What I wish I would have known BEFORE getting to WDW!

We like to brush up on our Disney movies before we go. My girls have Cinderella memorized but don't know Peter Pan, Bugs Life, and Monsters Inc. etc. as well. Seems like they "get" the rides, shows, and such more if they have the movie on their brain for reference. It's easier to say the show is about Monsters Inc. rather than go through the whole story. It also gives me a bit of time pre-trip to pour over these boards and pack!! :rotfl2: I generally stick to movies that have a theme park reference. (we pass on Treasure Planet and Atlantis!!:rotfl:)

Also, I have a very cautious 6 year old who want's to know exactly what she is getting into. We taped Splash Mtn. last time so she could check it out and not have to sit in a big log and float off into the abyss without knowing what to expect. The anxiety of the line was tough last time even though we knew she would love it. They have lots of the rides "filmed" if you search on You Tube. We also have all the travel channel Disney shows on the DVR so my cautious one can "prep".

I'm ready to jump out of my skin!! We leave in a few short days!!!!:banana:
I've read on SEVERAL boards that some use the space saver bags that you suck the air out of. My question is, while in disney, how do you suck the air out of the bag? Does anyone go up to the front desk and have them do it with a vaccum or something?
I've read on SEVERAL boards that some use the space saver bags that you suck the air out of. My question is, while in disney, how do you suck the air out of the bag? Does anyone go up to the front desk and have them do it with a vaccum or something?

these bags are the travel bags and you roll out the air:cutie:
Not sure if all rooms in Disney are the same but some room air conditioners will shut off if there is no motion in the room. We bring a small table top fan and tie a mylar balloon to it, not a latex they go flat in 1 nite, and leave the fan on all the time to keep the room nice and chilly on the hot summer days.
Bring those spin light that retail for about 15-25 at the theme parks. You can buy them at the Disney store or pack ones from previous trips.
coloring book, paper and crayons for the plane this was a life saver!princess:
Not sure if all rooms in Disney are the same but some room air conditioners will shut off if there is no motion in the room. We bring a small table top fan and tie a mylar balloon to it, not a latex they go flat in 1 nite, and leave the fan on all the time to keep the room nice and chilly on the hot summer days.

Anybody know which resorts have motion air conditioners?
Bring those spin light that retail for about 15-25 at the theme parks. You can buy them at the Disney store or pack ones from previous trips.

The Disney Store will no longer be selling the spinners, so if you find some buy them NOW. They will become something that you can buy only in the parks.
these bags are the travel bags and you roll out the air:cutie:

I bought these for a trip a while back and they just didn't work. Seal kept popping open. Took some stuff out same thing. Even with just 2 t-shirts I couldn't get them to work. I gave up and took them back. I was thinking about getting those giant Zip-Loc bags and try that.
I just bought a little fan with Mickey on it by the register at Walmart for about $3 and it lights up, at Walgreens they had mini-spinners (Princess, Mickey or Nemo) for $2.
flashlight for the hotel room
extra socks and underwear
disney shirts from disney outlet online
Oh, I also bring a tiara. I like to wear it around the parks, then give it some kid when we check out of the hotel. We did this last year with DH pirate sword too. I'm not sure about the kids, but the parents were really happy!
I brought sponges last trip. Soaked them in dishwashing liquid solution and let them dry out. Then cut them into 1in. squares and put them in a baggie. Just wet, scrub your mug, and toss!

Soooooooooo many great tips here, and not JUST for Disney. I will use thes sponge squares from now on!:thumbsup2
Definitely glow sticks/bracelets/necklaces from the dollar store

2 pair of sneakers for each - it's nice to switch and if you get caught in the rain one day, you will have DRY sneakers for the next day

microfiber towel - great for drying off seats or whatnot

small flashlight for reading your map at night (I found one at the dollar store that was a carribeaner type, so clipped onto my backpack)

Bright material/hankerchief to tie onto your stroller to easily find it

wet washcloth in a ziplock - wipes are great, but the washcloth works for those sticky situations where a wipe isn't the best (cotton candy, chocolate, etc). Use one from the hotel each day and you don't have to bring one from home.

notepad & pen in your backpack for making notes on what souveniers everyone likes....make a list, review it and then make a decision after you've seen more than 1 store...
One more thing if you are going with kids....I got shoe tags from who's shoes ID (something like that online).

They are velcro "tabbies" that give you a place to write your info (put your CELL as you aren't at home!) and they go through the laces or velcro closures on the kids' shoes. Not intrusive and even though kids know your name/number, they may forget if they are lost....and they probably know your home number, but not necessarily your cell.

Also, show the kids who cast members are (they all have a white name tag) in case they get lost....
You can also do this if you fly! We went in April, and I fit 4 standard pillows in a space bag I bought at WalMart. I put them in, and they went down to nothing! I put them in my suitcase last thing, right on top of my clothes. I have to have my own pillow, and the space bag was awesome!!!!


How did you get them back home??? Did you borrow a vacuum from your hotel to get them back into the space bag or was it a bag you can roll to get the air out of?


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