Weight Watchers Chat

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I think this is the first time i have tracked every single thing that i put in my mouth on a weekend... sometimes not too pretty... and i only have 10 weeklies left... but i did it and am proud of myself! Keeping the ball rolling this week and hoping to get back into exercising this week... i was sick last week with a sinus infection and I'm just now feeling better... ugh karma for taking a sick day last Friday when it was 80 degrees out here in PA lol... i did run 3.5 miles on Saturday, my first outside run since the half in January... the cold air burned my nose and lungs so bad...
I finally had a chance to go through the skinny taste website and last night for dinner made the Sicilian Rice Ball Casserole... so yummy and big portion sizes! I also made the no bake cheesecake which is petty yummy too! Tonight I think i we will try the Baked Potato Soup with some Easy Garlic Cheddar Biscuits! Have a disney day!
ok, so I'm probably not suppose to annouce that, but this birthday was the inspiration for my final WW venture. On October 15, 2009 I walked into my local WW meeting.....again. My goal was to lose 71 lbs by my 40th birthday. Well, here we are today and and although I am shy of 10lbs away from my goal. This is the best birthday present I could give myself!!! I am a broken record but thank you to everyone here for all your support and keep going everyone we can all do this!!!! Now how to survive the day food wise :laughing:.

Happy Birthday!!!!! You are an inspiration to all of us! 61 lbs is amazing!:cool1:
Good Morning WW Friends,

Well I had an terrible day yesterday - I was so hungry all-day - I managed to stay on track through dinner - we even ate out - I had pork, broc and carrots and a baked sweet potato and 1/2 roll at Texas Roadhouse. Should have been enough, but when I got home the binge monster attacked. I think I ate 1/2 box reduce fat wheat thins (these are addicting), then I had a dish of cereal, then I hit the ice cream! Oh my - the scale shows my indulgence this morning, I am so mad at myself - I had a goal this week to be under 200 pounds by my weigh in on Saturday - don't know if I will make it or not (I know its not good to set a date for loss, but I was so excited) I have a few days left to salvage my efforts and if not this week, next week!

My home scale never matches what my meeting scale says - I keep track of my weight separately and don't even try to compare. I do weigh each morning wearing the same thing and at the same time. I know not to weigh at any other time of the day, it is always higher later in the day.

Back on track today - have a GREAT OP day!

:hug:hope today is a better day for you! Don't let yesterday's issue become today's destiny!
So glad this thread is here! I need some support.

I joined WW 4 weeks ago and I did so good the first 2.5 weeks, I lost 6.4 pounds. Then I stopped religiously counting and started guestimating. I haven't weighed myself because I don't want to be disappointed. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to have a piece of cake, so this week is a waste as well. I did do my first work out this morning with Leslie Sansone and plan to do another walk when I get off work this evening.

If I work out 2x a day and get back on plan I want to be under 200 pounds before my trip in June. So i need to lose 20 pounds(according to my last weigh in) to see a weight that starts with a 1!

It's been so long since I've taken a picture that I like. My biggest problem is what I eat. I snack a lot and chips and candy are my snacks of choice. Since joining WW I have been eating more fruits but I still fall victim to M&M's and gummi savers! I know I can do this and I will do this!
ok, so I'm probably not suppose to annouce that, but this birthday was the inspiration for my final WW venture. On October 15, 2009 I walked into my local WW meeting.....again. My goal was to lose 71 lbs by my 40th birthday. Well, here we are today and and although I am shy of 10lbs away from my goal. This is the best birthday present I could give myself!!! I am a broken record but thank you to everyone here for all your support and keep going everyone we can all do this!!!! Now how to survive the day food wise :laughing:.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :dance3: AND congratulations on your fantastic weight loss!! You're a cheerleader and inspiration on this thread -- thank you so much. Enjoy YOUR special day!

So glad this thread is here! I need some support.

I joined WW 4 weeks ago and I did so good the first 2.5 weeks, I lost 6.4 pounds. Then I stopped religiously counting and started guestimating. I haven't weighed myself because I don't want to be disappointed. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to have a piece of cake, so this week is a waste as well. I did do my first work out this morning with Leslie Sansone and plan to do another walk when I get off work this evening.

If I work out 2x a day and get back on plan I want to be under 200 pounds before my trip in June. So i need to lose 20 pounds(according to my last weigh in) to see a weight that starts with a 1!

It's been so long since I've taken a picture that I like. My biggest problem is what I eat. I snack a lot and chips and candy are my snacks of choice. Since joining WW I have been eating more fruits but I still fall victim to M&M's and gummi savers! I know I can do this and I will do this!

welcome to the thread! Weighing in when you know the number won't be what you want is very hard...I've been there myself many times and still
struggle with it sometimes, but just getting it over with is what you need to do to start over. Don't let it continue to snowball!

Enjoy your birthday and enjoy a piece of cake, but that does not mean the rest of the week is a waste! The best thing about WW is that you can enjoy things like cake and still lose weight. The key is counting points and tracking. WW is a lifestyle change and not a diet; nothing is off limits as long as you are accountable for what you are eating.

Do you go to meetings or do you do WW online?
welcome to the thread! Weighing in when you know the number won't be what you want is very hard...I've been there myself many times and still
struggle with it sometimes, but just getting it over with is what you need to do to start over. Don't let it continue to snowball!

Enjoy your birthday and enjoy a piece of cake, but that does not mean the rest of the week is a waste! The best thing about WW is that you can enjoy things like cake and still lose weight. The key is counting points and tracking. WW is a lifestyle change and not a diet; nothing is off limits as long as you are accountable for what you are eating.

Do you go to meetings or do you do WW online?

I go to meetings and I use e Tools. I know that this week isn't a waste. I'm so mad that I lost focus but I know that I can start over and do better.
I just started weight watchers on Sunday. I'm hoping to lose 30 pounds. Any advice?
Welcome! Hang out with us more :). We are a friendly bunch with a lot of knowledgeable people who can help you along the way.

Hi everyone :) I just joined WW and went to my first meeting last night. I really need to get healthy and stop being so scared of weight-related diseases that I have family history with.

I am not helping myself by being so overweight. I am not setting a large # goal yet, but my 1st goal is that I want to lose my 5% (and hopefully more:)) by my DS and DD's birthday on June 14.

I'm excited for this thread!! Disney and WW, what can be better:thumbsup2
Welcome to the thread and WW! The 5% goal is a great one. It's not too hard and not too easy. You'll get there by June :thumbsup2.

So glad this thread is here! I need some support.

I joined WW 4 weeks ago and I did so good the first 2.5 weeks, I lost 6.4 pounds. Then I stopped religiously counting and started guestimating. I haven't weighed myself because I don't want to be disappointed. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to have a piece of cake, so this week is a waste as well. I did do my first work out this morning with Leslie Sansone and plan to do another walk when I get off work this evening.

If I work out 2x a day and get back on plan I want to be under 200 pounds before my trip in June. So i need to lose 20 pounds(according to my last weigh in) to see a weight that starts with a 1!

It's been so long since I've taken a picture that I like. My biggest problem is what I eat. I snack a lot and chips and candy are my snacks of choice. Since joining WW I have been eating more fruits but I still fall victim to M&M's and gummi savers! I know I can do this and I will do this!
Welcome to the thread! First of all, Celebrate your birthday! Go ahead and have your cake and eat it too BUT don't let that little piece of cake ruin the whole week for you. We ALL mess up. We all eat stuff we "shouldn't" ... even through nothing, including cake, is off-limits on WW. What you do after you mess up makes the difference between staying where you are and Onederland. You need to give yourself a break, accept that you messed up and MOVE ON. Don't get all caught up with the guilt because that will just bring you down and you'll eat more or make bad choices because you think the "week is a waste".

Congratulations on giving up chips and (most of) the candy. You *can* work the candy into your day if that's what you like. Figure out how many candies are in 1-3 points (or however many points you want to give up for it) and put them pre-measured in a snack-sized bag. When you want candy, grab a bag and COUNT IT.

Lost 2.2 lbs this week!! I was down a total of 5.4 Lbs for the 10 week challenge at work. I didn't win any money but I won because the scale went down!! :goodvibes
Whoo hoo!

Good Morning WW Friends,

Well I had an terrible day yesterday - I was so hungry all-day - I managed to stay on track through dinner - we even ate out - I had pork, broc and carrots and a baked sweet potato and 1/2 roll at Texas Roadhouse. Should have been enough, but when I got home the binge monster attacked. I think I ate 1/2 box reduce fat wheat thins (these are addicting), then I had a dish of cereal, then I hit the ice cream! Oh my - the scale shows my indulgence this morning, I am so mad at myself - I had a goal this week to be under 200 pounds by my weigh in on Saturday - don't know if I will make it or not (I know its not good to set a date for loss, but I was so excited) I have a few days left to salvage my efforts and if not this week, next week!

My home scale never matches what my meeting scale says - I keep track of my weight separately and don't even try to compare. I do weigh each morning wearing the same thing and at the same time. I know not to weigh at any other time of the day, it is always higher later in the day.

Back on track today - have a GREAT OP day!
Saturday is a long way away. Here's some pixie dust pixiedust:... you'll get to Onederland this week!

ok, so I'm probably not suppose to annouce that, but this birthday was the inspiration for my final WW venture. On October 15, 2009 I walked into my local WW meeting.....again. My goal was to lose 71 lbs by my 40th birthday. Well, here we are today and and although I am shy of 10lbs away from my goal. This is the best birthday present I could give myself!!! I am a broken record but thank you to everyone here for all your support and keep going everyone we can all do this!!!! Now how to survive the day food wise :laughing:.

Happy birthday!!! :cheer2:
ok, so I'm probably not suppose to annouce that, but this birthday was the inspiration for my final WW venture. On October 15, 2009 I walked into my local WW meeting.....again. My goal was to lose 71 lbs by my 40th birthday. Well, here we are today and and although I am shy of 10lbs away from my goal. This is the best birthday present I could give myself!!! I am a broken record but thank you to everyone here for all your support and keep going everyone we can all do this!!!! Now how to survive the day food wise :laughing:.

party: it's your day to celebrate - take it one meal at a time

:bday: congrats on making the decision to be healthy for yourself and your family - you should be proud of your accomplisments - you are an amazing person!
Thanks everyone for the support - today is going to be better than yesterday!

I wanted to share a a non-scale victory for my family - we stopped at McDonald's on Friday night for dinner - I had a coupon for a buy one get one free salad - I was going to take the 2nd one home for the weekend, but my 12 yo DD asked if she could the other grilled chicken salad :banana: She is a pencil of thing and can eat anything she wants, but I was so proud of her making that decision - so while my DH ate his Big Mac (570 calories) we had salads and apple dippers! :yay:
Lots of posts since I last took a look. We have a great group and are growing with wonderful new additions. Welcome to all the newbies.

Happy Birthday Stephanie!

Looks like several of us are struggling with working the plan over the last couple of weeks. I'm in with that bunch. While I don't leave for vacation until Friday, my WW tracking gene is saying it's time and is leading me astray!

Anyway, we all learn from our "bad" days. If all we ever had were perfect days, we wouldn't know what to do when we were faced with a challenge. I had a gain last week and I may have a gain tomorrow, but I'm going to go face the scales and participate in class. In the old days, I think I might have quit after two "bad" weeks. Then where would I be? Let's keep up the good fight -- it's certainly worth winning.
Thanks everyone for the support - today is going to be better than yesterday!

I wanted to share a a non-scale victory for my family - we stopped at McDonald's on Friday night for dinner - I had a coupon for a buy one get one free salad - I was going to take the 2nd one home for the weekend, but my 12 yo DD asked if she could the other grilled chicken salad :banana: She is a pencil of thing and can eat anything she wants, but I was so proud of her making that decision - so while my DH ate his Big Mac (570 calories) we had salads and apple dippers! :yay:

Congratulations on that NSV! Looks like your DD is seeing you as a role model for good choices.
anyway, we all learn from our "bad" days. If all we ever had were perfect days, we wouldn't know what to do when we were faced with a challenge. I had a gain last week and i may have a gain tomorrow, but i'm going to go face the scales and participate in class. In the old days, i think i might have quit after two "bad" weeks. Then where would i be? Let's keep up the good fight -- it's certainly worth winning.

Wow! I have about 6 pages of reading to catch up from when I last left off on this thread! Everyone is super supportive...it's so nice to have that extra support. This week has not be that good for me. I've lost track of my tracking. I'm still tracking each day but I've missed some points over the weekend. It's too hard to recreate the days now too. Hopefully the scale will still show a loss on Thursday even if it's little. Keep your fingers crossed!

Good job on everyone's celebrations! Don't forget to count your BLTs (Bites, tastes & licks). :)
I weigh in today at 7pm. I'm nervous bc this week was really difficult to stay on track. I wrote everything down but yesterday we went to the local fair. I ate a corndog and a meat skewer (a pincho ;) ). So I wasn't horrible. I counted the points as best I could for what I ate.

I'm hoping I lost but I'd even be happy if I didn't gain.
ok, so I'm probably not suppose to annouce that, but this birthday was the inspiration for my final WW venture. On October 15, 2009 I walked into my local WW meeting.....again. My goal was to lose 71 lbs by my 40th birthday. Well, here we are today and and although I am shy of 10lbs away from my goal. This is the best birthday present I could give myself!!! I am a broken record but thank you to everyone here for all your support and keep going everyone we can all do this!!!! Now how to survive the day food wise :laughing:.


You've done such an incredible job of losing weight and I know you're happy with your loss so far! I know it would have been great to be enjoying the success of having met your goal today but being 10lbs off is not bad considering that you've already lost over 60! We're all happy for you and also proud to of you!

I can't remember who posted this earlier but I think we're all happy you found this thread! :cheer2:

Hope you have a really great day. :flower3:

So glad this thread is here! I need some support.

I joined WW 4 weeks ago and I did so good the first 2.5 weeks, I lost 6.4 pounds. Then I stopped religiously counting and started guestimating. I haven't weighed myself because I don't want to be disappointed. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to have a piece of cake, so this week is a waste as well. I did do my first work out this morning with Leslie Sansone and plan to do another walk when I get off work this evening.

If I work out 2x a day and get back on plan I want to be under 200 pounds before my trip in June. So i need to lose 20 pounds(according to my last weigh in) to see a weight that starts with a 1!

It's been so long since I've taken a picture that I like. My biggest problem is what I eat. I snack a lot and chips and candy are my snacks of choice. Since joining WW I have been eating more fruits but I still fall victim to M&M's and gummi savers! I know I can do this and I will do this!

Welcome and happy birthday to you, too! Have your cake but please don't consider this a wasted week -- maybe consider it a learning experience.

My birthday is next Wednesday and here's what I'm going to do. I've already written down what I'm going to eat. Breakfast will be 5pts and Lunch will be 3pts. I'll stick some fruit and veggies in there as well but I wanted to keep it lighter so that for supper I could indulge. Now, it just so happens that Wednesday is my weigh-in day so I will have all of my 49 weekly points available but I also need to be realistic about having some for the remainder of the week -- I can't live without every one of my weekly points. :love:

I've decided to order pizza for supper. I've set aside 20pts for pizza and salad which puts me at 30 points -- so I'm into my weeklies for 1 pt here. I've wanted to try red velvet cake for some time now so I'm making one with cream cheese frosting and hoping that 15pts will get me a decent slice :cake:. (If not, I will have to use up more weeklies but at least they will be available.) So, I'm not depriving myself, I'm having what I want and I'm planning for it. And, hopefully, it will still be a good week at the scale. :goodvibes
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