What has happen to Reddy's Ramblings website

I have made a total of one svg file using Inkscape. So obviously I'm an expert ;)

Inkscape is a free program and not too hard to learn. There are lots of how to websites for Inkscape that are great. I would guess the more you do it the better you get. What I did was find a coloring page of what I wanted and basically trace it in Inkscape. I'd recommend learning it if you have a bit of time.
I have made several svg files but I was over 20+ but I was wondering if anyone would like to share with me on a personal use only
Hi Everyone,

I too was following Reddys disney blog as my daughter travelled from Australia to Florida to work for Disneyworld for six months.

Our family then vacationed in the US for nearly 7 weeks including visiting the parks in both Florida and California and I was hoping upon return I could get some great svgs to do both mine and my daughters scrapbooks of our time in Disney. Unfortunately I didnt get to save any of her SVG's as I had no idea what I would be needing until I returned.

I do not own a Cricut so I am unable to use any of their folders. I own a KNK and use MTC to do my cutting.

I would greatly appreciate if anyone would be willing to share any SVG's that they already have. Unfortunately I would be unable to share as I do not have any.

Hopefully there are some caring Americans out there to help a fellow scrapbooker from Downunder.



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