We WISH You A Disney Happy Holidays – December Challenge

QOTD: What are you excited about achieving this week and will music play a role in achieving that goal?
Bonus Q: What is your favourite holiday song?

I am excited to dig in and get lots of paperwork wrapped up at work - to help me focus I stream either the radio or Spotify. When I walk I don't really play music - if I walk by the water I kind of like to take it in and try to be in that moment - if that makes sense. My favourite holiday song - as a kid I remember I liked singing silent night. I also like the old classics sung by Bing, Nat King Cole as well. I also don't mind Bruce Springsteen's version of Santa Clause is Coming to Town. There are a few Aussie Christmas Carols - as it is a little weird growing up with lots of Christmas songs about snow and cold weather when we swelter through the hot summer during Christmas!

Good morning all - hope you are doing ok.

Stress levels rise and fall throughout the year but Christmas can be extra stressful for some for a variety of reasons. Stress affects our overall health as well as our weight. We each cope with stress in our own ways sometimes with good strategies and sometimes not so good. Some good ways to cope are connecting socially, finding support, sleep, a bubble bath, a massage or exercise.

QOTD: What is your go to stress relief strategy .... is a healthy option or do you need to work on how you manage your stress?

PS. my thoughts go out to all those affected by today's and recent larger stressors - the attach in New York and the California fires
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QOTD: I am an introvert to the highest degree and my best stress relief is just to be alone for a bit. Usually I get the most stressed out when I don't have that opportunity for extended periods of time. One thing specifically that helps me is to play the piano. Ever since I learned how to play, whenever I was stressed or upset then I would just sit at the piano and play until I was calm. It's been hard not having a piano for the last few years (I have a cheap electronic keyboard but it hardly counts) but we are actually getting a piano tomorrow! My in-laws have a piano that no one plays anymore and they are gifting it to us for Christmas. It will be so wonderful to play on real keys again.

Good morning all - hope you are doing ok.

Stress levels rise and fall throughout the year but Christmas can be extra stressful for some for a variety of reasons. Stress affects our overall health as well as our weight. We each cope with stress in our own ways sometimes with good strategies and sometimes not so good. Some good ways to cope are connecting socially, finding support, sleep, a bubble bath, a massage or exercise.

QOTD: What is your go to stress relief strategy .... is a healthy option or do you need to work on how you manage your stress?

PS. my thoughts go out to all those affected by today's and recent larger stressors - the attach in New York and the California fires

It really depends on the stress that I am having. Right now I seem to be snacking and eating out too much. There was a time a several years ago that I actually got really sick and had a bunch of tests done and it came back as just stress. My DH and I were not on great terms and needed to work through things. I lost about 10 pounds during this time without trying. Once we started to work on us and got back to a good point my body went back to normal.


Well there is never a dull moment in my house. This morning my DD was brushing her teeth, she came to me and said part of her tooth feel out. I couldn't tell if she did or didn't but she said it hurt to eat. So we took her to the dentist (she was just their for a cleaning last week) and they didn't find anything either but filed down 2 teeth that DD said were too sharp. Thankfully they were just baby teeth and both are just starting to get wiggly. Thankfully nothing major. We also figured out that her ankle was not really hurt last week. It was just sore from working out in the weight room during gym class. By Friday she was out of the boot. This one really keeps me on my toes.

Last night we had our Christmas party for work. I ate pretty good. I only had about a half of a pop and 1 BBQ park slider and a small chicken fajita. I did also have a piece of cake. But i think I handled it pretty well. This morning well that is another story. I forgot to grab my breakfast and lunch before running out the door to the dentist. We got some of my favorite chocolate at the Christmas party last night so i ate that for breakfast. I will have to find something healthy for lunch and keep the rest of the day in check. I should be able to get the rec tonight so that will help as well.
QOTD: "You can choose stress or you can choose peace" has become my mantra, and it's serving me pretty well. Also carving out intentionally quiet times, which you would think would be pretty easy since I live my myself, but the quiet has to come from inside me as well. Knitting is a meditative respite, and keeping up with household chores is also a stress reliever, as I'm not surrounded by unfinished tasks. And turning off the TV when there isn't something I'm specifically watching is very powerful... tonight will be a TV-less night.

Daily Accountability:
Lose 5 pounds...
the scale said the same thing this morning so yay! And I made it thru day 3 of the cleanse. The other times I've done a juice cleanse I've only done 3 days, so I'm in new territory today. Overall I feel quite good, except for feeling hungry and irritable. I'm kind of tired of drinking green stuff, everyday four of the juices are green based with different things added... I'm just chugging them down to get it over with. I am enjoying not even having to think about how/what to feed myself.
Walkout doors... aside from walking to and from the bus stop the only out doors times I had yesterday was getting the garbage/recycle/composting stuff out to the curb.
Daily gratitude... I don't remember ever saying "I am grateful for..." yesterday, so I need to refocus here, although overall I am feeling a shift in my energy and focus.
Spreading peace... yesterday was not an internally peaceful day because I was so easily irritated due to the detoxing, but I did manage to not snap at anyone or complain too much, so hopefully the space around me was peaceful-ish. Yesterday's daily posting for the Peace Project was about trees and it got me to realizing that I don't have a special tree in my life and that it's been quite a while since I've touched a tree, other than my Christmas tree. On Saturday I am planning on going for a walk in the local park and will seek out a tree I can call my own.

Also sending prayers of support to those impacted by the events in NYC and the fires in California... which is really all of us.



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QOTD: What is your go to stress relief strategy ....

I eat ice cream! But I made my own tonight with little bit of choc shot, frozen bananas and yogurt.

It's something I still work on, but tonight I light some candles, I turned the lights off and I listened to the guilty feminist podcast, leaving my son and my husband manage dinner. I cooked for them, I made Oprah's unfried chicken, roast potatoes, corn on the cob all ready but I felt the need to enjoy the candles in the dark and listen to something girly. If it's not cold I like walks, I plan good few trips to the pool & sauna during my break.

I find cooking relaxing too, I love cooking healthy food for others. It's like sharing my love with them, but also fueling them properly!
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I am an introvert to the highest degree and my best stress relief is just to be alone for a bit. Usually I get the most stressed out when I don't have that opportunity for extended periods of time. One thing specifically that helps me is to play the piano. Ever since I learned how to play, whenever I was stressed or upset then I would just sit at the piano and play until I was calm. It's been hard not having a piano for the last few years (I have a cheap electronic keyboard but it hardly counts) but we are actually getting a piano tomorrow! My in-laws have a piano that no one plays anymore and they are gifting it to us for Christmas. It will be so wonderful to play on real keys again.

That is exciting that you will have a real piano again! Happy playing.

Well there is never a dull moment in my house

haha the joy of kids - as crazy as it can be we wouldn't do without them - last night DD was asking me about stories mine all did that was related to being annoying, getting in trouble or hurting themselves - they thought some of it was funny - some of the things they remember some they don't - but it gave us a laugh now.

I lost about 10 pounds during this time without trying. Once we started to work on us and got back to a good point my body went back to normal.

That happened to on a few occasions too and was typically linked to trouble/end of relationships. Now no matter what I just seem to keep putting the weight on!

On Saturday I am planning on going for a walk in the local park and will seek out a tree I can call my own.

I hope you find a beautiful tree to call your own.

keeping up with household chores is also a stress reliever, as I'm not surrounded by unfinished tasks. And turning off the TV when there isn't something I'm specifically watching is very powerful... tonight will be a TV-less night.

Yes about the housework - I need to get better at this - as the mess does stress me out! The next few days will be filled with cleaning up and clearing stuff out in my house. TV is a constant in my house - it goes on when I wake up and is on whenever we are home - I tend to like background noise. I am impressed that you use it selectively.

I eat ice cream! But I made my own tonight with little bit of choc shot, frozen bananas and yogurt.

It's something I still work on, but tonight I light some candles, I turned the lights off and I listened to the guilty feminist podcast, leaving my son and my husband manage dinner. I cooked for them, I made Oprah's unfried chicken, roast potatoes, corn on the cob all ready but I felt the need to enjoy the candles in the dark and listen to something girly. If it's not cold I like walks, I plan good few trips to the pool & sauna during my break.

I find cooking relaxing too, I love cooking healthy food for others. It's like sharing my love with them, but also fueling them properly!

All great strategies - your dinner sounds delicious - I think I am going to try it - well have one of the kids make it lol - I am still enjoying not cooking dinners!
QOTD: What is your go to stress relief strategy .... is a healthy option or do you need to work on how you manage your stress?

I like to 'escape' from the stress sometimes by diverting my mind to a movie, a tv show or a book. When I have been in periods of really high stress and anxiety I used to shut down by sleeping. During my break which starts at the end of today :rolleyes1 I want to fit in a massage and a pedicure. I will visit the beach more often which is also relaxing.
Water drinking goal through Dec 11 met every day. Trying to have a sense of humor about it. Drink lots of water they said, it is good for you they said, they never told me that I would be doing a tour of restrooms when out and about or that I would be up half the night. Last night was even more fun because I had to get 4 kitties in the house. I would get 2 or 3 in and go to get the last of them in and the 2nd I opened the door at least one of them would go darting out like a rocket. 4 am before I finally had them all in and could go to bed. Makes it fun to have to be up a little before 9 am so that I could get some work done on my business with announcements of items on special just for the day, decide is this something I want and snag it. Some of the items went in less than 10 minutes. They actually had to start coming up with back up deals.

Christmas wish at least one person to join my team as it will be 3 years in March and I still have no one on my team. Oh and people to host parties online for next week and the month of January. People to listen to details on things instead of leaving out words that still make a statement make sense but completely change the meaning. A fit and trim body and a nice fat bank account with everything paid off. My house picked up, cleaned, and organized the way I want. Finally my husband's sister to quite hating me and making it quite clear how she feels about me by being sneaking and underhanded about it.

Favorite Holiday song that depends on the mood and the situation. For singing I love the more classical songs like Angles We Have Heard On High, Cradle Song, First Noel, Hark! the Harold Angles Sing, Joy to the World, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Come All Ye Faithful ( both English and Latin versions), O Holy Night, Silent Night ( all 4 verses), and What Child is This . To listen to I enjoy Breath of Heaven, Mary Did You Know, A Prayer For Every Year, Sweet Little Jesus Boy, and Strange Way To Save the World especially by the group 4Him as on of the members Mark Harris wrote the song

Music is such a part of my life that I often break into song some of which I sang as a child. It drives 12 year old nuts when I break into Delta Dawn, What Your Mama's Name Child, Amazing Love, Amazing Grace, Country Roads, Leaving on a Jet Plane or other songs. I love instrumental singing, listening to instrumental music, and both singing and listening to Accapella.

Stress this is an area that I am working on not either blowing up at everyone around me or stuffing my face. I try to disappear into the bathtub when I can.
I will try to read all answers for last few days. Anyone finding it hard to get motivated? So easy to just say lets pause and start 1st of January. But - every pound we don't gain this Christmas is one less pound to lose in January

Of course, whatever I choose - forget about it or not I feel it's important to be honest with yourself and own the outcome. It's like - ok,I will forget about it all and deal with it January - great. Or I will maintain - great! Or I will keep going and lose half pound- also great. But I feel it's important that I decide on which one is it and not make promises to myself I can't keep, say I will maintain and then have weeks going over my calories every day. Not keeping promises and gaining few pounds isn't the same as taking decision to let lose and gain few pounds
Anyone finding it hard to get motivated? So easy to just say lets pause and start 1st of January. But - every pound we don't gain this Christmas is one less pound to lose in January

I am struggling at the moment again - I am just so exhausted, I don't understand why and that is driving me crazy and a little anxious. The Vitamin B12 shot doesn't seem to have done anything. So I will go back to the dr in the next couple of weeks and see if I need to start back on iron as well. My tiredness will not improve over the next couple of days as DS17s birthday present was for us all go to the midnight premiere of Star Wars tomorrow night :crazy: The other part is that after thinking I was making progress last month I think the drs scales were incorrect - when I got to the dietician her scale said I had gained overall - it was so disheartening - and today I feel bloated around the belly and really honestly just FEEL completely overweight :sad:. I have not given up though and will be shopping tomorrow for some good food as it will be the first day of my break :-)

Tigger certainly knows how to get in the Christmas WOOHOO spirit!
That's right it's that time of the week again ....

Share your WOOHOO celebrations nothing is to big or small we will WOOHOO it all :cool1:
Anyone finding it hard to get motivated?

I am going back and forth this month. I am motivated during the week and the weekends I fall apart. I am trying to just lose a little bit at this point. Some is better them nothing.

Tigger certainly knows how to get in the Christmas WOOHOO spirit!
That's right it's that time of the week again ....

Share your WOOHOO celebrations nothing is to big or small we will WOOHOO it all :cool1:

My WooHoo is 2 full days of work and the rest of today and them I am off for the 2.5 weeks. It is so needed right now for my sanity. I haven't taken time off since July.


Last night went good. DH cut up everything for a salad for dinner. So dinner was very healthy. I also made it to the rec to work out. Another WooHoo the second season of the Crown in Netflix came out. Made for a great workout. However on the way to the rec my Check engine light came on. I made a detour to the auto parts store where they did a test and found out that it is an emissions issue. My car is still under warranty so off to the dealership to get it fixed. Thankfully I can still drive my car. I am not driving it to work as I feel uneasy driving it that far for right now so I will be taking the train the rest of the week to work. I most likely would have taken the train any ways as we are getting a good amount of snow the rest of the week. We are supposed to get 3-5 inches by this afternoon. I never drive to work if the roads are bad or I think they will be bad by the end of the day.

Today will be a busy afternoon and I will not be able to make it to the rec. DS has his band concert tonight. I will eat good though and drink my water.
QOTD: What is your go to stress relief strategy .... is a healthy option or do you need to work on how you manage your stress?

Usually I curl up in bed and binge watch something good on TV. Not really healthy, but I don't stress eat cookies anymore :)

I am finding that regularly exercising for the first time in my life is definitely helping my stress level overall. I am a high strung person by nature so it's a new feeling for me feeling slightly decompressed from usual.

Anyone finding it hard to get motivated? So easy to just say lets pause and start 1st of January. But - every pound we don't gain this Christmas is one less pound to lose in January

Oh goodness, YES! I'm am finding it very hard to not just give in right now. But you're so right and it's what I have to keep telling myself-- I don't want to set myself back!

Woohoo! There is a pop up Christmas bar in town and we will be going tonight! Not the healthiest activity, but exciting and festive nonetheless!!
Woohoo! First off let me say "Thank you Alabama!".

Today is Day 5 of the cleanse... thankfully the last day. I woke up thinking I couldn't drink another bottle of juice, green or otherwise, but am now determined to get through it. Overall it's been successful in helping to get re-balanced and, well, cleansed. My allergy symptoms have gone done a bit and I'm less stiff. I had one cranky episode yesterday... with my Boss, ha ha. Another woohoo... the last two gifts I purchased for my Nephew arrived last night, so that's all taken care of. And woohoo, I did finally the get the bedrooms flipped over the weekend: Saturday night I didn't sleep at all because the noises were so different between the rooms, but since then it's been great. It feels like I have an actual bedroom now, not sure why tho, maybe because the dresser and bed are in the same room and I even have a rug on the floor? And oh, I've haven't been able to fit in to any of my jeans lately, but thought to try on a pair this morning and they fit OK... even if they weren't stretchy I think I would have been able to get in to them

Daily accountability:
Lose 5 pounds...
I was down another pound this morning, making it -6 so far. That's right in line with what I've lost during other cleanses, so I'm pleased. I'm starting to think about how I need to eat after the cleanse, probably something along the lines of Whole 30. Last night I had to run up to the doctor's to pick up some stuff, which took me right past the neighborhood pub... while passing I may or may not have yelled out "I want a hamburger!", so that'll happen for sure. The other thing I've been craving is some sweet and spicy glazed bacon, so after my walk in the park Saturday morning I'll go get breakfast at the place that serves it.
Walk out doors... nope, not yesterday
Daily gratitude... didn't focus on this enough yesterday.
Spread peace... can't claim success on this either. Today's posting for the project is about breath and that's something I've been thinking about the past couple days, as one of the outcomes from the cleanse has been for congestion to clear, so I am able to take deeper more satisfying and calming breaths.

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My WooHoo is that my piano gets here today!

So exciting!!!

Woohoo! First off let me say "Thank you Alabama!".

RIGHT!?! :yay:

while passing I may or may not have yelled out "I want a hamburger!", so that'll happen for sure.

Hahaha! After a 5 day juice cleanse, I can only imagine! Woohoo for getting through that cleanse!

I thought of another totally unhealthy woohoo that I'm super excited about -- the humidity today is actually low enough to go home and make fudge after work! I have tried and failed in this muggy state to make candies and meringues and old fashioned fudge, but today my day has come. So as long as I don't mess it up, I will have fudge for the holiday!
ok - I will be back in a few hours to read all your posts.

I came on quickly to tell you that it is about 3.50AM here and we just got home from the midnight premiere of Star Wars - funny story we almost missed it!!!! I knew we were going Thursday but I had it in my head that it was Thursday night - for some reason I was still up at 11.45 and just before going to bed decided to check my emails and noticed an email from the cinemas saying "see you at Start Wars in 1 hour" - OMG the kids were in bed - one only by about 20 minutes - so I had to run around wake them up and get to the cinemas - luckily ours was at 12.15am so we literally just made it by the time they woke up and we all got changed. Phew - I would have had one unhappy 17 year old if we messed up that part of this birthday present.

So now I am off to catch some zzzzzzs


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