What can I do for my friend?


<font color=green> I think I could adjust!! <br><f
Mar 11, 2002
Hi there, my good friend from high school's DH is in the Air Force and stationed in Bahgdad right now. She has twins who are 3 and a son who is 14. I would like to do something to be more supportive than sending emails to her and figured you folks would have some good ideas for me. She lives in VA though and I am in MN so I can't help with childcare etc as I would love to do.

Any ideas? I know if I were her I would be out of my mind. I don't know how all you spouses of service members do this!
You could send her a care package with things like:
a chick flick
bubble bath or something like that
a good book

See where I'm going with this? Stuff to help her relax and take a little time out for herself. Don't forget a "thinking of you" card or letter. Something else that might be cute to send, if this is her first deployment, would be a pink tool set like this one:

because, it may just be my experience, but it seems like whenever dh leaves I have to fix a million things and can't find the right tool in all of his stuff. I changed a tire on his car last night and finally gave up trying to find a lug wrench in his trunk and just used the one out of my van.
Thank you for those ideas. This is not her first deployment actually--he's been in the airforce for 16 years so I know this isn't totally new. But to my knowledge this is the first time he has actually been in a clear warzone.

I love the care package idea and I will get on that for sure!
Give her a phonecall sometime when you know she is awake but the kids are in bed. That is the loneliest time of day because it is time usually spent with your spouse. Also, I know when DH was deployed, there were some days when I had no adult contact at all, so it was always nice to hear an adult voice.
How about a package with easy meals and recipies for her on busy nights when running the kids around leaves little time for family meals! You could include

*Easy Recipies
*Disposible Aluminium Pans
*Easy Meals like Zatarans Rice, Liption side dishes
*Gormet Coffees/teas

I'm sure she has her hands full with twins and a teenager!
More great suggestions. I am making a list.

Thanks guys!


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