What a Week Already!


Doom Buggy Driver
Jul 24, 2013
Man, Saturday was a day! I have two unrelated, major home issues to address. One, I noticed my water heater leaking, so you know, that's bad. It was only a little but seemed to be getting worse. This thing was put in in 1998 (so kidding!) but it doesn't have a drain pan or anything. Anyway, time for a new one, but the quote was pretty outrageous. My stepdad can do it, but he had to go out of town starting today. I may just have to wait that out!

Then in a back room taht I don't use, the ceiling has split and has started to fall. It won't be too hard to repair, but I keep so much junk (toys and boxes and such) back there, so now I absolutely HAVE to clean it out in order for any work to be done in there. It is not as crucial as the water heater, but still.

I also have to be going out to my parents house to cehck ont he dog and stuff while they are away. On the plus side, I can get a hot shower there! Man, this year, I've done a new fence, and a new roof, a tree-trim, a new car...! Man, don't they know that all that money is supposed to go to Disney!
Uggg! We are in the same boat this summer!
Lots of big unexpected expenses with house and vehicles.
We put in a new water heater a couple of months ago. The first company quoted $6000. The second company quoted $4000. It's 75 gallon. One of my double ovens is broke. The part, if he can get it, is $629. Appliances are almost 20 years old but I'm still going to fix it because these appliances are professional grade and I don't want to replace yet. But will get a new dishwasher this Fall. We've been putting so much money into our house since moving in 7 years ago. Something always needs to be repaired or replaced. Our next big project is our inground pool and pool house. All the patio has to be replaced and the pool house has to be torn down. Ugh!
We put in a new water heater a couple of months ago. The first company quoted $6000. The second company quoted $4000. It's 75 gallon. One of my double ovens is broke. The part, if he can get it, is $629. Appliances are almost 20 years old but I'm still going to fix it because these appliances are professional grade and I don't want to replace yet. But will get a new dishwasher this Fall. We've been putting so much money into our house since moving in 7 years ago. Something always needs to be repaired or replaced. Our next big project is our inground pool and pool house. All the patio has to be replaced and the pool house has to be torn down. Ugh!

Wow! Man, my guy quoted $2400 and everyone it telling me that's too high! It's only 40 gallons though and on the first floor. I think for around here though that's high. I think I'm waiting it out until my parents are back later this week. It's okay. Honestly, our water is so warm right now that it isn't even that bad!
Hang in there! I know many debunk the saying “death comes in 3’s” - I think house repairs do too. Only problem is, you’ve had your 3 already!!! Universe, go pick on another house.

(Just not mine or any other Dis-er on here.)

I feel your pain, everybody.
It seems like our house is literally
falling down around our ears.
This week I'm breaking down part
of the family room ceiling where our
tub is leaking.
I thank the Lord we have a shower
in the downstairs bathroom,
I don't know what we'd do without it.
When our water heater went it was winter
& those were some very cold showers!
Try to think of the ceiling falling as a blessing in disguise. Now is a good time to get rid of any “junk” that you really don’t need and organize what you want to keep.

If you have anything valuable up there that you don’t want, you can sell it to pay for the water heater. Good luck with your projects!
I hear ya. We are building a new house, the project that is being measured in years, not months. In the meantime, our old house is costing me money. Last Thursday evening the basement floor drain backed up. I called and left a message for the plumber. We did figure out on Friday that as long as we spaced things out, the water didn’t rise. So like, take a quick shower and don’t run any more water for a couple hours. The previous night I was running to the nearest gas station to use the bathroom. It was horrible. I wanted to go to a hotel. My husband said no.

Friday morning the plumber called and said they would try to get out in the afternoon. But late Friday afternoon they called back and said they couldn’t make it till Monday. It’s a small company and I don’t trust anyone else, so we waited. Today they said between 10-10:30. He got here at 1:00. But all it took was a big snake and we are back in business. I sure didn’t need this extra expense.
Wow! Man, my guy quoted $2400 and everyone it telling me that's too high! It's only 40 gallons though and on the first floor. I think for around here though that's high. I think I'm waiting it out until my parents are back later this week. It's okay. Honestly, our water is so warm right now that it isn't even that bad!
I paid $2,000 for a 50 gallon electric. That includes all the changes required to meet code updates (expansion tank, and all the changes needed to plumb it in, and the seismic strapping to hold the water heater to the wall) and the building permit and inspections.
When it rains it pours :faint:
We’ve had years like that too where you feel like you can’t come up for air - it’s one thing after another. Those are the years we have a few Fireball shots right before 12:00pm on NYE to say good riddance to the year - LOL!
Good luck with everything - sending lots of PD for you to not have any more home issues the rest of the year :wizard:
That's doing well - I'm enjoying having a decent car for once!
So, so sorry about all the sudden house stuff. I can't stand dealing with house repairs, so stressful.
I am considering a Subaru for my next car, what kind did you get?
So, so sorry about all the sudden house stuff. I can't stand dealing with house repairs, so stressful.
I am considering a Subaru for my next car, what kind did you get?

I got a 2024 Subaru Impreza hatchback. It's pretty nice! The biggest selling point though was that the dealership actually wanted to sell me a car and not jack up the price horrifically. I am so far really enjoying being a Subaru guy, though I haven't been drinking a kale smoothie while driving it yet.
Wow! Man, my guy quoted $2400 and everyone it telling me that's too high! It's only 40 gallons though and on the first floor. I think for around here though that's high. I think I'm waiting it out until my parents are back later this week. It's okay. Honestly, our water is so warm right now that it isn't even that bad!
when I got quotes last year, they ranged 2000-2500+ for an ordinary, easy access 40 gal gas heater install - one floor garage. Trades/installation labor costs are insane compared to pre-pandemic.
Wow, your water heater lasted 25 years? That's amazing! Good luck with all of the repairs ($2400 sounds really high to me.)
Nothing catastrophic here, thank the Lord, but our house is currently listed and showing every day. It’s been a big drag trying to keep everything perfect. Out of nowhere, weird little things are happening; kitchen tap that never dripped before is dripping, microwave door is closing wonky, laundry closet door came off the track, backyard gutter overflowed in a heavy rain and messed up a flower bed, and yesterday a large art piece on the living room wall (where it has been securely for years) came crashing down. :mad: Grrrrr....
So now a huge stom hit the city and my power is out. It may be days before it is repaired considering 90,000+ people are out. I was going to have the water heater done tomorrow, but that will be difficult with no power. It's going to get HOT too. Man...I am about over this.
So now a huge storm hit the city and my power is out. It may be days before it is repaired considering 90,000+ people are out.
Something similar happened here--big storm, 150,000 people without power, and hot/humid. The storm was on Saturday, they didn't get everyone back up and running until yesterday.

Hope you can stay with family or a hotel for a few days, sucks to be without power.


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