Weather in Late August


DIS Veteran
Apr 27, 2002
Ok, how hot is it? Are there typically rain showers in the afternoon? Do the evenings cool down at all? I've been to Oklahoma in August - any similiarities or is it worse? Can a person enjoy WDW in late August, or only if you park yourself at the resort pool?
We'll be down there too and i swore i wouldn't return in the summer. We were there for a long weekend 2 years ago and it was hot, humid and uncomfortable. You ask why are we doing this again? Well we just can't beat those summer discounts. You have to drink a lot of water. Be prepared to take atleast 3 + showers a day, bring talc with you, comfortable light colored clothing, lots of underwear, washclothes in a plastic bag, suncreen, hat, take breaks in the afternoon and return in the evening. Oh and don't forget those ponchos for the unexpected afternoon shower. All in all we had a good time but you have to take your time and pace yourself.
Thanks for all the suggestions. We are planning to take a slow, leisurely pace with lots of water in hand. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a contrarian August in FLA. Since they are getting all the premature hot weather, I am hoping the hot weather will run itself out of steam (literally) by August. Wishful thinking, but not likely... I'll come prepared for the hottest of hot.

My friends , who always go in August cos of the great hotel deals, feel it's no worse than a hot spell in New Jersey. The problem is that you never get a break in Florida, or a small one in the evening at best after a shower. Yes, do come prepared and pace yourself and of course a good attitude. We tended to eat light meals although we hit a few buffets here and there. Duck into air-conditioned buildings to revive during the day and go back to your hotel to take a swim or nap in the afternoon. Water fans or mister help too. Many times we have stayed off-site but during the summer we stay on property if someone wants to return it's more convenient. Good luck!
We have always gone in August. We like the fact that we are guaranteed the hot weather. We are from NH and don't get a lot of really hot days. I have to admitt that there are some days that are just so hot you could cry, but don't forget that EVERYTHING is air conditioned, even rides and some lines for rides which are indoors. We take breaks and drink a lot of water and there really is a little rain storm everyday which will cool things down for a bit. We also try to do the shows (inside, a/c and get to sit) during the hottest time of day. Save long lines for the evening and take a long lunch. It works for us. We are going again this August and can't wait. And who know's it might not be as bad as you think. Last year was pretty mild actually. Had hotter days in NH.
I love Disney at the end of August. The crowds are definately smaller than earlier in the summer. The heat could be a problem, but just plan your days accordingly. Get an early start, before the crowds and the heat get too bad. Take an afternoon break back at the hotel pool, cool off and rest your feet. When you go back in the late afternoon, be prepared for a quick rainshower, it seemed to happen almost every afternoon to us. We always bring disposable ponchos (2/$1 at our local Dollar Store!). And bring plenty of water, I've found the Brita filtered water bottles to be a great savings.
i have heard about the hot and humid weather in august i'' be there from the 22nd - 5th sept and was wondering is it really sunny also at that time or mostly overcast i usually go early in the year april/may but this year going later so wondering if i'll still get that golden tan?
We swore we wouldn't go in August again after last year. But guess what? We're on that "can't beat the deal" wagon as well. So we're giving it another try. It is swelteringly hot. But this time we'll be better prepared. You will definitely add to your tan.
thanks i cant wait im getting excited now and reading these boards seem to bring it soo much closer
thanks again
I would think that if you live in Virginia you would already be use to the heat and humidity so Florida wouldn't be much different. I don't know exactly where Ashburn is but maybe it begins to cool somewhat by August.
I have lived in Orlando since I was two. Let me tell you the end of August is HOT and HUMID. I have also been to Oklahoma in August as you said you had. It was warm there but there was a breeze and the humidity was very low (to me)-not at all like Orlando. I know a lot of people plan on coming down here in August and all I can say is they are stronger than I am. I work outside in August because I have to- I decided last Friday was my last rip to Disney until the Fall. It is just too hot for me to have fun.

Hope that didn't depress you too much- just wanted to be honest with you. Do pay attention to all the tips you are receiving here about how to stay cool. You'll definately need them.

I read your post and I'm ready to take my blood thinner ;) I get a pretty good picture now that you compare OK to FLA in August. I thought OK was a frying pan, so FLA must be the pressure cooker.

I am on the bandwagon with the group that loves those summer discounts and so am ready to face the heat. I might be spending lots of time at the pool bar with my mister fan.

If you ever get tired of the FLA humidity, come out to WA, and I guarantee wet, cold and overcast for most of the year. We do get a glimpse or two of the sun in August. I actually crave hot and humid...

I hope I wasn't too negative in my post. I may be a bit spoiled because I can go to Disney any time I want. I know lots of people come down in the summer and have a great time. I hope you have a wonderful trip. You are sure to get a lot of good tips here for how to beat the heat. I will hope for a "cool" week while you are down.

Have a great trip!
We were there this past Christmas Break. It was cold and rainy most of the 12 days we were there--needed coats and gloves several days. So we are hoping our trip in Aug. (6-17) will balance out that cold Dec. trip. Seriously, we are planning to leave the parks between 11:00-12:00 and return to motel for lunch, swimming, relaxing. Then eat dinner (off grounds to save money) and return to the parks around 6 p.m. We hope this schedule will help us survive the heat--especially our DD age 8 who really has a tough time with heat. We will be staying off grounds for 6 nights and then ASMO 5 nights. Really looking forward to it!! Here's hoping for no hurricane weather and no heatwaves during August!!
The last time we were there we went late July early August, and I must say some days were VERY hot. They felt even hotter for us coming from Seattle. I dont think the heat wore us down as much as the humidity. Have you ever been in a green house with no breeze? Thats Florida. When you walk to your room at some of the resorts, you can smell the mold growing. The afternoon brings massive breezes before the rainstorm, and no, the storm does NOT cool things off, but it does help. The parks empty out, and teh breeze feels FANTASTIC! Lets all hoep they extend the hours because if so, after or near dark is the best time to avoid hot heat!!So sleep late, and hit the park late. One thing you will learn to appreciate are the sunsets. My husband is from Phoenix and I have seen pretty sunsets, but some of the storms are the best I have seen.

BTW, the week we went, it was about 92 degrees, with 96% humidity. But hey, it couldnt have been that bad, we go again in August!
KJMax1 - I love to see a fellow Seattlite enjoying the humidity and I can relate to that overwhelming feeling of being hit in the face with it. Well at least there is sunshine! Also, the world doesn't flock to the roads when the sun shines in Fla. (if you are from Seattle you'll know what I'm talking about ). ;)
Please Stop!!! You're all scaring me.......August trip planned! I keep telling my family we're going to enjoy the nightlife so don't worry about the heat!!
We're going August 18 - 30/02 as well and are hoping for bearable weather. I've heard that
the end of August isn't too bad, definitely not as bad as July. We went in July for our honeymoon
in 88 and I had an asthma attack on the plane before we even got out of it. We're bringing
lots of water bottles, the mister, and lots of cool clothes too. We also have the UPH pass so
we can use the water parks, and spend some time at the pool as well, not having to rush so much
around the parks as we usually have to. Here's hoping for a mild temperature vacation!
This thread makes me laugh. The funny part is you really dont cool off unless you keep your room air conditioner down to at least 56!!! I am so serious about this because even the air conditioned places are warm.......But it is enjoyable! I loved it, and my husband from Phoenix hated the heat, but look who wanted to plan this trip, HIM! My sister went in Sept and said it was warmer, but of course it was closer to the throws of tropical storm season. Go and stop worrying! Itll be a blast, and you wil have tons of fun if you drink a lot. I got an infection last time because I was dehydrated and didnt realize it! So for women, either get a prescription for a urinary infection, or drink a ton of fluids. I think you need to drink close to 16 oz an hour, is what my doctor suggested.
I just wanted to say we have gone to WDW on vacation 3 different times in October. On the last two vacations in October, we had several days in a row of 90+ weather. In 1998, it was 95 degrees for two days in a row with temperatures staying around 92 for several more days. I know this isn't the normal for mid October, but for the past several years the weather has been anything but normal here on the east coast. Last year here in NJ August was awful, rainy and cool like it was mid September. So if your going in September or October to beat the heat, you may be suprised!!

RobinLyn :)


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