What would you like to see in a disabilities guide book?

I'm excited to watch this project take off! I will be doing an "investigative report" on the bathroom situation in the 4 major parks. I've named this our Thrones of the Kingdoms Tour!! Let's just keep pooling info and see what comes of it. Thank you to those of you who've offered to accept email. It would be great to get as much as possible on a hard drive. Everybody has such great ideas.

I was suggesting the 1 person in charge idea only to organize that chapter, but the more the merrier.

Additionally, I have made up a form to evaluate the rides and attractions for accessibility and as someone else mentioned, the details missed if you do not go thru the standard que, or if you remain in your wheelchair in some of the theaters.
If you see someone sitting on a bench with a green ribbon looking like she's in another world, it will probably be me filling out the forms!! I know that my daughter will not allow me to forget our primary mission which is to enjoy a vacation together.

2 Weeks from tomorrow we will actually arrive with our green ribbons flying in the breeze.

I feel a poem coming on:

Only 2 more weeks to wait,
sure hope I find that Delta gate.
I'll be the one who's running late.

Soon it will be time to pack.
God only knows what I'll lack.
Gotta fit it in to the overhead rack.

When we arrive, look out Pooh.
My daughter can't wait to meet with you.
In her halloween finery she'll shout "boo".

Hoping the weather will be great.
Those summer showers we want to escape.
But we travel ready with boots and rain cape.

Medical supplies, all packed tight.
Oh, but our hearts will be very, very light.
Leaving here tomorrow sounds just about right!

Priority seatings all in place.
I sure hope I guessed right about our pace.
Now I'm becoming a basket case.

Just get our plane up in the air.
Nothing about the plane fare is fair.
Oh well, I'll pretend that I just don't care.

To the daily routine I return.
But it's for Walt Disney World that I truly yearn.
Waiting patiently is not a skill I've learned.

You are a great group of folks to hang out with.
We're only as good as the company we keep! I can't wait to start the outline on Monday. I will be happy to be the keeper of the outline. And even typing up the responses.. then I will leave it in the hands of the professionals to format the actual sentences, etc.

I was thinking tonight that this could be really neat!Just let me know if you are interested in the outline and I will e-mail it to you - along with the names of people who have volunteered for topics.

I agree re: Linda DVC - I wonder where she is?
My experience over the last 4 years has been using an electric mobility vehicle and not an electric wheekchair. Would be glad to help all I can. Will be going to WDW Nov 13-15 and Dec 18-26. All my experience is also as a disabled adult.

Oh this just gets better everytime I check the board!!

About the cruise lines: I think we should make it as extensive as we have man, woman and child power to make it.

Please sign me up for the outline.

Regarding accessible attractions: I'm actually taking a tape measure on our trip to accurately record some distances. My pet peeve: lifting my daughter off the Splash Mountain ride, which is her all time favorite. The official guides for the disabled do not distinguish between rides that are easily entered from a wheelchair, and those that are royal pains. I saved my back last time by looking for a friendly looking family while we were in line, and would then ask if the father was willing to left RachelJoy out of the boat. A yes answer gained the whole family access to the ride thru the wheelchair entrance, because yes, we were all in the same party.

I'm willing to work on the editing part of this project.

Two weeks from today, Lord willing, we will be at Mickey's. It is very hard to wait. How do the rest of you stay sane while waitingj?!?!
Hi RJs Mom!

SM is Kevin's favorite too!! I love buying the pictures as they catch him at JUST the right moment. This year's is priceless.

DH is still able to lift Kevin in and out, but the day will soon come that he might not be able to. But, come he** or high water, we are getting him on that ride. Just like you did.

re: outline - got it. I plan on getting to it tomorrow - that is if I make it to the office. I fell on my tailbone Wed - bruised or cracked it - don't know which, but it hurts. So, I may not go in tomorrow. But will for sure on Tuesday!

So - plan on being able to receive the "outline" Monday or Tuesday night. Ok all?
I've already got some ride info written up from emails I sent to people before this board got started. Here's some about shows. I've got boarding things too, but that's not stored on my laptop and that's what I'm using now:

Stay in the wheelchair rides:
These are marked on the guidemap with a wheelchair symbol. The CMs at the rides are very good about addressing the person in the wheelchair. This can be a problem if they ask your son something and you don’t hear it, so be alert as you reach the boarding area.
They will usually ask “Can you transfer?” at these rides. They asked Katrina at the Great Movie ride and she said “yes” without us noticing. All of a sudden, she was following the CM to the front of the car. We knew from experience that’s where they put people who can walk and leave or fold up their wheelchairs. We asked her why she said she can transfer and she signed “Daddy help”. We explained they meant “Can you do it ALONE?” and told her to answer “no” if anyone asked again. If you want your son to stay in the chair, make sure to let the CMs know he wants to do that.
For these rides, you may have to wait for a wheelchair car. Usually it’s 5 minutes or less, but we waited over 30 extra minutes for the safari at AK. ALL the people in wheelchairs had waited until the wait was 10 minutes and so the wheelchair area consistently had more than 1 tramload of peple on it and I think they were only running one wheelchair accessible tram at the time.
For these rides, the CM will seat the rest of your party and then load the wheelchair. The only big things (literally) I have to warn you about are the train in MK and the monorails. If you board or leave the train at the Main Street Station, the gate is on the second floor . There is a very long, steep ramp. Same for the monorails.
Theaters and Shows:
You will wait in line with everyone else for most of these.
For the indoor theater shows, most of them have a preshow area and the CM will tell you what side of that area to be on. For some of the shows, you will go into the theater before the rest of the guests (American Adventure, Impressions de France, Food Rocks in EPCOT). For the rest and for the outdoor shows, you will go in with the other guests, but you will be told where to go. The wheelchair seating is usually in the back of the theater and you can split your party and meet up again later if you don’t all want to sit in the back.
2 notable theaters: The American Adventure has a very steeply sloped floor while you wait to go into the actual theater and also inside the theater. The movie in the Land is good, but the arrangement there is for wheelchair users to
Wheelchairs sit in the front row for the following: Legend of the Lion King, Timekeeper and Country Bear Jamboree at MK, Beauty and the Beast and the Hunchback in the Studio, Festival of the Lion King at AK (We didn’t go to AK’s Pocohontas show or Tarzan Rocks). All these shows are really good.
The 360 movies at Epcot at Canada, China and the almost 360 movie at France are getting a little old, over 10 years, but are still neat. They fool your eyes and sense of balance into thinking you are actually moving on boats, carts, airplanes, skiis. etc, which your son might think is especially neat. Just move him around so he can get a view of more than the backs of people. You will be toward the back of tthe theater, but in this case, it’s good becasue there probably won’t be people in the row or 2 in front of you. The front of the theater is where the CM talks to you before the show (I’m just saying this because we’ve already seen people watch the entire movie facing the rear). s

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
Hi, guys!
I have had a hard weekend, sorry I didn't get back to work!
I would be more than happy to start culling info from the posts and some text files I had from the past board... if I can find them again! Things have been a little stressful this weekend, things are settling down now.

Feel free to e-mail me at teri-doolittle@worldnet.att.net if you need to do so. I await your directions!

If would like to focus on attitudes, conflicts, etc... I think those are just as important as physical barriers. Unless somebody else wants that one! Also, WDW with kids with Autism/PDD or severe language delay, other learning differences. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

remember the thread on "my time in a w/c at WDW"? It made me think that ...
Well maybe a section for those who are able-bodied, have no experience with disabilities,etc,
anyway, a section entitled "Can I Help?" So many people are confused on should they/or can they help someone in a w/c,ecv, or other circumstance.
It doesn't need to be a big section, but I think it would encourage people in several ways. Like, to have patience when an ecv/w/c is loaded onto bus, pc ways to offer assistance, enlighten those that the handicap spaces/entrances are not limited to those with a readily visable disability. Kind of an FYI for those without disablities experience. I truly believe that most people are open, kind and helpful. Just a thought...
Information to help the visually impaired. We had very little information about how to get my daughter to the front row of every venue. The process was handled so differently at every attraction, it made the whole process stressful at times. Because there aren't as many visually impaired folks, the CM's didn't always know exactly how to handle. Some information on this would really help.
Not really an outline, but a general idea of every topic mentioned.

I think it would be great to start threads on each item - maybe the person hosting that topic should post the item????

Here we go:

Opener The Mission of the Work (teri)

1) Getting There
Train, Plane, Automobile (SueOKW / SueM)

2) Hotel Accessibility (Wheelsie)
Including &ndash how to get what you need from CRO

3) Ride Accessiblity (SueM)
Transfer vs. non transfer
Entrances, exits

4) Disney Transportation Accessibility
Buses, Monorail, Boats etc.

5) Parade Viewing / Participation

6) GAP

7) Make-A-Wish and other groups

8) Travelling with a disabled child (SueM)

9) Travelling as a disabled adult

10) Medically fragile travellers (RJs Mom)

11) Pacing your trip

12) Travelling with children / adults with:
Language Delays
Learning Differences
Visual Impairments
Hearing Impairments

13) ECVs

14) Restaurants
How to get what you need when you make your PS
What restaurants are better / worse etc.,
15) FAQs
Including, but not limited to: refrigerators, medical waste containers, microwave warnings

16) Miscellaneous All
Companion Restrooms
Diaper Changing
Helpful tips
Hills and terrain tips
Ride definitions (turbulent, lap bar., etc.)
Dealing with staring (we still have that thread!!)
Wheelchair Etiquette

17) Special events - MVMCP etc. (Michigan)

If ideas were submitted, but the poster didn't indicate they wanted to "chair" a topic, I didn't put their name next to the topic. As you can see, many topics are open!! And I am sure we will all jump into every topic with insights! Really excited here, can you tell?


way to go team!

[This message was edited by SueOKW on 10-18-00 at 02:58 PM.]

[This message was edited by SueOKW on 10-18-00 at 08:27 PM.]

[This message was edited by SueOKW on 10-19-00 at 07:32 AM.]
put me in that list ladies....I'll be going down next month after TG....whatever you put me on list to do I will find out....well I can add to the hotel access idea since I will be in 2 AS hotels and DxL.....but Im sure the hotels will let me look at a handi room if I ask nicely and they have one open.....DH and I will be spending a day looking at the decorations of all the hotels one day during our time there anyhoo!! so put me somewhere...ANYWHERE!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif I can also put in my .02 on rides when I get back.....Im going to try a few ideas I have to get on some rides I couldnt last yr. :

Wheelsie Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


If your gonna be in WDW December 5th then come to a DIS meet SOmewhere....HELP ME FIND A PLACE!!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Hotels - you got it baby! Especially since you will be visiting them!
Your name is on the summary now....
may I make a suggesation....if you get no one to go for the section titled travelling WITH a disabled adult......why not try traveling AS A disabled adult....fist had is better than second hand! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Wheelsie Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


If your gonna be in WDW December 5th then come to a DIS meet SOmewhere....HELP ME FIND A PLACE!!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I will be able to offer information on Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party, Candlelight Processional. Oldest DD is also going on Pirate’s Cruise and Wonderland Tea Party so I will get her input from a child in a wheelchair’s opinion on the accessibility. When I booked both they put me on hold to check if they were accessible and assured me they were.
Wheelsie what rides and what are your ideas? Maybe they will work for Megan to or maybe she already tried it and I'll let you know if it worked. She's got loads of upper body strength but zero lower.
The list looks good. We can always add more topics if we think of more. I'll post the ride accessibility one later today.{

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
well Sue since you canged it to AS A...I reckon I can handle that one too LOL...I can also help Michie with MVMCP and Candlelight processional/dinner...we are eatting at Chef de France and doing the processional after /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Just add my name anywhere thats left or that you think need 2 prospectives...I'll be oozing information when I get home /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Wheelsie Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


If your gonna be in WDW December 5th then come to a DIS meet SOmewhere....HELP ME FIND A PLACE!!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Hi! I was just browsing the disABILITIES board last night since I haven't been here for a while and read this thread with interest and excitement! How's it going with this project? Are you all still working on it?

<font size="5" color="#FF0066" face="Amazone BT">Cindy</font>

<IMG width="135" height="200"SRC="file:///C:/My%20Documents/minnietravel.jpg">

<font size="4"><font color="#FF0066><font face="Comic Sans MS"><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">GOING TO WDW MAY 10-16, 2001!!!</marquee></font></font></font>
I have been searching for stuff to help to get an idea of what it's like to travel with an autistic child. While yes i understand that all autistic children are different and will handle situations differently, I would love to be prepared for questions to ask CM to get the most from the rides, attractions and shows. My huge worry is that I won't be able to sit near an exit to have a
quick get away if need be. I've been asked to leave tours, offices and meetings. Neither of my sons are verbal, so I try to not discourage them when they attempt vocalization. Of course that doesn't mean that I let them run amuck.

I would also like to see something about the pros and cons or using a leash or harness for your child. I am positive that we will use one, but have no clue where to get the best.



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