What time is it? Summertime.....it's our vacation.....Day 7


<font color=magenta>I'm a really really scaredy sc
Jan 23, 2007
Friday 22 August

I was pleasantly surprised that everybody got up in plenty of time and we were packed and ready to go by 7.30. Just time to queue and get our breakfast before leaving the Ranch for the last time. I decided to get some photos on the route to remind us of it.



Today we had decided to park at Sequoia Lodge for 2 reasons. We had stayed there 4 times in the last year but Son hadn’t been with us, so we wanted him to see it as we had talked about it so much. Also we had decided we would have one drink in the Redwood bar before setting off for home in the late afternoon.

We were still munching our breakfast as we walked round the lake - see how warm and dry we look!


We went in for EMH and straight onto Buzz - 3 times in a row. Dtr was thrilled that on her last go she got her highest ever score (without having a ride interruption to help). She had 137,300 and beat both her Dad and brother. We went over to Space Mountain and while they rode this twice it started to rain. We went over to Pinocchio and after our ride decided to go over to Studios to wait for rope drop there.

Now, dear readers, I have lived in the UK all my life - for 12 years I lived in Wales. Believe I know all about rain. I have NEVER seen rain like we had during the next couple of hours. We were all drenched within minutes and the pavement in between the 2 parks had streams of water gushing over it, where the rain came down so heavily. We got through the gates of the Studios to find some characters sheltering near Studio 1. Look at the state of Dtr.


The other 3 decided to go and queue for Crush and I went for a wander round the shops and then went to sit at a table near the entrance to TOT to wait there for them. I was quite uncomfortable by now - I couldn’t wipe my hands as I had no dry bits of clothing to wipe them on. I looked in my handbag for a tissue and discovered everything in there was wet too - tissues, fast passes, camera, mobile phone. I could only hope they would be alright when they dried (not the tissues - I wasn’t thinking of using them!)

The other 3 were quite quick on Crush - that was one positive effect of the rain - so we all queued to go on TOT. Son went round to RnRCoaster for 2 goes but we 3 decided to go and have a hot chocolate at the Restaurant en Coulisse. When Son joined us, we said goodbye to the Studio and went back to the main Park to head into Frontierland for our meal at the Lucky Nugget. We were in no hurry to get back out into the rain so we took our time in here. This meant we got to see lots of characters - Chip and Dale, Timon, Robin Hood, Scrooge Mc Duck, Gideon and Pluto, as well as watching the band. After completely filling ourselves up we headed back into the Park. We were still really damp from our earlier soaking and had decided we were not in the mood to queue up for many rides. We came to the joint decision that we would do one last ride and then go back to the Village for the last little bit of shopping we needed to do. Son had, typically, left it to the very last minute to buy his girlfriend a present.

So last ride - it had to be POTC - a favourite with all of us. Then shopping - I bought myself a really nice watch and a grey hooded sweatshirt and a rain jacket (I know -shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!)


We went back to Sequoia Lodge and while Husband and Son ordered drinks from the Redwood Bar, Dtr and I took a complete change of clothing into the toilets and changed into dry clothes. Oooooh it felt like bliss. Even my underwear was still soaking - it felt wonderful to be dry and warm.



We had a hot chocolate or coffee each before finally saying goodbye and driving off towards Calais.

Because we set out a bit early we got an earlier crossing than we intended and were in fact home by 10 pm. I found that Mum had popped in and had left milk and doughnuts for us so we were sorted.

We had a wonderful time. I had wondered how we would cope with the crowds but it was manageable at all times and the long opening hours compensated for it. I LOVED the Park in warmer weather - summer at DLRP is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Shame that your last day was so wet, but boy did you fill the day :)

Thank you for sharing your wonderful reports :goodvibes
Thank you for a wonderful trip report and fabulous pictures, I found during the summer when it rains at DLP it REALLY rains!
great trip report. shame about the rain but at least it didnt stop ye having fun
I forgot to mention that as we queued to go into the Studios, I realised the woman behind me was holding her umbrella so the drips (?torrent?) ran directly down my neck. It was raining so hard that it took me a few minutes to realise. :laughing:
great report - Ive really enjoyed reading them. We also love the long park days in DLP over summer
Shame about the rain.

I love that watch, how much did it cost?

Thankyou for sharing.
Great. Your children look like models whith their huge smiles. They must have a lot of fun. :goodvibes
My goodness, your DD is soaked, that was some rain :eek:

I've really enjoyed reading your reports and I'm glad you all had a fantastic time :goodvibes

I've got that watch too! :)
Glad you didn't let the rain get you down :goodvibes

I'm off to add DLRP in summer to my wish list :wizard:

Looking forward already to your report on the DLH :yay:
Really enjoyed reading your TR - you seem to have managed sooo much but then I guess you were there a little longer which would be nice to do! Loved the pics of Lady Tremaine & the Ugly Sisters esp - don't suppose they are out and about much!

Great TR :thumbsup2
Just re-read your TR as im planning a August trip next year, quite pleased you said the crowds were managable :)


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