What the HECK is going on???!!

CarolMN said:
IMHO, DVC would not be a good choice for you - you may want to try renting points for a few years first to see if you are successful in getting what you want.

To me, since you are only interested in 1 or 2 of the resorts and don't plan very far in advance, you could be setting yourself up for disappointment if you buy. Low demand months for the parks are not necessarily low demand months for DVC accomodations. If the 1 or 2 resorts include the smaller resorts (BCV, VWL or BWV), you definitely could have porblems more often than not.

Best wishes -

Unfortunately you are exactly right, that's what I was thinking too. We have wanted so much to buy but there were these stumbling blocks. We are renting points this year and we have stayed at Vero Beach and HH. We love the concept but we don't want to set ourselves up for disappointment. Every time we did the analysis (what do you spend on vacations every year?) we realized that although we like the deluxe resorts we had always managed to find a deal (AP rates were great for awhile). We have always managed to have a deluxe vacation at a lower cost. Now that our kids are older it is hard to all fit in one hotel room (the flip side being that we rarely can vacation all at once as a family) so the idea of larger accomodations is really appealing. We went to Marriott's Dessert Springs (timeshare) with our 18 yo son in December and loved all the room and the privacy of a 2 BR and that was just for 3 people. We would really love to figure out something that would work short of buying 2 BR condos at all the resorts we enjoy.
greenban said:
Uh Oh....

I just rented to Dog the Bounty Hunter........


But you ARE right Calypso!

I hope you don't mean me! I have to be careful what I say here.

jim and meesie said:
Huge respect here for the DVC members who have booked rentals for me!!!!! :worship:
jim and meesie said:
I hope you don't mean me! I have to be careful what I say here.

No, of course I don't mean you... :thumbsup2

And you have no reason to be careful of what you say. Look at me, I just say what pops into my head (All those voices at once get crowded!) and the real uber-experts are still helpful and very tolerant of me!

But I really just did rent to Dog and his wife! :stir:

Dean said:
Since the resorts do not run at this level occupancy year round, this suggests that someone is losing points along the way. You can bet it's not me or most of those on DIS.

I've wondered how many owners actually let their points die (molder, outdate, whatever) each year. I can't imagine ever letting that happen, but with about 100,000 owners, it must be quite a few.

I disagree completely with your view. If you were the only DVC owner, then I guess it wouldn't matter how little you decided to charge. Those who rent below market value, though, do a disservice to all those who do rent or may want to rent out their points at some time in the future. If you can't understand that concept, I'm not sure how else I can enlighten you.

Tell it to Wal-Mart! They seem to have this under-cutting thing down pretty well. Until laws are passed setting minimum prices for all goods and services, we budding "capitalists" will always have to cope with someone who sells for less.
Doctor P said:
Definitely misread my post. I don't want to do away with transfers. Just have them proceed as (correctly) provided for in our documents (i.e., maintain the use year and home resort of the transferred points).


Agree with you 100%.
newfamilyman said:
I disagree completely with your view. If you were the only DVC owner, then I guess it wouldn't matter how little you decided to charge. Those who rent below market value, though, do a disservice to all those who do rent or may want to rent out their points at some time in the future. If you can't understand that concept, I'm not sure how else I can enlighten you.

No one needs to enlighten me. This simply is some people trying to get others to do with they do so it will benefit the people who rent. In other words, it is price fixing, which in some circumstances (not this one) is illegal.

Again, I revert back to my name being on the check when I bought my DVC. If I choose to rent for $1 per point it is my business.

I did not buy DVC with plans on keeping a going rate on point rentals for anyone else. IMHO, If someone is worried that they won't be able to recoup the cost of their DVC purchase because they can't get X number of dollars when they rent their points or if this will cause a financial burder, maybe they should reconsider if spending money on DVC was a wise choice. (Let the flames begin).

IMHO, DVC is not an investment. It is prepaying for lodging wherever the person may choose. While it can save money in the long run, DVC is still both a luxury and expense. Slice it anyway you want.

Now with all of this being said, I can understand the OP's grief when she reads of all of these peoples posting stating "Help us make a trip" or "we can only afford X dollars per point to rent". I would respond to those people if 1 or 2 dollars per point is going to stop your trip, maybe they should wait a month or two more to save a few more bucks so that they can take the trip"
greenban said:
But I really just did rent to Dog and his wife! :stir:


I thought pets weren't allowed at Disney resorts. :p

I am just laughing to myself at the thought of Dog and Beth strolling through the halls of BCV with their handcuffs jingling as they walk. I actually love the show because in spite of their outrageous appearance, they really do seem to be sincere in trying to help the fugitives they pick up.

:offtopic: Okay...back on topic!
jim and meesie said:
With this kind of inequity it would seem that it would be very difficult to get your first choice of vacation at WDW each and every year.

You might want to post what your desires are...resort, timeframe, room size. If you are looking for late January at SSR that might be a combination you get easily. If you want early December at VWL you'd be better off renting.
DisFlan said:
I've wondered how many owners actually let their points die (molder, outdate, whatever) each year. I can't imagine ever letting that happen, but with about 100,000 owners, it must be quite a few.


I work with several DVC owners who (until they met me :rotfl: ) routinely let some or all of their points expire. They had NO IDEA they could rent them out. I am seriously (not really, but sorta) thinking of acting as a middleman for these people in renting, and asking the DVC member for 1-2 dollars per point to deal with the renters and MS. Does anybody do this? Up til now, I've had them transfer points to me for family to use, but I could see this being a failry lucrative little side gig under the right conditions. Any thoughts?
roadtripper said:
I work with several DVC owners who (until they met me :rotfl: ) routinely let some or all of their points expire. They had NO IDEA they could rent them out. I am seriously (not really, but sorta) thinking of acting as a middleman for these people in renting, and asking the DVC member for 1-2 dollars per point to deal with the renters and MS. Does anybody do this? Up til now, I've had them transfer points to me for family to use, but I could see this being a failry lucrative little side gig under the right conditions. Any thoughts?
Well, I wouldn't do it for 1 or 2 dollars a point - my time is more valuable than that. :)

If you do decide to do this, I predict, you won't be doing it for long. It will only take one "high maintenance" experience for you to see what I mean, LOL.

Best wishes -
krdisneybound said:
I am sure there are instances where a family can spend a one time amount of money for a vacation for DVC thru DVC points, but no for a complete membership.

You have definitely hit on my situation. I am a first time renter. I did a little research before hitting the boards, but still had a lot to learn. I initially placed a post asking if anyone had points to rent at OKW during our vacation dates. I did not ask for a specific price point, but wanted to see if I could possibly stay at a DVC property. I realize that I cannot afford to buy into the DVC, but I want to make this a memorable vacation.

I believe that most renters do realize the value we are getting and truly appreciate the accomodations we will (or have) received. It is upsetting to know that there are people trying to "bully" members with their sob stories because it makes all renters look bad in some members eyes.

As far as the dining plan, I'm a little uncertain how that becomes an advantage to a renter, as all those on the dining plan pay the same price (whether renting or paying rack price). Maybe I misunderstood that post, but I don't see how that takes away from a DVC member.

As a renter, do I expect free valet? No
Do I expect daily housekeeping? No
Do I expect the same discounts? No
Do I expect to get the EMH? Yes, but I would get them with the rack rate, too.

I do understand that some renters do receive some of these "perks". While I won't look a "gift horse" in the mouth, I certainly don't expect them.

All in all, I truly appreciate these boards and am very thankful for the point rentals. The person who rented to me seems very kind and I think this will be a wonderful vacation.

Just please remember, not all renters are looking to "get more for nothing". I know I am getting a lot more "bang for my buck", but at the same time, I hope that I have helped the person who rented to me as well. I'm looking at this as a win-win situation for both of us.
roadtripper said:
I work with several DVC owners who (until they met me :rotfl: ) routinely let some or all of their points expire. They had NO IDEA they could rent them out. I am seriously (not really, but sorta) thinking of acting as a middleman for these people in renting, and asking the DVC member for 1-2 dollars per point to deal with the renters and MS. Does anybody do this? Up til now, I've had them transfer points to me for family to use, but I could see this being a failry lucrative little side gig under the right conditions. Any thoughts?

Several people do this, and are not looked on very kindly. They're the buy low and sell high group, points changing resort identity and use year and renting out highly sought and hard to get reservations at the expense of all of the other DVC members.

You wouldn't be able to broker someone elses points with member services, only the owner of the points could make the arrangements.

It would not be lucrative and would earn a most undesireable title.

Oh, and I think it stinks....
TCPluto said:
Several people do this, and are not looked on very kindly. They're the buy low and sell high group, points changing resort identity and use year and renting out highly sought and hard to get reservations at the expense of all of the other DVC members.

You wouldn't be able to broker someone elses points with member services, only the owner of the points could make the arrangements.

It would not be lucrative and would earn a most undesireable title.

Oh, and I think it stinks....

While, I agree with TCPluto and CarolMN, I am very tempted to tell you to try it! I would love to hear your experience. One HM (High Maintenance) Renter isn't worth $11-12pp, not the $2-3 you hope to make. I find that in renting to newbies, with the education, communication, contract and changes in dates, I spend 2-3 hours each ressie. This is not a complaint! I love to talk Disney, and help others plan. I have made many cyberfriends, and share the excitement of their special vacation/anniversary/birthday/honeymoon with them. But to be honest, on more than one occassion, I have 'ended' the rental discussion, with renters, who it became clear, I could never satisfy. The unsatisfiable (new word?) renters are rare, but leave a sour taste in my cybermouth!

I think in relatively short time, you will just keep the points for your family and friends.

Finally, I don't think many people really care what others think of them in the ether of cyberspace. I have yet to hear of Jack Booted DVC Stormtroopers, seizing a rent for profit, owner's computer.

Have fun,

tetrimble said:
...(snip).....I believe that most renters do realize the value we are getting and truly appreciate the accomodations we will (or have) received. .........As far as the dining plan, ..... I don't see how that takes away from a DVC member................
I agree with you!

greenban said:
...(snip)..... have yet to hear of Jack Booted DVC Stormtroopers, seizing a rent for profit, owner's computer....
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Lost my morning coffee thinking about that one, LOL! Thanks for the laugh.
newfamilyman said:
I disagree completely with your view. If you were the only DVC owner, then I guess it wouldn't matter how little you decided to charge. Those who rent below market value, though, do a disservice to all those who do rent or may want to rent out their points at some time in the future. If you can't understand that concept, I'm not sure how else I can enlighten you.

newfamilyman - this TOTALLY illustrates the point i was trying to make earlier. you had a post last week that began "I don't know if I will ever rent my points out, but..." and you've followed it up by coming down on those who do. again i ask - if you're not in the renting market...and don't really plan to ever be...then why do you care so much? all of this talk about price-fixing and setting minimum prices for goods and services and "stronger together".....feels like we're re-writing the communist manifesto.....i'm with drake - you didn't contribute to the fund when i purchased my points, so i don't see why you should have any say over what i do with them.

believe it or not, there are folks out there (some of which have contributed to this thread) that would rather - out of the goodness of their hearts and their love for WDW - see some other family enjoy their leftover points than let them lapse or, as you'd prefer to see, hold out for top-dollar rental fees. if you can't understand that concept, i'm not sure how else i can enlighten you.....
As far as the dining plan, I'm a little uncertain how that becomes an advantage to a renter, as all those on the dining plan pay the same price (whether renting or paying rack price). Maybe I misunderstood that post, but I don't see how that takes away from a DVC member.

The availability of the dining plan to DVC Members and renters is a huge advantage to the renter.
It is the same price for the dining plan, but Tickets are not required (they are if you are not on points) and the Deluxe resorts are not as heavily discounted as the values when CRO offers packages, so again, the renter is able to save a significant amount on the room, add the DP, and have the option of purchasing discounted ticket media or AP's. That to me is a huge advantage and will bring a whole new wave of renters to DVC that normally would not be as interested.

And not sure if you were referring to my post, but I dont think it takes away from the member. I just think that besides not receiving daily housekeeping (which can be added for $25 p/day) that DVC rentals are being compared to values and moderates when then really offer a Deluxe vacation in Deluxe locations with Deluxe amenities and now with the DP, can hold its own to those looking to book Deluxe packages thru CRO.
oh you are so sweet compared to me....

one guy wanted me to change my reservation to a 1-bedroom (it was a studio) and then (in the same memo) wanted me to lower my cost to him....

well I told him to forget it and I got a new renter.....

all my renters have been EXCELLENT!!!! Great people to work with and no bother at all - since I :love: talking Disney!!!!


the only post I have made to the DVC rental/trade board would be ones that I could use myself if it didn't rent....of course I have only done that one time...
psu4glory said:
newfamilyman - this TOTALLY illustrates the point i was trying to make earlier. you had a post last week that began "I don't know if I will ever rent my points out, but..." and you've followed it up by coming down on those who do. again i ask - if you're not in the renting market...and don't really plan to ever be...then why do you care so much? all of this talk about price-fixing and setting minimum prices for goods and services and "stronger together".....feels like we're re-writing the communist manifesto.....i'm with drake - you didn't contribute to the fund when i purchased my points, so i don't see why you should have any say over what i do with them.

if you can't understand that concept, i'm not sure how else i can enlighten you.....

I have rented my own points and reservations in the past due to family members cancelling (they're the REAL high maintenance ones, IMO). I don't see how getting a DVC member some reimbursement for the points they have already paid maintenance fees on, and hooking someone else up with a Disney vacation is a bad thing. A week at a studio at OKW would be 109 points this season. If I made 2 dollars per point off of handling the reservation for my DVC friend, I would make over 200 dollars, for what some estimate to be 2-3 hours of work. Not too shabby. I can see why some would not do it, but I certainly don't think it "stinks." I am not talking about predatory renting here-- calling every day for a random Christmas week reservation that I have no intention of using. Of course I am aware that others do this, but I would bet that far more DVCers simply don't care to learn how renting works, but would be more than happy to transfer points to a friend and have them handle the details in exchange for a fee. Still interested in more opinions.


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