What better way to grieve than to do it in WDW? - PTR/TR November 2015 Trip - Completed 12/7/15

Part 10: A Quick Jump to Hyperspace

Next, we were going to walk up to the front to ride Tower of Terror which was our first fastpass for the day. But of course Mike wanted to check out the wait time for Star Tours on the way up there. There was only a posted 5 minute wait!! That means a walk on!





So for those of you who don't want any of the new ride spoiled for you - please skip ahead to the next post!! For those who don't...


As you may know, with the new Force Awakens movie coming out there have been some new additions to this ride. From what I know, it's currently set on always taking you to Jakku first and then it's random after that. Our flight took us to Jakku when we received a transmission from BB-8!! We then blasted off to Couruscant. THIS WAS AMAZING!! I never have had a better experience on Star Tours. The new graphics were phenomenal and the battle here was awesome. There were buzz droids and ohmygosh!! That's all I'm going to say. But it literally blew my mind! :darth:

Up next... who's ready to drop in?!
Part 11: Two Fastpasses Down, One to Go

After our trip to a galaxy far, far away... it was time to enter The Twilight Zone. Our fastpass window was now open so we headed over to my favorite ride!


The wait was posted for 110 minutes at the time, I believe. And only at 9 AM?? The fastpass line was also pretty backed up as well which was kind of a shock. Then we started to hear the announcements over the loud speaker. Only one elevator was going at the time. :crazy2: After maybe five minutes and a lot of people getting out of line in both the regular and fastpass line, we started moving and were in fairly quickly.


I'd say it took us about fifteen to twenty minutes total until we were on the ride.


I didn't realize the woman in the second row all the way to the right until a friend pointed her out. She's hilarious! I about died laughing the first time I looked. :rotfl2:

Side Rant: Okay... Notice the people in the front row on the right... all of their hands up blocking the people behind them? I'm all about letting loose and having fun... I just don't want to spoil other people's pictures. Put your hands half up like the guy next to my husband to try and at least salvage the picture. Unless you're in the back row - then go crazy! Drives me nuts. Okay... anyways!!

After that, we had time before our next fastpass so we started to head towards something I definitely wanted to try. On the way, we spotted Olaf in the window enjoying warm weather.


Then we got to Starring Rolls. I tried to eat here on my last trip in February but the lines were a mess and I couldn't even get in the door. This time there weren't a lot of people and I was able to get in line and order the Pumpkin Cupcake with Maple Buttercream Frosting. Within mere minutes, this beauty was in my hands! (The ear was already missing when I received it.



This baby was AMAZING!! Probably the best cupcake I've ever had. The frosting was so delicious! I'll definitely make it a point to get into this bakery for a cupcake no matter how crazy the line is from now on! :goodvibes

Our next fastpass window opened up so we headed over to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. I hadn't ridden this since 2013. I never make it a priority and with the new system, it's either this or Toy Story and TSMM always wins out.


I think this line was about an hour long too... probably longer. We got into the fastpass line and I took some pictures of the queue because the wait was about ten minutes here to get on as well.




Hidden Mickey!


We were put into the back row and this really destroyed my back. I have TMJ and already being in the car as long as we were for the two prior days... I just couldn't handle it. I won't be going on this ride ever again unfortunately. It's not that big of a deal to me since I don't really care for it anyways... it's just not worth the wait to me for such a short experience. Plus, with coasters like Goliath within only an hour from where I live... I think I'll survive.

After checking out our ride picture and the gift shop, we headed back out to the streets of Hollywood.


So where to next?? :scratchin

Nice getting to ride Star Tours with such a short wait!

Yeah! That's what I'm used too since we always went the second week of January a few years ago. There were never long lines... but the last three times I've gone now have been during higher peak times so this was really nice!
110 minute for ToT that early is crazy! Love your ride photo!

Sorry RnR wasn't a great experience for you this time around.

Cute selfie :)

Yeah. The wait times stayed pretty constantly heavy the entire time once it hit 9 AM. I thought I took a screenshot of the DME app at one point during the day... but I can't seem to find it. TSMM was a constant 2 hour wait and everything else was about 60 minutes (including Great Movie Ride).

I think I'm just disappointed that now I know I can't ride RnR anymore. We're usually more in the front when we go and it being a steal coaster usually means I'm okay for the most part. Maybe had we not driven, I could handle it. But to be safe from now on, I'll probably just pass.

And thanks! We were just being silly. :)
Part Twelve: An Out of This World Lunch

As you all know, I had cancelled our breakfast reservations for the day and had moved around my fastpasses. I decided to try a place for lunch that we hadn't tried since 2007 - Sci Fi Dine In. Now, this place always gets mixed reviews. I just wanted to go back for the atmosphere and I saw that there were deep fried pickles as an appetizer... SOLD!! :bounce:

So we stopped for a quick photo in front of the Chinese Theater. And I know this is a heated debate, but I really love how classic Hollywood this seems now without the hat. I had never been without the hat and I definitely do miss it - but this just looks great in my opinion! (Disregard my husband not being able to open his eyes - it was a pretty sunny and glorious day!)


We saw the doors for the Star Wars Launch Bay - if only we had more time to be there!! Mike has been seeing all the recent posts on Facebook about this place and is just dying to go.


We took a brief trip through the Streets of America again on our way to lunch.



Here we are!! Twenty minutes early.


We sat down for literally about a second and then our buzzer was going off. We were escorted to a car that already had a family of four in the front two rows. They picked up some hitchhikers I guess!! :thumbsup2

This place is just adorable. I love the setting and environment. It's like you're at an actual drive in... which I've only ever been to twice in my life... but hey, I've seen Grease a lot so that counts right? :rotfl:



The lighting in this place, as I'm sure you've heard, is horrendous. As evidenced by our selfie above. The lighting comes from beneath part of your table. It works well in general, but not for pictures. Because of this... you won't see many food pictures.

First up, we ordered the deep fried pickles right after Kyle was done introducing himself. Let me just say that his service was what made this meal AMAZING for us. I mentioned that I love pickles when we ordered our apps and he didn't really believe me. Mike was like "No really... I'll be lucky to get one or two of these." Kyle came back with the deep fried pickles and a side of sliced pickles that normally are for burgers and stuff!! :rotfl2: I couldn't handle this guy! (And I of course ate most of it by myself.)

I'd consider myself a deep fried pickle connoisseur... so here you have my review. They were fine... base line edible pickles. The dipping sauce is what made the appetizer. I love to have a slightly spicy sauce for my pickles! The pickles themselves were a bit soggier than I like and the breading didn't have much flavor. They were perfectly crispy, but they were done in such a way where when you bite in... you need to do it right or the entire pickle slides right out. So in the end, I ended up enjoying dipping the normal extra slices he brought out for me directly into the sauce.

I may have just grossed some people out. But what can I say? I love me some pickles!!

Alright, for our drink orders I ordered a coke with some vanilla syrup in it!! I never really ever do the soda thing. I just thought it would be a nice touch to the atmosphere and I was right. Mike ordered the Florida brewed Orange Blossom beer they had. This was his favorite beer of the trip. I had a sip and I also enjoyed this quite a bit. Kyle - not a good beer pourer. There was so much foam it was ridiculous.


For our entrees, Mike ordered the Southwest Vegetarian Burger - black bean and vegetable patty topped with a warm house-made tomato jam, arugula, fresh tomatoes, and avocado mayonnaise on a toasted bun with choice of cucumber salad or sweet potato fries. He thought it was fine. He ordered it with the sweet potato fries which he loved.

I ordered the Vegetarian Shepard's Pie - with fresh vegetables, black beans, and chipotle peppers blended to replicate the pie mom used to make, topped with mashed potatoes and cheddar cheese. It wasn't really all that spicy... more tomatoey based than I had expected. The cheese on top was also actual slices of cheese rather than shredded. I'd eat this again, but I don't think I'd go here to specifically eat that.

Kyle came by to check on us and see if we were going to have dessert. We said no... and then he asked if I'd like another round of pickles. And I was like "Well... I wouldn't not eat them if they showed up." :laughing: So I had a few more slices of pickles while we paid for our meal. We definitely left stuffed and we had a great experience. The food wasn't something that would make me go back there... but it was just so fun!

I feel like we were out of there within 45 minutes which was great... because there was another ride Mike wanted to get on! Coming up next.

Part Thirteen: Party of Two?

There was something Mike wanted to do next since we had plenty of time before possibly meeting Ashley Eckstein and our next fastpass. We headed over to Great Movie Ride. The app said it was going to be a sixty minute wait. The line was wrapped around outside, but we headed in line anyways. The CM said that the actual wait time was probably 40 minutes or so.



I didn't mind waiting in line since the queue is so gorgeous once you get inside!





We got through the first straight line and were turning right when we saw a CM holding up a sign for "Parties of 2"... and Mike of course held up his fingers and showed that it was just the two of us. Once we reached the CM we were allowed to skip all of the rest of the indoor queue - including the madness of the back and forth queue with the movie trailers!! WHAAAAAT?! pixiedust:

The trailers were different when we zoomed passed them. I noticed that there was more background information and what not... but barely caught it with how quickly we went through the room. I was a little sad about that since I was looking forward to checking that out... but I'm not one to deny some pixie dust!

We were sat in a row with a small family. We figured this must be something their doing to try and fill up more rows. Works for us!




The movie at the end was also new, with some of the old familiar clips so that was a nice surprise. On our way out, we saw the specialty drinks sign for the night.


We swung by the Streets of America - again. I don't know why I kept going through here during the day!




After this, it was about 1:15 or so... so we decided to check out the line for Ashley Eckstein in Watto's Grotto. We didn't see a line inside so we decided to do some shopping and get our wristbands to guarantee a meeting with her.

Up next - Did we get to meet Ahsoka Tano?! How amazing was it?! :hyper:

My husband's out at a basketball game tonight so I'm hoping to do quite a few more updates. I realize my updates have been "short" but that's because I've been squeezing them in on my work breaks! :)

Part Fourteen: AHSOKA TANO!!

We went to Watto's Grotto to check out the wait for Ashley Eckstein and some of the Her Universe merchandise. We had to make a purchase in order to get a wrist band that guaranteed us a signing - per the CM. I heard a few different things, but I knew I was going to buy some of her merch anyways so this way we were covered. I was told by some that I needed to have the merch signed and by others that I didn't. I definitely did not want to have some of those pricier clothes signed so Mike just said we should get in line anyways. I sent my purchases to the front of the park to be picked up on our way out.

We found the line at about 1:40 or so outside and around the corner from where she'd be signing. It was maybe 50 people long which didn't seem to bad. It sounded like the two girls that were just ahead of the group in front of us had met with her before. They said that Ashley normally takes about ten to fifteen minutes with each group... which translated into a longer than we thought wait - but we figured it'd be worth it and we didn't have anywhere we needed to be until 4:15 when our Star Tours fastpass window would be closing.

Anyways, these girls left the line one after the other to get some Star Wars name badges which I thought were super cool! So Mike and I did the same.



Super coooooool!! They had a lot of choices - even an exclusive AP pin.


So we eventually got to meet Ashley and her husband at about 3:55?? So it was a fairly long wait but it was SO worth it. She was amazingly sweet. We also met her husband and I guess they had recently been in Milwaukee because she's working with Kohls for something Marvel/Her Universe related!! :goodvibes

So I had this idea in my head to ask her to record a voicemail for me on my phone as Ahsoka Tano. I got really scared so Mike was going to ask her... then I realize he wasn't asking so I just decided to! And she said yes!! I'm not sure how to get the recording on here, I'll have to ask my husband... but I'll tell you what it says.

"This is Ahsoka Tano. Milinda can't come to the phone right now because she's fighting off the inquistors and helping me search for Darth Vader. So please leave Milinda a message and she will get back to you as soon as she can. May the force be will you."

I. About. Died.


We took pictures with her and she signed us a picture of Ahsoka as to not muck up the merch.




After that, we RAN full "force" over to Star Tours as we literally had about two minutes left in our fastpass window. I should have skipped riding this time around since my back was still not feeling it from RnR. We went to Jakku again and had the transmission from BB-8, but we ended with fighting off Boba Fett which is one of the older scenes.

After that, we were dying of thirst and went over to the Hey Howdy Takeaway for some of Wheezy's Freezys. I got a lemonade (which was very tart) and Mike got the cherry one.


After that we wandered around and did a bit of shopping. We also checked out the area where the Osborne Lights are and people were already sitting along the curb. I think it was only about 4:45 at this point and dusk was at 5:45. We grabbed a seat for a bit but then I got antsy and we decided to grab our themed drinks for the night.


Mike got the Einstock Dopplebock and thought it was alright. I got the Twinkling Twilight, knowing that I would have preferred the Gumdrop but look at that glow lightbulb!! There's little Mickeys all over it! My drink wasn't strong... and we herded back into the masses of people trying to get onto the Streets of America for the lights. Coming up next!
Part Fifteen: The Osborne Lights

I took a few pictures on the way onto the streets of some more of the decorations.



We started to hear the narrators over the loudspeakers for the countdown of the lights. This was AMAZING!! My breath was taken away when they were turned on and I teared up.


It was hard to let all of my troubles get to me while I was on this street with the songs and the snow. It was weird seeing snow not up north! But, I felt as if my dad were there with me and just really... it all felt okay.

This is a picture of Mike in awe... or should I say his "What is thissss" face. He was so shocked. He didn't know what to expect... just that lights were involved and I was excited! :laughing:














The TV was playing Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas!! and we found Baby Sinclaire!


We were in line for a photopass photographer... and this wonderful CM was taking our picture... or was he?? :rotfl:





We did find the Black Cat and a few other Hidden Mickeys and fun things... but I've posted plenty of my favorite pictures!! It was about 7:30 and our feet were aching pretty badly from all the walking around so we started heading towards our dining reservations, even though they were about an hour away still.

Took a picture of my favorite. :)


We ended up sitting and people watching for a while before heading to Hollywood & Vine. Coming up next!

Part Sixteen: Minnie's Holiday Dine

We got over to Hollywood & Vine at about 8 PM... which was about 25 minutes before our ADR time. And so, I guess this was my only so so interaction with a CM and I guess I'm not surprised it happened here. We got in line to check in and when I got up to the CM he asked for my name and he's like "Wow... do you realize what time your reservation is for?" And I was like "Yeah, I know we're pretty early..." And he's like "Well, I don't want you coming up here in 15 minutes yelling at me that I haven't seated you yet." And I was like "Oh, I wouldn't do that. It's just my husband and I and we really just want somewhere to sit so we figured we'd check in here... we wouldn't bother you til at least 9:15." You know, trying to make a joke about it... but clearly he had had enough for the day and handed me my buzzer and told me that I'll have to wait. :crazy2: What a sour butt. I get that other people are cranky and stuff but I wasn't trying to even make your life hard or anything! I hope his day got better... or that he had a good nights rest because he clearly needed it.



We grabbed a seat on one of the benches and Mike found a complimentary water station. There was a LOT of seating here. That really was fantastic - it was exactly what I wanted! A big, awesome waiting area. Our buzzer went off at just about our ADR time... I think it was maybe 5 minutes early.

We handed in our buzzer and we were given a ticket and told to wait in line to meet Santa Goofy. Mike was so stoked about this.


Our waitress took quite a while to swing by to get our drink orders. I think we both just ordered water to go with dinner and I had a raspberry lemonade. Here's my first plate of food:


I got butternut squash soup, corn bread stuffing, green bean casserole, pretzel bread and mustard, some sort of slow, and caprese salad. Mike got a similar plate since these were the vegetarian options that I found on my first round.

Then the characters started to come around.




We had some time until the next character made his way around - no wonder it was taking time, he is the big cheese around these parts! So we ran up to get another plate. This time I grabbed some of the garlic mashed potatoes!


Mike got this next plate. They had added a pasta dish of some kind in place of something they ran out of... I didn't really care for it, but he seemed to like it.


Then here Mickey was!


All of the character interactions were great. Nothing really stood out but they all interacted with us more than I expected for being an adult only table. I went up and snagged some desserts.


There was a gingerbread cupcake, red velvet cake, pecan tart, candy cane strawberry, and peppermint bark. These were all pretty tasty, but I could only take one bite of each. I was so stuffed!



It was about then that our server came over to give us our check and brought over some water to go - which she almost spilled all over Mike. Her save was amazing! She kept our drinks full enough. I wouldn't say the service was spectacular... but the food was good enough and filling and the characters were fun. I've heard some things good and mostly bad about this place. Maybe my expectations were low enough that I came out happy? Either way, I'd go back for another dinner here with the new season Minnie dining experiences.

Here is the autograph card you get. The characters don't sign here.



That was essentially it for our night in the park. We slowly made our way to the front by going back through the stores on the way out. I almost bought an Oswald stuffed animal, and now I'm sad that I let Mike convince me that I didn't need it... although he said I can look through as much Oswald stuff as I want in Disneyland so hopefully there's a good selection there.

Anyways, we went up to package pick up and one of our bags was there, but our purchases from Watto's was not... it took about an hour for them to resolve our issue. They had to actually run back to the store and pick up new merchandise for us. Luckily, they had all of the sizes and items we initially picked up... but sheesh! It's a good thing I was stuffed and in just such a good mood. We'd given ourselves plenty of time to get out of the park and were taking a very relaxed approach. The CMs up at guest service were very appreciative that we weren't angry. Which really... is kind of sad. It's unfortunate that they have to be worried so much about giving a guest some sad news.

On a funny note, someone tried to leave an entire cake up at package pick up. Apparently it was food leftovers from the Brown Derby. And just a note for anyone who is wondering - they aren't allowed to hold food up there. :jester:

We walked out and I snapped a picture of the tree.


We just missed the All Star Movies bus, but that meant we were first in line for the next one! It took no more than ten minutes for another one to arrive. We were on the bus and out of there! We were in bed by 11.

Coming up... our last morning in Disney. :(
Part Seventeen: Christmas Monorail Crawl

This morning we woke up at 7 AM. Our reservation at Kona Cafe was at 7:50 AM. We didn't get out the door until 7:30 AM and I was pretty scared we weren't going to make it on time. But we were there just in time.




We made it over to Kona Cafe just in time for our reservation time. We waited just a few minutes, no more than five for our buzzer to go off and to be seated.


First thing to order was a press pot of Kona and some Liliko's Juice - a must have!



Mike ordered the Egg White Omelet - with roasted peppers and goat cheese. It came with a side of fruits (mostly berries). He liked it, but it didn't really wow him... they were just some eggs really.


I ordered the Macadamia-Pineapple Pancakes - with macadamia nut butter and pineapple sauce. I substituted a side of fruit for the meat. I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. Last time I was here, I had the Tonga Toast and that was just way too sweet for me... but this.... this was absolutely perfect! I was only able to eat about 2/3rds of it. Mike finished it up for me. He wished he had gotten the pancakes as well... but it did work out that he still had a good amount of it because I just couldn't do it! I'm going to have to look for this recipe somewhere. I'm sure it won't be the same, but I loved it.


Alright, enough of my raving about pancakes! The service here was fine. The CM was very talkative and nice... maybe a bit hovering though. It did come in handy to refill our glasses of waters. After that, we explored a bit more of the Polynesian before jumping on the monorail.


Next stop was the Grand Floridian! Get ready for picture overload. I may have taken more pictures here than I did at Osborne Lights!








The gingerbread house wasn't open yet. It was only just about 9 or so now at this point... maybe a bit after.












After that, we headed over to the Contemporary Resort.





We then headed back to the Polynesian to get back to our car. But first, just a few more pictures.





And that was it!! Our road trip home wasn't really all that exciting. We got stuck in traffic leaving Orlando... and stuck in traffic in Atlanta. We spent the night in Nashville. This Red Roof was not nearly as great as the first. The beds were uncomfortable and the water pressure was poor. The service was really not that great at all. We were able to get Panera right next to the Red Roof though and we made it home by about 4:30 PM CT. I'll post pictures of all of our souvenirs next! The ones you haven't seen.
Part Eighteen: See Ya Real Soon!

Here's my Star Wars light saber shirt I got from the Her Universe collection.


Here's the R2D2 dress from her collection as well.


Here is the Minnie Mouse air freshener I picked up (instead of the Mickey waffle).


Here is the Belle shoe ornament I picked up for my friend since she was watching our cats.


Picked up the You Are Here mug from Indianapolis.


My awesome Fantasyland wine glass.


Mike needed this orange bird ceramic piece.


Here is Binx's favorite souvenir.


I bought these coconut patties for my coworkers.



I got this adorable magnet.


I got this Star Wars Rebel set for my godson.


New pins for our collection!!


My Osborne ornament.



Picked up this beautiful mug.


Mike got this Star Wars bounty hunter shirt.


It's impressive how much stuff you can buy on such a short trip!

Thank you all so much for following my trip report and supporting me in this. It's been really hard but the break was so needed. It really helped me refocus and help me bring a more positive outlook for the future back into my life. I'll miss my dad always... but maybe it doesn't have to hurt as much. I know this Christmas is going to be difficult... but it'll be okay. Thank you again so much.

This was really fun writing all of it out. I can see why it can take people months to finish one of these up! I just didn't want to have this waiting over the holidays and with Disneyland at the end of February... I knew I had a time crunch. I hope you enjoyed this! :wave2:

This was a great report! Thanks for sharing. Sounds like this trip was just the thing to help in your grieving process. Good for you for doing what you needed. Your hubby is awesome for understanding and going with it! I hope you will consider writing a report for your February trip!
This was a great report! Thanks for sharing. Sounds like this trip was just the thing to help in your grieving process. Good for you for doing what you needed. Your hubby is awesome for understanding and going with it! I hope you will consider writing a report for your February trip!

Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it. I will definitely be writing one up for my February trip. I had started a PTR already which now I can get back to! I need to figure out dining reservations since I'm almost at my 60 day mark. :thumbsup2 There's also rumor in our household that we will be headed back to WDW for next November/December but for a full week! :cheer2: I'm definitely one lucky duck to have such an understanding husband. :)
The rest of your day at DHS sounds really nice! I'm glad you got to meet Ashley Eckstein, and having her record your voicemail message was an awesome idea!! I love all your Osborne pictures, it sounds like it was a really special moment for you. And I love all the character pics at Hollywood & Vine! I'm glad overall it was a fairly good dining experience :)

I love all the resort pictures, the Christmas decorations are so beautiful!!

Great souveneirs you guys picked up! I love the Osborne ornament.

It may have been a quick trip, but I can see that it was well worth it for you guys!

I really enjoyed following along so thank you for sharing! Can't wait to hear about your DL trip in February :)
The rest of your day at DHS sounds really nice! I'm glad you got to meet Ashley Eckstein, and having her record your voicemail message was an awesome idea!! I love all your Osborne pictures, it sounds like it was a really special moment for you. And I love all the character pics at Hollywood & Vine! I'm glad overall it was a fairly good dining experience :)

I love all the resort pictures, the Christmas decorations are so beautiful!!

Great souveneirs you guys picked up! I love the Osborne ornament.

It may have been a quick trip, but I can see that it was well worth it for you guys!

I really enjoyed following along so thank you for sharing! Can't wait to hear about your DL trip in February :)

Thanks so much for following along! I loved your responses throughout and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :goodvibes
Sorry I've been so absent but it looks like you had a wonderful time and got some disney magic when you needed it most! :) love hugs and pixie dust to you!
Hi Mindy, Sorry I missed all your updates! Things have been crazy. It seems like you had a fantastic trip and it's just what you needed. Your husband seems like such a wonderful guy - I am sure things aren't easy right now but it seems like he is a lot of fun and a great travel companion!

Those Kona Cafe pancakes though.. my gosh they are AMAZING aren't they!? I had them on our trip too and I was so mad I couldn't finish them because they were just soooooo good. I feel like even if I knew how to make them I wouldn't be able to replicate them. My fiance got an omelet too, I was like "do you even know what you are missing here!?"

Your Jiko meal looks pretty good! We did the bread service at Sanaa and we really liked it but theirs looks great too. That appetizer looks amazing!

It seems like you guys had a wonderful trip and despite a little traffic everything went well!
Just got caught up. I don't remember seeing an alert that you had updated the thread. Plus, we just got back from a wedding in San Francisco and a trip to the Walt Disney Family Museum, which I need to do a write-up for. The end of next week, we are off to Germany. I am so glad that I got to read this now, or I don't know when I would have found the time.

Great report and pics! Your report is getting me really excited for our trip. We finally decided on March after I got an ADR for the Star Wars Fireworks Dessert Party at DHS. I had to wake up early on the day we flew to San Francisco to get it. I am so jealous of your seeing all of the xmas decorations. I so need to get to WDW for the Halloween and xmas decorations. I am so glad that you had such a great trip and that it was emotionally healing. I hope the pain keeps subsiding and just the good memories remain.

I have that same Her Universe Star Wars t-shirt. I have been ogling the matching skirt, but I just don't know where I would wear it. You got some good loot.


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