Well, if she can, I can too countdown thread!

The bank statemnet I have been waiting on just turned up in the mail :laughing: So looks like I will be doing my tax return as well as packing bags tonight!!!
Two boys pretty much packed!! One let me do it, its all nicely organised.

The other insisted he do it himself and literally pulled stuff out of his drawer and chucked it in a suitcase - he wont let me put it in any sort of rational order - I will go and fold everything and put it in nicely later , but I expect this is how he plans on living for the next three weeks, I am wasting energy trying to fight it - just zip it up and i wont see!!!! :rotfl:

DH is mowing the lawn- dont know what is for dinner -

Dog has gone to Nans,
Fish is at a friends
Mouse is at a friends, we might conveniently forget to pick that stinky thing up!!
Yabby will be OK - he never eats
Toenails are pretty enough to see daylight again

:eek: id be forgetting to pick that mouse up as well there is only 1 mouse ok 2 allowed in my house and that would be ::MickeyMo::MinnieMo:rotfl2:

party: Have a great flight and a wonderful time away with your family making a lifetime of memories pixiedust:
battymum have a wonderful trip. Relax and enjoy every minute. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures.
tax return is done!!

Bags are packed!

DH is doing his now -

House is an absolute mess - I am kicking them all out early so I can clean up!

They will be sitting on their suitcases in the driveway from 7:00am :rotfl::rotfl:
Enjoy it Batty - I still can't believe that it's real!!

Safe travels until I see you at the Whispering Canyon Cafe next Wednesday night!!!! Amazing!! :cloud9:
Oh yes ! Will send you some ketchup! :rotfl:

I hope you have a safe and uneventful flight, - think of the peasants up the back!! Actually my DD has plans to befriend someone in PE and ask them to charge her ipod:rotfl: They have usb slots up there!:rotfl:

Have a wonderful time in NYC, take care of the Doubletree for me !!

I cant believe you have only 3 half full suitcases - mine are stuffed, will definitely have to buy more bags if we do any shopping!!

And, relax!!!

(actually, I would have been a lot less stressed today, if I didnt have 15 people telling me not to stress!!)

Looking forward to ketchup!!

Don't you worry - I always think about the peasants, and I may just give one of them a cheers with my champagne as they board and continue to walk straight past me!!! :rotfl: My DH is excited about the USB slots in PE too - I should befriend somebody in business class and see what I can get!!

As for our gorgeous DoubleTree - just you wait - it's heaven! :cloud9: Those amazing beds are calling me!! OK - I just heard the second beer open downstairs and he's watching the Footy Show - he's finally relaxed!!

Love from the Shire - see you in the wilderness!!! :flower3:
I'd forget the mouse too! Perhaps something can be arranged whilst you're gone??? Just sayin.

Safe travels, be good, and have lots of fun.
Have a wonderful time. As I hang out my :laundy: I sit green with envy of you at the airport waiting for a fabulous adventure. Safe travels and can't wait to hear about it on your return.
I cant believe the time has come! I hope you have a safe and uneventful flight. Have a fantastic time!! Can't wait to hear about it all! :wave2:
Hey Battymum - you would have left already, so I'm hoping you had a good safe flight. Happy travels, can't wait to hear how you're going.
Hey, i aam waiting in mco airport for our flght to nyc,, using an ipad, which i suck at so forgive the spelling, i wrote out a huge post last week, took me bout n hour and then deleted it accidentally, so will have all the details when i can use a keyboard. But we have had an amzing fortnight disney was awesome and freedom of the seas is just amazing. Will update in detail later, standby!:banana:


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