What can I do with candy molds, for our trip?

Grace and Mickey

DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2008
I have some Mickey mouse candy molds and would like to make something I could use on my trip to WDW. The molds are hard plastic so I can't bake anything in them. I don' t thinking making candy would be good idea, in the hot Florida sun. I want to make something to give to castmembers and friends I have meet here on the Dis.
Thank you for the help
Could you press colorful Sculpy clay into them, then remove the clay forms to dry and cook in your oven? After you cook it, you can write the date or 'thanks' on the back in Sharpie or an acrylic paint pen and...

1. glue a magnet to the back

2. glue it to a ribbon as a necklace

3. poke a small hole in it before it is dried and cooked to thread string or jewelry wire through it afterwards. Then the sky is the limit... pendants, key chains, ornaments, shoe charms, etc.

Not sure how big the molds are, so these are just some general ideas.
Could you press colorful Sculpy clay into them, then remove the clay forms to dry and cook in your oven? After you cook it, you can write the date or 'thanks' on the back in Sharpie or an acrylic paint pen and...

1. glue a magnet to the back

2. glue it to a ribbon as a necklace

3. poke a small hole in it before it is dried and cooked to thread string or jewelry wire through it afterwards. Then the sky is the limit... pendants, key chains, ornaments, shoe charms, etc.

Not sure how big the molds are, so these are just some general ideas.

Thanks Good Idea:goodvibes

Is the clay Called "Sculpy" ?
I had thought about something like this, useing applesause and cinimmon but it would be to soft to take out of the molds.

Again thanks SOO much I really appreciate it:)
when I get them done I post some pictures.

Any one else have an idea?
You could also melt different crayons into them as well. Wrap in cellophane and tie with ribbon for a unique gift. Hopefully crayons won't melt in the hot Florida sun as quickly as chocolate...
If you use polymer clay, like Sculpey III or Premo (I'd recommend Premo, as it holds its colors better when you bake it), don't forget to use something to help keep the clay from sticking to the mold. Cornstarch or baby powder both work well, as do water and armor-all.

If you want to make a bail (something to hang the piece from), an easy trick is to cut the loop off a vinyl-coated paper clip with heavy duty wire cutters and stick/push it into the unbaked clay before baking - the vinyl coating will bond with the clay when you bake it and it will be pretty secure.

Also, when you do bake your pieces, put a piece of paper or an index card down on the pan you're baking on, and that will keep the piece from getting shiny spots.
I second the crayon idea! What about hard candy type suckers? My MM molds have a spot for stick, and thats what I go- it keeps DS busy in line!

PS- while you are still home you can use them as jello molds!
Another suggestion - homemade soaps. A friend has made these for me in the past and they are very nice. You can add different scents/oils/herbs. It would depend on how large each mold is, I guess.
I second the soap idea!! You can get melt and pour soap and scents at a craft store like Hobby Lobby. just melt it in the microwave and add the scent. They turn out wonderful. Can I ask where you got the Mickey Mouse Candy Molds? I make soap and these would be so cute to make for the kids when we go.
Those are all so cool!
I never thought of doing anything like that!!
I so want to see pictures when all is said and done!


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