What is Walt Disney World doing right?

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I polled my family and we agree with a lot of things said already but our top picks are:
1. Disney Magical Express and Resort Airline check-in. They make traveling by plane so nice for us that it makes it easy to decide to go again.
2. After Hours. We would do this every trip in May if it was offered during our stay.
3. Fastpass+ and Magic Bands
4.Food choices. There are so many different options that it makes trying new things fun.
5. New rides and updates coming up and some existing rides, especially FOP
6. Cast members are great in our opinion. We have only ever had pleasant interactions with them.
7. HEA fireworks show
8. Galactic Spectacular Dessert Party
9. Boat transportation
As you can see, we love a lot about Disney
The amount of things to do is and see is exceptional.
If you think you're going to have a one and done WDW vacation, chances are you're going to want to come back to DO IT AGAIN, and do all the things you didn't have time for.

ps It'll take a lifetime LOL!!
Prior to the implementation of parking fees- Disney did everything right in terms of value- what we paid for, we enjoyed. Since then, Disney has done more to remove the value of money spent and cut back on way to many things that were inclusive.

The only thing that has not changed, and Disney has nothing to do with it, is the CMs whom add so much to the value of any visit- Disney's problem is they have not figured out how to charge consumers more for it.
For us, the way WDW handles food allergies is important. No where else that we have gone has offered to prepare food differently to the extent that Disney does!
Also, for all the cut backs in “guest experiences,” I would still argue that Disney does take care of their guests and want them to have a magical time. The majority of CMs are phenomenal and the best customer service I’ve ever had has still been at WDW. It may be more work than it used to be, but that hard work has always paid off for our family.
The healthier food options! I can't survive without my veggies (I eat meat too, but ...). Took a trip to the beach last year; you'd think the local restaurant owners had never even seen a vegetable. And so many places to choose from, especially with Mobile Ordering.
Free transportation: don't have to pay extra for a rental car, or have to try to navigate unfamiliar roads (and get in the locals way).
The landscaping!
I'd like to add a small note about the Mickey shaped solar panel 'farm'. I have no idea how much power it generates, but it's encouraging to see a company take on alternative energy.
Single Rider Lines. As a solo visitor to the parks, they are indispensable to me. I wish there were more of them, but I'm grateful for the ones that do exist.

The introduction of Star Wars rides, entertainment and theming to DHS has turned that park from my least favorite to my favorite in just a few years.

Agree with others who have mentioned Magical Express and Magic Bands. Both are so, so helpful.
1). Disney Springs-love all the new variety of restaurants and entertainment
2). Food Allergy Options-they take this so seriously and it gives DH so much confidence about what he can eat when the chefs come right out to talk to him about his allergy.
3). Transportation-even tho the sky liner has had some issues, Disney has come up with another option that connects more resorts and parks. I love the options to get around Disney property.

They are what makes Disney special for me. So many do so much right. Taken on the whole, they are the best staff of any place I've ever been to.
Adding hundreds of new plant based options! When I first started going to WDW in 2004 all they had for vegetarians were dry black bean patties and now I always have new, interesting and delicious options to try.
I second much of what was already posted: refurbishments, putting money into the parks, accessibility and accomodations for people with disabilities and food restrictions. This may be somewhat superficial, but I like that the dining plan includes an alcohol beverage for adults.
Yes the alcohol on the dining plan was a good addition for us. You don't always need to use it but even saving $10-15 a day between a couple really adds up over a 2 week holiday!
Sorry if I am repeating, but one of the things I think WDW does right, which is a continuous draw for my family, is a "captive" vacation style. Its hard to find this when vacationing anywhere else. What I mean by this is from the time you step foot off the airplane, your vacation can begin and you can truly let go and relax. They handle getting and delivering your luggage and driving you to your resort. If everything works as its supposed to, you'll receive your text with your room number so you don't even need to wait in line at the front desk. During your trip, you don't have to worry about directions or traffic or parking since you can rely on WDW transportation. You can shop all you want in the parks because they will take your purchases and send them back to your resort. You can pre-pay for your food with a dining plan so you can enjoy all you want while there without budget concerns.

Of course, there is room for improvement in some of these areas. And I get that these things are done more to get you spending your money rather than for guest satisfaction. But there's not many other places that allow you to completely escape from reality and "adulting" responsibilities like Disney does.
Sorry if I am repeating, but one of the things I think WDW does right, which is a continuous draw for my family, is a "captive" vacation style. Its hard to find this when vacationing anywhere else. What I mean by this is from the time you step foot off the airplane, your vacation can begin and you can truly let go and relax. They handle getting and delivering your luggage and driving you to your resort. If everything works as its supposed to, you'll receive your text with your room number so you don't even need to wait in line at the front desk. During your trip, you don't have to worry about directions or traffic or parking since you can rely on WDW transportation. You can shop all you want in the parks because they will take your purchases and send them back to your resort. You can pre-pay for your food with a dining plan so you can enjoy all you want while there without budget concerns.

Of course, there is room for improvement in some of these areas. And I get that these things are done more to get you spending your money rather than for guest satisfaction. But there's not many other places that allow you to completely escape from reality and "adulting" responsibilities like Disney does.

This is such a big draw for us. We haven’t left property since they started offering DME, not because we don’t have interest in other things (especially Universal) but because the ease of staying in the bubble and the relatively low cost of adding another Disney day just makes it too easy to stay put.
To answer in the theme of this thread...
1. Magical Express
2. Dietary awareness: GF options, allergy-adjusted options, etc.
3. Single rider lines

This is an interesting thread. Over and over I have read that people love all the things that I think need to be changed (FP+, theme park hours, cleanliness, CM training, etc), because I think Disney did these things so much of this BETTER in the 1990s and early 2000s. Too bad there wasn't an opportunity to link the "what needs to be changed/what do you like" postings with something indicating when a poster started visiting Disney World. I wonder if our likes/dislikes are simply based on comparing what Disney was like when we started visiting to what it's like today. (I feel like I'm not explaining this correctly.. hope you get my drift.)
To answer in the theme of this thread...
1. Magical Express
2. Dietary awareness: GF options, allergy-adjusted options, etc.
3. Single rider lines

This is an interesting thread. Over and over I have read that people love all the things that I think need to be changed (FP+, theme park hours, cleanliness, CM training, etc), because I think Disney did these things so much of this BETTER in the 1990s and early 2000s. Too bad there wasn't an opportunity to link the "what needs to be changed/what do you like" postings with something indicating when a poster started visiting Disney World. I wonder if our likes/dislikes are simply based on comparing what Disney was like when we started visiting to what it's like today. (I feel like I'm not explaining this correctly.. hope you get my drift.)

I’ve been going for almost 30 years.

FP+ has grown on me, I feel like I can successfully work the system to somewhat replicate what we could do with paper. I’ve adjusted to the need to plan in detailThe biggest plus of the old system was the amount of people clueless as to how it worked, so part of the negative side of FP+ is just how many people are actually using it.

The hours are absolute garbage compared to what they once were. I don’t know what there is to like about those except the tiny window we’ve had EEMH, even for newer guests.

I agree with you that cleanliness and training was better in the past, but on my most recent trip I saw a big improvement in cleanliness compared to the couple before. Maybe it was just luck.

I think your start date does impact perception, but it might work both ways. What I mean is we know that things have been better in certain areas, but we also are probably more invested and emotionally tied to Disney, so we see things differently and overlook some things. For example, I walk into Epcot and see a park I adore. A new guest might walk into Epcot and see a park they find thematically confusing and full of dated or lame rides.
My husband and I really enjoy not having to drive at all on our vacations. We are very happy with the WDW transportation system.
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