What Does YOUR DCL magnetic door sign look like? With other great tips for your sign

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ohMom said:
kaitlinsmom -- did i say THANK YOU yet for posting that clipart for me?? THANK YOU!!!!
does anyone have or have seen a clipart with a character (Mickey top choice) flying an airplane??? i'm researching for my parent's door sign, they are from Dayton OH and she wants to include something relevant to their hometown

You know another thing you can do. Find a picture of Mickey flying in an airplane also. Scan it or make a picture and use that as a background.

Brochures you get from Disney could have something you like on it.

I took one day (actually yesterday at WDW in Epcot) and looked at postcards and such for pictures I want to do as a background on some new magnets I plan on making.
Kay- ALL of your signs look FANTABULOUS!!! Might I ask where you fouond the clip art that you used in the "together forever sign" (It SO needs to be added to my collection for the honeymoon...)
KRDisneybound, where did you get that picture of Mickey and Minnie at the bottome of your door with their backs to us looking out at the water? I think that might be good for our anniversary sign. Congrats on blowing the horn.

Momeska said:

I love all the signs that DISers have so generously shared, however, I would only use them to get ideas. IMHO, I would never take someone elses artwork and just add my name to it. Granted, some people aren't as creative as others but I would certainly hope that credit would be given, where credit is due. I guess by posting our signs, we are taking that risk.

I am sure I am going to hear about this after I post it, but oh well. I have to agree with Momeska.

I don't mind sharing pics but I guess it was weird to me to see 3 of my signs with different names on them. I guess I would be worried now that I would end up on the cruise and the person in the room next to me would have the same picture. I don't mind sharing pics as I PM'ed akasleepingbeauty with the picture of Ariel in front of the boat, but that was weird to see my door signs. I have enjoyed seeing everyone else's but guess I will come up with new ones now as I had not planned on anyone using mine. Now if people see mine when I cruise in 2006, they will just think I copied them. I would also liked to have honked the horn because of my artwork. Oh well.
OH MY-- I so did not intend to get all this started!!! The "Looking over the Railing" picture just happened to be exactly what I've been looking for - and I IN NO WAY planned on "copying" Kay's sign. I have so much respect for EVERYONE's signs that there is no way I would consider copying them. I apologize to anyone who thought I would just steal the art of others.
ANYONE THAT wants to use any of the signs seen, can just right click on their mouse and save the picture into your "picture gallery" and then go in and change it in anyway you wish. No one owns any of the backgrounds (probably except Disney and they list them for us to use). I have made backgrounds with pictures and postcards from Disney and other places.

If it is easier for an inexperienced person to start with a ready made background and learn from there, more power to them.

If you don't want your background used, then you should not post it for everyone to see.

I think it is nice and wonderful that first timers are making their own signs and I HOPE THEY ARE VERY HAPPY WITH THEM.

If I have any that someone wants, just let me know and I'll e-mail it to you right away. I have no problem doing that.
We're all taking the same clipart from the same places, but when it's used the exact same way that you did your's... well, you know the rest. I've seen my sign designs posted by other people and know the feeling. I know it's the chance I take when I post for everyone to see, that someone will take my ideas. If someone asks me if they can use my design or gives me credit, I don't have a problem with it. It's actually a compliment.

I think, to keep the peace here and still show off our signs we should ask others if we can use their ideas. I enjoy this thread and love to see everyone's great signs, but I don't want to see people upset by it.
How do I post a picture of the sign I created? You all inspired me so much and I wanted to share but I don't know how to get it into my post. Is there someone I e-mail it too?
zachsmomie said:
How do I post a picture of the sign I created? You all inspired me so much and I wanted to share but I don't know how to get it into my post. Is there someone I e-mail it too?

I'll be glad to post for you - I just sent you a PM
We're all taking the same clipart from the same places, but when it's used the exact same way that you did your's... well, you know the rest. I've seen my sign designs posted by other people and know the feeling. I know it's the chance I take when I post for everyone to see, that someone will take my ideas. If someone asks me if they can use my design or gives me credit, I don't have a problem with it. It's actually a compliment.

I think, to keep the peace here and still show off our signs we should ask others if we can use their ideas. I enjoy this thread and love to see everyone's great signs, but I don't want to see people upset by it.

I totally agree. We're posting our signs to show others what can be done. I've had some people PM me asking where I got a certain image or asking if they could use it to which I have absolutely no problem. In fact, as you said, it's a compliment. But when others completely copy the signs that were designed by others and then claim them as their own...well, it's just not right! We do take the chance in posting them that someone will do just that but I have faith that people have integrity and will do the right thing. I don't think some people understand that many of these signs took research and creativity in putting backgrounds, images, and text together. That being said...I agree that this is a great thread and do enjoy the creativity shown. Keep those signs coming!!!
:wave2: Linda
What is the big deal about using someone elses sign? If you want to go down that road, how do you think the artists who drew the pictures you are all using in the first place feel? Or the companies who own the images? Umm, can you say 'copyright infringement'? I work at a library, and this is a very real problem. And yes, I know that some of these images came from Disney sites, and there were there for downloading - but not all of them, and not even most of them. Most of these images are 'right click copy' images, which are unregulated.

The reason Disney isn't cracking down on this (like they did at that nursery school in Florida) is that it's more trouble than it's worth to prosecute. They would be perfectly justified, however, in taking down any signs that get posted in public places with copyright protected images on them. But don't mistake Disney's silence in this matter as implicit approval - we're just too small potatoes for them to bother about.

Bottom line is, if people are going to get upset because someone is using 'their' signs, they should really be reminded that they are using someone ELSES images, as well.

Sauce for the goose, ya know . . .

(ducking, running - but y'all know I'm right)

KC :earsgirl:
What is the big deal about using someone elses sign? If you want to go down that road, how do you think the artists who drew the pictures you are all using in the first place feel? Or the companies who own the images? Umm, can you say 'copyright infringement'? I work at a library, and this is a very real problem. And yes, I know that some of these images came from Disney sites, and there were there for downloading - but not all of them, and not even most of them. Most of these images are 'right click copy' images, which are unregulated.

You are absolutely right that the "images" are there for anyone to use. The point I was trying to make was that someone "borrowed" these images and put them together with backgrounds, borders, font and text designs and designed them together to make a door sign. There was time and effort put into it as far as research and creativity. It isn't one image. I hope that this point came across to some people. I tried to do this in a civil manner without resorting to sarcasm and being unkind as I don't think that is necessary in this discussion.
This is just for information in case you guys don't know this.

Do you know that you can Google someone and their name and if that person has posted a picture on the Internet, that gives anyone to use the picture or put into their use??

And in particular, this is the wording before you bring up the site:

"The DIS Discussion Forums - Consent for copywrited pictures"

Didn't know if you knew or not - it might be good to know for future reference

Everyone's posters and signs are really good and I am glad there are many of you learning how to do them.
Momeska said:

You are absolutely right that the "images" are there for anyone to use. The point I was trying to make was that someone "borrowed" these images and put them together with backgrounds, borders, font and text designs and designed them together to make a door sign. There was time and effort put into it as far as research and creativity. It isn't one image. I hope that this point came across to some people. I tried to do this in a civil manner without resorting to sarcasm and being unkind as I don't think that is necessary in this discussion.

True, no need for sarcasm or being unkind. Also, no need for pretending that quotation marks make it OK to "borrow" things. Those who create these signs put in research and creativity - so does Disney when it researches and designs and pays artists to create characters. Copying is copying, and although I realize that some peoples feeling are hurt because someone else 'copied' their door sign, it's really pot calling the kettle black.

Think about it - if you designed an original character, and put it out there on the web, maybe as, oh, say, a part of your sig line, and someone comes along and copies it onto a poster and sells it, you would be upset, wouldn't you? Same thing. Fair use, you might be able to make a case for creating a sign for your own use, but I hear tell there are those who are being PAID to use copyright protected artwork to create door signs for other people . . . and as for getting our knickers in a bunch because someone had the audacity to copy what we copied - well, the nerve of some people . . .!

KC :earsgirl:
KCMiller said:
True, no need for sarcasm or being unkind. Also, no need for dissembling. Those who create these signs put in research and creativity - so does Disney when it researches and designs and pays artists to create characters. Copying is copying, and although I realize that some peoples feeling are hurt because someone else 'copied' their door sign, it's really pot calling the kettle black.
Think about it - if you designed an original character, and put it out there on the web, maybe as oh, a part of your sig line, and someone comes along and copies it onto a poster and sells it, you would be upset, wouldn't you? Same thing. Fair use, you might be able to make a case for creating a sign for your own use, but I hear tell there are those who are being PAID to use copyright protected artwork to create door signs for other people . . .
KC :earsgirl:

Oh my goodness - please there was no sarcasm there or being unkind. I just thought I would let those that don't know it is there. Also no dissembling.

Please don't take it the wrong way. I mean no harm whatsoever.

I love this thread and know everyone else does also. Please keep showing your wonderful work.

If I didn't know, I would welcome the information and I would hope that others would also.

Please PM me if you want, I will be most happy to chat with you
Kay, your door looks awesome. You certainly worked hard making all of those magnets.

Seeing everyones magnets posted here inspired me to work on a couple of our own for the DVC member cruise in September. As Kay said, I think there are a few people working on magnets for that cruise. I have to say, without the information posted here, I never would have known anything about magnets until we got on the ship. Being first time cruisers, it would have been a let down to be without. Nothing which would have ruined our cruise, but certainly something I would have put time into before hand.

So, anyway, that's a long way of saying thanks. I hope everyone continues to post their creations.

True, no need for sarcasm or being unkind. Also, no need for dissembling. Those who create these signs put in research and creativity - so does Disney when it researches and designs and pays artists to create characters. Copying is copying, and although I realize that some peoples feeling are hurt because someone else 'copied' their door sign, it's really pot calling the kettle black.

Think about it - if you designed an original character, and put it out there on the web, maybe as oh, a part of your sig line, and someone comes along and copies it onto a poster and sells it, you would be upset, wouldn't you? Same thing. Fair use, you might be able to make a case for creating a sign for your own use, but I hear tell there are those who are being PAID to use copyright protected artwork to create door signs for other people . . .

So...if I'm to understand you correctly, you feel that the stateroom signs should not, in all fairness to the artist who originated the characters, carry any images of Disney characters. Is this correct? As far as creating a sign for my own use, that is exactly what I did, however, I know it has been copied and used and by people who claim they've designed it. That was the chance I took by posting it. I have since tried to find a way to delete it from the gallery, to no avail. I'm not so much upset about anyone using it as much as someone using it and claiming they designed it. As I said earlier, it's flattering for someone to want to use it. As far as anyone making signs for others and receiving payment for them, are they being paid for their creativity or for materials? If it's just materials, IMHO, it's no different than anyone wanting to make their own sign however, lacking the creativity. I, personally, would not do it. But I will not speak for those who choose to. You have your opinion regarding the stateroom signs and I have mine and I think it best that we leave it there.
I do want to be clear about one thing - I personally LOVE these door signs. I think they are neat ways to show how happy we all are to be part of this Disney world, you know? My only problem is with people getting all offended because *gasp* someone copied their sign! The sign THEY created (by copying fully protected images, fonts and borders).

I fully intend to make totally copyright infringed signage for the cabin doors on my cruise. And if I see a sign I really like, that someone has posted on this public forum, I'll probably right click and copy it, changing it to suit my needs - just like the person who designed it did originally. Will I say thank you? Most likely. Will I credit them? Where? With who?

Legal matters aren't opinions. But I'm going to leave this discussion here, since I've said my piece.

KC (who didn't want to make everyone crazy with this, but who sometimes just can't stand it . . ) :earsgirl:
ljql_5969 said:
Momeska said:

I am sure I am going to hear about this after I post it, but oh well. I have to agree with Momeska.

I don't mind sharing pics but I guess it was weird to me to see 3 of my signs with different names on them. I guess I would be worried now that I would end up on the cruise and the person in the room next to me would have the same picture. I don't mind sharing pics as I PM'ed akasleepingbeauty with the picture of Ariel in front of the boat, but that was weird to see my door signs. I have enjoyed seeing everyone else's but guess I will come up with new ones now as I had not planned on anyone using mine. Now if people see mine when I cruise in 2006, they will just think I copied them. I would also liked to have honked the horn because of my artwork. Oh well.

LOL ... mine sign was up there too ... just the names were different.
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