this was not out "trip of a lifetime" like I know it probably was for many others. We're sticking to Jan. At least no tornados!!!
I curious as to whether this was a tornado watch or tornado warning or severe thunderstorm warning. They are distinctly different animals. The National Weather Service issues a tornado watch when conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes. The skies can be clear at the time of issuance and the watch boxes usually extend over a very large area. We get a lot of thunderstorm and tornado watches in north Texas.

A tornado warning on the other hand, means that a tornado has been detected on radar or seen by weather spotters. Tornado warnings are also very specific to particular locale.

A servere thunderstorm warning will be issued when large hail, damaging winds, or extreme rainfall is detected/seen. These will tend to cover larger areas than tornado warnings.

In Texas the NWS will issue watches that cover a very large area in many cases the watch boxes will extend from north Texas into Oklahoma. Thunderstorm warnings are issued on a county wide basis and tornado warnings are issued on a city/town level and usually only a portion at that (if the town is big enough).
We've been there Aug '02 and '03, and the rain/storms in general were MUCH worse this year. I asked a CM what they would do if it got "really" bad, and he said that they would evacuate the people to one of the convention centers in one of the deluxe resorts. He said, "Bring your bedding, because you'll all be in one big room!" He did say that it rarely happened, but I can't imagine doing this...
PS Like you, we were a little turned off this year, and, since we're done by June 1 04 with school, will be heading down the first two weeks of June, instead.
I too was in WDW for the 3rd week in August, not camping, staying at the Courtyard by Marriott in Downtown Disney. We had also been at WDW the same time last year. I did not find the parks to be much more crowded than '02. On Monday night we watched the second Spectromagic from Liberty Square with hardly anyone else there--sat on the planters, even. The Hub and Main Street seemed to have all the people.

We spent the tornado watch in our hotel room--had returned after a KTTK tour in the am on Monday, and didn't go back until later with all the rain. DH is a bit of a weather nut, and watched all the cells on both the Weather Channel, and from the balcony.

We did notice longer lasting storms and more continuous rain than in '02, but just put on our ponchos and kept going. We made sure we hit parks early, especially Typhoon Lagoon, so we could enjoy it before the afternoon rain, but can't really say we didn't get to do anything we wanted. At this point, we don't do commando, so that helps.

Went to Mickey's Backyard Barbecue on Thursday, they started that early due to rain, but we were in the covered pavillion, and it didn't interfere with any of the action.

I think we will be back in August--just not camping. We're due to camp next in April--easier without airconditioning. LOL
Welcome to Florida in August. Hot, humid, and rainy. This includes July as well.

Being a Florida resident I would never do Disney during those two months. I realize that may not be an option for many who can only visit Disney in a limited time window (i.e. kids' summer vacation, work schedules, etc).

This summer seems especially rainy compared to previous. Where I live we seem to get an afternoon shower almost daily. It gets old after a while. But I'm never moving! The rest of the year is usually fantastic.
I believe it was a tornado warning with specific areas listed at specific times.

It is not just a simple afternoon thunderstorm that puts us off this Aug. We live on the east coast of MD and know all about afternoon t-storm/shower. The t-storms lasting for 6 hours are a put off, plus more crowded. Remember I had posted that we were there in Aug of 2001 and LOVED it. The heat is tuff, but humidity here can also be brutal. You can outsmart the heat, and just get wet in the thunderstorms, but all of those people packed wall to wall were really just too much for us.
We were at FW in a cabin the 2nd wk of August 03 and I didn't think things were that bad. It rained a little bit but not so much to keep us from doing things. Of course, we did get stuck on Tom Sawyer Island when the rain and thunder got so bad that they stopped the Mike Fink Keelboats for about an hour or so but the kids just played some more in the fort. Overall, it was crowded and a little warm but I would definitely go again in August.


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