"We've been, we've seen, we've done it" Trip Report - Day 4 (final day)


<font color=darkorchid>Think it was too much jiggi
Aug 25, 2006
Day 4 - Sunday, 21st December

We were up at 7.40 (surprisingly), finished the final bits of packing, went down for breakfast, came back up to get our suitcase, checked out and left the suitcase in the luggage room at the hotel.

We were in the park at 9.40 this time and headed straight for the Buzz ride (we hadn't done this ride yet on this trip). There was already a 45 minute wait time. So we grabbed a FP which was for 10.30. We nipped over to Orbitron - there was a queue but wasn't *too* bad. Ended up queueing for half an hour lol.


When we got off Orbitron, it wasn't quite time for Buzz yet (only 5 more mins but the CM wouldn't let us through). So we popped into the shop next to it. Louise wanted to buy the round lollipops and I reminded her that she bought a huge one in April and it was sooo sickly sweet that she hardly ate any of it. She insisted and since we haven't bought her anything else other than Dumbo on this trip, we gave in and bought a pack of 3 small lollipops. Told her she could only have it after Buzz. Think she got a new personal best on Buzz (1500 points lol) and I got 22600 I think (rubbish compared to many of you I'm sure but I think that was my personal best too:rotfl: ). Not sure what DH got - he refused to tell me lol.


On our way out of the park, it started snowing. I was a bit disappointed with this TBH. I expected a 'heavier' snowfall and for slightly longer too. The kids thought it was great though.


It was around 11 am and I told the others that we HAVE TO pop in to Salon Mickey. So, we did lol. We were given big cookie each and the kids had a bottle of water each (they didn't finish it, so we tipped the extra water into their own water bottles) and we had a cup of coffee. It wasn't very big in there and we grabbed the last table. Looked like everyone had the same idea of escaping the crowd that morning lol.

We were going to go to the Studios for a little while before our lunch date at Steakhouse at 12.30. We saw the queues to get in, so we decided to leave it till after lunch and we headed to the shops in the Village to kill some time. We went into the 'Gallery' shop (can't remember the exact name but it was opposite the Steakhouse). I bought a music book for myself and a couple of books for the kids. I was gutted that I couldn't use the shareholders' discount here though. The lady said I couldn't use it for books?! :confused3 Would've saved a few euros otherwise.


Right, time for lunch at the Steakhouse. When we entered, we were given a glass of bubbly. Mmmm. I have to say that I really really enjoyed this lunch. Peter did admit that he thought it looked a bit 'shabby' from the outside but was impressed when we went in :) . The variety of food was just great - starters, main & dessert (there was a chocolate fountain!). You can also help yourself to wine & soft drinks. There was a lady singer who went round the tables (she came over to ours and sang to Adam and Adam was like 'Mummmmeeeeeee' lol) and there was also a balloon lady. I think this was the best meal of the entire trip!



When it was time to ask for the bill, we gave our vouchers to the lady. She came back and gave us back the vouchers for the kids and asked if we could just pay the difference of 2 euros. She told us that we could just use their vouchers at face value at another restaurant for dinner. So, again, the kids ate for free:confused3 . Anyway, we were too stuffed from lunch to have dinner, so the vouchers were wasted.

After lunch, as planned, we headed to WDS. We saw that the Studio Tram Tour had only a 20-minute wait (as opposed to 45 mins the day before). So we went on that... and it was sooo slow and relaxing that Adam fell asleep halfway through. He woke up when we got off though, so, that was the only nap he had all day.

Walked past ToT which had a waiting time of 110 mins and no more FPs left. So, we went to see Animagique. We saw this on our first trip 2 yrs ago and we really enjoyed it then. We enjoyed it again now, esp as we managed to get good seats at the front.

We hung around the Studios for a bit more and saw Emile doing Meet n Greet. So, we queued up for that and just as it was our turn, they did a swap and Remy came on instead.


We then decided to go back to the hotel for a rest. We went to the bar and the kids had their first ever cocktails... and Adam basically just chilled out, reading his book lol.


When they had finished their drinks, the kids got a bit bored. So I took them for a little walk around the hotel. We wanted to go and see the swimming pool but we had to go through the changing area etc I think, so we didn't bother. Hung around the games room for a bit, then went to sit down to watch some telly in the kids' corner.

It was nearly 7 pm then. So, we went to collect our bag and made our way to the train station. We stopped by the little shop to get some sandwiches, drinks & snacks first. The Eurostar left on time at 2013 hrs. Louise fell asleep after about half an hour into the journey...whereas Adam was still going strong. He finally gave in and fell asleep just before the train stopped at Ashford :eek:.

We arrived home at about 11.15pm, which was much earlier than I expected. We had to take the tube to Victoria and then the train back here. There were no direct trains from St Pancras to here that day.


We did have a nice time overall, ate at different places which we've never eaten at before, went on a few 'first' rides, met some more 'new' characters, had minimal pushing and queue-jumping from other people ... but as I've mentioned before elsewhere, I was just quite disappointed at how little Christmas decorations there were around the place. Maybe I was just too excited to start off with and expected too much on that front. All the different 'lands' were just how it was when we were there the past couple of times. When we came back after our trip in April, I was just yearning to go back to DLRP. This time round, I don't have that yearning to go back that soon. Perhaps in 2-3 years' time but at least, I've been at Christmas time now (as I've always wanted to go during this time).

I'll have to live vicariously through you lot now :rotfl:

Hope you've enjoyed my trip report as much as I've enjoyed reading them. Wake up, you've reached the end now :rotfl2:
loved ur reports alice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant believe all the meals ur kids ate free in :scared1: wish we had that lol

sounds like u had a good time, but just didnt leave u 'wanting more'.... i do still want to go back, but then, theres still things we havent done and wud like to - but doubt ill convince dh for a while......

we will see ;)

thank u for sharing ur trip tho - love the pics of ur kids, adam is a lil sweetie, and louise is real cute!!!
I still have yet to do ToT and Crush !! :rotfl: Louise kept asking to go on Crush but the queue time was 120 mins. Don't think she quite understood how long 120 mins was... so I told her it's as long as driving to her uncle's place with bad traffic ... and with no Nintendo DS to play with all along the way.
Great trip report! I showed my middle DD your photos and she's even more excited now!:goodvibes Did anyone explain why your kids ate free? I'm wondering if mine might! That would be great as the kids vouchers could be used for an extra meal.
Great trip report! I showed my middle DD your photos and she's even more excited now!:goodvibes Did anyone explain why your kids ate free? I'm wondering if mine might! That would be great as the kids vouchers could be used for an extra meal.

The one at California Grill said that they (not sure if it was just CG or Disney in general:confused3 ) were having some kind of promotion where kids ate free before 7 pm. I didn't want to ask too much in case they changed their minds :rotfl:
I enjoyed reading your trip report & looking at your lovely photos. You certainly got loads done - your kids must have great stamina, mine are of a similar age & wouldn't be able to last as long!
I have really enjoyed you TR. Thanks for sharing:goodvibes
Great trip report Alice! I'm glad we got to see you and say a quick hello on the Friday. :)
I've just read all of your days altogether Alice - loved loved loved reading them, and looking at all your pictures :love: :love:
Thanks for a wonderful trip report Alice. I like you was dissapointed with the Christmas offerings however I feel that we may have been spoilt at Halloween when we went.

I lost the yearning for DLRP too after a disapointing December trip, however I seem to have overcome that by booking in March :-)

I'd serioulsy recommend a trip for the Halloween. It is so much better than Christmas (imho).
great trip report. that first pic of orbitron is making me wanna give it a skip lol
Thanks for a wonderful trip report Alice. I like you was dissapointed with the Christmas offerings however I feel that we may have been spoilt at Halloween when we went.

I lost the yearning for DLRP too after a disapointing December trip, however I seem to have overcome that by booking in March :-)

I'd serioulsy recommend a trip for the Halloween. It is so much better than Christmas (imho).

I would like to go for Halloween but am wondering whether the kids will like/appreciate it or not or whether they'll be frightened by the orange pumpkin men :rotfl: . We won't be making a trip there this year, that's for sure but who knows, maybe next year. They'll be slightly older then, so might be a better age.

great trip report. that first pic of orbitron is making me wanna give it a skip lol

It's just the camera effects, honest ;) . I have to say though, that out of all the 'high' rides (Dumbo, Carpets & Orbitron), I find Orbitron to be the "worst" of the lot. It's not scary but you do slide around a little bit as there's so much legroom in that thing and it tilts a bit as well. Oh dear, have I put you off even more?! :rotfl: You must give it a go though.
we did thr steak house sunday brunch back in august and i was sooo jealous i didnt get a balloon animal she was amasing she made thos girl a penguin and her brother a pluto on the table next to us i was so impressed i think i went on about it all day lol


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