We're home and planning the next one!!

I can't exactly remember, but it was about $90 - that's 3 adults and 1 child. If you do decide to go, just book as soon as you can - that second row table made the night perfect. :wizard:
Wow - I too was umming and aaring about the dessert party- I might book us in now - do you mind if I ask of the cost? Thanks

It is an experience and I quite enjoyed the sanity of having desserts and coffee without having to crazy queue for a prime spot outside.

There view isn't dead centre with the castle and if you're after photographs, there are better spots than here. But if you're happy to enjoy the 10 minutes of pushing and shoving for the sweets, you'll enjoy the space come fireworks time.
HASH HOUSE A GO GO: Have you ever watch Man Vs Food on Foxtel? It's a great show hosted by a guy called Adam Richman who eats his way around America - we love that show AND Adam, so when he went to the Hash House A Go Go in Las Vegas a few years ago, I put it into my brain file of places that we would eat at one day.

Despite being in Vegas in 2011, we didn't have enough time to eat there (and a friend of mine who ate there 3 times on his trip to Vegas said "you're dead to me" when I told him that we didn't have time to go!! People tend to form a very strong bond with this place!!

I had read that there was one on I-Drive, and we had seen it a couple of times while zooming along - so I figured that it was time to try it out. Their description of their food is "twisted farm food" - my translation is: completely fantastic!!

There were plenty of tables (we were there early) and we had a great waiter who was excited to have Australians to look after - he said that he is planning on spending 9 months here in 3 years time, so he picked our brains a little - great guy.

The food is crazy - I have never seen such huge portions, we decided against entrees since we knew that there would be so much to eat with just main courses. The plates are as big as I would use for a serving platter here at home - that waiter needed muscles just to carry them. DH had a steak that took up half the plate, DS had spaghetti (not really farm food - but definitely DS food), DD had chicken strips and I had chicken and waffles. I had read about this meal, and it was even recommended by one of my favourite TV stars…..

…..in the entrance there are framed pictures on the walls of stars that have been there with their signatures and comments - and there was Mr. Sexy Survivor, Jeff Probst (I would happily get marooned on an island if Jeff was going to be there!), and on his photo he had written "best chicken and waffles EVER"…..so of course, my dinner choice was made before I had even sat down!!

There is a basket of biscuits brought out - savoury scones that are HUUUUUGE, and so yummy, and I had another Bloody Mary that was amazing - now my grandparents had a farm, but I don't remember Bloody Mary's being served!!!

I ate what I could - everything was delicious - but there was just so much food!! After a lovely dinner (too full for dessert), we rolled out and looked at more pictures in the entrance, where the girl showed us the One Direction photo. It was on the desk because it had fallen off the wall the day before - DD was horrified - but glad that her precious Louis was OK after his dive from the top row of photos!!

We loved Hash House A Go Go, and I love saying it too - this was another amazing meal, and if you have a car and are in the mood to head up International Drive, I definitely recommend it….a must do!!
WHY I SAY "MUST DO": I realised that some of you may not know why I write must do at the end of posts about things that I think are a must do!! The one word reason is - Stacey.

This woman / tornado is who you see EVERY time you turn on your TV if you are staying at a WDW resort. No matter which channel the TV is on when you turn it off, there is the Stacey channel waiting for you when you turn it back on!!

I don't have to explain Stacey to most of you, and she is probably all over YouTube if you haven't been to WDW, but I have a couple of observations (I have spent 25 nights watching her over the past 20 months!)

Stacey hosts the "MUST-DO Disney" infomercial that's on a constant loop on your TV. "All of the must do's that you must do in WDW". She is wholesome, she is lovely, she is young and she is beyond enthusiastic, she runs around the parks smiling and leaping and screaming her way through every ride - her happiness is contagious and she looks great in a swimming costume - she's perfect....

...but - just one thing....

Who dressed Stacey?? Ugh, how is it possible that such a gorgeous girl with a great body ended up in such a super daggy outfit? I loved watching her, but every time the show came back to her 'in the studio', I cringed at the sight of her ugly, nightmare in eggplant outfit. Somebody get her into a pair of jeans and a pretty top with a pair of wedges and be done with it!!

Then I could get back to enjoying Stacey and her mad comments..."you can fit the whole family in that puppy!!" (Teamboat Springs).
SUPER WALMART: So, when you're relaxing in the princess room after early morning hours at Epcot, you've been thrown all over the place on rides, you've been on a hang glider over California and you've had a swim because it's sizzling hot - there is nothing that you want to hear your DH say more than "do you want to go to Walmart"?

With much excitement (from me - not from the kids, or even DH!), we jumped into our giant car and were on our way. I was looking forward to checking out the makeup/hair product section, and we needed some birthday cards for DH. Plus - if any of you have ever been to the www.peopleofwalmart.com website, you will understand why I wanted to see it for myself!!

Now - this was not just any Walmart, it was SUPER Walmart!! The buidling is HUGE, the car park goes for miles, and as you walk through the doors there is a section where you can grab one of those zoomy sit on scooter things that you see all over WDW. Sit while you shop!!

The place opens up in front of you and you can barely see the back wall - before you even enter the main shopping part, there are a whole bunch of separate "shops" at the front. All part of Walmart, and all ready to make this a one-stop experience. Walmart insurance office, Walmart hair salon, Walmart pharmacy, Walmart 1 hour photos and Walmart glasses. All of this PLUS a Subway, so you can eat lunch and not stop shopping!!

There is a giant grocery section, a clothing section, garden, tyres, fruit & veg, deli, meat, heaps of Disney stuff - everything!! We had a wander in the groceries - there is a cereal AISLE, they had a really big English food section which DH was impressed with, and their prices are amazing - $2 for a GIANT container of milk.

We headed to the back of the store, where, just past the suitcases and X-Boxes, they have the gun section.....yep - machine guns, pistols - what do you need? Lots of ammo too, so you never need to worry about running out!! This place is open 24 hours a day - so you can pop in and grab some baby formula and an M-16!!! ( :offtopic: Yes - I was horrified, I have a big love for America, but there are some things that happen there that make no sense to me. Also, we had seen what turned out to be a fatal car accident on the way to Walmart and it had shaken us up, so I was in a bit of a 'life is precious' mood.....stepping down from my high horse now).

DH took the kids to the Subway while I spent some time in my happy place - the makeup section!!! I can't believe the prices that we have to pay here!! I am not a makeup snob - I like bargain things as well as the glamorous stuff that you find at Sephora, there were things like Maybelline Great Lash mascara - a staple for me at about $17 from Big W - at Walmart it was $4.44!!! I threw lots of things into a basket and along with some birthday cards for DH and a couple of groceries, we had spent a grand total of $60!! Woohooo!!!

The lady at the check-out (one of about 50 check-outs) told us that the Brazilian tourists come and buy suitcases full of makeup and baby clothes, I can see why, the prices were fantastic!

So, we shopped, fed the kids and still came out with money in our pockets! Walmart is an experience that I am really glad I got to have, it is the absolute definition of the phrase "everything under one roof"! Loved it - again, if you have a car - it's a must do!!
MINI GOLF: My DH has always liked golf, but recently he and one of his friends have decided that they LOVE golf. This love of golf had 2 distinct affects on our holiday. One was that he decided to buy every golf shirt that Nike or Adidas make, and the second is that we all got to play mini golf at WDW!!

We had added to water park option to our tickets, and this also entitles you to play golf at any of the courses in WDW. Having the car was great for this, as it meant that we could just jump in and head off for some 'family fun'!!

We played at the Winter Summerland course next to Blizzard Beach - they have 2 courses there, a winter/Christmas themed one and a summer/beach themed one. We arrived just after a HUGE downpour and got straight onto a course. DD chose the winter theme and off we went. Mini golf can be so funny when you're playing with 2 competitive males (who were both useless!), and the maddest things happen like your DD8 gets a hole in one, while your DH is still out there on his 5th putt!! We laughed and laughed (I LOVE WDW!!!), it was a beautiful place, of course the theming is amazing, and the staff in the little 'house' at the entrance were so lovely. One of the men there gave DD a special golf ball as we left since she had beaten all of us!! Yes, 2 adults and the sportiest teenage boy ever were beaten by an 8 year old in a Minnie Mouse bow and ears headband!!!

Fantasia mini golf is near the entrance to the Boardwalk, and we decided to pop over there on the day before DH's birthday.

We stayed for 13 nights, and DH's birthday was on our last full day at WDW, so he'd had his birthday badge sitting on the table in our room for 11 days. He really didn't want to wear it - but on the day before his birthday, I did some pretty serious begging and he agreed to wear it. I have never heard so many "happy birthdays" EVER!!!!

As we walked up to the counter of Fantasia golf, the lovely CM spotted DH coming and called out "happy birthday Paul" - it was hilarious, he was bombarded all day - talk about being put in the mood for a great birthday - he didn't have a choice but to be HAPPY, hahahaha!!

There are 2 courses at Fantasia, one is themed like the movie (gorgeous) and the other is 18 holes of just putting - no theme, just gorgeous green hills and dales. This is a more adult course and there were some pretty competitive people on that one - it was funny to hear the cheers and groans coming from that side!!

We sat under the umbrellas at Fantasia with a cold drink while we waited the 20 minutes until it was our turn. There was a bit of a downpour while we were there, but the umbrellas did their job, and later on in the game there was another shower, but we were in the caves section, so we conveniently missed it!!

We had a great time at both of these courses - they are equally as lovely as each other. Obviously, the courses are beautifully maintained and the gardens around them are beautiful. So, if you feel like a few laughs at the expense of members of your family - get yourself to WDW mini-golf, it was family fun on steroids and we couldn't get enough of it!! Yes, it's another must do!!!
What a great way to putt the birthday celebration into perspective! Sounds like a fantastic must-do.
DH has now stated that visiting a Walmart (preferably a super one as we have only been in a relatively teensy one once) is on the list next trip..he'd love it! (I'll just people watch ;) )
DH has now stated that visiting a Walmart (preferably a super one as we have only been in a relatively teensy one once) is on the list next trip..he'd love it! (I'll just people watch ;) )

I love Walmart :)

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CRYSTAL PALACE: We ate here for breakfast in 2011, we had an early ADR and got to go into the Magic Kingdom before opening and get our photos on Main Street with almost nobody around - fabulous.

DH's birthday was on our last full day in WDW, so of course we were heading to the Magic Kingdom. I asked him months earlier what he wanted to eat on that day - he said Crystal Palace for breakfast and T-Rex for dinner - so I made an ADR at Crystal Palace for 9.30am - this made for a slightly later wake up and we also had time to give DH his birthday cards.

While I was doing all of my planning I had also realised that DH's birthday was Gay Days at the Magic Kingdom, this is no problem for us, but when we were playing mini golf the day before, there had been a light plane circling overhead with a big banner coming from the back of it. It said "WARNING: 6/1 GAY DAYS AT DISNEY", and there was also one with the same thing written in Spanish. I was amazed - that plane would have been shot down here in Sydney. Gay Days had been on all week, with each park being assigned an "official" Gay Days day. This day at the Magic Kingdom was the only day that we would be in a park on the same day that it was the official Gay Days park, but we had no problems with it and were very much looking forward to our day.

We arrived at about 9am and walked straight into the MK, and it was surprisingly quiet. We hit some rides quickly - nothing like a bit of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad before breakfast!! This is the ride that we all LOVE - and it reminds me of being there in 1997 with my family and SCREAMING like a maniac all the way around. 3 generations of us have been on the "wildest ride in the wilderness", and it's probably the number one must do for us in all of WDW!!

It was almost empty, we couldn't believe how quiet it was - DH asked one of the CMs at BTMR why it was so quiet, and she said that it was because Star Wars weekend was on at Hollywood Studios - whatever the reason, it was fantastic - walk on rides everywhere.

Eventually we made our way to the GORGEOUS Crystal Palace for our breakfast. It was here that we started to see some crowds, most of them wearing the signature gay days red t-shirt. Let me tell you, if people decided not to come to the Magic Kingdom that day because of red t-shirt wearing people - then more fool them. I met some amazing people while in the line to check in at CP, and things were so much easier this day than any of our other days in the MK - low crowds, lovely people and lots of laughs - on a Saturday in June - fabulous!!

So, after a 5 minute wait, we were taken into the gorgeous Crystal Palace. We were seated over to the back at a window seat with a view of the gorgeous plants that make up some of the Jungle Cruise (I think this is what we were looking at - my map reading skills were rusty from relying on the GPS for the past week).

We had a lovely server, and just as we sat down, she took our drinks order and then told us to hang on for a minute because Eeyore was on his way. We had some pics and a cuddle with Eeyore and then hit the buffet - we were HUNGRY!!

This is a great place to eat - they have 2 sides to the large buffet, both sides have exactly the same thing on them, so the lines move pretty quickly. There was lots for everybody, eggs, bacon, made to order omelets, fruit and lots of pastries. They also have smoked salmon, cream cheese and bagels (my favourite) - so delicious. The kids ate the puffed French toast - it's just like a Donut King cinnamon donut without the hole - for breakfast!!!

The characters are lovely (Pooh Bear, Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger) and they stay for as long as you need them to, their personalities are all so different, and each one is perfect, and they made a fuss of DH and his birthday badge - the staff are great too, drinks were always topped up and the plates were cleared quickly, they also brought a birthday card signed by the characters to DH, they must have boxes of these out the back, but it was such a lovely touch - I love this place!! The funniest thing was when DH was at the buffet, 2 guys in red t-shirts came around the corner and gasped "ooooh carbs"!!!!!

So, there are many reasons to come to Crystal Palace for breakfast, if you book an early enough time you get an almost empty Main Street for your pictures, it is such a gorgeous building (and it's cool inside while outside is so humid), the characters and staff are so lovely, and the food is great. The other thing is that feeling of looking around and knowing that everybody else here has booked in advance and looked forward to this breakfast as much as you have. It's a great feeling to know that you stalked this reservation, booked it, and now your family are enjoying themselves because of your manic planning!!

We left full and happy and headed straight to the Carousel - a calm ride on a gorgeous horse after such a lovely breakfast - on your husband's birthday - I don't think that I can think of a more wonderful morning - A MUST DO!!!!!!!
T-REX CAFE - DOWNTOWN DISNEY: Firstly, the word 'cafe' makes me think of much different places than T-Rex, it's a restaurant set inside a volcano, with a giant gift shop, dinosaur dig (sand pit) out the front, huge aquarium, blue ice cave, scary ginormous octopus on the ceiling, dinosaurs on almost every surface, and half hourly meteor showers....so you can understand why I don't instantly think cafe when I come here!!

We ate at T-Rex twice during our 2011 holiday, once just us, and once with friends, and we had LOVED it. The theming and the screaming were fantastic, and I also have 2 T-Rex cocktail glasses taking up space in my kitchen cupboards - which I have never used, by the way!!

While planning this holiday, we all said that we wanted to come back to T-Rex, so I made 2 reservations. One for our first night in WDW - we could get the boat there from POR, perfect, and the second reservation was for our last night in WDW - DH's birthday. We were all set.

Well, we never did get there on our first night, the weather had other plans and there was a storm that had the rain going sideways - we stood at the doors of the lobby at POR and stared outside with our mouths open - nobody was going anywhere that night!! So we ended up eating at the Riverside Mill, and nobody let me forget that they had missed T-Rex. In fact, a few nights later while walking to our Raglan Road ADR, DH went to see if we could get into T-Rex instead - I was very happy to see a huge line, and DH came back with the news that we were not going to get in. Good - we had a ball at Raglan Road (just like I knew we would).

So now, on DH's birthday and our last night, we were finally heading to T-Rex. The boat to DTD had a zillion people in the line, so we headed to the front of the resort and were greeted by a DTD bus - perfect timing!!

We fought our way through the usual masses of people and checked in a T-Rex, we were asked to stand in a line and within about 3 minutes they were calling us "expedition of 4" let's go!!

We were seated in the ice cave, DD had wanted to sit here since we came last time, and it's fun - as long as you can handle everything being blue - everything!!

We ordered drinks and had the appetiser tower - these things always end up being so much more food than you think they will be, we were all pretty much full by the end of it!! We struggled our way through our mains - ribs, pulled pork, chicken - all delicious, and so - by the time it came to order dessert, we were too stuffed to even look at the menu! It was a shame, because I had wanted to get the chocolate lava cake thingy which comes with dry ice flowing down the sides as well as about 6 staff members who sing Happy Birthday and then growl at you - fantastic!! Oh well - I told DH that I had wanted to do that - and we all agreed that I was crazy and we were too full - it's the thought that counts!

We left and headed to the World of Disney shop - when is it not mayhem in here? It was lovely to look, but I had bought just about everything I needed to, I just had to make one more stop.....

We went past a dance party, where DD8 enjoyed doing the Harlem Shake and jumping around Gangnam Style, what a gorgeous place DTD is, it's full of things to do, or people to watch, and I would like to try all of the restaurants there - you need to add another 10 nights onto your holiday just to eat your way around DTD!!

We headed to our last stop before the bus - and the stop that I had been looking forward to most.....the Christmas shop. I love it in here, my family understand my need to buy at least one Christmas decoration everywhere we go (or buy something that I can later turn into a decoration), so they indulged me and let me wander. The only problem that I find is that there are a lot of things too fragile to bring home. I found a gorgeous (and unbreakable) bauble that had 2013 painted on it, as well as some other small things to squish into the suitcases! While we were there, a CM came up to DD and asked if she would like to help "trim the tree". Santa was busy in his workshop and needed it done, she was thrilled to join some other kids and decorate a tree in the window, and once it was all over, the CM wrote each child's name onto a certificate for them the take home, that and a lollipop made for a very happy young lady!!

We left and waited for our bus back to POR, it had been a gorgeous night at DTD, it was packed with people, but I can always see my family over everybodies heads anyway (perks of being tall), so it didn't phase us!! As for T-Rex, it's fun and LOUD, the cocktails are amazing and the food is pretty good. Not necessarily a must do - but definitely lots of fun if you have kids that can handle noise!! BUT - the DTD Christmas Shop - now THAT is a must do!!
Great updates. I am loving the way that almost all of your reviews are for places I have ADRs at.

That plane would have made me really angry. I can't stand bigoted attitudes like that.
I know, we were really shocked to see that plane - in 2 languages!! We joked about it afterwards wondering if the plane was actually owned by a gay person who just wanted all of the idiots to stay out of the Magic Kingdom.

Gay Days was actually the best day that we had in the MK - less crowds and lots of laughs. I am thrilled that Disney do Gay Days, everybody deserves to go to WDW and feel great and not be judged. :hug:
Love your views about the restaurants. I agree with you - CP is a must-do; T-Rex is not somewhere my family enjoys enough to be a must-do.


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