What bloom makes your spring????


Jul 30, 2000
I have a number of different shrubs that when they bloom.....THEY MAKE MY SPRING!

Carleissi Viburnum.....this fragrant shrub is covered in little white flower heads....the fragrance is just unbelieveable. It carries for yards and yards. Opens around the same time as grape hyacinth around here....what a faboo combo in a vase!

Lilac! Oh, the sweet scent of lilac in the air! A bit later, this heady fragrance puts the zip into spring for me! I truly love the elongated heads of lavender flowers. I also have a white lilac....I get few flowers but, boy, is it a beauty also!

Azalea! Who can resist the pinks and purples of a row of blooming azaleas! I know I can't! They just say spring to me! Although you can't really cut them and bring them inside, I get my fill just walking around the neighborhood!

What plants/flowers/shrubs make your spring?????
Ohhhh....LILACS are so wonderful!!!!! I have 2 in my yard and their fragrance is just heavenly!!!

I also love azaleas.....I don't have one, but I see them everywhere and they are just so bright and pretty!:D :D :D

Just seeing all the buds on my Hydrangeas makes me have hope that summer will come soon!:D

I HAVE the Azaleas and they are beautiful.:D They are blooming right now (blooming late this year, usually bloom in late February)

I WISH I could spend June on Mackinac Island with all the Lilacs
blooming! We don't have lilacs here and I've never smelled one in person.:(

Down here one of the first spring bloomers is Wisteria. The Wisteria is beautiful- grows wild along the roads-looks like bunches of light purple grapes hanging all over.

My favorite for fragrance would have to be the Gardenia.
Well, I do love lilacs...;)

But ...it's my white dame's rocket next to my wild purple irises...the combination is beautiful!
Welcome, tallyfamily! :) :)

Ohhhh...I would love to have gardenia! :) No lilacs tallyfamily, and you've never smelled them? They are sheer heaven! I've never smelled orange blossoms.

Lilacs, lilacs, and more lilacs. I would love to have many different kinds.

My Mother's wisteria is getting prettier every year.

Snowwark: That is so pretty. I would love to have a wisteria like that.

My favorite spring shrub is Star Magnolia. Mine just popped.

:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy:
Just about every plant from the early snowdrops, the crocus's ablaze in color on the ground, the sun filled daffodil, the majestic tulip, the fragrant hyacinths that fill the air with their sweet aroma. I could go on and on.

Until the lilac blooms it isn't spring.
Snowwark, thanks for the picture, that is gorgeous!!!! It's neat knowing there are some plants that thrive in different climates across the country!
I was in Michigan this past summer and was surprised at how many different landscaping shrubs are the same ones we use down here. But then again, our climate and scenery here is more like Georgia. South Florida is totally different, and I get a kick out of the dfferent landscapes down there. In fact, we make fun of people who plant palm trees in our neck of the woods! :D

Well, after all the talk about lilacs, I went and bought some Lilac potpourri tarts! I know it's not the same, but at least I can get an IDEA of the smell! :D
My favorite spring flower - I know it is spring when it blooms - has to be the forsythia. No wonderful fragrance but wonderful bright yellow color all around the neighborhoods and along the parkway and expressway! Never fails to make me smile because it means WINTER IS OVER!!!!
I love my flowering Almond bush those bright pink flowers all over the bush are great but, I love the smell of the lilacs.

I know it's spring when all the Lilacs are out.... And the bees that like them too :D
My favorite are tulips! Last September I bought a bag of healthy large yellow tulip bulbs- placed them in the refrigerator until after Thanksgiving- when I pulled them out they weren't firm- but rather shriveled and puny- I thought I must have left them in the fridge too long. I went ahead and dug 4 large holes and just knew they were ruined so I kind of just tossed them in and covered them up. I really didn't expect to see any- well for the past 4 weeks my family has enjoyed all 60 of them! They were gorgeous and just today lost their last petal. What's blooming now?
Snowball Viburnum is putting out something
A "yellow cotton-ball plant" - it was grown in my great grandmother's yard and it's been rooted for all her descendants- no-one knows what it is but they look like little yellow cotton-balls.
And some purplish bush with bright pink blooms
We've started cosmos, coneflower, phlox, zinnias in the kids seed garden.
Oh, I wish I had more time in the dirt!
Thanks for starting this thread!
Welcome , Imhall2000! :)

Wow, that's great about your tulip bulbs, they must of been beautiful! :)

Does anyone have any ideas, on what the "yellow cotton-ball" plant is? It's so cool to have something that's been in the family for so long. :)


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