What do you bring in to the parks each day and how do you carry it?


Earning My Ears
Jun 17, 2001
Any suggestions for what to bring into the parks each day (i.e. change of clothes, water, etc) and how do you carry it? I'm already concerned about the size of my camera and video camera. Do you use a backpack? Any recommendations are helpful. Thanks!
It depends on if you have kids. If not, this should be breeze. We do take a change of clothes for our DS, but not us. WE take camera and video camera in a Jansport backpack and then each of us also wear a fanny pack for our KTTW cards and money, etc. I stuff my DS's snacks and change of clothes in the bottom of the backpack in ziplock bags and then also sunscreen in a ziplock. Then the cameras go on top.

We have a very small video camera. DH and I take turns carrying the backpack, even though it really isn't that heavy.

I find that I quickly tire of lugging my video camera around the parks, so I try to limit the number of days I carry the video camera with me. When I do carry it, I tend to just carry a very small camera bag (just big enough for my video camera, an extra tape, and an extra battery).

I usually wear a fanny pack each day. I have a great one from LL Bean that has a built in wallet, and is big enough to hold my sunglasses, camera, cell phone, and perhaps a small snack. I usually carry a water bottle on a strap as well.

I tend to prefer a small messenger style bag over a backpack when I'm at Disney World, especially in the warmer months. I find my back gets too sweaty from a backpack.

We each have our own fanny pack with tickets, cash, lip balm (with sunscreen) and any little personal items we might want. I also wear a backpack with camera, sunblock (I put sunblock into two empty film canisters... one SPF for the adults, one made for children), extra socks (a change of socks mid-day makes such a difference!) and any other small items we might want for that day. Having been so many times, we only take the video camera if we're going to be doing something special or new.

If we take a mid-day break, we might return for the evening with only fanny packs. The less you have to carry, the better. A backpack for all day touring works best for me because you really don't feel the weight of it if it's adjusted correctly and not over-filled. It's also a great way to carry things purchased in the parks, rather than lugging around a bunch of bags.
We have a stroller still for DD#2, so most stuff went in there, but I also wore a backpack this year, and that was very handy for toting around the cameras, signature books, etc... I didn't have my hands full when we went in for a show, and we had almost everything we needed at our fingertips.

We'll prolly continue to take a backpack even when the kids are both old enough to walk - it was so much easier.
I carry pre-sweetened koolaid in film canisters and when the grandkids are thirsty I whip out the empty plastic water bottles, empty the canister of koolaid, add water from the refrigerated fountains and shake shake shake. That's a savings of $5 and the empty water bottles and film canisters weigh next to nothing!
we also use a backpack in the parks just makes it easier to carry all of our things, we usually have our ponchos and extra film and extra tape for the camcorder and sunscreen and a couple of snacks. but i carry the camcorder just in case i need it really quick and then i dont have to dig for it, and DH will not let anyone carry the camera except him, LOL.
Few years back, my wife invested in two larger-than-usual waist packs for each of us. I think she got 'em at Eddie Bauer. They have a nice side pocket for holding a water bottle. And you hardly realize you're wearing 'em.

In mine I keep my wallet, my p&s camera, an extra roll of film, sunglasses, and park maps.

My wife, on the other hand, also carries one of those "healthy back" sling-over-shoulder bags. She likes to cart along snacks, books, skin cream, and God-knows-what-else. Like so many other things involving my spouse, it's a mystery to me.

Girls. Sigh. :rolleyes:
My husband carries the fanny pack. We pack in it 1 small digital camera (credit card size), cash, tix,lip gloss, travel face wipes and tissues. I carry nothing for a change. We look at it this way, anything you need, you can buy- its fun to travel light.

PS We do not have kids, which helps in the travel light category!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Each trip we seem to take less into the parks.

Small backpack -
sunblock- sample size
lip gloss
small change purse-pennies
band aids/moleskin/sm antibiotic ointment/tylenol
small hand santizer
Small Brita Water bottle
sm fan

Everyone has the neck bands for their sunglasses.

I have a small camera case that attaches to the backpack with camera and film. Also a small cell phone case that attaches to backpack.

Try not to have to many zippers, the more zippered pockets the more you need to open to get thru security.
I always take in granola bars or cheese & crackers. I have a weak stomach & sometimes after a ride, especially TOT & Star Wars, I need a small nibble of something to settle it. Have a great trip!
I think my fanny pack weighs about 10 pounds :( I am one of those people that likes to come prepared so here is my list.....extra set of contacts and travel size solution, suntan lotion, bandaids, headache meds, chapstick, rolls of pennies and quarters and my pressed coin book, annual passes and IDs, sun glasses when not using them, daily prescription meds and park maps....

I know there is a bunch more stuff that the average person would not bother to bring, but I can't remember what that would be right now. The above list is what I ALWAYS carry.
As commander of the troops, which include myself, DH, DS9 and DS7, I have drawn up the following plan of attack:


Each family member has been given a fanny pack of their own complete with H2O bottle holder. A disposable rain coat will be placed in each pack.

Each morning, the younger troops shall choose from a wide array of snacks to be placed in their fanny packs as well as whatever else they deem necessary. (Game Boy Advance will not be permitted in said fanny pack.)

Second in command (DH) shall carry his wallet and digital camera in his fanny pack along with whatever else he deems necessary. (Cell phone will not be permitted so that DH will not be able to check in at the office.)

Along with money, sunglasses, lipstick and pain reliever, Commander will also carry the passes, as she does not trust any of her troops to carry out this most important mission. ;)

Over and Out! (Oh yeah, we'll have a couple of family radios too.)
We each use a fanny pack. In mine I carry my resort ID card/park ticket, contact solution (I wear gas permeables and when something gets under them - ouch!), Excedrins (someone always gets a headache) and Immodium (someone almost always gets, well, you know);)

I am always in charge of the Misty Mate, so other than the above stuff - I prefer to travel very light.
How do you all get the DH to wear a fanny pack? Mine refuses. I'm not sure if he thinks he'll look less macho or if it's uncomfortable for his ever growing abdomen. Do most men at WDW wear them?:confused: :confused:
I take my fanny pack with my digital camera in it, my park passes ID's , cash and room key in a ziploc bag that fit in the back compartment with a zipper, I take bandaids and tylenol, if it's in the summer I take a travel size sunscreen , my sunglasses and my cell phone. I only take my video camera on a special day , we like to travel light and we get the drinks at the parks, after all it's vacation!
We stay on property and we always take an afternoon break anyway.
We usually carry a backpack each. There is room for a clean shirt for each of us, a bunch of film and a camera, a video camera with extra tapes & batteries, walkie talkies, extra batteries for the walkie talkies and the camera, snacks, pennies and quarters for the presses, ziplock bags, Advil & assorted meds, rain ponchos, drink bottles, and our daily park touring outline. More or less, we took it all. lol But, except for the first rushed outing to DTD, we were prepared for just about everything that we encountered along the way. Mickey
Originally posted by Greg K.
. Like so many other things involving my spouse, it's a mystery to me.

Girls. Sigh. :rolleyes: [/B]

Women, gotta love em, huh??? And when you want something, SHE has it!!!

We take a small backpack as well. In it goes the camera, extra film, water bottles, sunscreen, a small first aid kit, contact solution, autograph book, pen, and wallett.
We also take a separate bag with a change of clothes or warmer clothes if needed for the evening. We rent a locker for this bag. DH complains about the locker rental fee. However, last year we didn't bring a change of anything, at his insitince. We went on the Kali Rapids. It cost me alittle over $150.00 to get dh, ds(9), and myself to get a few new, dry clothes at the shops. He no longer complains.
When we don't want to be bothered with security, I carry the digital camera in my pocket. I keep the passes in my wallet.

When we think we are going to see or sdo something we want to record... I take my camera backpack. In it I can carry up to (but not always) the camcorder, a 35mm with telephoto and wide angle lenses, the digital camera, a small APS camera(ultimate backup), extra batteries and film for all, two ponches, sunscreen, waterless hand sanitizer, sunglasses (usually worn), a baseball cap. I think that is it. We stuff it with small purchases and guide maps while we are there. I still keep the passes in my wallet.

We have two mindsets. Either travel with almost nothing or travel with it all.

I like to carry it so Holly doesn't have to. :)

I would never wear a fanny pack. I have, however, given in to sandals.



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