Weekend Getaway Turns Into Spend-Fest of Ridiculous Proportions!! May 25-29, 2006


DIS Veteran
Aug 16, 2004
The hubby and I are recently returned from a four-day weekend at PBH where, among other things, we celebrated our 7th anniversary. I decided this past winter that we were going to need a break in May and USO was offering this great deal: Stay 4 Nights, Play Free starting at $289 per night - not a bad deal with those theme park tickets and the admission to citywalk clubs with no cover charges.

Your cast for this adventure:

Jason (36) - never knew how much he enjoyed multiple vacations until I took the bold step of planning them; he loves me enough to pretend not to notice just how much we end up spending on vacation and he always carries the luggage despite my tendency towards overpacking (his travel nickname is Packmule).

Brenda (36) - "wanna-be" writer working for the soulless dominions of finance...well, it does help pay for all these vacations! I dream of exotic trips to warm, tropical places and have tentatively planned our vacation schedules through 2015 - champagne taste on beer budget, I justify overspending by pointing out that we don't have to save for our kids' college education because we don't have kids. :p

Base of Operations for this visit: Portofino Bay Hotel
It's early on Thursday morning - very early - and the clock radio has just started singing its song:


I'm up and out of bed faster than you can say Cafe Mocha with Extra Whipped Cream. Has anyone else here ever noticed how easy it is to jump out of bed at 4 AM when you've got to make an 8 AM flight to Florida? Our alarm goes off every weekday morning at 5AM and let me tell you - neither Jason nor I are leaping out of bed all smiley-faced and energetic. I think it must have something to do with not going to work...yes, I'm sure it's that not going to work thing that makes us so happy.

We're finished packing and out the door by 6 AM after saying a lengthy good-bye to our man-cat Handsome Pete (he's a manly orange tabby who seems to think he's actually a dog). We reassure him that his stinky grandma is going to take good care of him while we're gone, but he's not happy - he reeks of perfume for days after a visit from stinky-gran. When we tell him that smelling like a 62-year old woman is better than starving for four days he turns his back on us - we take that as our cue to leave.

Luckily we're ahead of the rush hour traffic this morning and make it to Lambert's east terminal by 6:45. Thanks to super-speedy internet connections at work I was able to print our boarding passes on Wednesday morning - we hold in our vacation-ready hands the highly desirable "A" group boarding pass and we are ready for some sun, good food, good fun, and tasty alcoholic beverages.

It's a full flight with many people headed to the Sunshine State but that's OK - there's room in Florida for all of us! :teeth:

As the plane takes off and we watch the familiar St. Louis landmarks slowly shrink in size, Jason and I wave to no one in particular and say in unison, "So long, Stinktown!!"

As an aside - St. Louis doesn't smell all the time, but when the weather is really warm or really cold the air carries the scent of river silt on it; 3 million people comprising a metropolitan area at the confluence of two major North American rivers...that's a lot of potential stinkiness added to that dirty clay-water river smell. Jason is also unfortunate enough to work in a business park that borders one of the city's largest landfills - depending on which way the wind is blowing on a given day he refers to his work location as "Mount Trashmore" or "Diaper Hill." There are worse places to live, we're sure, but we also think there must be many places that smell better. ;)

Back to our trip report, already longer than you probably wanted it to be.

This morning it seems like we have to wait a long time for beverage service to begin. The lights are out in the cabin and conversation is light...people are dozing, reading the paper, or like me, counting the moments until we touch earth again. I'm not afraid of flying, but I am afraid of the laws of gravity should we stop flying before we're supposed to.

I look at Jay's watch...8:15...8:30...8:45...do we have any flight attendants today? Clear weather...no turbulence...9:00...no drink cart. People are beginning to grow restless when a treble voice pipes up, "Don't we get anything to eat or drink, mommy?"

Apparently that's all it took - they just wanted to be asked before assuming that all 137 of us were thirsty and in need of peanuts. Can I just say that I don't understand why Southwest still serves peanuts on their flights? I'm not allergic to them (I can't eat them because I have Crohns disease...nuts bad, chesseburgers good) but I know a lot of people are allergic - some people are allergic just to the peanut dust in those little vacuum packs, so I wonder why they don't switch to pretzels or crackers instead. Both of those snack alternatives are just as salty and potentialy messy as the peanuts but with substantially less possibility for the drama of a severe allergic reaction at 35,000 feet.

My advice: keep your EPPI pen handy at all times.

I give Jay my peanuts and focus on eating the breakfast bar we've also been given. Jason does his best impression of The Amazing Kreskin before opening each pack of peanuts - his goal is to guess the exact number of peanuts in each bag before eating them. This is an ongoing travel game of ours...he always picks the same number: 19.5 peanuts.

The first bag has 15 peanuts - not bad.

The second bag apparently had been breeding and was chock full of peanutty goodness - 33.5 peanuts!! Jay must have received the frequent flyer peanuts by mistake.

The remainder of the flight is uneventful although very thirsty for one member of our traveling party. We touch down at Orlando International and are waiting at baggage claim by 11:20 AM with our towncar driver. We use Florida Tours whenever we're in Orlando and if I may offer a plug here - they are terrific. Clean cars, timely service, and courteous, professional drivers. This is the third time we've used FL Tours in the last 18 months and we plan on using them again in October for our WDW trip.

Luggage in hand we're out to the car and headed to Portofino Bay. Luck must be on our side today - not only did we not have a smackdown with gravity, but when we arrived at PBH around noon we checked in and our room was available! Woo Hoo!!

Here's where I started losing track of whatever nebulous budget I put in place for this trip. The thought process went something like this: I really liked that villa room we had last fall, especially the bathroom with the separate tub and shower; it wouldn't be such a big deal to upgrade to a villa room; gee, if we're going to upgrade to a villa room why not just upgrade to club level; I've always wanted to stay in a club level room and we are celebrating our anniversary, and Jason's birthday was just a few weeks ago; Oh, what the heck! Just change that reservation to club level - there's plenty of room on the ol' credit card!!

And so, by 12:30 that afternoon we'd dropped off our bags, redeemed our voucher for our theme park tickets, wandered into the club lounge to scope out the offerings (beverages only at this time), and were headed to Sal's Deli for a quick bite before further decimating our budget at the Mandara Spa.

A few random comments:

The drive up to the lobby at this property never fails to take my breath away. That long, winding road (sorry Mr. McCartney, but it is a long and winding road...there's really no other way to describe it. Don't sue me - I just spent all of our disposable income on this trip) with nothing but foliage on either side of the road and then suddenly the bay is there, sparkling with sunlight and there are these lovely, pale, pastel buildings and if I didn't know better I'd swear we're in a quaint, secluded little fishing village somewhere. This remains one of the most picturesque and best themed hotel properties we've ever stayed at - we just adore it!

Sal's deli - actually not a bad place to grab a bite to eat although I think it's a bit overpriced. :lmao: :lmao: - that has to sound funny coming from me at this point but it's going to sound a lot funnier in another day or two.

Jay orders an Italian sandwich of some sort and I order a chef's salad - we figure we'll share them because I can't really eat a lot of salad, also because of the Crohns (healthy green veggies - very bad, indeed). We wash our selections down with a bottle of water, a Corona, and an Italian beer the name of which escapes me. The food here is good and prepared to order fairly quickly - the portions are also pretty well sized, so I suppose that takes the sting out of a $10 salad.

This is a good place for another random comment: parents, I understand that your little ones are excited to be here...we're excited, too. But running laps inside Sal's probably isn't the best way to burn off excess energy. For one thing, the floor is very hard, slippery tile - your kid goes down on that floor and they'll hear the splat all the way up in concierge. For another thing, it's pretty close quarters in Sal's, and there are a lot of breakables that could do serious injury to your little cherubs. And thirdly, it's really discourteous to all the other families who are also trying to enjoy their time at USO / IOA.

Jason and I always try to be aware of the fact that while we may be on vacation, so are hundreds, if not thousands, of other families. Being on vacation does not give us the right to leave our manners or thoughtfulness at home (that's why we didn't swig our beer at lunch, start an impromptu belching contest with the business guys lunching at the table next to us, or begin making out while we were waiting in line to place our order).

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest - just seemed like we ran across a lot of people with an entitlement chip on their vacation shoulder this weekend. Most of the people we had direct contact with were very pleasant, but there's always a few who leave us shaking our heads. And if Jason or I did something rude or inconsiderate this weekend I now offer a humble apology in an effort to restore karmic balance to the vacation world at large. :goodvibes

We have appointments at Mandara at 2PM - we arrive about 30 minutes early so that we can take advantage ofthe mens / ladies waiting areas. To my knowledge we don't have a spa in St. Louis that rivals Mandara. I'm not really talking about treatments, but the entire spa experience. At Mandara, once you check in at the front desk an attendant escorts you to the appropriate locker room, assigns you a locker, gives you a robe and some slippers, and invites you to try everything in the lounge / waiting area until your therapist comes to find you.

There's a suana, and fabulous showers, and a steam room, and super-comfy chairs and sofas with warm blankies and soft pillows. Try some cool citrus infused water if you're thirsty or have some hot tea...kick back, close your eyes, and listen to how calm and quiet it is. I could have stayed here for the rest of the weekend.. :cloud9:

I signed Jason up for the gentleman's special: a facial and a swedish massage. He's a good guy, always willing to try something new, and comfortable enough with his masculinity to know that relaxing spa treatments can actually be a really good thing, for the men as well as the ladies. ;)

I opted for the Japanese silk facial treatment followed by the aromastone massage. Now, I do not usually have facials on vacation - my skin is stupidly over-sensitive thanks to hormones and the stuff I take for the Crohns - but my skin needed a pick-me-up. I really enjoyed this facial which is designed to be very gentle and moisturizing - the therapist was also quite good and asked me a number of good questions before she started the treatment.

As for the aromastone massage...I wish I was having one right now. The single, best massage experience I've ever had and probably one of the best massage therapists I've ever had the pleasure to overtip. Again, she asked the right questions and was very attentive to what I wanted from the treatment. I highly recommend this massage, especially for you readers out there who are always cold, like me, because those hot stones feel divine.

A bit of spa advice: ladies, educate your husbands about spa treatments. It never dawned on me that Jay's therapist would try to upsell him on his facial and that he would agree to it. D'oh! He ended up agreeing to microdermabrasion - for those of you who don't know why this is bad...the treatment is designed to exfoliate the top layer of your skin away and expose the fresher, younger, more sensitive skin below. No one should have this treatment if he / she is planning on spending a lot of time in the sun afterwards. In addition, to get any real benefit you need to have a series of these treatments - one by itself without follow up doesn't provide much in the way of lasting results.

Thank goodness he told me what he did so that I could make sure he slathered on the sunscreen over the weekend because that could have been a real disaster. So, I was a little vexed with the spa and I have since given them a piece of my mind - that was a terrible disservice to their client in the name of an extra commission.

Other than that little blip, however, we thoroughly enjoyed the Mandara and will probably use them again once we've replenished our coffers.

What was that? How much did we spend? Well, that's a rather personal question...let's just say it wasn't quite as much as our monthly mortgage payment and leave it at that.

Budget? What budget??? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

After our afternoon delight at the spa we decide we have just enough time to hit the Gelateria before cleaning up for our first anniversary dinner at Emeril's in CityWalk. I've never tried gelato before...I ended up with vanilla ice cream while Jay had a cappuccino flavored gelato. It wasn't bad...a little too sweet, maybe? Perhaps I need to give it another try on another trip - it just didn't do much for me.

The rest of our day (by now it was almost 5PM) was taken up with dinner. You don't believe me? Read my review of our dinner there and you'll understand...

Here's the link to our restaurant review if you're interested in how we had to take out a second mortgage to cover dinner:


That's it for our first day...tune in for Day 2 when Jason and I visit the Studio for the first time since 1996 and find out why everyone raves about Margaritaville.

Thanks for reading and feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I promise to keep my responses shorter than my trip report!! :teeth:
Thanks for the report. I will be at PBH myself in about 25 days and just might go for the aromastone massage. I was there for my 40th birthday and had my first and only massage there. It was the aromastone massage and I too loved it. Now, what are the good questions they ask, and how do I want to answer them? I am not very spa savvy.

Perhaps the Italian beer was Peroni? I tipped a few of those myself.
Wow! I read your TR, and I thought I could have been reading about myself and my hubby... you guys are very, very much like us (barring, of course, that the only way Mike would ever go into a spa is if it were on fire and I were trapped inside :teeth: , and it would be nice if he drank wine once in a while; I have yet to broaden his tastes beyond Coors Lite and Chocolate Martinis :)). Other than those 2 minor things, we are very much "vacation doppelgangers!" :goodvibes
Excellent TR so far! Looking foward to the next installment. A quick question since you've been several times. How do you make ADR's at Universal? My DD16 and I are going early August to HRH. We went last year for 3 days only, so we didn't make ressies. We ate at The Kitchen for breaky and HRC a couple of nights and the Italian restaurant at PBH one night. Can I make ADR's online now or is there a dining phone # that I can call? Sorry for the dumb question, but if it were WDW I would have dealt with this issue already. I'm not as familiar with US. :confused3
Hello everyone, thanks for your comments!

IMGONNABE40 - Happy belated birthday! Your massage therapist should ask you if you have any current health issues or any recent surgeries / injuries. Then he/she should ask just what you're looking to get from your treatment - I usually tell them that I want to relax to the point of liquification. :teeth: This is a good time for you to tell your therapist if you have any problem areas that you'd like to have them focus on or (as in my case) any areas that are particularly sensitive.

Your therapist should also ask how deep / strong of a massage you want. I always ask for a Swedish stroke, which is long, fluid, and gentle. My husband prefers a much firmer massage but I don't - different strokes for different folks! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And never be afraid to speak up during your massage if something's not working or feeling right. I had to ask my therapist to go really light on my lower back because too much pressure was messing with the cysts on my ovaries (yep, they're big enough to feel if you move the wrong way) and we had to avoid the stomach area altogether. But she wouldn't have known if I hadn't spoken up. It's your dollar and your time - make sure you get exactly the experience you want.

I wish I could give you her name, but would you believe of the four therapists Jay and I had that afternoon hers is the only name I don't have? :rolleyes:

I hope you enjoy your next visit - we can't wait to go again. And you are correct about the beer - as soon as I read your post the light bulb went on!

AlexandNessa - thanks for reading! I like that term - vacation doppleganger!!
And chocolate martinis are a good start...does your husband like coffee at all? I bet he'd like an espresso martini - I think those are better than the chocolate ones.

AuroraluvsPhillip - there are no dumb questions!! I don't have a lot of experience making ADRs at Universal. We've only made reservations at Emeril's restaurants and that has to be done by phone or by internet using OpenTable. I believe if you take a look at the official USO website there is some information and a phone number for dining information. You might be better off by calling your hotel and speaking with the concierge about the reservations you'd like to make - that individual should be able to take care of those for you. I'm like you - much more familiar with the WDW system, but I love USO / IOA just as much. Enjoy your trip and thanks for reading!

C'mon girl...looking forward to installment #2!!! Sometimes I think your Trip Reports are better than being there. OK...Just kidding! :rotfl2:

P.S...told Chuck about Oct 20th being a possiblility for you and Jason!!

Keeping my fingers crossed!
Nancy :wave2:
We did not set the alarm last night nor did we ask for a wake-up call, assuming instead that the bright Florida sunshine would beckon to us from beyond our 5th floor window.

We forgot to take a couple of things into account:

1) The beds at PBH are super-comfy;

2) The draperies are really heavy;

3) We were drunk, or pretty darn close to it, when we went to bed last night.

I can't say either one of us slept well - Jason snores like a twin-engine plane whenever there is the slightest change in his eat / sleep schedule, and I have to get up every hour to go to the bathroom (I also take this opportunity to remind myself that I really don't want to smother my husband with a pillow...it's not his fault that he snores...).

Eventually I give up on sleep and get out of bed again...the clock reads 7:30AM...why is it so hard to sleep late on vacation? I wander over to the window expecting to see gloom and pull back the curtains to find...glorious pale blue skies!! And wow, is that sun bright - my eyes hurt - and then I hear Jason: "Natural light! It burns....get it off!!"

There is nothing to do at this point but get cleaned up and go someplace where we can have some fun and burn off the alcoholic residue from last night's dinner.

We decide that this would be a good time to see what all the fuss is about staying on Club level and we mosey on down to the Concierege lounge for a light breakfast (taking a fair amount of advil with us). So, it's a bit crowded but not too bad; We see a beverage station with coffee, tea, juice, and soda; Looks like there are some breakfast breads / rolls on the credenza and cereals and fruit on the main table. I see: this is the over-priced equivalent of the continental breakfast offered at the Hampton Inn.

It doesn't really matter this morning - neither one of us wants much in the way of food. We grab a couple of dried out mini croissants and pick up some fruit, washing it down with some bottled water. About halfway through we both decide that a caffeine boost is in order and we snag some coffee (with half a bag of sugar for me). Not very good coffee, either. Oh well, maybe it's an off day for them, too.

You know what we noticed? Lots of people using the club lounge do not clean up after themselves or their families. I don't understand - there are trash cans placed in strategic places and there are trays for depositing dishes and cups and yet we saw any number of people get up and walk out of the lounge, leaving their table scraps for someone else to clean up. Perhaps I betray my lack of experience in utilizing club level services, but I wasn't under the impression that I was also paying for them to provide table clearing and bus service.

Jason and I are good little plebians and we clean up our table and snag some bottled water on our way out. So far, the best thing about the club lounge is the "free" water. ;)

We've got our walking shoes on today. We each put on sunscreen, but not so much that we wouldn't get some color (after all, you can't come back to Stinktown, I mean St. Louis, from Florida without showing everyone that you've been kissed by the sun), and our sunglasses are cleaned and perched firmly on our respective noses. We walk down to the harbor and over to the boat dock...it must be about 9:30 AM and there aren't too many people hanging about yet and my God does that sun and warmth feel good. :goodvibes

We're headed for Universal Studios today - it's the first time we've been back to this theme park since we visited in 1996 with my two nephews and we really have no idea what to expect when we get there.

The boat ride over to CityWalk is calm and uneventful - it kicks up a nice breeze that helps clear the cobwebs for both of us. Jason pulls out the fancy-schmancy digital camera he bought when we were in St. Thomas last fall so that we can take the first of many "self-portraits" to show everyone back home how much fun we were having while they were toiling at their desks and then he experiences the D'oh! moment of the day: He forgot to unload the memory stick to the laptop last night and we only have room for one picture.

"Son of a b---" Whoa, there buddy! This is a family oriented vacation type place and there are lots of sensitive little ears in close proximity and besides, since when do you swear in public? That's my job - I'm the loud-mouthed, opinionated, swears like a sailor before remembering she's surrounded by people who might be offended to hear that kind of language coming from a conservative looking girl-next-door type.

No big deal - we'll just buy a disposable digital camera when we get to CityWalk. If only I could think this calmly and clearly at work.

Jason says we should buy a better memory stick instead. OK, whatever you say, techno-boy, 'cause all I know about this camera is puch that button, listen for the little chime, point, and push the button again. I am functionally illiterate when it comes to all forms of technology, knowing just enough to be really dangerous.

The ferry disgorges us at CityWalk and we make the brilliant decision to find a shop there that sells camera supplies instead of going to the one that's always just inside any actual theme park after you clear the entrance turnstiles.

We are like salmon swimming upstream. You know why there wasn't anyone at the PBH or HRH boat docks? No one stayed there last night. They all stayed off-property or showed up for the day and they are streaming in through the CityWalk entrance in big clumps of sweaty humanity. We dive into the first shop we see...looks like some nature preserve, and ask the very nice clerk where we can find ourselves some camera supplies. She tells us that there really isn't any place in CityWalk that can accomodate us - we're better off buying something once we get into the park.

Back out into the ocean of humanity where we let the current carry us back over the bridge and to the front entrance of USO. We stop to have our picture taken a couple of times (we're suckers for this) and I verbalize the hope that I didn't ruin all three shots. I'm not fishing for compliments - I have a real talent for screwing up almost any picture I'm part of. I'm that person who blinks at the wrong time, or turns her head at the last second, or ends up with her mouth half open. It's a gift. :teeth:

We wait in line for about 15 minutes to get into the park - they are scanning people's fingers along with their tickets and this is the first time we've seen this at a theme park (we were just here in October and they weren't doing it then). Guess what? I have one of these finger scan thingies at work - it's how I sign-on to my computer system every day but it doesn't like to read my fingers for some reason so most days I get one of those "cannot authenticate or create key" error messages and I have to default to a manual password. Needless to say, the finger-scan refuses to read my finger at USO. This will cause much theme park admittance hilarity over the next three days.

We're in!! And right there in big bold letters is your friendly neighborhood Kodak store where they do not sell camera supplies. But they do sell cameras, so we suck it up and buy a 27-exposure, waterproof, disposable digital camera. This will carry us through the day and then some, we're sure.

Now the question is: where do we go from here? Why, to get our picture taken another three times! I can tell in advance that these are going to suck big time - we are smiling into the sun for crying out loud. And crying is just about what I was doing...I'm hyper-myopic (in layman's terms that means blind as a bat) and I was wearing my contacts plus the strongest sunglasses I own and the sunlight was still making me squint like Mr. Magoo. I mean it was painful. Later inspection of said pictures would bear me out - both of us were grimacing in all three shots.

We begin walking down the main avenue...Plaza of the Stars...and we spy the Shrek 4D attraction. This looks like a good place to try out the ol' room card / express pass thing and allow our eyes to recover from staring into the sun. We breeze right on into the fast line and are in the lobby / pre-show area faster than you can say ogre. We thought all the Disney spoofs here were a riot and the pre-show jokes were just awful (that's why we liked it so much). Overall we enjoyed this show a lot but did think that it could use some tweaks to make it better - we expected "smell" special effects like they have in Phillharmagic and It's a Bug's Life - but other than that we thought it was a hoot.

From Shrek we wander down into New York - we did the Twister thing back in October during our Horror Nights visit, and quite frankly we felt that once was enough. However, we didn't get to ride the Mummy then because it was being all difficult and disfunctional that night. So we decide that this is our next spot for fun.

Well, listen now to how Brenda tries to be helpful and only ends up making life more difficult. It's why I normally ask Jason if he needs help before I actually do something, but the alcohol buzz must have messed with my muscle memory.

We go over to the free lockers so I can leave my purse and our water bottles. Jason is the one who always scans his prints (I have a feeling it wouldn't want to read mine) so I should have just let him tell me what to do but instead I grabbed a locker, put my stuff in it, and then locked it. He then says, "OK, locker 756."

And I say, "But I just locked my stuff in locker 715."

And he says, "You don't pick your own locker - the computer assigns one to you. How are we supposed to get your stuff out now?"

Jason really doesn't get mad easily, but I can tell he'd like to throttle me right now - or at least trade me in for a less difficult version.

No problem - I tell him to wait by the locker and I go over and find myself a handy USO employee at the front entrance to the ride. This happens all the time - apparently there are lots of wives out there like me who annoy their husbands by trying to be helpful. We get the problem fixed in no time and I morph into the 1950s version of Brenda: "just tell me where to go and what to do, dear. I'll never be helpful again."

Room keys in hand we make it back over to the ride entrance - FOTL is really cool. We walk though the ride queue in less than two minutes and on the ride. This was a blast! Well themed and a lot of fun - I can understand why it's so popular.

When we rescue our stuff from the right locker this time there is a "Blues Brothers" concert going on. We stood around and listened for a bit - they were actually pretty good. We decide to start walking again, just following the streets - the crowds are suprisingly small considering the hordes we saw at the front gate. We can only assume they are somewhere up front or stuck waiting in line at an attraction.

Next stop is San Francisco / Amity... for old times sake we decide to hit the Earthquake ride. It was so much fun! And we remembered the last time we were here, pre-FOTL, when it was the middle of August and the park had only just opened and the lines for each attraction were 45 minutes to an hour. We don't miss those days at all.

After earthquake we head for Jaws, stopping to take a few pictures along the way. I love the way each section of USO is designed to look like a movie set and it's extremely clean - two thumbs up for TLC and upkeep!

We FOTL at Jaws and only have about a 5 minute wait - of course so did everyone else 'cause there was no one there, but that's ok! This ride was a hoot, too! And we got some great pictures of the shark at the end of the ride as he tried to munch on our boat.

Where do we go from here? Looks like we're headed to Men In Black. There is a monster pile up at the locker station, which for this ride is in a really bad location if you ask me. There are also hidden lockers around the corner from the main grouping but you'd never know it because there is no signage for locker goup 7. I'd just like to say thank you to that random British gentleman who pointed Jason and I to this locker grouping, removing us from a decidedly stinky group of patrons wedged into a very small space and reducing our wait time considerably. If I knew who and where you were I'd buy you a pint!

Flashing the FOTL, we make it to the ride again in about 5 minutes. I feel kind of bad for the folks who are standing in the regular line watching all of us scamper past, but then I remember...we did pay for this privilege. We love FOTL and not waiting in line and we will continue to pay for it as long as our income allows us to. However, we do not abuse the privilege - it would never have occurred to us to ride multiple times, especially with people waiting, although we heard that some people were doing just that.

Back to the ride: what a blast! I completely suck at stuff like this and am solely responsible for our car losing to the other - I really brought down the average score. :blush: I also managed to ruin what otherwise would have been a fine souvenier photoe by looking the wrong way when the camera flashed. At least I'm consistent. :teeth:

We're starting to get hungry but when we check out our map we see that there are only a few more things we want to check out. We're not big show people, so things like Fear Factor or the Beetlejuice review don't do much for us.

We make the potentially pukey mistake of going to Back to the Future next. I remember from our last visit that this was a pretty motion-intense experience, but I've been on the Hulk and Tower of Terror, and other thrill rides of this sort so I figure Back to the Future can't be too bad.

Wrong! Too bumpy, too jerky, too squished in, too hot, too much. I had to close my eyes halfway through and repeat my non-queasy mantra to myself over and over again: "I will not throw up on the stranger in front of me..."

Never again. Even Jason was somewhat discombobulated by this ride. We buy a bottle of water to calm our nerves and decide to go see Terminator before heading over to Margaritaville for lunch. On our way there we almost got run over by the Mystery Machine! Scooby was wedged into the sun roof and Shaggy was driving recklessly all over the place. He waved to us and and I asked where the Scooby Snacks were because we were hungry. He shouted back that he and Scooby had eaten them all and were in such a big hurry because they needed more!!

Best character interaction of the entire day!! :thumbsup2

We're a few minutes early for the Terminator so we go poking in the stores looking for Plankton from the Spongebob show. In case you hadn't figured it out by now, Jason and I are pretty goofy. We think Plankton is awesome and have been looking for him for years. If any place on earth should have a Plankton, be it a pin or a stuffed version, we assume it would be USO.

No luck today - there is no Plankton to be found.

Terminator was not as cool as we remembered it to be, but it has been 10 years and it was still fun. On the way out I purchased a mini-cyborg with eyes that light up red...I will pass this along to one of our newer hires at work because I feel like being nice and because I know he will think it is funny.

And now it's time for some chow. We discover that the room key also helps you get a table more quickly (as long as there isn't a massive crowd already waiting). We FOTL at Margaritaville and only have a 10-minute wait for a seat. Jason and I wander around the store but don't buy anything...we just want some food.

Once seated I opt for the Cheesburger in Paradise with a Last Mango in Paris. Jason ordered...Jason ordered...well, he ordered something and he thought it was good and he ate it all but I don't remember what it was because I was too busy sucking down that Mango Margarita (it was served frozen and was it ever tasty). I only had one - I know better than too drink too much in the Florida sun.

Lunch complete, we decide to go back to the hotel to relax. It was our intention to lounge at the pool but I laid down on the bed and was out just like that. The last couple of late nights were catching up with me and with Jason, too, because when I woke up it was 5PM and he was still asleep.

This seemed like a good time to check out the evening offering at the Club Lounge, so we made ourselves presentable and wandered on down. There evening presentation is slated for 5PM - 7PM and we got there at 5:30. It looked like a horde of starving barbarians had descended on the place. Same beverage offerings as before with the change being that there was some beer in a bucket on the credenza and I think I saw a bottle of unchilled wine. The main table held a couple of food trays with some cheese chunks, olives, and something that looked like Pesto sauce. I didn't see bread, I didn't see crackers, I didn't see any meats, and I didn't see any hot offerings at all. What I did see was red, because this was starting to look like the biggest rip-off since the Cardinals decided to buy back unused season ticket holder seats and then sell them to the public at a premium, essentially scalping their own tickets to the people who can't normally get their hands on tickets to a game.

Perhaps my expectations were too high. Perhaps we timed it wrong (again). All I know is that Loews is a pretty pricey hotel chain and when I pay this kind of $$$ for Club Level service and their much touted five daily food presentations I expect more than the local neighborhood card party spread. I mean, I know what concierge offers at the Grand Floridian and it ain't this kind of picked over junk. Two thumbs down - we continue to believe that Club Level is over priced and under performing.

We decided initially to head over to CityWalk for dinner but a wicked cool storm blew in. And I do mean blew. The rain was coming down sideways and we couldn't even see the harbour. I sure felt bad for anyone at CityWalk who might have been waiting for a boat because they were super-soaked within 30 seconds, I'm sure. We took cover in Sal's and ended up ordering a pizza to take back to the room with some Pelligrino.

We ended up having a nice quiet picnic dinner in our room that evening. We tried to go swimming later and were kicked out of the villa pool by the attendants who said it was closed due to the weather (we didn't realize just how threatening those clear night skies could be). Turned out they had to clean up after the storm. Drat! We headed over to the coffee place for some mid-evening cafe mocha and just decided to call it a night.

Back to the room and a little ESPN before falling asleep - we were in Old Folks mode tonight!

Thanks again for reading. Tune in for Day 3 when we make it to IOA, have some quality time at the Villa Pool, try room room service and pay a late night visit to the Hard Rock!
Have not tried club level at PBH, but at RPR the breakfast offerings are always fresh and awesome. :) One difference is that they don't have trays to put your "hardware on" (they also offer plastic ware, which I opt to use since I too feel bad about leaving dishes on the table, and they have plenty o'garbage cans. :) ).

Can't wait to hear if you made it to the evening offerings... Mike and I have MANY pet peeves about that, and I'm curious to hear if you share the same ones. :)

P.S. Of the two of us, I am the sailor-mouth too. I blame it on where I work.
thank you for the report. I am anxious to arrive at UO next month.

BTW I am the "sailor mouth" in our house too. My husband has said..."gee, honey, usually the kids learn the swear words from the dad!..." :bitelip: :blush: :rotfl:
Too funny! My son took our camera and waited until we got there to tell us we had 3 photos available.
I hate the lockers at Universal and purposely don't take anything that needs to be stored.
You mention the spa's steam room and sauna. If you didn't go down the hall to the co-ed whirlpool room you have to return!
Since my brother and dad were both sailors I'd have to say I cuss more like a truck driver. :teeth:
Hmmmmm...what's wrong with the world today when all the women in the family are the ones who curse a blue streak?

I'm so bad that I let it fly one night outside of the Gelateria when we stopped by to grab some coffee and found out that we read the sign wrong earlier and they'd closed at 10PM instead of 11PM like we thought.

I'm pretty sure one poor grandma's hair was standing on end by the time I realized that I had an audience. :blush:

I aplogized, but I think I may have scarred her for life. :teeth:
oybolshoi said:
a wicked cool storm blew in

You said "wicked." Who the **** do you think you are?? Me!?! You aren't from Massachusetts! :lmao:

Keep it coming! :dance3:
:cool1: Don't want to miss the next installment - keep 'em coming. I'm really enjoying your trip reports.
Jennifer48 said:
You said "wicked." Who the **** do you think you are?? Me!?! You aren't from Massachusetts! :lmao:

Keep it coming! :dance3:

Heh heh heh...I must have been channeling Ron Weasley at his finest in any one of a number of Harry Potter movies! :teeth:
Back again and ever so sorry for the delay. You don't want to know, trust me, but thanks for checking in to see how our trip went!

And now...back to our adventure, already fading rapidly from memory....

It's Saturday morning, something that we did not take into account when we decided not to set the alarm or schedule a wake-up call. Not a very smart thing to do, but then again we like to leave our brains at home when we vacation.

We wake up after 8AM and decide that we'll try the Club Lounge again - maybe yesterday was just a bad day for them. By the time we make it downstairs the place was packed and there was no way that we were going to wade into that mass of people just for a free roll. Jay jumped in, grabbed some water, and we were on our way. We had the brilliant idea of stopping at the Gelateria for some coffee...hee hee hee. We made a serious error in judgement --- forgetting that this was a holiday weekend and that there would be a lot more people around today than there had been yesterday. D'oh! The line is out the door...and let me tell you, friends, their coffee isn't that good.

OK, time to re-group. We decide that we'll just grab something quick once we get inside the park. I seem to recall the Croissant Moon Bakery has pretty good variety and surely by the time we get to IoA the food crowd will have cleared out for some thrill rides, right?

In case you haven't picked up on it yet, Jason and I are pretty impatient and we hate to wait when we feel like we could be moving or doing. Case in point - there must be a billion people waiting at the dock for the boat over to CityWalk and the theme parks. We just roll eyes at each other...wait in that line - for at least two if not three boats before we even get anywhere - are you kidding? Time to give those flabby thighs a workout baby ' cause we're walking to Islands of Adventure!

So we followed this lovely winding path along the canal and through the gardens at the Hard Rock Hotel and it took us about 20 minutes to get from Portofino to the bridge leading into IoA. It was a pretty warm morning but the path was well shaded and it wasn't getting much use so we had the place to ourselves almost until we reached Universal - we liked it so much and felt like it reduced our needless waiting so much that for the remainder of the weekend we only used the boats one other time.

Now, it's probably about 10AM on a Saturday morning and the place is hopping but I wouldn't say it was jam packed. Actually based on the crowd movement in CityWalk it looked like most people were headed to Universal. We waited maybe ten minutes to get in the front gate at IoA, and our wait time could have been considerably less if those stupid finger-scan thingies would just read my fingers!!! But no...apparently I do not compute...do not pass go...do not get to have fun. I explain that this also happened yesterday at the front entrance to Universal and I produce 57 varieties of personal identification and even offer a blood sample before they finally have me sign a book indicating that I gave myself permission to use my ticket so that I couldn't claim I stole my ticket and prevented myself from using it and and thus negating what otherwise would have been a very good time had I been able to go in the first place. :teeth:

Woohoo!! We're in and after posing for some more pictures that will not turn out well we decide that we must have a bit o'food before tackling the park. Guess what! Everyone else who passed on the Club Lounge and the Gelateria decided to join us at the bakery - d'oh! Oh well, just more time to stand there and gawk at all those lovely, yummy, fattening items that are adding pounds to my hips even as I type. We opt for croissants and more water - no need to put anything heavy on the gut in 90-degree weather when rides like Dueling Dragons and the Hulk are on your to-do list. :thumbsup2

Don't get me wrong, because right now I wish I was eating that entire bakery out of its stock, but I've never understood how people can eat that kind of heavy, sugary stuff in the heat of the day at a theme park. We wait to gorge until the sun has gone down or we're finished with playtime...otherwise we're just asking for disaster.

Refreshed, we decide that since the crowds are all headed to the left and SuperHero Island that we will go right and start out in Suess Landing. We just love this area - which will no doubt strike the people who know me best as an odd statement considering that it's geared for the kiddies. But even crotchety old crohns like me have to admit that the theming and attention to detail are absolutely delightful and besides, Dr. Suess is just cool. We rode the Seussosel (I think I spelled that wrong but you guys know what I'm talking about!) and The Cat in the Hat, which we think is a hoot. We are apparently bigger dorks than I thought because we laughed our heads off on this ride (love all that craaaazy spinning) while the youngster riding with her parents in the front of us loudly declared the ride "stupid." I remember going through that phase...it lasts like 15 years, doesn't it? I hope she comes back with her boyfriend some day and remembers how to laugh. :sunny:

There was a lot of construction going on in Suess Landing for the trolley ride that may or may not have opened yet. I was disappointed that the Green Eggs and Ham place was closed again...I really wanted to try it! Oh well...we did catch up with the Grinch who consented to have his picture taken with us and this one actually turned out pretty well. It's a miracle!! We were also a bit disappointed that the bookstore was closed - when we visited in October they had a store that sold almost every Suess book you could think of and we were planning on picking some up for the multitudes of nieces and nephews that Jason's brother and sister have produced over the years, but alas! The store was not open, see; there were no books for you or me.

That's the best Suess I can do on such short notice. :goodvibes

Gotta cut it short - promise to finish Day 3 tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

**Back again! Let's finish the day, shall we?**

We wander over into the Lost Continent which, in our humble opinion, is brillantly themed, and decide to investigate Poseidon's Fury. This was closed in October when we visited because it was doing duty as a haunted mine during HHN. Two random things happened here that still have me shaking my head just a little. First thing: a family of four, obviously confused, clogged up the Express Pass entrance to this attraction for something like five minutes while they tried to figure out whether or not they actually had an express pass.

Here's my quick checklist to help them in the future:

1) did you book a room at an on-site hotel and stay there last night or check-in this morning? (if you answered yes to the above question, congratulations! You are the proud holder of an express pass - go to the front of the line; if you answered no, please see question two).

2) do you have an express pass? (if you don't know what I'm talking about or you answered no to this question then you probably shouldn't be in this line, should you?).

I probably could have been more patient if this were not an English-speaking family visiting the Orlando area because their son was going to be attending a local art school - if I remember correctly he was very interested in photography and his mother was extremely interested in religious history and they talked non-stop until we were allowed into the first room of the temple. How do I know this? Because the employee manning the express pass queue went ahead and let them in after they created a longer backup in that line than there was in the regular line and we were lucky enough to be right behind them the whole way. Apparently if you hit the express line at the right time and create enough confusion you too can enjoy FOTL. Although I'm not sure why it really matters with this attraction since everyone pretty much crowds in at the same time anyway.

The other interesting thing that happened while we were waiting to get into the temple was that the people behind us kept very loudly insisting that the employees working the attraction not let the people waiting in the regular line in before those of us waiting in the express pass line. In the words of the rather obnoxious woman yelling in my ear (and I'm sure she didn't mean to - she obviously had strong opinions she needed to share on this subject) "we were here first and deserve better treatment than the other guests."

Wha? Snuh? Is she serious? This has gotta be the single largest vacation entitlement chip-on-a-shoulder that we've ever come across. Jason and I still can't decide if she was serious or if she was joking, but her comment did not sit well with others judging by the looks on some of their faces. It didn't sit well with me either...I think FOTL is a great marketing tool - spend extra money to stay on-site and look at this extra convenience you'll gain - but I don't think it needs to be rubbed in the faces of people who aren't able to take advantage of it.

Anyway, enough editorializing. Jason and I really enjoyed this attraction - sure it was kind of predictable but the effects were pretty cool and overall it was a highly entertaining show. Once we came back out into the bright Florida sunlight I announed that I was hungry. I wanted to try Mythos because so many people here have raved about the food...unfortunately I'm not as smart about USO / IoA as I am about WDW and didn't think to make a reservation for lunch. I really didn't think we'd need one at 11:30AM...d'oh!

Needless to say we didn't eat lunch at Mythos - there was a mass of people crammed into the waiting area so we decided to ride Dueling Dragons instead. The wait time for the regular line was about 15 minutes but we decided to FOTL again and then, rather than opting for the next available slot I shocked my husband to no end by suggesting that we wait in line for the very front of the coaster. This jacked up our wait time for the ride by about 20 minutes but it was worth it...what a blast!!!

We skipped the Flying Unicorn this time - we tried it in October for fun and have decided that a more appropriate name for it would be The Tooth Chipper given that abrupt stop at the end of the ride.

It's a pretty warm day so we decide a light lunch is in order and what I really want...because I'm a junkfood junkie...is a hot dog and an Icee. We can't find a dog anywhere in the Lost Continent...massive hunks of sauce drenched meat - yes; cylindrical tubes of something that may or may not be meat - no.

We keep walking, assuming that the Jurassic Park section will have some sort of prehistoric raptor-dog available to munch on. We don't find what we are looking for and end up at The Burger Digs. This was acceptable but we were left pondering the seeming irrational prejudice against hot dogs in the park. :confused3

Five minutes after finishing our burgers and heading out for more adventure we discover two things: a hot dog stand just around the corner and our map of the park which, had we bothered to flip it over, would have told us exactly where to go for that long-desired hot dog.

As I may have already mentioned...we try not to include our brains on vacation whenever possible - it makes things so much more entertaining. :teeth:

We're on our way to SuperHero Island, skipping Toon Lagoon altogether because we'd rather get soaking wet in the villa pool back at the hotel than on a ride at that park, but before we can do that we must satisfy our need for more thrills. It must have been about 1:30 in the afternoon but we were able to ride Spiderman, Doctor Doom, and the Hulk in fairly quick succession. This was certainly due to our FOTL, but the wait times were never more than 30 minutes for those rides while we were there. That ain't bad for Memorial Day weekend. :thumbsup2

We were going to grab a big ol' Icee to take the sweat off walking all the way back to Portofino, but would you believe that the drink stand that sells them in CityWalk had a broken machine? First no hot dogs and now no Icee??? What have I done to earn such disfavor from the refreshment gods?

Decidedly cranky by this time I actually wanted to take the boat back to the hotel, but when Jason and I were pretty much bowled over by someone trying to catch a boat that ended up being for a different hotel and then when that same tackling dummy proceeded to invite thirty-three of his closest friends and family to join him in line ahead of us, effectivley pushing us off the next boat, I had to walk away or I would have said something really rude that would have probably ended up getting my husband seriously injured.

So we walked back to the hotel and along the way I managed to step in a big wad of chewing gum that someone accidentally left on the sidewalk and then I almost killed a cute little tree lizard that was scampering across said sidewalk while I was trying to scrape the gum from my shoe and then narrowly averted catastrophe when one of those bicycle taxis snuck up on us while we were trying to ungum my shoe from some mulch.

How could the day spiral out of control like this? What could it mean and how could it be salvaged?

As far as I was concerned it meant I needed a drink, and a pool, and then some room service, and then maybe another drink followed by some more food and a little shopping.

I think the villa pool at Portofino is gorgeous. And considering the size and scope of the beach pool at the hotel we sort of assumed that the villa pool was really geared for adults (I think we've been spoiled by cruising). Wrong, we were. To be fair, most of the kids at the pool were really well behaved on both days that we were there. My issue actually rests with the parent who brought his toddler into the pool wearing a diaper. Hey - if your kid isn't potty trained don't turn this public pool into a toilet, ok? We were outta there faster than you can say urinal when we saw that - yeccccch!

On the plus side - that bartender at the pool makes a mean mango colada, try one some time!

The rest of the day / evening was taken up with room service, napping, and a trip back over to CityWalk right about 9PM...not the smartest thing in the world to do when you're hungry considering that both parks close at 9PM. But then Jason's brain kicked in - We have an All Access card for the Hard Rock!! Life is good - FOTL...All Access...food and drink...we didn't even have a wait for a table at HRC - I highly recommend getting one of these babies even if you only make it to HRC once a year. And we continue to offer thanks to the guy in Washngton DC who convinced us to get ours back in 2003. Whoever you are...thanks again!!

The most notable thing about our HRC experience this evening: we try their Kahlua Colada which is a suprisingly tasty beverage. It's so good that we've taken to making it here at home. Jason adds a bit more kahlua than HRC did so that makes his better!

We also end up spending money in the HRC store because we always have to buy new t-shirts and pins. I always buy larger than my actual size shirts beacuse they're 100% cotton and in my laundry world that means shrinkage! I pick up an XL and this tiny little sales person says, "that's too big for you - you're petite and you'll drown in that shirt."

This girl is good - that kind of sales technique just shouldn't be allowed, you know what I mean?? Petite? Me? Who does she think she's kidding? :lmao:

5'6" and 145 pounds (and climbing thanks to this trip) is not petite...trust me on that one. I thank her for the compliment and tell her I was already planning on buying something - there was no need to soften me up - and then we spend a truly ridiculous amount on pins and t-shirts and end up getting me an All Access card of my own because the new card is really cool with a flaming guitar and wouldn't that pin be cool in our collection and hey, every family memeber should have one!

We make it back to the hotel by 10:45PM and want some coffee - but guess what closed at 10PM instead of 11PM like we thought? Yep, that's right - the coffee place. After a poorly timed display of profanity on my part...I just couldn't keep the hours to anything straight in my head on this trip and the frustration just bubbled out right there at the Gelateria that Saturday night in front of some folks who were hidden in tables under the trees. I apologized, but I think I took a few years off their remaining life expectancies with the colorfulness of my cursing. No one would expect language like that from a petite little thing like me. :rotfl2:

Coming up - Day 4: Where is Plankton? Shall we try the pool again? Did you say second anniversary dinner? and...do we really have to go home?

Thanks again for reading!


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