"What Not to Say"

All good points but one I think has been missed (or not?):
Reusable mugs~this includes using them at other hotels and using them on subsequent trips:confused3
Not wanting to start something--But, I'm a newbie and I have NO idea what some of things your talking about are!!!
Me too! I think I've got the jist of some of it but being a real newbie I'm a little in the dark. I guess I've got some learning to do!
I found another sensitive subject to add to the list yesterday - breastfeeding in public.
Newbie here but long time poster on other Disney sights.

It seems to me anytime you requests that Disney change anything, you get loads of feedback often heated.

One example is that I have often posted that I wish Disney would change the characters they offer at the MNSSHP, and just on the whole from time to time. I was slammed. I simply suggested they switch out a few of the less popular characters but people reacted poorly and told me how crazy I was. How I was lucky to get to go as often as I do, and that I was trying to ruin the magic by taking away the characters most people want to see. I in no way wanted to start that firestorm but I still would like to see more variety. I don't think thats too much to ask.:confused3
What a good thread this is for newbies to read! I'm fairly new here, but have spent a LOT of time in the past five years that we've been going to Disney on another Disney message board, and I wish they'd had a list like this. It does take a while to learn the ropes. One of the first posts I made on that OTHER site had to do with making an ADR and then not making it. I'd not yet been to Disney, was just STARTING my planning, and was completely overwhelmed. So of course I didn't know enough to consider the ramifications of not cancelling (I had no idea of how hard it was to get a reservation or a table as a walk in). Boy, people jumped down my throat immediately. Made me feel about 2 inches tall. I would have never gone back to that site had not a friendly moderator pm'd me to smoothe things over. So this list isn't to prevent people from asking certain questions or bringing up particular topics, just to let you know ahead of time what might end up being controversial so you are not blindsighted!
So are we allowed to comment on the driving of some of the people on scooters? Really, some of these people need to understand they do not own the footpath...! And if you are eating a turkey leg while driving, at least have the common decency to look where you're driving!

Anytime you say anything negative about a scooter, it seems that a war ensues somewhere down the line, but I agree some people need lessons in scooter driving.
I think I specifically ignited a riot on here once for referring to British men preferring speedos at the water parks. Apparently not every British man prefers a speedo. :confused3 Who knew? In other words, generalizations are generally frowned upon. :rotfl:
I was reading a thread today and saw another no-no. Whether or not someone should receive compensation from Disney if something bad happens while they are on their trip.
Just a friendly reminder:

Your pooh sized Welcome Board moderator uses a scooter and doesn't "look" disabled--but is. Let's just know that we have warned newbies about the dangers of mentioning scooters and their users and leave that one alone so the thread doesn't get locked. ;)
Haven't seen this one yet...
Who should or shouldn't get a seat on the crowded buses.... Just don't imply that you in any way should or should not have a seat. Just don't do it! Whoo Hoo Post 3 from longtime lurker!
I dont think I saw this one on here...

Dont admit you have money problems or ask for advice on money. Or admit you have ever filed bankruptcy. Especially if you have tickers that say anything about Deluxe resorts, club level, or upcoming trips.

I saw someone get flamed on here a few days ago because they admitted they filed bankruptcy over 7 years ago & their ticker had a club level trip in it from 2 or 3 years ago

Mostly, Just be careful how much personal information you are really giving out
So I am a real newbie to the DISboards.. I have read these boards over the years and decided to join tonight because of this thread! I love the information everyone is giving us newbies! It's good to know what irks people...so that way you can come on, post, and have a good time talking about Disney with other Disney fans w/out worrying if you've upset someone!! I look forward to reading all the debates and threads!!:thumbsup2
So I am a real newbie to the DISboards.. I have read these boards over the years and decided to join tonight because of this thread! I love the information everyone is giving us newbies! It's good to know what irks people...so that way you can come on, post, and have a good time talking about Disney with other Disney fans w/out worrying if you've upset someone!! I look forward to reading all the debates and threads!!:thumbsup2

:welcome: :wave:
- Use the title. Instead of "I have some questions," be more specific. If your question is about fireworks, put that in the title. Looking for advice about which attractions to see first? Ask it right in the title.

- Write 1-2 questions per post. Easier for people to stay on target and answer your specific questions.

- Be specific. For instance shoes. Instead of, "Which shoes are the most comfortable? How about, "I have very narrow skinny feet. Anyone else with the same type of foot? What shoes do you wear?" No sense if you have skinny feet hearing about shoes that are great for wide feet.

- Read back about 10 pages before you ask a question. There's a good chance it has been answered.

- Parenting techniques. Feel free to ask, but keep in mind folks share their honest opinions. It can get heated.

- Opinions. Just because one family loves Tower of Terror does not mean your family will. Just because 20 people post they ALL love Tower of Terror still doesn't mean your family will love it. Do your research. (The Unofficial Guidebook to Disney is free at the library.) You know your family better than anyone else.

- Weather. Check the national weather service. Just because it was 92 in October back in 2007 does not mean it will be 90 in October in 2009.

Hope this helps to give you the courage to post ANY of your questions, and gives you the tools to get the answers that will most benefit you.


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