"...we'll do it live!"

I can't believe I didn't find this TR until now. Just finished it. Thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait for more.
I've been a bad, bad DISser.

I've been busy, but not too busy to keep up on this TR. I've been very selfish lately due to some craziness that's going on in my life, but I really want this TR to be finished and I'm going to recommit to it now.

And, God willing, I will find a car to buy very soon because searching for used cars is seriously, SERIOUSLY taking up all my free time. I'm also preparing for a CE class I'm teaching in the spring, and working on recovering from a breakup that was a little too close to a divorce for me.

I need this outlet, and I need a good reminder of the great times! So I'm restarting without delay and am going to push through to the end if it kills me! :lmao:

So without further ado....
When I left off oh-so-long-ago, Ma and I had just eaten dinner and were heading back to the room to sleep it off before HS.

But we just couldn't do it. Instead, we managed to run across DTD and in a sudden decision headed over unexpectedly. Ma had never been there before and was completely entranced; I was kind of gaga over it too; I'd last been when me and ex-dbf went back in 2010, and he hadn't been impressed at all. But with the lights sparkling in the trees and all the shops, she and I were in heaven tonight. We ended up in Basin, where we split the cost on two scrubs. Then we headed over to WoD for a bit and did a little more shopping. THEN, it was time to head to HS!

We did decide to drop the car off and take the boat so we could relax. We dropped our stuff off in the room and I got mom some moleskin for her blisters (and stretched our legs again!), and we grabbed the boat to HS.

We headed into the park. Mom's legs were really starting to hurt her and to be honest I was starting to get a little snippy. I wish we'd have been able to take that nap, but it was definitely too late now.

First place we headed was ToT!


The detail is so amazing in this queue; I could just stay there all day.


When I was in high school, we went to UDA dance championships in February 1995, which were hosted by WDW. We performed at HS. I remember standing in line with my friends at ToT very clearly (who knows why) and we were in the overflow line way over on the left-hand-side area. I have never seen it that busy again; maybe because of FP? I don't know, but we were definitely there in the "off" season - but I guess it had only been open a few months at that time, so that could have been the reason to.


RRP! Here's a closer look:


Mom's in the STL shirt in the front row, and I'm in the black. Love this pic; should have bought it!

We loved our ride, and when we got off I asked mom if she wanted to try RNRC. A little backstory: I typically don't like to ride this because of the restraints. I get a little claustrophobic in it. But this trip I'd been doing GREAT with all those little problems that typcially caused me to pause, and I figured if mom said yes, I'd ride with her. Who knew when we'd be back?

She did want to ride; she'd never been on it before. I was game, so we headed over.


My mom's an Aerosmith fan (me too, actually!), so she enjoyed the preshow.


I definitely think this is a great queue overall. I love going into the "fenced off" area and watching the coasters launch!

Mom's verdict? SHE LOVED IT. She couldn't believe we hadn't ridden before, and said it was one of her favorite rides.

I love my mom. :)

It was only about seven p.m, and we wanted another swing on TSMM. We didn't plan on coming back to HS before mom went home tomorrow (and I'd be moving to OKW as well, btw, after taking her to the airport). We headed over and took a wild ride; I won (of course). After all, I'm the gameplayer in this family, I SHOULD win! And no, I love her but I ain't letting her just WIN. What kind of daughter would I be if I didn't encourage her to be her best?!


Once we got off of TSMM, Ma said she was done. The pain in her knees was just too bad, and her blisters were hurting her. I suggested we jump in the boat to head back to the hotel for an early night.

We were starving. When we "landed" at HS, we decided mom would head to the room and I'd go over to the BC for some food. I'd checked my phone on the way back and seen there was a QS (or something passing for a QS) over there, so she put in her order and off I went.

But first, I was stopped by this:


I had to stop and watch for awhile.



Then I went for food. It took me quite awhile to find the place and to get back to the room. They didn't have exactly what Ma wanted, and I knew she was hungry, but I did what I could. Their sandwiches were VERY GOOD if you ask me.

I headed back as quickly as possible. We spent awhile packing; I'd be taking Ma to the airport the next afternoon. She went to sleep, and I enjoyed the quiet (with Stacy in the background) as I finished my packing and got ready for moving to OKW the next day. I wasn't ready to leave, and moving meant my trip was starting to wind down; I only had three more nights at WDW.
Today was going to be the fullest day of my entire trip - including yesterday's massive MK marathon and Monday's Segway tour and day at SAB. I can't believe how much was done on this day; I slept like a ROCK at OKW this night. But first things first:


What a sad sight that is. :( Checking out of YC was so sad, especially since it meant ma was leaving that day, but it was also exciting knowing that the day was going to be so much fun! First up? AK!

We had a very serious talk this morning, and I insisted that we were getting mom a wheelchair today. No, not to bypass lines (which we didn't do one time, by the way), but because she was in very, very bad pain. She stands all day at work, and I was afraid that she wouldn't be ok to work the next day. So yes, I committed to pushing my mother all day in a wheelchair. Did I mention it was in the 90s? Did I mention I'm 120 lbs? No? Ok, well I guess I have now.

Regardless, I was determined that she enjoy today as much as me, and I got her to agree to the wheelchair and we checked out of YC.

I had to stop for these first:




YC was so ****ing lovely. (<---- yes, this is the f-word. Because the YC is ****ing lovely.)


We headed out into the heat; our bags were safely stored in bell services, and we were off to AK! We had plans to ride Dinosaur, EE, and possibly the safari again. We also might try to catch ITTBAB.



First off? A stop for the wheelchair. Within minutes, I knew I was in for it. I was definitely working them muscles; but it had to be done so I just kept telling mom I was 100% fine and drinking as much water as I could since I was sweating as though I was my own personal Florida rainshower. It was worth it though; I'm so glad she agreed to be pushed around. lol!

A rerun of:


I really enjoyed this ride this trip! And I can guarantee all you people who think differently that we weren't given any kind of special consideration with the wheelchair - we actually parked it outside for this ride and ma walked in.


Next up?


Ugh, sorry about the thumb. We rode EE!

In this queue, we were able to take the wheelchair right into the line. It got a little tricky, but we were there early enough that there really wasn't anyone in line and we made it right on through.


Oh no! No track! What will we do!!?

Love this ride.

With the crowds in AK, we decided to jump ship and head to the cumulative favorite park, Epcot! We couldn't take the WC out, so we traded it in for a slip that would get us another WC for FREE at Epcot, and we headed out.

Hm, we could be ANYWHERE:


Wait a minute!


I know where we are!!!!

We took our time walking and tramming in, and I got some good pictures.



This area makes up some of the most vivid memories I have as a very small child.


I remember this area very very clearly - even from the second year Epcot was open. I was very young, but for some reason it stuck with me. It's very familiar and beloved.

We headed in to the WC area, presented our ticket from AK, and got a new chair. It seemed heavier to me, ugh! However, we were having a great time and I wasn't complaining. Plus the WC was holding my purse and water, so that was nice.

We decided to go look around WS while time ran out on mom's trip. We (OF COURSE) were going to Mexico first to take a spin with my favorite poultry!



We went on the Mexico ride and then made it to Norway and rode our first go-round with the Norway ride, Maelstrom!


You know, I really enjoy this ride. I hadn't ridden it in a long time before my January trip, but I did enjoy it on my trips after that one!



We looked at the clock. Sadly, it was time to get out of the park and take mom to the airport. We figured we had enough time for one more spin on the Mexico ride.


And the time had come for ma to leave. We built in shopping time, so we headed to Mousegears (of course). We did some shopping, and then we turned in her WC and slowly worked our way back to the tram.



Aw, bye Epcot. For mom. Because I'd be back this trip; she just wouldn't be! :)

We went back to YC to pick up all our luggage. YES, WE DID TIP. GENEROUSLY, I MIGHT ADD. :-)rotfl:)

And then we were in route to the airport. I was sad to see ma go, since I felt like we still had plenty of time we needed to be WDW-ing. But what can you do? She had to work the next day, so I HAD to take her.

On the way, we had a storm the likes of which I haven't seen in many years. The rain was pounding, and the wind was blowing our little rental car all over the road. To top it off, there was quite a bit of traffic at the same time. It really was a harrowing journey, and I almost pulled off the road a few times. It managed to pour down sheets of rain all the way until the exit for the airport, at which time, it pretty much stopped. :scared:

I dropped her off with hugs and MAYBE a few tears. And then I was heading back towards OKW in hopes of a ready room. Once at the airport, I got a text from my old friend D* (*names have been changed to protect the innocent). He was currently a CM at WDW, and I was meeting him and another old friend from a theme-park-that-shall-not-be-named that night at MK. I hadn't been at a WDW park with friends since I was a teen, so I was very much looking forward to it!

I headed back to OKW. Stupid GPS got me lost for the third or fourth time. I resolved not to ever trust it again.

My room was ready at OKW, which was good because I was rarin' to get out to another park!



i couldn't believe how big the rooms were at OKW. The studio was MASSIVE, probably one of the biggest hotel rooms I've ever had. I rented points from one of our fine DISboards members. I'm not mentioning names because it wasn't cleared with him, but it was a great, smooth transacation and I would stay at OKW again.





I couldn't have been any happier with my room.

I got a text from D saying they were at MK, so I gathered myself and decided to take my car out.

But here's where I break those DISser rules. I thought I'd just try going to the Contemporary and see if they'd let me park there. I figured if they asked, I would just say that I wanted to eat at the CR and go to the park (and then I would eat at the CR and go to MK). I really didn't want to be at the mercy of the monorail, since it was so prone to breakdowns, and I didn't want to wait for a boat. I was impatient and thought I'd try and see what happened.

I pulled up to the CR guard shack and started to roll my window down. The guard held her hand up in the shape I'd become accustomed to at YC - the "room key" shape. I took out my room key and held it out and started to prepare my spiel about wanting to go to MK - but before I could speak, she raised the gate and waved me through.

I drove in, very surprised. I wasn't expecting that. I thought I would have to discuss it, at least, but she'd just waved me in. I drove around the parking lot for a bit, and settled on a spot that was pretty much across from the guard shack (there were probably dozens of empty spots, btw, and this at around 6:30 p.m., so don't get TOO offended). I got out and locked my car, and then, feeling a bit guilty, I headed to MK.


I texted D on the way in and found that they were on Main Street. Now I was getting nervous; hadn't seen these old friends in years since they'd moved from the theme-park-that-shall-not-be-named to WDW. But I was here now; my decision was made for me.
*warning: few pictures ahead*

I walked past the buses and to the entrance, then into the park through the left-hand entrance. Yes, I DO remember all of this.

I was texting D the whole time, figuring out where they were. He said they were on Main Street shopping near Casey's, so I headed off in search of my old friends.

As I was strolling down a busy Main Street, I happened to glance over and see my old friend M! It was so odd to see him so far from home, and he looked surprised to see me too! Isn't it odd to run into people you never knew TOO too well, far from home?

I texted D to say I was outside with M, and he appeared. It was so unusual to be with everyone! D's two sisters were in town; one of them had also worked with us at the theme-park-that-shall-not-be-named. I felt great to be part of a group of people closer to my age, in my favorite park on earth!

We went and rode a few rides. This was the real test of my stomach and the recent meds and diet change I was on. Everything went 100%, with flying colors! After hitting a few rides, I excused myself - I've heard you "can't miss" the Jungle Cruise after dark, and I couldn't remember having ever ridden it at that time of day. They wanted to head elsewhere, so I said goodbye and "see ya real soon" (as we might meet up the next day) and headed off on my own.

I DID like JC after dark, and after that I couldn't help but stop for another Dole Whip. mmmmm dole whip.

After THAT, I thought "I'm all alone in MK with nowhere to be - where should I go?" The answer was obvious - the Wedway!


While on the walkway heading up, I heard my name being shouted. I looked around in surprise, and there were my friends coming off the ride! Again, so weird! I waved to them but there was no chance of backing away - once you've committed to the TTA, you're committed. But I enjoyed my ride very very much, and afterwards I looked at the clock. It was 9:30, and I was planning an EMH at MK the very next morning, so I needed to head back to OKW and get my sleep on.

I WAS EXHAUSTED by this point. Today alone I had:

1) Hit early morning at AK, and pushed my ma in a wheelchair through the hills of AK!
2) Hit Epcot with my ma, and pushed her almost all the way around the WS in the wheelchair.
3) Taken ma to the airport in a serious downpour.
4) Checked into OKW.
5) Met some old friends.
6) Had a dole whip.

Seriously busy day!

I made my way to CR to pick up my car and headed "home". Once at OKW, I shamelessly went to the gift shop and picked up a lean cuisine or a smart one, some prepackaged meal, and went back to the room.

I dined (poorly, I will add) and then went to bed. I had another big day tomorrow - solo - and I was determined to make it a full one! I headed home the day after next, after all!
As an aside, I arrived at my mailbox a few days ago and saw this:


ooh ooooh gimme! gimme! What could it be????

Ah yes, it's probably my pin!

Oh boy!


It WAS! It WAS my new pin! :cloud9: :goodvibes :thumbsup2 :flower3: :hug:

The middle part spins, btw.

I am not a huge pin trader, or pin collector. My pins are few, and they (almost) all are very very specific to ME.

Here are my pins:


This box used to hold something very near and dear to my heart with my ex, but it's been repurposed and now holds something just near and dear.

I'm not going to go into very long stories, but let me tell you a bit about each.

The long HM ones are a fluke - but a good one. When Mom and I went last October (she hadn't been in many years; TR in my signature), she insisted, INSISTED in buying me the Minnie-over-the-alligator one. I actually put it down and without seeing it she picked it up and bought it for me.

Not sure if I've mentioned how awesome my mom is. Let me take a moment here: my ma is awesome.

Moving on: on this trip, we went to the outlet mall and what do you know? The other two on this pin board were there! And CHEAP! I bought them both, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE HM.

I bought the HM and SM pins when I was at Disney with ex-DBF. It was his first trip, and I hadn't been at WDW in 10 years! I had dealt with a major illness, major stress, and unbelievable odds and had been the victor; taking him was icing on the cake. Me and my beau at the parks! I was super happy. And those pins all have specific meanings; I remember buying each one, with him nearby. We broke up about 6 months ago after 4 years together, but we remain friends as of now and these memories are still special.

Finally, the Snow White pin was bought when I was with ma, in the same shopping trip that I bought the ToT pin. I couldn't pass up the Snow White pin, since I knew that within months SWSA would be closing. I actually chose it over the Minnie HM pin, which mom picked up and bought without me knowing.

Finally, I bought the WDW castle pin on my last trip, along with receiving the old Segway pin.

Talking about this stuff makes me horribly nostalgic. Can I ask you to go watch this? http://vimeo.com/41954658 This is what I want, 100% (it's a DL proposal, but it's unbelievably done). That love and dedication is what I strive for - and I recommend watching, it's so so very wonderful. I couldn't love it any more and couldn't end on anything less. <3
Now that ma was gone and I was solo again, I wanted to head over to MK and do a bunch of stuff she and I hadn't done. There was an EMH this morning, so it was the perfect time to hit the park while it was dead so early! I'm an EMH convert; I like to be there at opening now.

I decided to try parking at the CR again. Yes, yes, I know.

This morning, however, they didn't even blink. I pulled up and showed my room key and they let me right in. I parked over in an empty corner and got on my way.


The best walk on property (if you ask me).


I never see this out anymore, I would really like to take a spin some day.


I love the crowds in the EMH 8 o'clock hour!


I headed for Fantasyland.


And while there, I (of course) rode Peter Pan. Then I thought it would be great if HM was open, so I kept walking through and went to the Mansion.


Is there much that's better than an a.m. ride on HM? Really?

I headed for SM and BTMRR; SM was (again!!) down, so I got in line for BTMRR.


BTMRR has one of my favorite queues. I'm not sure why; I think it's got something to do with how much I loved this ride as a child.

Ride that puppy!


Look at these crowds? Why do so many sleep in? I guess I get it - but I don't get it. You sleep in on a beach vacation, or maybe once or twice in your 7-day WDW vaca, but....


Now, for a ride I hadn't ridden in years. I don't know what compelled me to go over and take a spin on the CoP, but I'm so glad I did. I have not been on this ride since I was 14 (two decades ago!!!). There were only four other people on this show with me the first time.


They're gonna shut us in here! Ack!


Wow, the nostalgia! I was almost in tears as I watched the show and remembered riding as a little girl and LOVING this show. As an adult, I vowed to never pass it up again and ended up taking a lot of video and pictures later on (without flash, of course).


I loved this. And of course, since I was so close, I had to take a spin on the TTA. And when I saw how short the line was on Space, I had to do that too.

So then I started wondering what I wanted to do. Some nice people saw me trying to take my own picture in front of the castle,so they snapped one for me


I thought I'd head to Epcot - but first, ANOTHER ride I hadn't ridden since I was a teenager was calling my name. That ride?


It was now only 10:20 a.m. and I'd ridden PP, HM, BTMRR, CoP, TTA, Space, and was standing in line for the teacups. What a productive morning!


After the teacups, I browsed a little in the stores, grabbed some cotton candy (OMGYUM I don't eat much sugar in my day to day life and I was on sugar OVERLOAD this trip), and headed for the CR again.


I was at my car at 10:45; it was time to head to the next park!
It was time to get on with the rest of my day. I decided to go park at Epcot and jump on the boat to HS. I was planning on ending the day at Epcot, so I wanted to have my car parked there at the end of the night.



Crowds were so low, I think September and October will be my go-to dates in the future.


I headed over to HS; my friend I'd seen the night before was there with his visiting family members, so we tried to meet up several times (it didn't end up happening).

I rode TSMM, then walked around looking at different artwork. I ended up outside this store, just relaxing and trying to text to meet up. They were in line for Ellen, so I knew it would be awhile - I decided to stick with my new plan of new rides, so I headed to Star Tours.

I have never been on this; just not a huge Star Wars fan and know little about the movies. I know, I know.

So I headed in. Very nicely done!


I got near the front and met up with the queue sorter. "It's my first time riding so put me somewhere good!" I told her. She directed me to the third row, all the way across from the door.


I was a little nervous, since I haven't been in one of these simulator things in a long time. I mean "I was a little nervous because I haven't been on a flight to outer space in a long time." Sorry about that slip.

I boarded and walked to my seat, still nervous. And what do you know - I ended up being the rebel spy! And I really liked the ride; I will ride it again.

Now I was tired. I headed back to Epcot but decided against leaving. Instead, I figured I'd walk the WS. I ran out to my car first to change shoes, and caught this beautiful sight on the way in:


Epcot couldn't have been more beautiful. I stopped for a gorgeous nighttime panoramic, though I fear you can't see it in all its splendor:


I spent hours just wandering through the WS. Once I made it to France from Mexico, I was completely beat. I decided the time had come to say goodbye; I wouldn't be back to Epcot this trip. I moved my aching feet out the front gate and headed back to OKW. I was so exhausted I actually bought something to eat in their little store!


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