What time do you make your ADRs for?


Earning My Ears
Apr 17, 2009
My Dh and I are going in June and have made all our ADRs for between around 5:45-7:15pm. Last year we went and when I looked back all our ADRs were more like 7:30-8:45pm. Just wondering what time other people typically try to make their ADRs for. In the summer is later better in some ways? Should we try to switch it up and do some later and some earlier?

We like planning but hate being tied to a schedule so the ADRs are very hard for us :) Thanks for any suggestions!! :worship:
Breakfasts, 8:05 and 8:35
I think we have one lunch ADR for noon.
All dinners around 9:30, giving us time to get back after Wishes/Illuminations/what not. We're doing one dinner at 6:30, but we're not eating lunch that day.
It depends but I would say normally around 7-7:30. If MK is having evening EMH, we'll try for 8 or so. That way we can catch wishes and have full bellies for our late night.
We are on the DxDP so we have 3 ADRs per day.
Breakfast is between 8-9am except 1 day we want to get to MK at rope drop so that one is at 7:30am. :eek:
Lunches are between 12:30-2:45pm.
Dinners are 5:40-9:20pm.
It all depended on what shows we have scheduled.
We like to do everything early so to avoid the crowds and so we can be in the parks when everyone else is eating.
Breakfast is anytime between 7:30-8:00.
Dinner is between 4:30 and 5:00.
We don't usually do lunch as we plan on snacking through the park as we go.
We like to do everything early so to avoid the crowds and so we can be in the parks when everyone else is eating.
Breakfast is anytime between 7:30-8:00.
Dinner is between 4:30 and 5:00.
We don't usually do lunch as we plan on snacking through the park as we go.

If you have dinner at 4:30pm, what do you do when you're hungry again at 9 or 10?
We prefer later times. Lunch around 2:30 and dinner around 9 or 9:30. I don't think I could eat dinner at 5 or 5:30 (though occasionally I've had lunch around then LOL).
Our snack/or breakfast is between 8-10am, lunch is 11:30-1:30 and dinners are usually 4:30-6pm.
Obviously on days with late brkfst we do later dinners.
But we try to eat dinner on the early side, I do not like to go to bed to full. If I am hungry later I will eat a small snack.
We are early eaters! Breakfast between 7:30 and 8, lunch around 11:30-12 and dinner between 5 and 5:30. Dinner is usually on the table by 5pm at home, so this is what we are used to. I hate to go to sleep with a full stomach.
Breakfasts are typically between 8:30 and 9 (we do have a late breakfast ADR for 1900 Park Fare which is more of a Brunch) and most of our upcoming dinner ADR's are between 7:45 and 9:30.
Breakfast at 8am , usually coffe and mufin , lunch at any park , usually a turkey leg or something like that around 1 pm, ADR dinner al 7.30 pm, unless of course we are going to eat a spicy meal like Saana, or Jiko.....then we eat at 5.30 pm, and then we go to the evening extra magic hours. The we can sleep well.;)
I actually try to keep my reservations based on what time I would normally eat at home. My time zone is CST, so I normally eat at home around 7 - 7:30PM. As a result, I try to make reservations for about 8 - 8:30.

If you have all your ADR's, I'd keep them and then you could always have a snack if the park is open later.
Ours all all for between 6 and 7. My in-laws eat really early (like 4:30 dinners), but DH and I don't usually eat until around 8:00, so I split the difference on most days. Hopefully in-laws won't be too starving by our ADR for the night.
We do early meals. Breakfast in the room early so we can get to rope drop, lunch around 11:30, dinner around 5:30. If we get hungry late at night, there are plenty of snacks to choose from--Mickey bars, funnel cakes, churros, popcorn, pastries from France, etc.
I am making dinner reservations for early times: 5:00-5:30. But I'm not booking lunches on days when I have dinner ressies. I am planning on either a super early breakfast (8:05) with a light CS lunch or have a late breakfast (10:30) and skip lunch. If we get hungry later in the evening, we'll have a snack.


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