What Seemingly insignificant event changed the course of your life?


DIS Veteran
Apr 23, 2017
Saw this on another forum so thought I would start it here , what events that have been small like for example getting off at the wrong stop on a train and ending up meeting the love of your life , that sort of thing

I will start with when I was in Year 4 my best friend left the school I was in at the time , then the first day of the new school year a new lad joined the class and we became friends and have been ever since around 14 years.
In 1995 I was basically a full-time military reservist, just making a living by bouncing from one voluntary deployment to the next, and I really needed a change, although I had no specific plans. I was in an airport, heading home from overseas to South Florida, and I happened to stop in a bookstore and saw a Money magazine with an article about “the best places to live in the U.S.” Gainesville, Florida was at the top of the list and on the cover that caught my eye, and it all just clicked. I decided then and there to go to grad school at UF. I had an interest in ecosystem restoration and thought it would be cool to pursue a new career in that field. I took the GREs, applied, was accepted and started classes that same year. And while at UF, I met my wife! I’m not sure I would have done anything at all similar with my life without being prompted by just seeing that magazine.
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My dad & I used to go to the circle track every Sunday night. One night, the track had a flyer up showing a mud bog being hosted in their infield the next Saturday. Made Dad take me. I eventually became HEAVILY involved in the sport & know many of my closest friends because of that - just visited with one a few minutes ago.
went to a concert in 1997, talked to people while waiting in line, found out about the fan club they were members of, joined the fan club after the concert and discovered the internet and the world of online fan communities. Long story short, over 20 years later I now have my own internet based business, due to the skills and knowledge of being part of online communities.
Went on a blind date with one of my teacher's brother-in-law. 4 Months later we were married and we just had our 29 th anniversary in Dec. Also, when his 4 yrs were up in the Coast Guard we decided to go another 2 yrs. Well, that 2 yrs turned into 2 more and we made a career out of it :) Never thought I'd live anywhere other than Texas. I got to live on all 3 US coasts. Loved every minute of it.
My college had "Winter Term". The month of January where you took one 4 unit class for 4 weeks. I had a choice of an internship at a Radio Station in San Francisco, and living at my girlfriend's parents house for a month, or an internship at a TV station in Sacramento and living at home. My girlfriend wanted me to take the San Francisco Radio internship, I took the Sacramento TV internship. We parted ways amicably a few months later. I was putting school and my career ahead of a relationship. She was putting a relationship before school and a career.
A year later I met the woman who would become my wife at that TV station. And 42 years later I am still in TV.
The Windows computer lab in my college. Freshman year, the lab got new Pentium processor computers and Windows 95 with Netscape Navigator. The World Wide Web was barely 3 years old at this point. Our school set up students with the ability to have their own web pages. One of my best friends at the time showed me how to write a basic web page in Notepad. By the end of Sophomore year, I went from majoring in English Secondary Ed to Computer Science.
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Reading a trip report on here that led me to two very dear friends.

But the biggest thing was overhearing my college roommate tell our other roommate that I should kill myself. It led me to leave campus every chance I got to be away from them. So many things in my life would not have happened if not for that moment.
What Seemingly insignificant event changed the course of your life?

Not my story, but my husband's - he got a good job (most likely the job he was going to keep) after graduating college. They went on strike 30 days after he started. While "sitting out" he saw another job opportunity. Went for an interview, got the job, and just retired from there after 42 years.

I suppose that changed the course of my life, also, though. Since we met at work (that second job).
Offhand, all I can think of is that on a cold day in WDW, with nothing else I wanted to do, I decided to take the DVC tour. There I learned about this resort Disney owned at Hilton Head, joined DVC, and said to DH "Hey, maybe we ought to go there sometime" That's led to 13 trips (so far). Unfortunately, I can't think of anything related to "how I met DH' right now-maybe I'm too tired.
But the biggest thing was overhearing my college roommate tell our other roommate that I should kill myself. It led me to leave campus every chance I got to be away from them. So many things in my life would not have happened if not for that moment.
I'm so sorry that happened to you!
I only just realized how this event changed my life a few weeks ago. In high school I tried out for varsity tennis and not make the team. I was 16 and so what did I do? I was so angry and determined to do something I went and got a job. My first job at The mall. Granted I did not make tons of money but I made enough that year to earn the max in Social Security credits (4) for that year ( tennis season was August through October ) This was the kickstart for me working part time throughout my high school life. I would work weekends and one or two days the 5 to 9 shift at the mall.

Fast forward to my real life. I went to college and worked a few years. Married and moved overseas. I now pay into a foreign Social Security system and will get Social Security there. But due to me working throughout my high school life and 6 years post college I have earned enough Social Security US credits to also get benefits. I just made 40 credits and I am estimated to receive between 400-600 a month if I retire at full benefits. Granted it’s not the world and I couldnt live off of that but that subsidizes my other Sources of retirement benefits. In hindsight working that tennis season gave me the credits for that year which just put me at 40 Credits
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Maybe not a small event to me at the time, but I didn't get accepted to my top choice college (many, many years ago!). The school I ended up attending is where I met my husband. We have two kids and celebrated our 20th anniversary last month. :)

Same thing happened to me! Although I've been married 30 years now.


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