~~We're off to Neverland...Take 3~~

Whoho, glad to see ya back message me with the code for the photopass will ya? My boys got to sit in the co-pilot's seat.. how funny.. coincidences!
We are staying in the same hotel and for the same reasons. Glad it turned out great! Can't wait to hear more!
Whoho, glad to see ya back message me with the code for the photopass will ya? My boys got to sit in the co-pilot's seat.. how funny.. coincidences!

I have it at home and I will email you with it tonight when I get home. I'm unfortunately back at work today. BLAH BLAH :( IT was so hard to come back.
Whoho, glad to see ya back message me with the code for the photopass will ya? My boys got to sit in the co-pilot's seat.. how funny.. coincidences!

AND I see your boys got picked for Jedi too! Now what would be even funnier is if it was the same show :)
So day one we wanted to close the park since it was open until midnight but we just didn't make it. We made it to a little past 10 but I wanted to make sure we didn't get so run down that we regretted it the rest of the week. We ate dinner at Rancho Del Zocalo, one of my favorite places. DBF and I split the enchilada platter and I got Ayden a chicken nugget meal from Stagedoor.

Day TWO:

We woke up at 7, got showered and had breakfast at the hotel. Again, VERY nice breakfast compared to others. There was someone in there keeping things well stocked so we never worried that they'd run out like we did at Desert Inn two years ago.
Here are some pics of us waiting at the gate and the rope drop.



The crowd looks much worse than it was. We had very little wait time for anything until the weekend.

We went straight to Fantasyland and did everything there in about 45 minutes.







Chris helped Ayden mail a postcard to his class

We went on BTMRR more times than I can even count. Ayden was again nervous about this ride, even though he loved it last year. After the first time though that's all he asked to ride. He would have done that all day if we let him. He just absolutely LOVED the ride!. We got some great pics and video from the ride. A few days later we were walked off the ride at the last hill. More on that later...i got some fun pics from that as well. In the meantime...here are some of us from the ride.





We went back to the room to rest for a bit...this is a picture from the crosswalk to where our hotel was...the white one on the right. NICE WALK :)
We came back to the room to find a wine/fruit gift basket. Unfortunately we never opened the wine.


Oh and I promised someone from the boards I'd take pictures of the posters in the tunnel.... :)


LOVE IT! :thumbsup2
Do you happen to remember what time the breakfast at your hotel opened each morning?
Also, since you had APs, were you able to do the early MM, or just go at the regular park openings?
LOVE IT! :thumbsup2
Do you happen to remember what time the breakfast at your hotel opened each morning?
Also, since you had APs, were you able to do the early MM, or just go at the regular park openings?

On the dates we were there it opened at 7. With our AP's we didn't get MM's. That was the only drawback. Honestly though....we didn't really miss it, the park was so dead in the morning anyway. It was hard though standing behind the gate seeing the MM people inside already. I was so surprised to see those people standing in front of the big Mickey head taking pictures and talking for almost their whole hour of MM. Folks...GO RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honey....I'm home!!!!!!!!

We made it back last night and had an amazing time!!! I came back with hundreds of pictures so sit back and enjoy a photographic trip report. Overall the trip was perfect....except a day of rain but that wasn't bad. I got to meet some Diva's, experience some true DL magic and...the best news of all, we became AP holders!!!!!!!!!!

So Sunday March 1st when we were to leave it was POURING down rain here. I am not big on flying as it is so I was dreading the flight in the rain. Needless to say it was a pretty bumpy flight in the beginning. Even Ayden, my son looked at me and said "that didn't happen last time"..he meant the bumps with the turbulence. One very cool treat...he got to sit in the pilots seat!!!!
Wow, that is very cool. Your DS is lucky. I didn't get to do that when I was little! :lmao:

Geez, Cruella looks positively evil in that picture. :scared1:

Oh and I promised someone from the boards I'd take pictures of the posters in the tunnel.... :)


Oh my gosh! :worship:

Thank you! AHhaha! I love those posters! Thanks for placing the HM right in the center, those 3 hitchhikers will bear an image in my memory for many years to come. :goodvibes It makes me sad though seeing the RDCT poster, knowing it's going away... :(
That's pretty cool the hotel gave you a gift basket. Very thoughtful of them. Your son is so cute, he always looks like he's having a blast. :goodvibes Can't wait to read more.
Oh my gosh! :worship:

Thank you! AHhaha! I love those posters! Thanks for placing the HM right in the center, those 3 hitchhikers will bear an image in my memory for many years to come. :goodvibes It makes me sad though seeing the RDCT poster, knowing it's going away... :(

Not sure if you knew this or not but the World Of Disney store sells a bunch of those posters. I would love to do my office in them but they are certainly not cheap. Would be a fun collection to have.
That's pretty cool the hotel gave you a gift basket. Very thoughtful of them. Your son is so cute, he always looks like he's having a blast. :goodvibes Can't wait to read more.

Thanks :)
He loves DL but this year was just such a perfect age. He was so much more adventurous and well lets just say easier lol
For lunch on day two we had the breadbowls. I had the clam chowder, Chris had something "steak"?? Anyway he said his was super spicy. Mine was really good but within a few minutes of eating it I got horrible indegestion. TMI I know but I had so much pain everytime I'd belch....which I felt like I was doing non stop.........this lasted THREE days!!! It was miserable. I didn't have much of an appetite after that which was really upsetting to me since I LOVE to eat at DL. It was so bad one morning that it woke me up and I was calling an advice nurse....at the time I wasn't sure it was 100% indegestion or not. Anyway....it finally went away. Whewww!!!

We walked over to CA for the first time. We were really excited to ride Toy Story. We all loved it. I was really nervous that the quick spinning was going to make me sick but it wasn't bad at all. It was so much fun and the queue seemed to move constantly so it wasn't that bad of a wait.

I didn't tell Ayden about McQueen and Mater being there....can you believe we've never seen them out before? Anyway I wish I had gotten a picture of his face when he first saw them. They were like the size of lemons! He LOVES CARS!!!!!!!!!



I am not a huge fan of CA....I just dont' like the layout. Everything is a huge hike ...I like how DL has shortcuts to every land. The construction is flat out ugly....but knowing it will bring bigger and better things I'm welcome with the change.

For dinner that night we had Pizza Port. We split the Chicken Fusilli and a caesar salad. LOVE them both. I munched more on the salad since I was feelin crappy still.


Since the park closed at 8 that night we beat the crowds and left a little earlier and went to the Rainforest Cafe for dessert only. We LOVE the bananna Foster...mmm mmmmm. Ayden got his own mini sundae and ate some of our banannas.



We walked into the lego store and Ayden was in heaven. He is really into legos right now, especially lego "guys". They had a little table set up where you could build your own guy for 1.99. I let him make a few. An employee even gave him one to keep for free :) I bought him a set to make a spaceship that came with a darth vader guy and 3 storm troopers. He was one happy little boy after that little trip to the lego store.



It was so quiet when we were walking back to the hotel. I took advantage of that time to take a few rare pics of the main gate of DL. A CM saw me trying to take a picture of the Mickey head, she came over and offered to take my camera to get some closer. I was very thankful for that, but she had the flash on so they came out really dark. Here are a few we took.



Oops and here are some more from that night before leaving DL.




Oh my goodness I almost forgot....Ayden rode Indy for the first time ever today! :banana: He asked if he could ride it weeks before we even left. I said a-ok as long as he was tall enough. It REALLY surprised me that he wanted to try it. We got a FP so we didn't have to stand in a line that I thought might make him change his mind...skulls and such. We got to sit in the front row. He was silent the whole time and stiff as a board. I'm that mom that keeps a hold tight on her kid on the rides. :confused3 Anyway....afterwards he said it wasn't good. I asked him if he wanted to ride it again...he said Ummm maybe tomorrow. Well let's just say that was his answer the rest of the week...he did it once and once only. I was proud that he tried it. I don't like all the jerking that ride does. Once was enough for Chris and I too. The ride is so great...but I don't need my back thrown out to get the jeep effect. They could tone it down a bit and it would still be a great ride.

Next ...day three!!! Jedi Training, lunch at Wine Country Trattoria, more CA, and toontown! Busy day! :woohoo:
So morning of day 3 was the same as day 2. Up and showered and off to breakfast at the hotel. It really surprised me when we were FIRST in line at the gates. It was a MM so most people were getting in lines at the MM gates....guess we just knew better. That meant we were also right at the rope for opening!

We figured this would be a good day to get Autopia out of the way. I absolutely DESPISE that line. Love the ride, my son loves it...but that line is rediculous. Even if it says 30 minute wait..you can almost guarantee it's at least 50. So at rope drop we headed straight there.............but so did a lot of the MM people too. They hadn't opened the line yet so it stretched all the way back to Nemo I thought to myself well it can't be that bad..:idea: .once they open the line up it will move really quick........wrong!! We got stuck in the tunnel with the cartoons for probably 20 minutes. So many people were leaving from the line. We stood in line for 45 minutes before we finally got on the ride. Next time.....we go straight there NOT on a MM. Chris got some fun pics though from that. Oh and I forgot to mention I was taking pics on my cell phone most of the trip and uploading them to my facebook........guess that was taking my friends on a trip to Disney with us
Oh and kept Callie (Dangermouse) entertained until she arrived on the Diva trip :)


We rushed over to Jedi Training to see if we could get a good seat for the first show. We got lucky....we got great seats. Glad I had packed Ayden Star Wars shirt in the backpack for just in case. We took the advice and made him a sign. We just had it folded in the backpack until it was time for the instructor to start choosing. I printed out in bold black letters "The Force Is Strong With This One" with an arrow pointing down at Ayden. He was jumping up and down and was picked with the instructor commenting on his nice homemade sign! I was soooooooooooo excited that he got picked. He was pretty excited too. The day before we watched a piece of the show and darth maul got right up in this face. I thought it was over at that point.....he was a pretty scary dude up close so I'm surprised Ayden wanted to do it after that experience. He luckily got to fight Darth Vader up on the stage. Here are some pics from that.












That day we had our PS for Wine Country Trattoria. It was our first time there. We sat outside...it was really nice. I had the caprese sandwich, Chris had the chicken panini. Ayden had the grilled cheese. I was pretty impressed when Chris asked for no peppers and they asked if it was due to an allergy or just preference. They really are accomodating at Disney :goodvibes I wasn't all that happy with my sandwich. Chris and I shared and I really liked his much better than mine. Mine just didnt' seem to have much flavor to it. The bread was ok ....kinda hard but not too bad. The service was wonderful! We were too full for dessert so we skipped that :(





more to come....
wow that food looks sooo good!! im going on my lunch break and i sooo wish i was having that right now!!!:rotfl:
::::hello:::::::: anyone out there?

I am here, just waiting for your next update!
I am curious how the crowds were at opening on Wednesday since the park didn't open until 10 on Tuesday, Wed and Thurs, but Wed there was no MM for anyone. Can't wait to hear more! :goodvibes
I had just done another big update with pics and it wouldn't let me post it and I lost it all :(
Anyway my other post worked......I'll have to try again later :(

As for the crowds at opening on Wednesday, it was very nice. We were at the front of the line and rope drop. You can get so much done in the first two hours. I was even amazed at how much we got done on a Friday morning.

I'll be back to redo that other report later :( So mad it wouldn't post.


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