What do you love about Disney?


Nov 26, 2003
I hope this is a good thread - I ask all of you. Tell me what you love about Disney! I have so many, but here is a couple.

I love walking down Main Street USA and seeing the castle - hearing the music. The Atmosphere - You really are in another world! I love the resorts and the Monorail! Most of all - I love that its OK to be 5 again and not be looked at funny!!!

How about you guys?
I will never forget walking down mainstreet on our way to the castle for breakfast at about 8:20 in the morning, it was before opening, last September. There was no one else on the whole street except for us and a few cast members. It was so cool.

i love the details! the hairy leg on the pirate, hidden mickeys, all the little things that really set it apart from anyplace else. imo that's what makes it different from say that other big theme park in Orlando, you feel like the imagineers really thought things through and tried to make things as enjoyable as possible by going that extra step. it's the only "amusement " park we go to and I think sets the standard we judge the rest by ( which is why we only go there:) ) even with a lttle lowering of previous standards it's still so far ahead of the others
I love walking out from underneath the train station and seeing the castle for the first time at the end of Main St. I get the goosebumps every single time--no matter how many times in a year we have been.

The fact that everytime I go, I feel like a kid again. I totally forget all about the outside world!
The fact that everytime I go, I feel like a kid again. I totally forget all about the outside world!
For me it's the thought and care put into everything at Walt Disney World. The very first time I walked down Main Street in 1972 I was just floored. I had never seen anything like that. I had been to many amusement parks over the years. But nothing was like WDW. The atmosphere, the theming, the cast members who (for the most part) try very hard to make your visit special.
Also for me it was growing up watching Walt Disney every Sunday night on television. You could tell that the man cared and was special. The "world" that he created may be studied and copied in varying degrees by others. But for me, nothing will ever replace Walt Disney World in my mind, and especially in my heart.
I love watching the look on my kids' faces each time they spot the castle for the first time each trip, and seeing how happy they are when they are there!
It is amazing! I also love the ELECTRIC LIGHT PARADE! I look forward to watching that the most!
I have to agree--walking down Main Street and seeing the castle! And being able to act like a kid again!
I dont think there is anything that i dont like!

The last night that we stay there we watch Illuminations at EPCOT. That I think is my favorite part. For some reason is more special than any other time.
The ability of Disney to make you put the real world on hold while you are there. I have said it many times, that you seem to escape reality for a while.


I agree - the detail and atmosphere created by the CM's make it more magical. You forget where you are!
Re: What do you love about Disney?

yes i know i am shouting (lol)
I think the total Disney experience - the fact that "real" life can be so easily set aside.

How CLEAN the place is.

How easy it is to smile there.

How family friendly the place is...compared to other amusement parks...I have a small 6 year old and I think there are only 2 rides that he will be too small for. Even the baby (2 1/2) can ride almost everything.

How happy even thinking about our trip can make me.
The whole place, every blade of grass, every street, every attraction, every brick, board and stone of it.

But what I love best about Disney is the system of values and ethics that it bestowed upon me, literally from toddlerhood on up. I grew up watching The Mickey Mouse Club and Wonderful World of Disney. When I lived in Japan as a child and Mary Poppins was released in the theaters, my aunt was tapped to play Mary Poppins in public appearances. My aunt was Mary Poppins! My six year old self just about burst with pride.

The things that I learned from Walt's movies and television shows have stayed with me all my life: be kind to others and especially animals; pursue your dreams with pluck and courage and hard work and they can come true; have faith and do right even when you are being done wrong; open your heart to love.

I have found that when I stray from the things that Walt taught me, I am not as happy as when I stick to what I know is right. It may seem alluring at first to do wrong, but you end up like Pinocchio on Pleasure Island...and we all know how that turned out.

I guess that's why I love WDW so much. I go there and everywhere I look, I see Walt and the things he valued and the lessons he taught. And I am in a place where I belong, because even though I never met him, I knew him through his work and I carry a piece of him with me, whereever I go.
I love almost everything about Disneyworld. My dad took me in 1976, and then I went again in 1986, 1994, and 1999. We're going in October. I would go every year if I could. I love the quality of the parks. . .how everyone stays in character, how one is really treated as a valued guest. I love how Disney pays attention to every detail. No other amusement park comes close to Disney. I love that when you go to Disneyworld, you and your family are assured of having a great time. . .there just isn't a bad memory in the whole trip.
(in 1999, though, at the cinderella's castle breakfast, Peter Pan was very much out of character, trying to get very personal with Wendy--the kids didn't catch it, though)
Most of all I love the feeling that being at WDW gives me, I feel like a little kid again. It is a place where you can forget about how bad the rest of the world is. I love watching the fireworks displays, I cry almost every time. It's just that Disney feeling! It does it to me every time!


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