Weight Watchers Chat - Part II

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My plan is to leave my office at noon tomorrow and then our flight takes off at 3:30. I've been coming into the office by about 6:30 every day this week, then leaving at 6:30 or so, and it's really draining me. I have a Public Hearing in a couple of hours (so why am I posting here?) and two other big projects that will be wrapped up today. Of course people "had" to see me tomorrow, so hopefully when I kick them out of my office at noon, life will be in vacation mode quickly. Getting there . . .

Sandi - sounds like you need a vacation - hope you have a great time and are able to relax - hope you can check in while you are gone!

Hey everyone :)

DBF made a corned beef last night...used 7 of my WP. Boo! I'm trying to not use them all up this week because I want to see the scale show me the 170's at my next WI! Less than 1.5lbs for that to happen so I'm hoping I can do it!

My new favorite snack that I've been making lately if anyone is interested is roasted/broiled sugar snap peas.

I just buy the frozen ones at the store, steam them in the microwave, then put them in a dish sprayed with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and put them in the broiler so they get a little crunchy. I even topped them with a little bit of fat free mozzarella which got nice and bubbly under the broiler. Yum! Only like 1-2pp with the oil and cheese.

sounds good - I will ahve to try!

So, you all know I ate everything that wasn't nailed down over last weekend and then there was my birthday dinner on Tuesday (which we NEVER go out to eat during the week). I am actually down .2. So, with that said I will take it cause in all honesty it should have been way worse.

Sometimes its good to shake things up - you enjoyed your birthday - that's what is important!

hi everyone
back from WI and I am down 2.6 since my weigh in last SaturdayQUOTE]

Congrats on the loss

My sister (who is also on WW) got roped into hosting an Arbonne party last night. She was putting out a bunch of "finger foods" and asked if I would make some sort of hot dip. I had two goals with the dip - keep in low in points, and make it with things I already had at home. I wound up with a yummy recipe. :)

I cooked one large box of frozen creamed spinach (8 points), chopped in a can of artichoke hearts (0 points), mixed in 1/4 cup each of fat free sour cream and fat free ricotta cheese (1 point each). Topped it with a little part skim mozzarella cheese (2 points) and stuck it under the broiler until the mozz. was bubbly.

12 points for the whole thing (filled up a pan the size of a pie plate) and I put it on a platter with a box of the Special K whole grain crackers (3 points for 24).

Everybody liked it - there wasn't any left - nobody even knew that it was a "diet" dish. But it was nice to know that I could treat myself and still stay on program at the same time. :thumbsup2

sounds yummy - I love spinach and articoke dip

WI was this morning...down 2 lbs! woohoo. I am now "overweight" & no longer "obese". :rolleyes1 :)

congrats on the loss
My WI was Wednesday night I was down .8 lbs. I felt that I had lost more so I was very surprised. I just had a Debbie Downer feeling since then. I stay on my 29 daily points each day. I found out that I may not be eating enough because I don't use my weekly bonus points but only about 10. So I will try to do better, plus I don't get up move enough so I need to get active.

Here's my WW leader she is great! She has lost over 100 lbs.

Congrats on the loss - sometimes the points thing can be confusing, especially since its not the same for everyone. I do eat all my daily points, but I don't eat my weeklies or my AP's - but then I usually end up with one day where I binge and end up not tracking all the "binge" points, so I figure that takes care of my weeklies and AP's. Just one week I would like to track everything and see where it leads me.

Well, I don't know how I did it this week because my tracking was lost this week but tonights weigh in has me down 2.2 lbs. for a total of 19.2 lbs. since 12/2/10! I really felt this was a bad week but I guess I made some smart choices after all. :)

Congrats - just goes to show - you just never know what the scale will do!
Good Morning Friends,

Well I got up at my normal time this morning (4:45am) but just couldn't bring myself to exercise. My heart just wasn't in it - now I feel terrible about not doing it. I'm hoping to drag myself to the gym this afternoon, but I know me, it's not likely :confused3 The down side to not exercising this morning, is that now I'm starving and I want to EAT.

I'm still struggling with this wanting to throw in the towel - I've come so far in the past few months, but right now I am just tired of all the counting, tracking and worrying about what to eat and when to eat and how much to eat. I have got to get out of this mind frame. Any suggestions?

Weigh in tomorrow!
I cooked one large box of frozen creamed spinach (8 points), chopped in a can of artichoke hearts (0 points), mixed in 1/4 cup each of fat free sour cream and fat free ricotta cheese (1 point each). Topped it with a little part skim mozzarella cheese (2 points) and stuck it under the broiler until the mozz. was bubbly.

12 points for the whole thing (filled up a pan the size of a pie plate) and I put it on a platter with a box of the Special K whole grain crackers (3 points for 24).

Everybody liked it - there wasn't any left - nobody even knew that it was a "diet" dish. But it was nice to know that I could treat myself and still stay on program at the same time. :thumbsup2
Sounds great, I will have to try that!
Good Morning Friends,

Well I got up at my normal time this morning (4:45am) but just couldn't bring myself to exercise. My heart just wasn't in it - now I feel terrible about not doing it. I'm hoping to drag myself to the gym this afternoon, but I know me, it's not likely :confused3 The down side to not exercising this morning, is that now I'm starving and I want to EAT.

I'm still struggling with this wanting to throw in the towel - I've come so far in the past few months, but right now I am just tired of all the counting, tracking and worrying about what to eat and when to eat and how much to eat. I have got to get out of this mind frame. Any suggestions?

Weigh in tomorrow!

Tammy! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't throw in the towel!! You are such an inspiration and I look forward to your post and kind thoughts to everyone every day. It is so hard not to get discouraged and I too feel myself weakening some days. But you made a promise to yourself whether it be to lose "X" amount of weight or run your 1/2 marathon or just a healthier you. You wouldn't break a promise to a friend or family member so don't break a promise to yourself. We all have your back girl, stay strong!!!
Good Morning Friends,

Well I got up at my normal time this morning (4:45am) but just couldn't bring myself to exercise. My heart just wasn't in it - now I feel terrible about not doing it. I'm hoping to drag myself to the gym this afternoon, but I know me, it's not likely :confused3 The down side to not exercising this morning, is that now I'm starving and I want to EAT.

I'm still struggling with this wanting to throw in the towel - I've come so far in the past few months, but right now I am just tired of all the counting, tracking and worrying about what to eat and when to eat and how much to eat. I have got to get out of this mind frame. Any suggestions?

Weigh in tomorrow!

While I am far from an expert about weight loss, I do think I know a little about half marathons, having completed 5, so I will say this -- the lighter I am, the easier it is -- and even then it's not easy!

So, Tammy, think of your overall goal -- I know you want that medal! ::yes:: Keep going and you will be lighter and have more fun doing it. You will be faster, you will enjoy yourself more, you won't curse those extra pounds as you hit the overpass at Mile 10 ;).

Before I did my first half, I was really scared I wouldn't finish it. I took the WISH shirt I was going to wear and hung it on the front of my closet. I had to look at it every day. This was a great reminder of why I was working out. I will fully admit it didn't help much with the eating (before my first I made the mistake of thinking if I trained for a half, I would automatically lose all the weight I needed to. Um, no. :rotfl2: )

So, one idea is to put something that will be meaningful for you where you will see it to get you motivated.

Another thought is to realize that you can't and shouldn't work out (or at least the same muscle groups) every day. Some days you need to rest. I just have to stop putting all the rest days in a row :rolleyes1, but your body does need breaks to repair the muscles you've been breaking down.

And, finally, you came to the right place! I had these same thoughts last week, and everyone here gave me so much support. Every day or week will not be good, but if most are, you will see progress -- not perfection! :hug:

Maria :upsidedow
Good Morning Friends,

Well I got up at my normal time this morning (4:45am) but just couldn't bring myself to exercise. My heart just wasn't in it - now I feel terrible about not doing it. I'm hoping to drag myself to the gym this afternoon, but I know me, it's not likely :confused3 The down side to not exercising this morning, is that now I'm starving and I want to EAT.

I'm still struggling with this wanting to throw in the towel - I've come so far in the past few months, but right now I am just tired of all the counting, tracking and worrying about what to eat and when to eat and how much to eat. I have got to get out of this mind frame. Any suggestions?

Weigh in tomorrow!
I am impressed you even woke up at 4:45!!!

I did the Disney 1/2 a few years ago...AND it was HARD...not b/c I thought I couldn't do it but staying ahead of the sweeper. But I did...and I have to tell you this - it is FAR AND AWAY the proudest moment of my life.

Don't get me wrong, my wedding and my kids are the 3 best moments of my life...but finishing the 1/2 was something I DID for MYSELF. And the feeling of crossing that finish line will never be matched. I have completed another one since then but it will never compare to my first one!! (Now had Disney not run out of medals before I reached the finish line....:mad:)

I wish I could give you a glimpse of that moment when you cross the finish line...b/c I promise you that it will make every second of this all worth it.

I think this marathon quote is very appropriate for you today..

"There will be days you don't think you can run a marathon. There will be a lifetime of knowing you have."
I found a few other quotes - maybe one of them will speak to you - and you can hang it on your mirror:

The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed."

"It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit."

"Pain is temporary; finishing is forever."

"At some point it doesn't get any worse."

"If you think you won't finish, you won't."

"Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic."

As someone who ALMOST came in last:
"Last is just the slowest winner."
Good Morning Friends,

Well I got up at my normal time this morning (4:45am) but just couldn't bring myself to exercise. My heart just wasn't in it - now I feel terrible about not doing it. I'm hoping to drag myself to the gym this afternoon, but I know me, it's not likely :confused3 The down side to not exercising this morning, is that now I'm starving and I want to EAT.

I'm still struggling with this wanting to throw in the towel - I've come so far in the past few months, but right now I am just tired of all the counting, tracking and worrying about what to eat and when to eat and how much to eat. I have got to get out of this mind frame. Any suggestions?

Weigh in tomorrow!

Stay strong!! Try not to look at it as counting, tracking and dieting. Sometimes it is frustrating :headache:...maybe change up the way you track, use a notebook instead of the computer or vice versa. Try an app for tracking if you have a Smartphone or iPod. Don't deprave yourself! Use a couple weekly points if you aren't now. It's OK to eat, just choose something free. Do you like Jell-o? I eat sugar free Jell-o with fruit sometimes. You don't want to feel like you are starving or you will get discouraged. Try a power food. Keep going! There's no failures with WW, only feedback! :hug:
Good Morning Friends,

Well I got up at my normal time this morning (4:45am) but just couldn't bring myself to exercise. My heart just wasn't in it - now I feel terrible about not doing it. I'm hoping to drag myself to the gym this afternoon, but I know me, it's not likely :confused3 The down side to not exercising this morning, is that now I'm starving and I want to EAT.

I'm still struggling with this wanting to throw in the towel - I've come so far in the past few months, but right now I am just tired of all the counting, tracking and worrying about what to eat and when to eat and how much to eat. I have got to get out of this mind frame. Any suggestions?

Weigh in tomorrow!

hang in there Tammy...it's ok to take a day off from the routine of working out. We all need days like that and getting up at 4:45 on a regular basis is hard dang it! We're all human and sometimes you just need a break:hug:

Don't throw in the towel now...you've come so far and you are in much better place now than before you started this journey. Is there anything else going on that is causing you stress that may be translating into frustration with tracking, counting etc?(not that you have to share if there is, but it's just something to think about)
Ahhh! 4:45??!! :faint: that's dedication girl!! I've been up at 5:00 before to get to the gym, but if the clock says 4-anything, I'm not gettin up :laughing:


I can't imagine getting out of bed that early for anything other than a flight to Disney!

Maria -- where is your oil and dairy ;)

So, you all know I ate everything that wasn't nailed down over last weekend and then there was my birthday dinner on Tuesday (which we NEVER go out to eat during the week). I am actually down .2. So, with that said I will take it cause in all honesty it should have been way worse.

YAAAHHH!!!! :cheer2: You're down 02!!

hi everyone
back from WI and I am down 2.6 since my weigh in last Saturday!:goodvibes (I have to WI for work also and the deadline was last Saturday, so I weighed while at work last Saturday) I am only up 1 lb now from before I went on my feedy frenzy.

2.6! AWESOME! :banana:
I can't imagine getting out of bed that early for anything other than a flight to Disney!

:laughing:I actually had to eat my words today...I really wanted to get my run in before DH left for work this morning since I have a lot of school work to do during the day and he wanted to leave at 6:30. I had to get up at 4:55 to be able to get up, get dressed, get to the gym and get home by 6:30 :eek:
At WI this morning, I was down 1.2 pounds...only .6 away from 20 pounds overall. I was hoping to hit it this week but will aim for that next Friday morning!

I'm performing in a show now, and it is messing with my "schedule". I'm eating supper earlier now to let my stomach settle before the show, which means I'm hungry later in the evening. I take a piece of fruit to the theatre or some other low-point snack, but other than that, I'm not in the comfort of my own home with the TV and refrigerator to easy grab something or overload. That's the good part.

The tricky part is I'm usually all hyped up when I get home after the show and want to eat something at 10:30pm. Thankfully, there's sugar-free Jello and 1-point sugar-free fruit bars. :thumbsup2
Weighed in this AM for WW and was down .8 :cool1: I'm sooo close to a new 'number family'!! That is my short term goal for the next two weeks...to get to that new 'number family'.

WI was this morning...down 2 lbs! woohoo. I am now "overweight" & no longer "obese". :rolleyes1 :)

Although I did do something good today at least! DBFs car is in the repair shop so I let him use mine today since I had the day off. I wanted to go to the tanning salon today, so instead of waiting for him to come home so I could drive there, I decided to walk! Took me about 45 minutes each way but at least I got some AP in there :D

My WI was Wednesday night I was down .8 lbs. [/url]

Well, I don't know how I did it this week because my tracking was lost this week but tonights weigh in has me down 2.2 lbs. for a total of 19.2 lbs. since 12/2/10! I really felt this was a bad week but I guess I made some smart choices after all. :)

Congratulations on your weight losses and good choices. :yay:
At WI this morning, I was down 1.2 pounds...only .6 away from 20 pounds overall. I was hoping to hit it this week but will aim for that next Friday morning!

I'm performing in a show now, and it is messing with my "schedule". I'm eating supper earlier now to let my stomach settle before the show, which means I'm hungry later in the evening. I take a piece of fruit to the theatre or some other low-point snack, but other than that, I'm not in the comfort of my own home with the TV and refrigerator to easy grab something or overload. That's the good part.

The tricky part is I'm usually all hyped up when I get home after the show and want to eat something at 10:30pm. Thankfully, there's sugar-free Jello and 1-point sugar-free fruit bars. :thumbsup2

Sorry you didn't reach your goal today, but 1.2 is still something to celebrate!
Tammy! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't throw in the towel!! You are such an inspiration and I look forward to your post and kind thoughts to everyone every day. It is so hard not to get discouraged and I too feel myself weakening some days. But you made a promise to yourself whether it be to lose "X" amount of weight or run your 1/2 marathon or just a healthier you. You wouldn't break a promise to a friend or family member so don't break a promise to yourself. We all have your back girl, stay strong!!!

Thank you for the reminder that I am important too!

While I am far from an expert about weight loss, I do think I know a little about half marathons, having completed 5, so I will say this -- the lighter I am, the easier it is -- and even then it's not easy!

So, Tammy, think of your overall goal -- I know you want that medal! ::yes:: Keep going and you will be lighter and have more fun doing it. You will be faster, you will enjoy yourself more, you won't curse those extra pounds as you hit the overpass at Mile 10 ;).

Before I did my first half, I was really scared I wouldn't finish it. I took the WISH shirt I was going to wear and hung it on the front of my closet. I had to look at it every day. This was a great reminder of why I was working out. I will fully admit it didn't help much with the eating (before my first I made the mistake of thinking if I trained for a half, I would automatically lose all the weight I needed to. Um, no. :rotfl2: )

So, one idea is to put something that will be meaningful for you where you will see it to get you motivated.

Another thought is to realize that you can't and shouldn't work out (or at least the same muscle groups) every day. Some days you need to rest. I just have to stop putting all the rest days in a row :rolleyes1, but your body does need breaks to repair the muscles you've been breaking down.

And, finally, you came to the right place! I had these same thoughts last week, and everyone here gave me so much support. Every day or week will not be good, but if most are, you will see progress -- not perfection! :hug:

Maria :upsidedow

Thanks Maria - I know that running will get easier as I lose weight - your suggestion is a great one - I have a pair of running shorts and a pretty little skirt hanging on my closet door as my reminder!

I am impressed you even woke up at 4:45!!!

I did the Disney 1/2 a few years ago...AND it was HARD...not b/c I thought I couldn't do it but staying ahead of the sweeper. But I did...and I have to tell you this - it is FAR AND AWAY the proudest moment of my life.

Don't get me wrong, my wedding and my kids are the 3 best moments of my life...but finishing the 1/2 was something I DID for MYSELF. And the feeling of crossing that finish line will never be matched. I have completed another one since then but it will never compare to my first one!! (Now had Disney not run out of medals before I reached the finish line....:mad:)

I wish I could give you a glimpse of that moment when you cross the finish line...b/c I promise you that it will make every second of this all worth it.

I think this marathon quote is very appropriate for you today..

"There will be days you don't think you can run a marathon. There will be a lifetime of knowing you have."

I love that quote - its going up on my bulletin board. I think that's why I'm so excited about running - it is something that I can do for me and only me!

Stay strong!! Try not to look at it as counting, tracking and dieting. Sometimes it is frustrating :headache:...maybe change up the way you track, use a notebook instead of the computer or vice versa. Try an app for tracking if you have a Smartphone or iPod. Don't deprave yourself! Use a couple weekly points if you aren't now. It's OK to eat, just choose something free. Do you like Jell-o? I eat sugar free Jell-o with fruit sometimes. You don't want to feel like you are starving or you will get discouraged. Try a power food. Keep going! There's no failures with WW, only feedback! :hug:

Great suggestions - I really think I need to shake something up and get a little variety!

hang in there Tammy...it's ok to take a day off from the routine of working out. We all need days like that and getting up at 4:45 on a regular basis is hard dang it! We're all human and sometimes you just need a break:hug:

Don't throw in the towel now...you've come so far and you are in much better place now than before you started this journey. Is there anything else going on that is causing you stress that may be translating into frustration with tracking, counting etc?(not that you have to share if there is, but it's just something to think about)

I guess I just need to give myself permission to take a day off and not feel guilty - thanks for the reminder that a day of rest is important too!

Oh my goodness - I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes - I can't beleive the wonderful support you ladies give me - a complete stranger that you never met - I can't tell me how much your kind words mean to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I only hope I can retunr the favor to you! Your kindness gives the strength to continue on - we can all do this - we will do this!

Thanks again!
Oh my goodness - I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes - I can't beleive the wonderful support you ladies give me - a complete stranger that you never met - I can't tell me how much your kind words mean to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I only hope I can retunr the favor to you! Your kindness gives the strength to continue on - we can all do this - we will do this!

Thanks again!
We all may have not met (yet) but we are not strangers anymore :grouphug:.
We all may have not met (yet) but we are not strangers anymore :grouphug:.

I agree, we are all here to support each other. There are no strangers in that endeavor.

Well, there was no school today so my schedule has been thrown off. I have been trying my best to stay busy and not snack all day. I must have earned activity points with all the Spring Cleaning I have done on this snow day! :laundy:

Does anyone have any experience with dieting and hypothyroidism? I had 1/2 my thyroid out a couple years ago and am on a maintenance dose of synthroid. I try to remember to take it every day but often forget. What effect will that have on my weight-loss?
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