Weird and Ninja Shout Out to You! (updated on 7/14)

I didn't know how to feel about the changing of the MK gate colors at first either, but I really like the blue & gold. It feels more regal where the pink & purple were more fun. :goodvibes

Great pictures from the opening show! That is such a great way to kick off the morning, especially when it's your first full day in Disney!
It is definitely hard to spend time in a pool that you know you could be spending in a park. It wasn't until kids became part of our family that we made a point to carve out time.

I am pretty sure that you are right about the blue chair thingy. Though I've never seen it in use to officially confirm.

We usually have a rental car, but we have decided to start considering the buses to save a bit of money. How long would you say the bus ride from the Pop to the Magic Kingdom was?

There is not much better than starting a day with the Welcome Show at the Magic Kingdom!
Hooray for waking up happy on your first full day! :thumbsup2

I'd love to ride down Main Street someday, too, but I'm always headed to catch as many attractions as possible before the crowds build. Maybe someday! :p

Did you watch the Welcome Show from outside the entrance gates? I ask because I'd planned to do this on a non-park day during our next trip (but didn't want to bother if I couldn't see anything).
I'm with you on the quiet pools being much more appealing!! I get a little skeeved out when there are too many people in the pool! :sick:

We're opposite you guys -- we always head the other direction first, and have made the Jungle Cruise our official first ride of the trip (esp now that that was DD's very first ride at WDW ever - that really sealed the deal) -- fun to have little traditions like that! :goodvibes
We always start our trip with Buzz Lightyear too! It just sets the tone and gets us in the Disney mood.

We did the train tour last year and learned all about the trains at WDW. Did you know they only use the show train (the green one) for the opening show? It then goes back to the garage immediately after. Apparently they would have to alter the train since it doesn't have bars or sides preventing people from getting out of the left side.

Also, a few other fun facts is that when the conductor dings the bell as you pull into a station it signals to the cast member at the station that they are picking up people at that station. When they blow the whistle at the end before leaving the station, they are saying "let's go". And the tunnel you go through on your way to the Frontierland station is the inside of Pirates of the Caribbean (when the boat in PoC goes down the waterfall at the beginning it is going under the train track). We learned all sorts of interesting stuff so I thought you may find some of it interesting too!

Oh right! I didn't even think about that! It makes sense that there's only one train that can be used for the opening show. I think doing that tour would be really interesting! It's also one of the tours that isn't as expensive, right?

I didn't know how to feel about the changing of the MK gate colors at first either, but I really like the blue & gold. It feels more regal where the pink & purple were more fun. :goodvibes

Great pictures from the opening show! That is such a great way to kick off the morning, especially when it's your first full day in Disney!

Exactly! Of course, I'd prefer they keep it blue and gold for a while though before they consider potentially changing it again. Haha, too much change is too much for me to handle.

I don't remember the last time we did MK first! It was quite exciting!

It is definitely hard to spend time in a pool that you know you could be spending in a park. It wasn't until kids became part of our family that we made a point to carve out time.

I am pretty sure that you are right about the blue chair thingy. Though I've never seen it in use to officially confirm.

We usually have a rental car, but we have decided to start considering the buses to save a bit of money. How long would you say the bus ride from the Pop to the Magic Kingdom was?

There is not much better than starting a day with the Welcome Show at the Magic Kingdom!

I remember loving pool time when I was a kid. I'm sure it'll be the same when we have kids of our own! I'll definitely scheduled it in though, haha. I can't imagine leaving a park early just to hit the pool.

The bus ride from Pop to MK is maybe about 20 minutes or so. We've gone when there's a lot of traffic early in the morning when everyone's trying to get to MK, and it has felt even longer. It might also be because you have to travel down that single lane road to approach the park when you can already see it and just want to get there already! I remember the ride from AKL to MK was the worst though at close to 40 minutes on one of the nights we were heading back to the resort!

Hooray for waking up happy on your first full day! :thumbsup2

I'd love to ride down Main Street someday, too, but I'm always headed to catch as many attractions as possible before the crowds build. Maybe someday! :p

Did you watch the Welcome Show from outside the entrance gates? I ask because I'd planned to do this on a non-park day during our next trip (but didn't want to bother if I couldn't see anything).

It's such a thrill waking up in a good mood and not feeling sick!

One day we'll get to experience a ride down Main Street! I'm sure it'll be such an experience seeing it from a different perspective.

Yup, we watched from outside the turnstiles. I just didn't see us having enough time to get through and finding a good place to stand without being squished with people's heads being in our way. You can definitely see the whole thing from back there!

I'm with you on the quiet pools being much more appealing!! I get a little skeeved out when there are too many people in the pool! :sick:

We're opposite you guys -- we always head the other direction first, and have made the Jungle Cruise our official first ride of the trip (esp now that that was DD's very first ride at WDW ever - that really sealed the deal) -- fun to have little traditions like that! :goodvibes

Seriously, it's so yucky thinking about all the kids in the pools too! I feel that quieter pools would be more fitting.

I tell myself we'll try something different first thing in the morning, but I have a feeling it might make the entire day feel a bit off!
An Early Morning Battle Against Zurg

If you've read any of my other trip reports before, you know that we must head over to Tomorrowland to battle against Zurg! I don't know why it's always our first ride considering there are other rides that you'd think we'd hit early in the morning. But I personally don't know if I can handle a crazier ride like Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain so early. They're not really wild rides, but I like taking it easy. Hanging out with Buzz gives us some fun right away without anything too tough to handle on the stomach.

VIDEO: Riding Buzz as Our First Ride
By the way, is it just me or does the scream of the little kid as we're loading remind anyone else of A Christmas Story? It just immediately makes me think of the scene when all the kids are visiting Santa in the department store.

I recently made a greeting card using the gun from Astro Blasters in Disneyland, which is different than the laser guns at Disney World, but I still love how easy for a Disney fan to see that it's DISNEY!!! I really do appreciate the fact that the lights aren't so bright on this ride because there are some angles where you can tell that the ride vehicles needs to be cleaned. Do they ever wipe these down? If I were a CM, I wouldn't mind being responsible for donning some rubber gloves and using Lysol or Clorox wipes at least on all the handles and the joysticks! It would definitely help prevent the spread of germs that occurs on a daily basis anyway.

Howard was an absolute dear in capturing a ton of these pictures for me because of my fascination with ride vehicles. Whenever we have to travel for a long time or commute somewhere, I always think about how much easier it would be if we could just do so in a ride vehicle. This past Sunday, Howard and I had to make the 2-hour trek out to the city for my church's bake sale. It's such a long journey because it's a walk to the bus, a ride on a bus, a ride on the ferry, a ride on another bus, and then another walk. If we could sit in a Buzz Lightyear vehicle or, better yet, the TTA ride vehicle and be able to observe people from a higher vantage point, it would make it so much easier to deal with such a long commute! In real life, we have to do the New York thing and just avert your eyes so as not to look at anyone else. We're a friendly bunch, aren't we? Haha, this is another reason why I adore Disney and being able to smile and wave even at strangers!

Because the ride paused for a bit, it was the right time to take a selfie! Even though these aren't clear photos in comparison to Howard's, I I love being able to snap these moments.

I distinctly remember the first few times I rode this with my family. I didn't know that you could just leave your finger pressed down on the button the entire time! My thumb was so tired afterwards because I kept pushing the button over and over again to shoot!

Clearly (haha, or unclearly?), I am so ready to get back into the game!

It was only after Howard's pictures during a previous trip that I realized that there was a robot dog here. I think once I get into that first room, I have tunnel vision and can only see the orange robot as I aim for its arm. I tell myself that I should just enjoy the ride vehicle on the track as I used to when it was still Dream Flight, but how can I not try to prove that I'm a Galactic Hero?

It was so empty right at park open that there were empty ride vehicles behind us. Do you see those black smudges on the vehicle? I'm guessing that's where everyone puts their hand when climbing into the vehicle. Yuck.

Nowadays, every time I look at the little green aliens without thinking of Keith Lapinig on YouTube and his fascination with the characters. If you've seen his more recent trip to Japan, he was so excited to find all the merchandise!

Huh, I have never seen this fella with my own eyes before ...

I do, however, always see this creature! I can very clearly see in my mind how it kind of has a jerky movement as it goes from left to right. Doesn't that tongue look a bit like throw up? Haha, yuck. Huh, I don't know that I've ever noticed the antenna either. Haha, in the same way that I can only see the orange robot in the first room, I kind of only see the rotating Z's at the top of room (the same ones you can see when on the TTA) and then as that is out of shooting range, I only see the volcano.

This is probably one of my favorite rooms when it comes to photographs. I always hit this one spot on the right of Zurg as you are facing him. It seems to always get me a lot of points. Haha, I never saw the green alien outside of the window on the left!

More ride vehicle infatuation! I don't even bother trying to choose which one to post because both of them deserve some time in the spotlight.

At this point, I know I won't be a Galactic Hero.

It's okay; as long as we all come together to defeat the villain!

In one of our previous ride photos, Howard and I turned around with our camera and video camera so that it would photograph the backs of our heads. I was so shocked to see Buzz there! Howard caught someone else's flash during one of our rides in the past, and the room just looks so blah when it's not dark. It must be so interesting being able to see all the rides with the lights on to see what really goes on behind the scenes. I remember being able to see just how small haunted mansion type rides are at smaller amusement parks when the lights are on because it's just one room with lots of curves!

Nowhere near a Galactic Hero! I get a little disappointed in myself when I haven't reached that goal, haha, but I guess that's what makes this game fun because it's not always guaranteed. It's obvious that Howard just took pictures the entire time!

We just have so much fun on this ride!

Round Two!

Considering there was still no line for this ride, we hopped back on for the second time. It gave us another opportunity to get more pictures of the ride vehicle.

One day it'll be pretty cool if I could make a simplified version of this vehicle to put on a card. It would be quite the task though to put together all those little pieces.

Zurg really is the best "bad guy" for a ride like this, but Lotso is by far the creepiest villain. Howard and I didn't watch Toy Story 3 when everyone else did, so it took us a long time to realize what was up with Lotso and the whole "smells like strawberries" thing. It would be really scary if Lotso were the villain in this ride. Can you imagine seeing a giant Lotso at the end facing you with his evil glare?

I love close-up shots like this. Since the birth of Howard's sister's baby, I've actually just grown to love photography more and more. I always enjoyed seeing great shots and loved reading TRs that have fantastic pictures that cause me to see Disney in a new light. This is just one of those shots for me. I think I'm so focused on the laser gun right in front of me that I don't look around.

This is another one of those pictures! Haha, it has a punchometer! I'm so zoned in on the hands that I just never read this beforehand!

Since we were riding separately, I specifically asked Howard to get some photos of me on the ride since I was wearing my Buzz Lightyear bow from abowtiqueshop on Etsy.

Haha, there's that monster again that I had never seen before with my own eyes!

Look at the cute alien under the "Intruder Alert" sign!

Haha, the battery warnnig says, "Not for use in sub-orbital vehicles." And then it says, "Made in Glendale, California. USA. Earth. Gamma Quadrant."

(continued in next post)
(continued from previous post)

Has anyone ever noticed Zurg's fingernails? Look how pointy and sharp they are!

There's that awesome bow again! I think if I worked at a school where I didn't have to dress up, I'd own more Disney bows and wear them with my outfits.

As fun as it is to ride separately so that we don't have to disturb each other when we want to move the vehicle one way or the other, I think riding ANY ride in Disney World by yourself would be frightening if no one else was on it at the same time.

Boo, I still didn't make it to be the Galactic Hero! I was so off my game. I think a large portion of it had to do with the fact that i was carrying a backpack around with me instead of my small crossbody Lesportsac bag. Since it was behind me, I didn't sit in the same position as I normally do. I was actually much closer to the laser gun that I normally am, so I'm sure it messed me up since I'm horrible at spatial reasoning.

So sad. How could I not be a Galactic Hero?

Third Time's the Charm?

Clearly, it just wasn't my day if on the second ride, I could not achieve "Galactic Hero" status. However, there was actually an issue with my ride vehicle! It wasn't turning the right way when I used the joystick, so I couldn't maneuver my vehicle into the correct positions. So we decided that we would just head back on the ride AGAIN!

VIDEO: Riding Buzz as Our Third Ride

I know some people might be thinking that there is an entire park to explore and so many other attractions to enjoy, but my mind was set on riding it again. I think it's pretty cool that we could do something like that and not worry about having to run off to another attraction to get Fast Passes for later on. I have to admit that that's the one good thing about having Magic Bands. We were able to just hop on whatever we wanted in the morning when the crowds were low.

Did you see the look on Buzz's face? He was appalled that I was playing so poorly.

I have to comment on the bows that I got from "abowtiqueshop." Howard bought them for me for my birthday, so I was excited to have a chance to wear them in the parks. I wasn't sure that they would stay in place for the entire day, but they did. I didn't have to adjust it and redo it. I loved that I could keep my hair down because I think my ears look funny when it's pulled back, but I really enjoy the parks more when I don't have to worry about hair being in my face. It's especially helpful when trying to defeat Zurg!

When we got to this point, I knew that it was a lost cause. So sad. I didn't get what I wanted. There were actually two guys in front of me who were extremely tall, so instead of shooting the target I wanted, I kept getting the guy's head!

Even so, I feel I have to document the failure. I guess not being able to get a perfect score each time is what makes it so fun. If it were easy-peasy each time, I don't think I'd get very excited to ride this over and over again.

I feel like this photo is a very clear representation of how we tour the parks. Haha, Howard is often trailing behind sometimes because he wants to take a photo of something. I did just say to him a few hours ago that on our next trip (whenever that may be), I want to bring a DSLR with me too so I can try taking beter pictures in the parks. Then I might have a better understanding of how it is to be the one trailing behind!

At this point, it was time to move on! Though I didn't reach my goal, I still had fun trying even though the ride vehicles weren't the most cooperate. Okay, now that we got that out of our systems, where would we go next?
Great pictures from inside Buzz! But too bad you could be a Galactic Hero this time...I guess you'll just have to go back!

I'm enjoying your report.
Great pictures from inside Buzz! But too bad you could be a Galactic Hero this time...I guess you'll just have to go back!

I'm enjoying your report.

Absolutely! There's always a reason to go back!

Thank you! I know I left such a pause between updates. The fact that I'm missing WDW so much now made me want to return to these memories.
Identifying with the Pooh Characters

It was about time to move on to a new ride because we had spent plenty of time with Buzz already. The funny thing is that it seems as if we spent our entire morning there considering all the pictures of the ride, but like I said, the low crowds due to being the end of January made it so much easier to just enjoy what we wanted to when we wanted to. After our brief stay in Tomorrowland, we continued to Fantasyland. It just doesn't change! I tell myself that one day we'll start on the left side of the park, but I think it would make me feel a little uncomfortable, haha.

VIDEO: Walking through Tomorrowland/Winnie the Pooh Queue

As you can see in the video, there was a moment when I thought that Howard actually wanted to switch our FP+ reservation for the Tomorrowland Speedway! I can't see ever waiting a long time for this ride even if we do have kids. Riding it at night, however, is worth it! The first time we did that, I loved the views that we got. It kind of represents a lot of my childhood memories in Disney though. I remember not being able to reach the pedals and my mom or dad having to step on it for me. Okay, I guess if we have kiddos who want to drive, I guess I can't deny them that joy!

While we continued our walk, I did see a cast member with pins! I loved just having the pins on my neck to make it easier to trade. In the past, I used to keep them in two plastic baggies, but it would kind of confusing making sure I put the traded ones in the right back. I would just randomly reach in to grab one and hope that it wasn't one I planned on keeping because then I'd have to reach in and try again. I completely understand the whole lanyard business now! We were able to get the Mickey Nerds head and the Jasmine shoe pins! I know that people suggest going pin hunting in the morning when lanyards are fresh, but it's not often that I find keepers like we did with that one CM. The hunt is a huge part of the fun though, so I think I will just continue trading pins over and over again during each trip without having to buy more for a while! Each trip I come back with about 15-20 that I know I will not trade even years down the road.

When I saw Cheshire Cafe, I immediately thought of Emma's video on She had tried the cake cup, and that was definitely something I wanted to try. As a kid, I disliked cake and cupcakes. I actually wasn't a big fan of sweets. I feel that now I need to make up for all the slices of birthday cake I passed up and the cupcakes at school for classmates' birthday parties that I used to avoid. The sad thing is that I never got a chance to grab one of them during this trip, but I guess in the long run, it's okay since I do see that it has a lot more frosting than cake. I actually really like the cake part more!

My favorite part of the video is when Howard and I both said, "Whoa/Wow!" at the exact same time when we first saw how much progress was made on the Mine Train! Yes, I am aware that at this point that the attraction is up and running, but were in complete awe. I actually think being able to walk past the walls and see the construction is something memorable in and of itself as the parks from our childhood changes over time.

I have to say I really love those trees!

We arrived at Winnie the Pooh and saw that there was only a 5-minute wait. It was actually really fun being able to walk through the standby queue since it has always been something we used to ride using FP only. Now that we have the Magic Bands, I just can't see choosing Pooh as one of the attractions we reserve.

I look at these veggies and think about roasting all of it! My mom didn't use the oven too often except for things that had to be baked like lasagna or baked potatoes. Despite all the difficulties of living in a studio apartment, one of the great things about where we are is that we don't have to pay a gas bill. That means we can use the oven to roast vegetables! I think the first thing I was dying to have when I first got married was Brussels sprouts. After that, we just started roasting everything including zucchini, broccoli, eggplant, and carrots.

I do personally have an issue with all the spelling errors and writing errors though, haha. I know it's part of the Pooh culture, but it's the kind of thing that makes kids think that you can spell mattress without the last "s" because you leave it off for savings. I guess we can take our kids on this ride and make it a game that they should point out the mistakes, haha. Wow, we're gonna be fun parents, aren't we?

I totally just Googled "lettuce growing" because it's kind of funny to see them so spaced out.

If you made it through the video, you already saw the ice cream stick that was growing among the lettuce. Isn't that just absolutely irritating? Whoever it was finished the ice cream and just decided to chuck it over thinking it wouldn't matter? Or thinking that someone else would come and clean it anyway? Stuff like that bugs me to no end. I mean, the other day I was waiting in the long line at Old Navy. The man in front of me was looking at all the random things that they sell next to the line like the cell phone cases and makeup bags and lunchboxes. He picked something up and something else fell on the floor. He placed the item in his hand back on the rack, looked down at the floor at the object he dropped, and then just turned around. Um, we weren't moving anywhere. The line was still long, so it's not like he could have used the "excuse" that he had to move up in line. I was so annoyed by that! I'm the kind of person who goes to put things back where they belong even when I'm not the one who messed it up in the first place. That was the only reason why I actually thought it'd be fun to work retail!

This bag of "kerits" reminds me of an "argument" I had with the daughter of my dad's friend when we were younger. Being from California, she kept saying that my cousin Karen's name was pronounced "Keh-rin" while I was saying that it was "Kah-rin." I just wanted to be like, "Um, hello? She's MY cousin." And if anything, I would be pronouncing it the right way because she too lived in New York! I know that my NYC accent can be really strong at times, but I was bugged by that because she was so insistent.

This is probably one of my favorite parts of the queue because it reminds me of the toys that were always in doctor's offices when I was a kid. Of course, I didn't often play with them because I was convinced the world was germy especially in a doctor's office! I think I'll gladly buy one of those for my own kid and enjoy it myself! I love how Howard captured the whimsy of this in the picture when in reality, it doesn't look TOO exciting.

It's funny to me that we walked through this queue almost entirely separate as he was snapping pictures and I was recording the video!

The time on the FP+ computer says 9:37am, so we were good with timing!

It's pretty clear that the following photo was taken by me, haha. The blurriness is something that I don't mind posting because the ride vehicle itself is fairly clear! I know I will be pointing out how clever the ride vehicles are to our own kiddies. I don't think I paid much attention to them as a kid other than the fact that we got on a ship when riding Peter Pan.

In my first trip report years ago, I actually used Pooh character to introduce my family members. I considered my dad to be the Rabbit of the family because he was always way too concerned about every little thing and kind of the person who couldn't just enjoy what was happening. Haha, I think to some degree I have those tendencies too, but at that time, I identified with Tigger at least when we were vacationing at the happiest place on earth! Part of me is curious as to how the characters are used in the Tao of Pooh, which I had heard about when I took a World Religions class in college, but I guess with so many other books that could be read (I just started reading Divergent!), I wasn't really interested in reading about Taoism.

I have a cousin who we used to tease all the time because she was the kind of person who felt the need to touch everything. This was something we used to talk about even when she was in college! It would make sense if she were still a kid in elementary school, right? Well, if I were showing something at church, she'd want to hold it in her hands. I don't quite know why she felt the need to do that, but for some strange reason, I see these cups, glasses, and plates, and my first thought is, "I want to touch those." Haha, I don't know that I've ever really seen those either because when we're in Owl's house, I just look for those picture frames that pay homage to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

And now here's Tigger!

In the video of the ride down below, I make a comment about the time that we got stuck mid-jump in this scene during our trip with our friends. Even when our ride vehicle wasn't moving, the Tigger next to us kept bouncing. I was unable to actually capture a picture even on that day, but Howard was able to snap one as we were moving through the ride! Now that's some skill!

I know that this was a picture that Howard tried to get year after year. In the past, he was only able to capture the dreaming Pooh, so this one is quite an imnprovement!

Haha, I feel that I make that face rather often. I guess I am my father's daughter!

We did stop at this point, so that's why Howard got great shots of this scene even though it's the darkest room in the entire ride. I kind of really enjoy it when rides stop! I don't want to get stuck on a ride and waste time just sitting and waiting, but it gives Howard an opportunity to get clear pictures. The jerkiness from the ride start and stop is different than normal too!

In the midst of a storm, Pooh can only think about eating. I can't blame him. When I'm upset, I want to eat. When I'm bored, I want to eat. When it's snowy out or rainy out and we're snuggly in the apartment, I want to eat. Hmm, maybe I'm more like Pooh nowadays!

(continued in next post)
(continued from previous post)

The other day we had Christmas dinner with my dad's side of the family. At the end of the meal, we had deep-fried "mantou" that's served with condensed milk. It's basically a fried piece of dough, and it's kind of a tradition to get it with that family because some of them go crazy over the sweet condensed milk! I don't normally dip my dough into it, but I did this time and ended up feeling like I had sticky lips afterwards. I was immediately brought back to that moment when I saw this picture of Pooh. Thankfully, I don't think I looked like that much of a mess, but Pooh looks incredibly satisfied, haha.

I really like the rope used to seal the top of the honey pot. It's better than Tupperware!

My mom loves Eeyore, so we often take pictures of Eeyore things with her in mind. My younger brother wanted the Piglet version of this plush the first time he saw it, but he never got it. I hope they never get rid of it; they're just so lovable and I think even as a junior in high school, he would still like it if I found it for him!

I, on the other hand, love everything Tigger and of course had to point out all the baby gear because well ... one day!

And just in case you wanted to take a ride along with us, I have the video right here! At the beginning, I actually say to Howard in Chinese that we could've let the people in back of us sit in the front because they had a little kid with them. It's kind of Chinglish because I start of saying, "Oh we could have ..." and then it breaks into Chinese, haha. Later on, Howard finally realized that we get into a hot air balloon at the end of the scene with the Heffalumps and Woozles. We still notice new things each time!

VIDEO: Winnie the Pooh

I look forward to reading the Winnie the Pooh stories to my kids. I actually bought a huge book of the Disney Treasury of Children's Classics a long time ago at Walmart because I wanted to read them out loud to my kids. I think it'll be fun to let them pick a story each night and snuggle up in bed to enjoy some reading time together. Then we'll go to the Disney parks, and they'll enjoy it even more!
It Says "5-19"!

We continued our stroll through Fantasyland and decided on hanging with the fickle dolls. Sometimes they can look super sweet, but other times, they decide to break free from their platform, jump into the water, and attack the people on the boats. Yes, I do take Kingdom Keepers rather seriously, haha.

VIDEO: "it's a small world" and the 519

As you saw in the video, I got really excited that I noticed the "519" on the clock! Howard and I got married on May 19, 2012. We initially wanted to get married in February because the cost would've been cheaper due to it being off season. Then we were thinking April because then we'd be able to honeymoon during the Easter break so I wouldn't have to worry about being absent from school. It ended up that May was the date that worked out for us (as in, it worked out based on my dad saying we should get married when it was warmer so we could enjoy the flowers where we had our reception and not have to worry about snow) and because it was the only date available for that time of the year. I did have to be absent for a good chunk of time, which meant I had to spend a TON of time planning lessons and sorting everything into folders for each day I was out. But it was after my kids took the state test, so I DID wait until that was over! It might not have been the exact time we wanted to get married (we actually wanted to get married in 2011 too!), but regardless of all the drama that occurred, the date 5-19 is clearly a significant one for us!

On one of my first trips with Howard, I noticed this guard. Then on a trip therafter, the guard was gone! We ended up finding the pin when trading with a CM too, so we really like this scene.

I do a lot of papercrafting, so all of these images make me think of crafting especially now that I have a Silhouette Cameo that can cut out basically any image that I design. Of course, I'm not good at doing that, but I can just ask Howard to do it since he knows the computer stuff a lot better than I do. This particular sun is interesting because you can see the "seam" going right through the middle!

This gondola guy is by far the creepiest doll in the entire ride. He seems extra close to the boat we sit in, so when he's not present, I get nervous thinking about where he might be! Sure, you might be saying, "He's just being refurbished and being fixed up in one of those behind-the-scenes rooms we'd all like to see," but I can't fully believe that, haha.

I always point out the chuppah to Howard and have him take a picture because I took an "Intro to Judaism" class in college as a theology minor, so I know more about Judaism than I did before I took the class! I just love pronouncing it!


You know how that gondola doll is the creepiest one in the whole ride? Well, this is the creepiest sun!

Out of all the pictures Howard captured during this ride, this one is my favorite.

I had this dream many years back that I got stuck on a ride that was pretty much "it's a small world," but there were a few differences in my dream version. It was the jungle room, and I had to be evacuated. The disturbing part was seeing all the animals that were still moving with no sound or completely still, and I had to walk by the hyenas. I think from that point on, I was a little wary in this room even though the patterns on the walls are by far my favorite of the entire attraction. I actually purchased a bag from Kohl's that has a pattern that reminds me of the IASW walls in this room!

I feel that the rhino gets all the attention in this scene, and the monkey is feeling a little left out.

Can you say sassy?

One of these days, the eggs are going to actually fly from their hands. I mean, those are some crazy eyes!

I feel that when they were making this kangaroo duo, they thought, "Hmm, we need to make it more whimsical." To accomplish that, they cut out some stars and glued them on really quickly since some of the points are coming off. Then they decided to add a toupe to the "baby kangaroo" [Tribbiani!].

RAWR. Don't forget to smile!

This doll has the wing tips or whatever they're called when you use the eyeliner and make those wings at the edges. I don't know much about makeup as I only just use eyeliner on my upper lid and then powder so that I don't get all shiny throughout the day. But I do know that the wings technique is a thing!

I don't think I've ever noticed that the pink cinnamon bun hair!

Such a cute horse!

This is my one contribution to the plethora of pictures in this IASW post. It's blurry. I'm sorry. Haha, I do watch those geese often though as they sing along to the music.

(continued in next post)
(continued from previous post)

When my kids used to leave my classroom in previous years, I used to say "So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!" Nowadays, I simplify it and don't pull out the one German word I know and instead just say, "Toodles!" Some of them say it back to me. It's just odd because we could be done with our class, but there's still class the rest of the day and a chance to see them in the hallways, so saying goodbye seems odd. "Toodles" just fits the situation. There isn't, however, a "toodles" on any of these signs.


And lastly, if you know anything about the hubs, you knew he would take a picture of whatever light fixture was around him.

So that's the end of this post, but I'll be back to continue some more. TOODLES!
Wow! Was that quite the update!!

There are just so many details on Buzz. I love riding any ride more than once because I feel like I nearly always see a new detail that I missed before.

And your hair bow. AWESOME! I may need something like that in my life. . .

I have said a LOT of things 'pre-kids' that didn't hold up 'post-kids'. It is amazing what kind of crazy long line or other thing we will endure just for our own little kiddos.

The spelling in Winnie the Pooh always bugged me too. I don't really know why. Obviously they didn't go to school to learn to read and write!

We have one of those 'Favorites of Disney' books too. One of my favorite things is reading to my kiddos every day.

it's a small world is a classic. Even if it is a slightly creepy classic!!
Great photos!! I love all the detail shots!! Makes you feel like you are right there on the ride with you! :goodvibes
Wow! Was that quite the update!!

There are just so many details on Buzz. I love riding any ride more than once because I feel like I nearly always see a new detail that I missed before.

And your hair bow. AWESOME! I may need something like that in my life. . .

I have said a LOT of things 'pre-kids' that didn't hold up 'post-kids'. It is amazing what kind of crazy long line or other thing we will endure just for our own little kiddos.

The spelling in Winnie the Pooh always bugged me too. I don't really know why. Obviously they didn't go to school to learn to read and write!

We have one of those 'Favorites of Disney' books too. One of my favorite things is reading to my kiddos every day.

it's a small world is a classic. Even if it is a slightly creepy classic!!

Haha yeah, I think I had such a pause because there were so many Buzz photos, so I just knew I had to get through it even if it meant I didn't have much to say about it after riding it 3 times! There really are a TON of details on the ride that are missed just because I'm so intent on shooting!

Isn't that bow awesome? I love how the bows I had were definitely Disney bows without being TOO obvious. Not that I don't want a bow that is clearly representative of Mickey!

Yeah, I know that'll probably change when we have kids. I know if the kiddos really want to ride something, we can't just say no. We're so used to touring the parks with just the two of us, and we are definitely spoiled by it. Even when my mom and brother decide to tag along with us when we do a family trip, I sometimes don't know how to handle it because we have to take into consideration what others might want to or might NOT want to do. Like we are happy watching Streetmosphere in DHS, but I don't know that my brother would be content just standing there watching a performance. I wonder if the kiddos will let us do stuff like that!

I know it's part of the charm of the ride, but as a teacher, the bad spelling makes me cringe!

Awww, how sweet! I look forward to reading every night. My mom did that for me, and I know it instilled in me a love for reading. I don't want our kids to be SO caught up in technology even though it's great how it makes learning fun and easier (even just having access to library books at all times of the day when borrowing them as ebooks).

IASW is one of those things that I'll gladly ride over and over if the kiddos want it!

Great photos!! I love all the detail shots!! Makes you feel like you are right there on the ride with you! :goodvibes

Thanks! I know Howard is pleased with many of those photos. I'm sure he's also thinking about how he could improve on some of them next time too because he's always looking at other photos and taking a look at the info.
When You Hear the Knell of a Requiem Bell

As with most of our Magic Kingdom touring days, we walk through Fantasyland and continue to Haunted Mansion. It's only appropriate that we go from one creepy ride (IASW, haha) to another! On our walk, we saw this man who had a jersey on that really caught our eye! Now Howard and I don't really appreciate any kind of professional sport. When the Super Bowl comes around, it doesn't alter our lives. When it's time for the World Series, we don't really pay attention (although if it's a game between the Yankees and Mets, I cheer for the Yankees because I'm from a Yankees family ... not that it means anything to me, haha). I used to go to the US Open with my parents, but the only part of it that I enjoyed was the sandwich that my dad would buy for me from the specialty shop on the way that I would enjoy in the shade with a book. So what kind of jersey would catch our eye? A Disney one, of course! We didn't catch it in time to take a picture, but Howard got one of the back. If you look at the guy who's wearing the hat, you can see that it's a Chernabog jersey!

As we discussed how awesome it was that an older man was sporting Disney merchandise, we walked through the Tangled restrooms area. Typically, I like to avoid bathrooms that are frequented by a ton of people especially children. When in Epcot, we'll go out of our way to go to the indoor bathroom right around the Character Spot to avoid the one right across from Test Track. Despite how I feel about busy restrooms, I'll make an exception for this one.

I absolutely adore the feel of this area. As I hear debates about Universal vs. Disney, I can't help but agree with what Danielle (IheartDDuck) said in one of her trip reports. She said that she loves both parks, but when in Disney, it's possible to forget the outside world. Recently, my uncle was talking about how he's disappointed in Disney because Universal is bringing in all this new technology while there isn't much of anything new and state of the art in the Disney parks. I guess I can see what he's saying even without having visited Universal in ages (I would only go for Harry Potter, which isn't enough to justify the price of admission for me because I wouldn't even experience the HP rides for fear of getting motion sick). All I do know is that when I'm at Magic Kingdom, I can lose myself in the atmosphere. I don't think about lesson plans or stress when I'm looking at something like this. All I'm concerned about is where are all the Pascals?

Look, there's one right there!

And if it makes it any easier, there he is again but in a clearer picture that Howard took, haha.

Okay, let's go and get creeped out! The only reason we continue to ride this is because of the photography opportunities. I also like to examine the mechanics of the ride itself because the Doom Buggies are some of my favorite ride vehicles. Other than that, I am actually rather frightened by Haunted Mansion! There was a time I used to ride while squinting my eyes. Now I can keep them wide open as long as I'm searching for more of the technical aspects of the ride. I can't help it; I don't like horror movies or anything to do with ghosts and such!

It doesn't seem threatening from the outside when it's bright especially with the serene view of Tom Sawyer Island across the water.

But I guess when you're in Disney, it's absolutely normal to pass by a headstone and the location of a dead man and think, "Yay, fun!"

Personally, I don't think this fish is any fun though.

Howard has a bunch of pictures on rotation for his desktop, and when this one pops up, I get really freaked out. I mean, look at that face! If there was a possibility that fish could look this way in real life, I don't think people would be so willing to buy goldfish for their kiddies.

Instead of buying fish for your kids, take them on vacation where they can hang around Captain Culpepper Clyne.

In the past, we've taken the time to play with the books and the musical instruments. We've even stood around to play that riddle game. We have never hung around the Captain. I didn't think you could actually do anything with it even though I've noticed the wet ground surrounding the bathtub. I thought bubbles came out of it every once in a while, but since Howard was taking the time to snap photos of the creepy fish, I just casually put my finger on one of the holes of the tub to see if bubbles came out of it. When I did that, water shot out at me from a different hole!

I yelped in surprise as it got the sleeve of my hoodie wet. The other people around us in line laughed along with me and pointed out what the tub could do. I'm sure I'm not the only one who didn't know that something could be done in this area!

It's a good thing that the holes don't shoot out brine! Can you imagine if that were the case? I would smell like a pickle all day.

We also took the time to search for the ring. I thought I had found it years ago before they changed the entire queue, but it was after the ride's exit. Am I recalling correctly? Did it used to be there? Now it's in the graveyard queue near the Captain, right behind a garbage can.

You gotta love details like that! I especially love showing these things to those who don't know the parks very well because it'd be very rare to stumble across these things by accident.

Culpepper's shoe! I just saw Danielle (danimaroo) posted a picture of his shoe from the other angle just this morning!

As we moved into the dead center of the elevator, I scooted in closer to Howard. We always go under the ballerina since that's where the door is to the loading room. I've seen DISers dress up as the ballerina and the man in the boxers. I've never seen anyone dress as this lady. In my opinion, she's not as recognizable as the other characters in the paintings.

When we climbed into our buggy, I went in first as usual. I try to stay away from the bride in the attic. The only time that I sat on the left side was during our trip with our friends and cousins. I will do anything to protect my younger cousin, Nikki, so I took the side that's way too exposed for my comfort. When I'm with my husband, I can feel a little safer on this rather terrifying ride. I can't imagine being forced to go on this if I were a kid!

Madame Leota's hair is rather outrageous!

She's also a bit too pale. Maybe she's hypoglycemic and is lacking in sugar. Someone should get her a Dole Whip.

Either that or she has to take some advice from the old lady in the ballroom and take a rest despite the craziness around her.

Every time we enter the graveyard, I hope that the heads pop up from behind the tombstones for the car in front of us since it's pretty much every other buggy. So far, we've been pretty lucky! The first time it happened that I remember was when I was in junior high. When a face like this popped up, I jumped! It could be the cutest teddy bear popping out, and I would jump. I just don't like surprises like that, and it makes my heart race. Years ago, I had a student hide in my classroom and pop out from behind the wall as I entered the classroom. He wasn't supposed to be in there without my permission, so it was definitely a surprise when he appeared and yelled, "Surprise!" He got in trouble because of that, haha. I can't get these ghosts in trouble for surprising me though; I can only do that squinted eye thing until I know we're safe.

How uncomfortable must it be to forever be the singing bust that's off the pedestal?

In one of my trips with my family years ago, we got stuck right before the exit. We listened to the little bride saying, "Hurry back" over and over again. My younger brother was creeped out by it, but instead of admitting his fear, he said that it was annoying having to hear it incessantly repeated.

It was about time that we stopped creeping ourselves out though! It was time to do something more life-affirming ... like EAT!
Ahhh, more great photos!! We'll be there next week, and seeing these is making me even more excited than I already am!! :thumbsup2

And, I totally agree...part of the reason we love WDW is that we really do feel like it's an escape from reality, and it's so fun to get caught up in all the details and feel like you are far, far away from the stresses of every day life! :goodvibes


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