whats your BEST tip for going to WDW w a disABILITY?


DIS Veteran
Aug 22, 1999
I remember there being a post similar to this a while back...b4 the DIS transfer....
so now I ask again

Whats your BEST tip for going to WORLD that may others??

Let 'er RIP!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Wheelsie /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

EMAIL ME!!! I know you want to ROFL
This was a thread I was really sorry we lost during the great pruning of the boards. The new boards won't get pruned (barring unforseen technical difficulties), so what we write should stay this time.
My best hint is LOTS of sunscreen. The upper thighs of most people don't get baked in the sun very often. If you are ambulatory, the are not facing the sun, so they don't usually get burnt. Even people who use wheelchairs full time, aren't often out all day in the sun.
I found out from experience with my daughter that you can get your thighs burnt very bad, very quickly, even on overcast days.

SueM in MN
Moderator disABILITIES Board
Click here to beam to disABILITIES Board http://wdwinfo.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&a=frm&s=40009993&f=38009194
Well, My first tip is to read these boards! If you all remember, when I was planning our trip, I was very hesistant about going and you all convinced me to go!


also....PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!

use an ECV if needed and don't worry about looking different! Everyone is so busy having fun that you just blend in!
Re: your resort...talk to special services and get the room you need and want!
Call 5 days out and reconfirm what you requested and then call or fax the day before!
When we got to the CBR...everything was all set...they were all ready for us!

BTW...for those of you going to the CBR....request Martinique bldg.#26...room 2616! it is a great room! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

And, thanks to SueM's tip: the suntan lotion on the thighs is a must! I never would have thought of that and I avoided a major sunburn, thanks to Sue!~:)

Sorry for rambling on.....guess I'll leave some ideas for you all!


My best tip...for those of you who really can't walk long distances, but are too vain to get a wheelchair or ECV because it'll "make you look old" (and you know who you are /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif ) get one anyway. It is much more comfortable for everyone in your party and you'll all have a much better time!!!!

DVC '92 (OKW)
I found that bringing along a stadium cushion from home was useful in helping make the seat of the rental wheelchair more comfortable. My spouse also found using the fingerless, padded gloves that bicyclists use helped him avoid any blisters from pushing me in the wheelchair.

And my absolute best tip is to share the joy and excitement that I feel at being at such a magical place with everyone I come into contact with. Not only does it help make the trip more magical, it also seems to encourage others to act the same way.:


Figaro, One question...Did your husband's hand get hot and uncomfortable in those gloves? You can e-mail me the reply, if you like. iowndvc@axs4u.net


DVC '92 (OKW)
Our best tip...patience, patience, and more patience. We went in November of '99 and had a great time. Even my husband, who's in a wheelchair, had a great time. We kept our disability guides handy and made use of a lot of CMs by asking very detailed questions on how loading/unloading procedures worked for a person with no use of their legs. Some were even willing to show me the ride loading area so I could judge for him what he'd be able to do. For those rides he couldn't do, he was perfectly happy finding a spot to sit and people watch while we rode.

He wheels himself in his own chair and also uses the fingerless bicylist gloves that Figaro mentioned in her note. Great protection against blisters and dirty hands - but we always bring wipes just in case! Chuck S - my hubby does not complain about the gloves being hot, but he uses them a lot. I would say they might become a little bothersome if you're not used to wearing gloves when it's warm out.

The back of his chair serves as a great place to hang a back-pack. Just slip the shoulder straps over the grips on the back of the wheelchair. When we were all able to go on a ride, I grabbed the back-pack and took it with me.

Since it was crowded when we were there, I found myself running interference for him through the crowds. I stayed right in front of him to work ourselves through the crowds and he didn't have to worry about running into anyone but me - LOL! Our daughter (8) usually just hung onto his chair when navigating the crowds.
Wheelcahirsd make great pack animals. On our last trip we had 2 backpacks on my daughter's wheelchair. One had items she'd need for the bathroom (a change of clothes for emergency, wipes, etc.). That backpack was fairly flat because it didn't have much in it and we left that one on the wheelchair when we were in rides. The other backpack had all our other junk in it and we usually brought that in the rides. Unless you are carrying REALLY heavy things, a backpack won't increase the work of whoever is pushing the chair that much. We also have a small bag (actually a purse) atacked with a velcro strap under her seat for small things.
That makes me think of something else.... if you don't have antitipper bars, or if you leave them up most of the time, remember to put them down so the weight of the backpack doesn't tip the wheelchair when you get out.c

SueM in MN
Moderator disABILITIES Board
Click here to beam to disABILITIES Board http://wdwinfo.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&a=frm&s=40009993&f=38009194
Alright guys.... lets keep this thread alive... I know that there are more than 8 tips out there to share with others LOL /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Keep 'em Comin /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Wheelsie /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

EMAIL ME!!! I know you want to ROFL
In my case it was plan - just like other people! My DS is now 9, and just about anyone can push him in his stroller / chair (Convaid)...so we all took turns!

I got the guides early into the planning portion of the trip and decided what he would enjoy, and what he wouldn't be able to ride on, and we worked around that. Those were our "Bibles" for the trip.

The ambulatory adventurers got to do a bit more - and I would stay with my son. During those times - he would have a food and drink break - and maybe get to sit on my lap and hug for a bit! I think we all had fun and no one felt held back.

I think this time, I will get him better sunglasses! This time with elastic bands - he kept knocking his others off! And this time, I will make sure I am ready when the characters pay extra attention to him - and get the good pictures!

I will also avoid being anywhere inside the park during the fireworks - it was miserable trying to manouver him around in the crowd. This year, it's an Illuminations Cruise for us!


PS - Diaper changes were very inconvenient - any ideas re: this? We normally would go back to the resort for lunch, but a few days we stayed in the parks...

I remembered one of the prior tips - flashlights or luminescent bracelets around the ankles of the seated person! I can't wait to use this one!

And I forgot to mention - in our case we took frozen water bottles -and our special ez to use sippy cups....

Gosh, I made a file of those hints but it is on the other computer, which is dead alng with my high-speed ISDN line...
or lumi bracelets on seated person's ankles,
gloves (no they are not too hot if they are cloth or perforated leather),
UMBRELLA for instant shade,
mister fan with wide mouth opening for ice,
maps and guidebooks used ahead of time to plan logistics,
use 2-way radios if you plan to split up at all,
DIAPER CHANGES on big kids and older- MY favorite topic... use the handi-accessible stall if available and nobody else is needing it, or go to the companion-assist bathroom if available... but to tell the truth we have on occasion managed just fine in a quiet outside corner, using the umbrella as a screen and working fast. If the bathroom floor is wet, or dirty, and the changing area is too small or dangerous - you gotta do what you gotta do. Can't risk diaper rash because it causes irritation which causes behavior meltdowns.
A hint for fireworks, etc. Wait 10 or 15 minutes until the crowd clears. We used to think we needed to get out quickly to "beat the crowd", but all we were doing was getting in the middle of it. If you wait an extra few minutes, the crowd thins pretty quickly. You can make your way in comfort and not get back to your room that much later. At Epcot, we didn't even realize their are moving sparkeles of light under the sidewalks in the area between the huge fountain and Spaceship Earth. We came when it was still light and with the crowds going out, you didn't even see them.Î

SueM in MN
Moderator disABILITIES Board
Click here to beam to disABILITIES Board http://wdwinfo.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&a=frm&s=40009993&f=38009194
Along with the sunscreen on the thighs I brings a towel to cover my legs. I also need my glassses but found driving the ECV and trying to switch from sun to reg lens when going from bright sun to darken areas a problem. Some one suggested wearing both on two eyeglass chains but I found flip up clip-on easier for me. Maybe not the most fashionable but I'm happy.
Last but not least bring a sense of humor.

DVC 8/98
Offsite 5/78
Contemp 11/85
BWV 3/99
OKW 11/99
OKW 11/01
RE: Diaper Changes: The baby care stations are a great place to do this if the child is not too big. Their changing tables are very large and clean and padded all over. We used the stations for our five-year-old, but I believe they could accommodate a larger child too. They aren't private, though, maybe 4 tables in one room. If your child is modest, one person could hold up an umbrella or something to provide more privacy.
Thanks for the tips on diapers and parades... I will check out the baby area - we aren't proud - just tired..(who remembers Arlo Guthrie?)

anyway - as long as my boy is comfy, then I am happy!
Best kept secret of WDW is the First Aid Stations.
They are cool,dim and quiet, have a wheelchair accessible bathroom and also have cots which could probably be used to change a child too big for a changing table.
They are a great place to go and lay down for a few minutes if your body needs a quick re-charge. Also good for stretching and doing range of motion after a long morning or just to get your weight off your butt for a little while. You don't have to be sick to use it. The nurses there would rather have you come in for a while to avoid heat exhaustion than to have to treat you for it later.Î

SueM in MN
Moderator disABILITIES Board
Click here to beam to disABILITIES Board http://wdwinfo.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&a=frm&s=40009993&f=38009194
Well, I'm not paralysed or anything but I do have a disability. I am half blind, so I'm in the same boat as all of you, kinda. My biggest tip is just go and have fun despite what your disability is. I am not able to do a lot of things, like enjoy 3-d attractions because I don't have to ability to see out of both eyes like most people, but I do have fun trying to compensate with my disability. well enough of that, I gotta go find some topics concerning blindness. Talk to you later.



No one specified what kind of disability we were talking about here, so whatever you have to work with is fine to post here.
Another hint: get a Guidebook for Guests with Disabilities. There is one for each park and you can pick them up at Guest Services or call WDW and ask for them to be sent to you. They have limited (very limited) information about the rides, but they are the best info that is available. You can also follow this link http://www.wdwinfo.com/wdwinfo/disabmain.htm (I hope it works) to the text of these pamphlets on the DIS site. If it doesn't work, go to www.wdwinfo.com and under the heading "Theme Parks", look for Disability information.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


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