Weight Watchers Chat -- Part III

Ok vacation is over and I'm back to tracking goal for the week don't use any weekly points. I do get activity points those are ok to use!
I just found this thread! I've been doing WW for 14 weeks. I'm down 26 lbs. I started at 237, goal is 150. 61 more pounds to go. That's a bit overwhelming, but I make smaller goals. Goal this week is 2 lbs. I had no loss, or gain, last week.
I'm really bad at tracking. My goal this week is to track 4 full days!
I started walking for exercise about 9 weeks ago. I started with 20 min. I'm up to 50-60 minutes. I want to walk every day, but it doesn't always happen. My goal for this week is at least 5 days of walking, over 45 minutes each time.
Welcome, Katy! Great job so far - 26 pound weight loss is fantastic! I find tracking to be key in my wt loss journey. I'm on vacation now and having difficulty tracking resturant meals. At home, my breakfast and lunch don't vary much but on vacation, I'm eating differently. Still, trying to track and stay at 26 points. Definitely keeping up with exercise. I like your idea of both long term and short term goals ; keep up the momentum!
I tracked yesterday! Went over by 6 points, because we had pizza for dinner. Ack! It was a fundraiser for the Marching Band.
I walked 55 minutes this morning. So far so good!
CruisingKate, vacation is HARD! Keeping up with the excercise is great!
Hi everyone. I have been going to WW for a year now and am down 72 lbs. I love WW as everyone there and probably sure everyone on this thread has experienced the same ups and downs of weight loss.
I am finally back in the swing of things after having knee scopic surgery on 7/9. Was laid up for a couple of weeks and managed to gain back 7 lbs. That weight has come back off and I am back at the gym. I can't do much, but ride the bike, use the machines, and walk on the treadmill very slowly. At work I walk on my breaks and am to about 2 miles a day doing that. I have 6 more pounds to reach my next goal.
Hi, everyone. I would love to join y'all. I was at my heaviest weight ever after my 10 year old son was born. Yes, I'm going back THAT FAR. When he was 6-8 weeks old and I realize the weight wasn't going to come off by itself, I joined WW and started doing Turbo Jam and went from 215 to 136 and was in the best shape of my life at almost 40 years old.

Unfortunately, I hit a very big snag when I tore some ligaments in my hip after a 5 mile hill run and spent years going through orthopedic doctors, steroid shots, PT, etc. I became depressed as I watched all my hard work slide away and slipped back into bad habits, started drinking too much wine, and now I'm right back where I started and very disappointed about it.

I NEED to get back on the wagon, but I get frustrated as I feel like I'm starting from ground zero. Because I am. My slips always end in slides. I've signed up for WW again and have used the chat feature once to get back on track, but I have yet to stick with the program since I rejoined.

One thing I think that helped the first time around was that I had a great support group of fellow WW friends on one of my Turbo Jam boards. Not only were they having successes, but they somehow convinced me my goals were achievable. Having lost so much weight before, I know they are, but I'm looking forward to having some online accountability by checking in with you ladies.

After gaining some of the weight back, I maintained for quite a long time at 175 and a size 14. I gained another 45(!!!) after I quit smoking. So, at 46 with a bum-ish hip, my goal is NOT to work out 6 hours a week and weigh 136, but first just to get back into my size 14s. Then we'll see from there!
I NEED to get back on the wagon, but I get frustrated as I feel like I'm starting from ground zero. Because I am. My slips always end in slides. I've signed up for WW again and have used the chat feature once to get back on track, but I have yet to stick with the program since I rejoined.
Welcome to the WW thread! Are you going to the meetings or online? At this past week's meeting, a new member joined after trying the online program. She said online didn't work for her because she needed the accountability of a weekly weigh-in. I know that is important to me!

Try not to feel discouraged about starting over. Feel empowered that you're making a plan and commitment to get back on track. I made Lifetime years ago and maintained for awhile. When I rejoined WW a month ago, I was 30 pounds over the WW goal. Now I'm 6.8 pounds closer to goal.

After gaining some of the weight back, I maintained for quite a long time at 175 and a size 14. I gained another 45(!!!) after I quit smoking. So, at 46 with a bum-ish hip, ]my goal is NOT to work out 6 hours a week and weigh 136, but first just to get back into my size 14s. Then from there![/QUOTE

Absolutely! Set small goals first. There are a few other threads on this forum that are helpful in the weight loss journey. See if they work for you.
Welcome, @webcreatrix . My slip turned into a slide too. Last November, I swore my weight would not go over 170 during the holidays. It was over that by Christmas. And I never really got back on track after that. I then swore it wouldn't go over 180, it did. This morning I am at 179.2 (home scale). I had lost 92 lbs, now at about 75. I weigh more right now than I did in April 2013 when we went to WDW (I was 85 lbs off then). So, we both have some work to do, huh? Let's hang in there together and get it done!
Hi everyone! Congratulations on your losses!! I just joined (again) last Saturday. I did the 10 week commitment plan. So far so good. I just have a question - does anyone use the WW app? Does it track and have a scanner? Is that only for WW online? I have the app on my phone, but it seems very generic and basic, but not sure if I am missing something. I was going to join Meetings Plus Online, but apparently I live in a "non participating area" and none of the WW promotions apply and they do not offer the meetings and online plus. Yet in my non participating area, they run the commercial buy 3 months, get one free. I have an app that someone mentioned at the meeting - My Score Plus and it is okay. I was a little worried about the accuracy of that app because when I entered the information to show my daily points, it was off from what I was told at WW. I have been trying to plan and read the WW Shop book and enter my favorites into the app. Also, we are very guilty of eating out, so that book has become my bible as well. My purse is very heavy this week!! That is why I was hoping all of this info would be available in the app.
You're not alone. I have been down by either illness or injury for over a year now, which is making maintenance difficult, and weight gain pretty easy.

I'm sorry Keahgirl.

So, at 46 with a bum-ish hip, my goal is NOT to work out 6 hours a week and weigh 136, but first just to get back into my size 14s. Then we'll see from there!

That's almost exactly what we talked about today at the meeting. Our substitute leader (a friend of mine) said that when she was first in WW, her life was falling apart and she was at the gym 3 hours every day. Finally that had to stop; she was a single mom, and couldn't spend that much time away. And since then she's been working on what's actually possible for her, not her "pie in the sky, back when she was 20something" goal.

Hi everyone! Congratulations on your losses!! I just joined (again) last Saturday. I did the 10 week commitment plan. So far so good. I just have a question - does anyone use the WW app? Does it track and have a scanner? Is that only for WW online? I have the app on my phone, but it seems very generic and basic, but not sure if I am missing something. I was going to join Meetings Plus Online, but apparently I live in a "non participating area" and none of the WW promotions apply and they do not offer the meetings and online plus.

I don't about the 10 week committment or what it actually entails, nor do I kow about "meetings plus online". We have the Monthly Pass in our area, and that gives you meetings and online for about $46/month. Do you have that available?

I looked at your location and it sounds like maybe you're in the Orlando area. When we're at WDW we go to this center:

ORLANDO , FL 32837

Have you been there? They accept our monthly pass just fine.

Or maybe that's not your real location. If not, ignore the above.

I never use the scanner, though. Nor do I use the pointsplus given on a box, not even on Smart Ones, because they might not be accurate. (smart ones pretends to "be" WW, but they aren't) I calculate it. If I were you I would buy one of the calculators from the meeting, if you don't trust that you have online access and don't trust the site you're using.

So as for me, apparently I've been on the "let's explore being too far above goal" plan. It's been interesting, full of food and booze, my heartburn came back (that was my wakeup call!!!), and I found that it's hard to sleep when I'm overeating. I basically spent the summer not tracking. It crept up slowly slowly, I was keeping being over-goal at bay, but then whammo. 10+ over allowed 2 pounds over goal. And ultimately I was 20 lbs up from my *original* goal, and that way of looking at it really smacked me in the face. Ay ay ay.

Sorry to get all "counseling session" here, but I think for many of us, weight (gain and loss) has so many psychological reasons etc.

And what I realized today is that it was really super-scary to hit goal (and then I lost 2.5 the following week). I didn't like having people say that maybe I was too thin; no one shared with me that my face would fill back out and it would be OK. The size I was in was weird; even though I know all about "vanity sizing" and that the number we're in today is a lower number than we would have been in, with the same body, years ago...it still felt too small. Though I looked terrific IMO. (just the face was skinnier than I wanted)

Even scarier than being at that weight/size is *maintaining* at that weight/size! I have never maintained before. This is all new. As hard as it was to think "if I hit that number I'll be 85 lbs down" at the beginning, it's harder (for me, at least) to think "and I want to be vigilant and be this size for the rest of my life". DH thinks I'm nutty, because he would look at each day of maintaining as a joy, as a gift. Eh, he and I are different. ;)

But...from this perspective, bring on the size that makes me feel a little weird! I *liked* being there. I do not have any idea (beyond some subconscious undermining) why I abandoned the way I lost the weight. I mean, I ate ALL of my points. I ate some food. I wasn't starving, ever. But I did have to be *perfect*. Eating 50 points in a day was OK, but I couldn't eat 52 and track just 50. I didn't mind being perfect at tracking while losing; why was it so obnoxious in maintenance, when I got to eat MORE?

So here I am. Made Lifetime in Nov of '13, and now I have to get back to goal. I'm not that far up (though I did skip some meetings b/c I was angry with myself and not wanting to pay for the meetings and my scale at home tells me I've lost at least 5 lbs away from meetings), but losing is losing, right? Onwards and up...er....DOWNwards. :)

Should mention that at this point I need to get 7 lbs down to hit "free Lifetime" again with my current goal, but I truly do want to be below that goal. So that's going to move as I go down, just like it moved as I went up. I don't want this junk to happen again.
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Newbie here. I am a lifetime member getting back on track, too. I am getting better at tracking. Finding a variety of protein every day is my biggest challenge. Also, low points plus snacks that are a little higher in protein is hard for me.
Any suggestions??
Really glad I found this thread.
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I'm sorry Keahgirl.

That's almost exactly what we talked about today at the meeting. Our substitute leader (a friend of mine) said that when she was first in WW, her life was falling apart and she was at the gym 3 hours every day. Finally that had to stop; she was a single mom, and couldn't spend that much time away. And since then she's been working on what's actually possible for her, not her "pie in the sky, back when she was 20something" goal.

I don't about the 10 week committment or what it actually entails, nor do I kow about "meetings plus online". We have the Monthly Pass in our area, and that gives you meetings and online for about $46/month. Do you have that available?

I looked at your location and it sounds like maybe you're in the Orlando area. When we're at WDW we go to this center:

ORLANDO , FL 32837

Have you been there? They accept our monthly pass just fine.

Or maybe that's not your real location. If not, ignore the above.

I never use the scanner, though. Nor do I use the pointsplus given on a box, not even on Smart Ones, because they might not be accurate. (smart ones pretends to "be" WW, but they aren't) I calculate it. If I were you I would buy one of the calculators from the meeting, if you don't trust that you have online access and don't trust the site you're using.

So as for me, apparently I've been on the "let's explore being too far above goal" plan. It's been interesting, full of food and booze, my heartburn came back (that was my wakeup call!!!), and I found that it's hard to sleep when I'm overeating. I basically spent the summer not tracking. It crept up slowly slowly, I was keeping being over-goal at bay, but then whammo. 10+ over allowed 2 pounds over goal. And ultimately I was 20 lbs up from my *original* goal, and that way of looking at it really smacked me in the face. Ay ay ay.

Sorry to get all "counseling session" here, but I think for many of us, weight (gain and loss) has so many psychological reasons etc.

And what I realized today is that it was really super-scary to hit goal (and then I lost 2.5 the following week). I didn't like having people say that maybe I was too thin; no one shared with me that my face would fill back out and it would be OK. The size I was in was weird; even though I know all about "vanity sizing" and that the number we're in today is a lower number than we would have been in, with the same body, years ago...it still felt too small. Though I looked terrific IMO. (just the face was skinnier than I wanted)

Even scarier than being at that weight/size is *maintaining* at that weight/size! I have never maintained before. This is all new. As hard as it was to think "if I hit that number I'll be 85 lbs down" at the beginning, it's harder (for me, at least) to think "and I want to be vigilant and be this size for the rest of my life". DH thinks I'm nutty, because he would look at each day of maintaining as a joy, as a gift. Eh, he and I are different. ;)

But...from this perspective, bring on the size that makes me feel a little weird! I *liked* being there. I do not have any idea (beyond some subconscious undermining) why I abandoned the way I lost the weight. I mean, I ate ALL of my points. I ate some food. I wasn't starving, ever. But I did have to be *perfect*. Eating 50 points in a day was OK, but I couldn't eat 52 and track just 50. I didn't mind being perfect at tracking while losing; why was it so obnoxious in maintenance, when I got to eat MORE?

So here I am. Made Lifetime in Nov of '13, and now I have to get back to goal. I'm not that far up (though I did skip some meetings b/c I was angry with myself and not wanting to pay for the meetings and my scale at home tells me I've lost at least 5 lbs away from meetings), but losing is losing, right? Onwards and up...er....DOWNwards. :)

Boy can I relate to a lot of this. I was already struggling with maintenance, then the last year has happened. I've still been eating the same amount of points, but cut way back on activity. I can't be sedentary or walking 30 minutes a few times a week and eat like I'm training for a half marathon. Funny enough, I've finally quit gaining and am maintaining for the first time in a looooong time. The problem with that is...I don't need to maintain right now. I need to lose! I'm hoping to get back on track now and gradually build up my exercise again.
Newbie here. I am a lifetime member getting back on track, too. I am getting better at tracking. Finding a variety of protein every day is my biggest challenge. Also, low points plus snacks that are a little higher in protein is hard for me.
Any suggestions??
Really glad I found this thread.

Hmm, well, I use soy, probably too much of it, for protein. Gardein, Morningstar, Tofurky...those sorts of brands. I think that I tend to have meals that have protein, and my snacks are more carby. But since I have been able to eat all points, I also focus on things like real cheese, that has fat AND protein, and can go along with crackers for a snack.

So...I'm probably of no use to you at all. Drat.
I relate to that! :)

Well that's good.

Oh drat!

Yeah. It's better than continuing to gain, but I'd like to start losing now, please and thank you!

Hmm, well, I use soy, probably too much of it, for protein. Gardein, Morningstar, Tofurky...those sorts of brands. I think that I tend to have meals that have protein, and my snacks are more carby. But since I have been able to eat all points, I also focus on things like real cheese, that has fat AND protein, and can go along with crackers for a snack.

So...I'm probably of no use to you at all. Drat.

I usually eat either string cheese or Babybels with a piece of fruit, or low fat cottage cheese with tomatoes. Jerky can be pretty low in points as well.
Yeah. It's better than continuing to gain, but I'd like to start losing now, please and thank you!

I usually eat either string cheese or Babybels with a piece of fruit, or low fat cottage cheese with tomatoes. Jerky can be pretty low in points as well.
I do like string cheese for a snack. I like nuts too but those are a little higher in points for just a snack. Jerky and beef sticks are an option. I am also thinking about low sodium sliced deli turkey with my string cheese. I only get 29 points per day so it is a bit of a challenge since most of my meals are 8-10 points each.
I do like string cheese for a snack. I like nuts too but those are a little higher in points for just a snack. Jerky and beef sticks are an option. I am also thinking about low sodium sliced deli turkey with my string cheese. I only get 29 points per day so it is a bit of a challenge since most of my meals are 8-10 points each.

I get up before the crack of dawn, which means lots of snacking. I'm struggling with staying under points at the moment.
I get up before the crack of dawn, which means lots of snacking. I'm struggling with staying under points at the moment.
Me too! I am up at 4:40am and hitting the pavement for my morning 30 min. walk by 4:45am. I usually don't eat breakfast until 7:00am when I get to work. (I don't "clock-in" until 7:30am) My "lunch break" is at 10:00am - 10:30am. I usually have greek yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit at that time. Then I eat my actual lunch at my afternoon break at 1:45pm - 2:00pm. I am busy most of the day so I don't seem to "snack" much. When I get home is the problem!!!


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