We took the kids to WDW! - All done, Now Bonus features! Festival of Holidays 2/23

I'm not sure how the whole AP Days stuff works but if you clue me in when it opens, we might be able to coordinate our days out there.

AP Days at Disney California Adventure Park. By the name it goes from Sept 6 to Oct 2 with fun-filled activities and special offering at DCA. It is like back in February when AP Days happened at the Blue Sky Cellar and Stage 17. This month is at DCA outside of Stage 12 & Paradise Garden Gazebo where AP holders get some goodies like a complimentary AP Days button, special AP merchandise, character M&G, etc. I read online about this weekend that it was a disaster where they ran out of buttons, merchandise and people have waited over 2 hours to get a button or a M&G with a Disney character. Hopefully it will be good this coming weekend. The AP merchandise is being sold at the Studio Store & Seaside Souvenirs right next to the Little Mermaid ride.

Were you able to get the AP shirt from ToT?

Yes we were able to get my favorite spot for the Frozen show and we could finally see the chandelier.

That is good to hear that you had a better experience than the first time you have seen it during the sneak preview.
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In fact that week I was at Disney 5 out of 7 days.

Wow, that is impressive.

I’m a little sick of that, at first it was a cute novelty, but now half the year the attraction is NBC, and that gets a bit tiresome, after however many years they have been doing it.

I love Haunted Mansion Holiday. I have to say I am a little sad when I am at Disneyland during spring and it is the normal version.

I love all the photos from Frozen. I think they did a great job with this.

I can't wait to see this for myself.

I really enjoyed it, but was missing the old version as soon as we were exiting the ride. What I thought was especially well done was the transitions between the sequences. I can’t wait to ride it again!

I am glad you liked it. I think I will, but I will definitely miss the original and especially the smells.

After our first drink with the Diamond Ice Cube Leshaface’s DH wanted his sphere Ice Cube. So he got the bartender to make us some.

I am glad that they were able to make some for you.

I would expect you should see it!

I won't lie, I'm gonna try. But I don't have the time to stand in line for hours either.

When they are standard in the drinks, they keep a drawer full of them for backup, but these are both drinks that used to be made tableside, and they would bring the machine and beverages to your table and do the whole presentation for you. I would always order one of these for my guests so that they could see the process.

Cool! Yeah, I'd like to see that.

It is the #1 money maker for the city (hotel taxes, other taxes and fees to use the Rainbow Lagoon area). But you know what the #2 money maker for the city? Gay Pride Festival!

I'm not surprised. Both are festivals that bring people into town.

I've considered that, especially with my clothing. Remember the dress I wore for Formal night on the cruise? I had it on our Disney Cruise in 2001 and it wasn't even new then! :lmao:


I can understand that. I just keep remembering that hunger is my friend, and as soon as I start to feel full, I stop eating. Seems to be working so far.

Not bad. Good for you!
I’m a little sick of that, at first it was a cute novelty, but now half the year the attraction is NBC, and that gets a bit tiresome, after however many years they have been doing it.

Totally understandable. Even as much as I love Halloween, celebrating it in early September just seems wrong to me.

After our world travels, we headed over to the Hyperion Theater to see Frozen.

The show looks like fun, even though I'm still kind of over Frozen. (I'm actually debating cancelling our Frozen Sing-Along FP+...but I don't know.)

Before we said goodnight, we all took a group photo.

Aww, what a great photo!
AP Days at Disney California Adventure Park. By the name it goes from Sept 6 to Oct 2 with fun-filled activities and special offering at DCA. It is like back in February when AP Days happened at the Blue Sky Cellar and Stage 17. This month is at DCA outside of Stage 12 & Paradise Garden Gazebo where AP holders get some goodies like a complimentary AP Days button, special AP merchandise, character M&G, etc. I read online about this weekend that it was a disaster where they ran out of buttons, merchandise and people have waited over 2 hours to get a button or a M&G with a Disney character. Hopefully it will be good this coming weekend. The AP merchandise is being sold at the Studio Store & Seaside Souvenirs right next to the Little Mermaid ride.

Were you able to get the AP shirt from ToT?

Thanks for explaining that. It turns out that I liked the regular shirt better.

That is good to hear that you had a better experience than the first time you have seen it during the sneak preview.

It's definitely better seen from the ground floor than the back of the balcony, but I have also heard it's really good from the first row of the balcony.

Wow, that is impressive.

Yeah and it kicked my butt!

I love Haunted Mansion Holiday. I have to say I am a little sad when I am at Disneyland during spring and it is the normal version.

I just like the original so much, I miss it when they have the overlay in place.

I love all the photos from Frozen. I think they did a great job with this.

The effects are really great, as is the staging.

I can't wait to see this for myself.

I am glad you liked it. I think I will, but I will definitely miss the original and especially the smells.

I hope you get to see it soon, but I didn't think you had any plans which included Epcot or DCA.

I am glad that they were able to make some for you.

I hope now that the 60th is over, they are back to making them regularly.

I won't lie, I'm gonna try. But I don't have the time to stand in line for hours either.

You didn't get FP+?

Cool! Yeah, I'd like to see that.

I will make the sacrifice and order that drink if you ever do make it out here.

Totally understandable. Even as much as I love Halloween, celebrating it in early September just seems wrong to me.

I've gotten used to it, being so close to DL. The stores already are selling Christmas Decorations. :faint:

The show looks like fun, even though I'm still kind of over Frozen. (I'm actually debating cancelling our Frozen Sing-Along FP+...but I don't know.)

I've never done a Frozen sing along and no desire to! :lmao:

Aww, what a great photo!

Thanks. :hug:

Okay, that is an awesome shirt!

The stores already are selling Christmas Decorations. :faint:

I know it! It's crazy!

I've never done a Frozen sing along and no desire to! :lmao:
Allright, I dragged it out long enough. It's been three weeks since the last actual Trip Report update, so here it is! Our last day!

Day 11

I was awake by 8AM and just sort of chilled out in bed reading posts on my phone watching the TV. Fran and I talked a little bit about what to do between check out and our pick up time for DME. We were both thinking lunch and I suggested the Grand Floridian Café. They had availability at 11:30 & 11:45. Since we can never get out of the room before 11AM we picked 11:45.

At 9AM I got up, dressed, and started packing the last of our stuff. Fran got out of bed by 9:30 and we had all our stuff packed up by around 10AM so we polished off the last of the V8, grabbed our yogurt and some spoons and we called Bell Services. It's amazing how quickly they come when you don't call right at 11AM! We were on our way to the Airline check in desk by 10:25AM!

Bags checked and over an hour until lunch we set off to take a few pictures of the resort and eat our yogurt.

We went up to the second floor to catch the Monorail.

We took the monorail over to the GF and we were still a little early so we walked around a bit before checking in. I couldn’t resist taking pictures of the architecture.

I took this shot in anticipation of our next visit where we will be dining at Victoria and Albert’s with @jedijill

We went outside after that and I can’t believe that I took these pictures. My intent was to capture the Villas, but no one will ever see this view like this again.

Podsnel and I had been texting since the night before and she was going to come by to say "hi" before we had to leave.

I took pictures of the menu, but evidently auto focus was off or something because the shots came out totally blurry. We decided to split the Reuben sandwich rather than get our own meals. She ordered the onion soup, this was also excellent onion soup.

I started with the sandwich. It was excellent and the cucumber salad was wonderful as well.

I love that at the GF they bring you a whole pot of coffee. I continued to drink it until we left.

One of the reasons that I only had half a sandwich was because I remembered @Dis_Yoda had ordered a chocolate fondue here and I saw online that it was still on the menu. So that's what I got!

After we finished dessert Fran went to visit the restroom and just then Ellen and her friend turned up. We had a great time chatting even if it was only for a few minutes. Once Fran got back we had about half an hour until DME came to pick us up, so we took our picture, said our goodbyes and went on our merry ways.

We caught the monorail back to the Poly and luckily there were no stops or glitches.

We got our bags from Bell Services and went to lurk at the DME pick up.

It came within about 10 minutes, so I guess finally that call @pkondz made to the VIP transportation people worked. Soon we were on our way to the airport after a brief stop at the GF.

We always ask to be picked up an hour earlier than the normal pick up. I tend to fret about the airport. So we were there about three and a half hours before our flight. We just got approved for TSA prechek, so maybe I won’t worry so much next time.

I saw one of those massage places and Fran told me to go ahead so I got a half an hour tension release massage. It seemed to help a bit. We got a snack at the food court before finally going through security. We found our gate, checked in the scooters and then Fran picked us up some new beverages since we had to throw ours away before security. The flight was uneventful. After take off they brought us some warm mixed nuts.

I watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens. They brought us some dinner. I had chicken and rice pilaf with green beans.

She had cheese lasagna.

For dessert they offered us sundaes with hot fudge or caramel. We both chose Caramel.

Then I watched The Good Dinosaur. I still had almost an hour to kill after that so I just played solitaire on my phone. I was too tired to get the computer out. It took almost 40 minutes to get the scooters and Fran was getting very cranky. However, it saved us time when picking up the luggage, they had it all corralled in a special area for us, since we'd obviously abandoned it. It only took me half an hour to get the car, and traffic wasn't bad getting home. We were there by 10:30 and the kitties were thrilled to see us. That's what is so nice about these current kitties, they don't hold our vacations against us. Our last batch used to give us the cold shoulder for several hours, but not these! My little Tesla followed me around all night and laid at my feet in my family room as we watched the news (he's usually a bedroom cat).

Another great trip in the books! Though we modified our traveling plans to accommodate the "shiny object" traveling style of Jim, we got most things that we (I) wanted to do accomplished.


1. What time do we leave the room? (10 points for exact, 7.5 for within 15 minutes, 5 for within 30 mins, 2.5 for within 1 hour)


2. What do we do between check out and DME?

Lunch at the Grand Floridian Cafe

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

Coffee, Reuben Sandwich, French Onion Soup, Chocolate Fondue Dessert

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?

Got a massage

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

Star Wars the Force Awakens and The Good Dinosaur

6. Who missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends have an advantage on this one.



pkondz, 11!, You eat something! God only knows what!!! Stop asking me!!!, Toast, cereal, bacon, V8!, Catch up on the DIS!, Airplane and World's Worst Aviation Disasters!, No.... I'm changing it to.... crap... uh.... Something Disney..... twice!!!, Me! Oh, wait.... at your home.... uh.... Cat!, Soprano, 2.5 points.

Captain_Oblivious, 10:04 a.m., More zombie drinks!, Oh, wait--too early for that. Ride the monorail around and shop?, A cinnamon roll. A Dole Whip. Bacon. And french toast., Wander the Harry Potter stuff at the Universal store., Aladdin and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre., Uh...one of the cats.:rolleyes1, Pepper, 5 points

rndmr, 9:30, shop, eggs, bacon, cinnamon roll, english muffin, update your TRs and general DISing, Zootopia, The Jungle Book, Tesla, 12.5 points

Steppesister, 10:00, Shop, Toast, cereal, juice, coffee, DIS, Something Disney, and ??, Milo, 16 points

dhorner233, 6:30 am, Kona Café, Tonga toast, bacon, V-8 and eggs, Got a massage, Mary Poppins and The Good Dinosaur, Tesla,

dolphingirl47, 11:30, Shopping and lunch at the Grand Floridian Café, Caramelized Onion Soup Au Gratin; Strawberry Salad; Grand Floridian Burger; Chocolate Fondue, Shopping and catching up online, The Good Dinosaur and The Revenant, Tesla

IowaTater, 10:00 am, Visit with the guys, Cinnamon roll, doll whip, Tonga Toast, and bacon (because bacon makes everything better), Went to one of the bars, Superman vs. Batman and Zootopia, Tesla, 15 points

Malia78, left at 7:45 am, went to the Grand Floridian resort and Grand Floridian Café for some sustenance, all I know is that at one point there was a chocolate fondue with toasted marshmallows, pineapple, strawberries and brownie bites (that's four things right?), made a serious dent in the trip report that we are finishing up, Inside Out and Superman vs. Batman, Milo, 20 points

juniorbugman, 9:25am, Eat drink and be merry - I don't really know so I will guess - tour the Polynesian resort, Waffles, bacon, dole whip, pineapple, Prepared your trip report, Mary Poppins and the Batman vs Superman, Tesla, 14.5 points

DnA2010, 8:30, Have breakfast, finish off last minute shopping, Tonga Toast, Bacon, Mac Pineapple pancakes, coffee, Worked on TR, The Good Dinosaur, Star Wars -TFA (DH picked this one- he's hoping for our little thing to "awaken" and exit!), I'm going to go with a white thing- Alto - older cats can really miss their people!, 30 points

Bonus Points

Captain_Oblivious for his CoP knowledge – 4 points


dolphingirl47 – 50 points
dhorner233 – 30 points
DnA2010 – 30 points
Malia78 – 20 points
Steppesister – 16 points
IowaTater – 15 points
juniorbugman – 14.5 points
rndmr – 12.5 points
Captain_Oblivious – 9 points
pkondz - 2.5 points

Overall Results

DnA2010 – 256 points
dolphingirl47 – 233 points
rndmr – 222 points
juniorbugman – 218.83
Pinkocto – 207.5 points
Malia78- 206.5 points
Captain_Oblivious – 199.5 points
pkondz – 178.5 points
Steppesister – 164.5 points
dhorner233 – 157 points
Leshaface – 155 points
IowaTater – 150 points
dizneeat – 136 points

One last set of questions! These questions are different and are a game changer. Do you suck at making guesses about what we’re going to do? These questions have all the answers in this trip report, so if you’ve been paying attention you’ll know the answers. If you haven’t been paying attention, it’s kind of like an “open book” test. You can go back and look it up if you have the time! Or you can take a wild guess if you just don’t care!

If you score well on this part of the test, you could have been in last place and potentially win. Some of these questions have as many as 100 points available! Each correct answer gets 3 points!

Here is the difference..you must PM your responses to me!

1. How many total friends did I meet up as a result of being a member of the DIS boards?

2. There were 13 different kiosks, how many different kiosks did we visit total? Bonus points if you can name them or the items we ate.

3. We took 22 total trips from a resort to a resort, resort to park (etc) or vice versa. Name the correct number of trips via each form of transportation we used, Bus, Monorail, and Walking.

4. Not counting food we ate at the Kiosks, we sampled cuisines from six continents or countries, but mostly America. Can you name the countries/continents that we visited outside of America?

5. How many characters did I meet up with? Points for naming them. Think about this one!

6. How many times did Fran ditch us in the parks for a nap or rest in the room?
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I hope you get to see it soon, but I didn't think you had any plans which included Epcot or DCA.

Not this year. I am still hoping to come back to Disneyland about a year from now. Having said this, I wonder if the pull of Epcot and specifically of the new Frozen ride and Soarin over the World will become too strong when we are at Walt Disney World. I have to admit, I have already looked at ticket prices once or twice.

Looks like you had a nice relaxing last day. I loved all the photos from the Polynesian and Grand Floridian. I will have a go at the questions over the weekend when I will actually have the whole weekend off.

At 9AM I got up, dressed, and started packing the last of our stuff. Fran got out of bed by 9:30 and we had all our stuff packed up by around 10AM so we polished off the last of the V8, grabbed our yogurt and some spoons and we called Bell Services. It's amazing how quickly they come when you don't call right at 11AM! We were on our way to the Airline check in desk by 10:25AM!

You 2 made GREAT time on this one! Awed applause! Good to know about coming before 11- that'll come in handy...

Nice shot! It's so pretty there!

I took this shot in anticipation of our next visit where we will be dining at Victoria and Albert’s with @jedijill

sniff, sniff.

I will be interested to see what they did there- haven't bothered to look at the change. Sad that it had to come to that. :(

so I guess finally that call @pkondz made to the VIP transportation people worked.

Well, thank Goodness we have good friends to arrange stuff like this. I hope his Transport Pkg. has an extended warranty for this trip.

Though we modified our traveling plans to accommodate the "shiny object" traveling style of Jim,

LOL! Funny!

P.S. The Bonus Questions need serious consideration. Will be back soon with my answers.
Looks like you had a nice relaxing last day. I loved all the photos from the Polynesian and Grand Floridian. I will have a go at the questions over the weekend when I will actually have the whole weekend off.

The photos have me all nostalgic to go back in 32 days. It will be totally different as we're staying at the BCV, bit still I am starting to get pretty excited.

You must be loving the fact that you have an entire weekend off!

You 2 made GREAT time on this one! Awed applause! Good to know about coming before 11- that'll come in handy...

The fact that we had already moved rooms the night before helped, but then I had two souvie mugs and two mugs from the Boutiki to fit in the suitcases from our escapades the night before.

Nice shot! It's so pretty there!

Thank you! It is a very beautiful resort!

sniff, sniff.

Well, I told you about my date restrictions before you set your dates, but by the time I jumped in on your TR you were fairly set on mid October instead of late.

I will be interested to see what they did there- haven't bothered to look at the change. Sad that it had to come to that. :(

This is nearly the same spot that my picture came from.

Well, thank Goodness we have good friends to arrange stuff like this. I hope his Transport Pkg. has an extended warranty for this trip.

I sure hope @pkondz secured that VIP package for me this next trip!

LOL! Funny!


P.S. The Bonus Questions need serious consideration. Will be back soon with my answers.

I figured that they might take some pondering. It took me a while to come up with them and to calculate my answers.
Well, I told you about my date restrictions before you set your dates, but by the time I jumped in on your TR you were fairly set on mid October instead of late.

Yeah... had to work around school and stuff. And in the end, I'm glad I stuck with that. Now it won't interfere with my son's wedding, even though we're stuck with the inconvenious of going back East twice. It all worked out in the end.

Do you think they'll ever open the beaches again even during the day to sit in deck chairs and put toes in the sand?

I sure hope @pkondz secured that VIP package for me this next trip!

He really should make sure to stop by the concierge in the next day or so.
Bags checked and over an hour until lunch we set off to take a few pictures of the resort and eat our yogurt.

Ah, the Poly. I miss it already.

I took this shot in anticipation of our next visit where we will be dining at Victoria and Albert’s with @jedijill

:eek: That will be an experience!

My intent was to capture the Villas, but no one will ever see this view like this again.


After we finished dessert Fran went to visit the restroom and just then Ellen and her friend turned up.

Yay Ellen! Her visits seem to always go quickly!

That's what is so nice about these current kitties, they don't hold our vacations against us.

They are the rarest of cats, then!

Captain_Oblivious for his CoP knowledge – 4 points

If it wasn't for these pity points I wouldn't get any! :rotfl2:

If you score well on this part of the test, you could have been in last place and potentially win. Some of these questions have as many as 100 points available! Each correct answer gets 3 points!

Whoa...this could take some time!
Yeah... had to work around school and stuff. And in the end, I'm glad I stuck with that. Now it won't interfere with my son's wedding, even though we're stuck with the inconvenious of going back East twice. It all worked out in the end.

I guess in the end it all worked out. I'm just glad we have one day to overlap. :goodvibes

Do you think they'll ever open the beaches again even during the day to sit in deck chairs and put toes in the sand?


He really should make sure to stop by the concierge in the next day or so.

Yeah for BOTH of us!

Ah, the Poly. I miss it already.

It was a great place to stay!

:eek: That will be an experience!

It will be great! We're going to eat all kinds of stuff you can't pronounce! :rotfl2:

Yay Ellen! Her visits seem to always go quickly!

I know she's in and out like a Ninja!

They are the rarest of cats, then!

The are the sweetest of cats! :goodvibes

If it wasn't for these pity points I wouldn't get any! :rotfl2:

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

Whoa...this could take some time!

You have a month or so....

Wow, this is coming around quickly.

I know it will be here soon!

We loved BCV when we stayed there in 2013.

I just hope that they didn't ruin the one bedrooms in the refurb.

I am. This is a rare treat indeed.

So we pick up our tale at Disneyland the next day after we have seen Frozen and enjoyed some beverages. Leshaface and her DH had to drive home that night so I was left with dizneeat and her brother to enjoy the day. We agreed to meet in the lobby of the Grand Californian hotel, so while I waited in the lobby I took a few obligatory shots.

When Karin and Tom joined me, they were wanting to let me choose. Which was odd for me. So I picked Radiator Springs Racers. On the way there we passed the Cozy Cone Motel.

The standby line was one of the shortest waits that I had ever seen. I think it was around 40 minutes. We were on the ride in no time.

This is another ride that I’ve had difficulty taking inside shots, but even with my standard lens, I did pretty good! Doc Hudson doesn’t let speeding happen in his town.

And Mader is gonna take us out for some fun.

Until Frank gets all riled up!

Well, now it’s back to town.

Some new paint will help us out for the race.

Or maybe it does take more than new paint to win a race.

Here we go!

I don’t know if we won or not, and soon we were in Taillight Caverns.

After our race I was pretty hungry. I hadn’t had anything for breakfast or if I did, it was probably just a small bowl of cereal and coffee. So we headed over to the Paradise Garden Grill.

I had the Spicy Meatball (the menu used to read Kefta, but I guess not many people knew what that was) with Pita, Rice Pilaf, Tzatziki and Cucumber Salad. This is one of my favorite meals on property. It’s right up there with the Plaza Inn Fried Chicken.

Karen had the Lemon Oregano Chicken also with Pita, Rice Pilaf, Tzatziki and Cucumber Salad.

Tom got the Spicy Meatballs with Pita, Rice Pilaf, Chimichurri, and Cucumber Salad.

It was a great and filling meal and we pretty much didn’t need anything more for the rest of the day. After lunch we rode Soarin’ again, and then decided to take a break from the heat for some liquid refreshment. I had my Diamond Martini with Vodka, Karin had a Hurricaine, and Tom had a Mint Julep.

We had another round, and Tom got some sort of cocktail with Whiskey, I think, that the server recommended.

I had a coffee martini, so that I could be awake and drunk all at the same time.

As I said earlier, our lunch was enough food that we didn’t “need” anything else, but we really wanted to take advantage of the dessert offerings. This was a Manjari Dark Chocolate Budino with White Chocolate Chantilly. Both Karen and I ordered it and were practically licking our plates.

Tom and I each had one more drink before we called it quits. This was a Cosmopolitan.

And Tom tried another drink recommended by the server.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

Pretty soon it was time to take our seats for the Parade and Fireworks. We chatted while waiting for the parade to start and pretty soon it was underway.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

It was only about 15 minutes until the fireworks started up and we had a great view.

Both of these shows had their final run about two weeks ago, so I’m glad that I had one last chance to see them before they were gone.
The photos from Racers came out really nice. I loved seeing the photos from Paint the Night and Disneyland Forever. I kind of sad that they are gone, but I am still living in hope that Paint the Night may make its way across the big pond for Disneyland Paris' big anniversary next year. The drinks looked amazing so did lunch and the dessert.

Great updates! Love the pictures around the Poly. The new lobby is so different.

I take it you had a non stop Orlando to LAX flight? I have never gone from here to DW. I dread the trip next Feb/March.

Love your pictures from Disneyland too! I can't wait to go in like 70 days! :yay: I noticed in the parade Anna was on the Frozen float. I saw the parade twice. One time she was there one time it was just Elsa. Any rhyme or reason to that?

And the last time I was there, they had to cancel the fireworks because of upper level winds :(

I am not going back to research any of this so this is just my best guess:

1. How many total friends did I meet up as a result of being a member of the DIS boards?


2. There were 13 different kiosks, how many different kiosks did we visit total? Bonus points if you can name them or the items we ate.

7? I'm sorry I don't remember what you got!

3. We took 22 total trips from a resort to a resort, resort to park (etc) or vice versa. Name the correct number of trips via each form of transportation we used, Bus, Monorail, and Walking.

Bus: 10, Monorail: 10, Walking: 2

4. Not counting food we ate at the Kiosks, we sampled cuisines from six continents or countries, but mostly America. Can you name the countries/continents that we visited outside of America?

France, Canada, Mexico, Germany

5. How many characters did I meet up with? Points for naming them. Think about this one!

4. I don't remember who! I didn't know I was going to be tested or maybe I would have taken notes! :goodvibes

6. How many times did Fran ditch us in the parks for a nap or rest in the room?

3 times.


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