When Did I get Voted Off of Skinny Island #2: Castaway's Land Ho!!!!

Thanks, Jane. My DH brought up a good point the other day. He reminded me the doctor changed up some medicine I've been taking (trying to get me off of HBP medicine). The change occurred at the same time as the weight gain so I'm wondering if there is a connection. Either way, I know that I"m doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, and that's the best I can ask of myself. This has made me a little calmer about my weight, even if I am +1.8 for the week.

Let's see... the Indy ride. We all liked it, quite a lot actually. But of all the things out there we thoght it was the most over-hyped. Yes it was cool, but it wasn't "the best attraction ever done by Disney or any other theme park", which is how a friend of ours described it to us. After we rode it the first time, DH and I looked at each other and said, "That was it?" We ended up riding it a lot and found many very cool things about it (including the longest queue in history which was quite well done).

Splash was down for refurb while we were there so we couldn't compare it. PotC was WAY better! SM was also better. The ride was so much smoother, and the music just made it that much cooler. HM the actual ride itself seemed the same to me, but I loved the outside so much more, and the area in between the stretching rooms and the doom buggies was much better too.

I've also heard that Fantasmic! is supposed to be better than the one at WDW, but we thought otherwise. I think that there were several major elements of the show that were not working the night we saw it. We had a CM standing next to us who happened to be from Austin but lives in LA now. He was telling us that there was supposed to be some sort of action around the pirate ship that wasn't working (a crocodile, maybe?) And the big dragon that I've heard so much about was a no-show. So maybe if those things had been working we'd feel differently. But based on what we saw, WDW has the advantage based on the dedicated viewing area alone.

The viewing area was also sore spot for WOC. I did a lot of research so I knew to get there early and get a spot right by the railing. Sadly, our railing spot was the wrong one becuse we really couldn't see the show. And when it started the crowd kind of pushed forward, making it even worse. The show itself was very impressive, but I can't believe Disney couldn't come up with a better solution for viewing than what they have. We watched it a second time from the 6th floor terrace at GCV which wasn't the greatest spot because you couldn't see the projections. But you could see all the fountain work so that was really cool.

The "Sully Incident" is kind of a longish story and I've got to run to Scouts. It's my youngest DS's very last Den meeting, as he's crossing over into Boy Scouts next weekend, so it's kind of bittersweet. I'll fill you guys in on the details later on today or tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! I'm looking for some big losses this week from all you ladies to make up for my gain. Don't let me down!!! :dance3:
-2 this week

thanks in most part to some sort of 4 day flu thing with cough and ear infection:sick:

truth be told, I'd rather have those 2 lbs back. When I get this cough, it never goes away!! So hard to be a teacher and cough every time you talk. wah wah.

While I'm whining I need to vent that my little ones come to school sick so much. I wish parents knew that germs knock out teachers too. I know, I know, I probably got this germ from a shopping cart at Walmart....just can't think of any other safe place to say this out loud, KWIM? It doesn't mean I don't love my kids or my job, it's just a frustration. I'm a mom too, I know what it means to have to go to work and make those decisions about sick kids. Thanks for letting me share.

I am getting back into the swing of not wolfing down my foodpopcorn::. Another part of the weight loss program at work is to chew slowly and eat 10-5-10. That means, eat for 10 mins, 5 min break, then 10 more mins.

The 5 min break is the key there, I think. They say it takes 20 mins for your brain to register being full.

If I could conquer only eating when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full, I think I could be a thin person!
Just checking in to say that I'm just down 0.5 pounds. So definately not a huge amount, but at least it was something. I joined WW online and my official weigh in date there is Wednesday, so I'll have 2 weigh in dates, but that's ok with me because I am a "more than once a week weigher" anyway!

I'm going to start tracking (like I should have been along) this week. I am using WW mobile to log my foods and am really liking that it has such a great database of restaurants. We are painting some rooms at home and went out for a quick meal at Fazoli's before hitting the paint store. I looked at got the kids meal and knew before I ate it that it just had 7 points. Of course I also had to have a breadstick for 4 points, but that's ok, it was worth it! I feel ok ordering the kids meal, because both of my kids that are age appropriate for ordering the kids meals both the the full sizes. They love that place and can sure gobble down their spagetti.
Barb - Congratulations on bridging from Cubs to Scouts! I know how you feel about it being bittersweet. Of all the times and groups that my kids were in Cub Scouts was the best and the one that I miss the most. Its funny this weekend we were out shopping and bumped into three families from scouts that we never see. It was good to catch up with them. You'll look back fondly on all the great times that you had (I hope you took lots of pictures) but you'll have lots of new experiences with Boy Scouts, its just different since they are starting to grow up and want to do things by themselves. Having the kids grow up is hard.

Michele - I totally agree about how many parents send their sick kids to school. I think they learn from doing, because half of them don't know when to stay home when THEY are sick. Honestly, if you are hacking up a lung, please stay home. The sniffles and snorts around the office where I work are making the rounds and I really hope that I can hold off catching any bugs.

Becky - I think the 10 -5-10 rule sounds pretty interesting. I'd heard the 20 minute thing and my WW leader used to say to put your fork down while you are chewing, but somehow I just seem to plow through my food and then still seem hungry. I'll have to try it.

I took took today off and I'm having a good day. Got to sleep in, have a -2 weight loss this week, worked on a project, put together our paperwork for our taxes, made the appt with the accountant and now have time to get some reading done for my class this weekend before heading out to a dentist appointment. I love days where things get checked off the list.

Hope everyone else's Monday is going well.

Good morning everyone! Sorry I was MIA this weekend. We laid all new wood flooring on our main level and boy was it a job. Almost finished, just have a few finishing touches to do. I am -1.1lbs this week.

Hubby wants to get into shape for the ball season ahead and he wants to bulk up. He asked me if I would be willing to do the P90X program with him. I just about died when he first asked me and my first thought was no way, I can't do it.:scared1: But I have thought about it and have agreed to commit the 90 days to do it with him. I am scared but what is the worst that can happen. I know I will have to push myself to the limits and I will have to accept that I am not going to be able to do it all the first time but if I stick with it, it will get easier - I hope. I think we are going to start within the next week so please wish me luck and think about me. Hey Julie if you hear moaning like a sick cow it is probably me because I can't move the day after we start!:lmao:
Sorry I didn't post yesterday...we were out of town.

Jane: I actually put the lime green mickey heads on myself for our January trip to Disney! DD got some too but I think hers were purple. I knew no one would see or notice them there but I just had to have something!! I was surprised that you could see them in the picture, they've worn off quite a bit over the last six weeks!


Down 3.2 this week!! :woohoo:

And I'm extremely lucky to be down that because I had a great start to the week and then Wednesday night everything fell apart. It wasn't pretty! :sad2: However, I was able to rein in the binge eating for Sunday and actually managed to stay within my points and then yesterday was a pretty good day as well. (Used a few flex points for dessert!!)

So, I'm down for the week but still up overall because I had gained over 5 pounds a couple of weeks back. Still struggling to be consistent throughout the week but TOM just ended and the cravings stopped with it so I'm hoping I get three solid weeks without illness or major stress so I can reestablish some good eating habits and get back into the swing of things full force. (Three weeks is sort of my magic number for establishing habits...good or bad!!)

Saw my mom yesterday and she told me that I looked great! Mom has celiac disease and thought that avoiding wheat would take care of her weight issues but alas...one can still overindulge in non wheat treats (chips, ice cream and nuts for example) so she's still up since Christmas (and may even have gained MORE since then) and has quite a bit to go to get to goal. In fact, though I outweigh her by about 30 lbs at present, I look pretty good standing next to her which surprises the heck out of me!!

I have three sisters...sister #1 has an eight month old and has only three pounds left to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight and about 15 from goal so she's thrilled and working hard. :yay: (Incidentally, this sister and I are only 15 months apart and she and I have always been quite close. There's absolutely no jealousy between us and she doesn't have any characteristics that get on my nerves like my other two sisters. So although I outweigh her by...hmm, let's see...50 pounds at present (oh my gosh that's a lot!!) and it shows when I stand next to her, I'm so excited for her progress.)

Sister #2 has been talked about a lot on here...the lifetime member of WW who is still up 2 pounds from Christmas and weighs in next Monday so she's determined to shed those lbs this week. :thumbsup2 (Yeah, I can't help but think...boo hoo when she talks about how she's still got those last two to shed. Weird, how I'm thrilled for one sister and rolling my eyes about the other!!)

And sister #3 who just found out she's pregnant with about 30 lbs to go to get to goal so she's not troubling herself about eating properly at this point at all. :laughing:

So yesterday's family get together contained a lot of diet and weight talk!! :lmao: Still, it was great to catch up (we talked about other stuff too) and hang out and it's so much easier to watch what you're eating when practically every one else is too! Obesity runs in our family on my dad's side (he, his mom and all of his siblings are or have been significantly overweight) so most family get-togethers historically have been all about FOOD FOOD FOOD so it's nice that we've been able to change that in our generation.

I'm hoping over the next three weeks to get back down to my pre-Christmas weight. :cheer2: I was at my lowest ever on December 11th, so I'd like to be able to regain that over the next three weeks so I can focus on losing new pounds in the spring. (That's 8.3 lbs from today so should be totally doable as long as I stay within my points!)

I'd like to be 2 full sizes smaller by bathing suit season (which up here is late June) so I need to go at this pretty hard core to ensure I succeed. If I can lose 25 lbs between mid March and mid June (which is about 2 lbs a week, so totally attainable) I'll be quite happy!!

Alright...I've rambled on long enough!! Have a great week everyone!!
OH, these holiday weeks throw me off!! IT's Tuesday!!

So I don't think I sent my weight to Heather last week (or did I?). But I'm at the same weight I was on 2/7, so I'm reporting +/-0 today.

I just can't make myself do much in the way of exercise. I keep trying to eat less of the bad stuff, but that's about it. I think about exercise at a time when I cannot do it, like at work, in my car, in the shower...you get the idea. Now, it does make me suck in my gut and do some "standing crunches", but that's about it.
For some reason, I am not that worked up about the few pounds left. I should be, I have two weeks until vacation, and wanted to get down to my previous low (three pounds from now)before we left. I can do it. I just don't seem to feel the NEED to do it. It's kind of sad, I know a few people (other than you guys) who are doing WW and doing well on it. You'd think it would motivate me. I'm happy for them, but I just go, "eh" for me.

Someone kick me in the a$$!!!!
:rotfl2: Julie you are a comedian girl!

Hope everyone is having a good week. Mine has been okay, not bad but not the greatest either. Hubby and I are starting the P90X on Saturday (every 7th day you get a sort off rest day and we wanted that to be on Fridays:confused3Just what we decided)So I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow night and we still need to do the fitness test before we start but in a sick way I am actually looking forward to starting it.:confused: I may regret the pain once we start but no pain, no gain right!?!

Anyways here are this weeks totals...


2_EAGLE_MOM - -1


SKI_MOM - 1.5


DUTCHIE - -1.8



Thanks to Julie's kick, I got out the old Wii Fit last night and (after changing batteries), did 27 minutes and then played a few games on Sports Resort.

I felt better. Then I woke up with a sore throat! :(
My DH has had it for a few days. It better go away. I have a trip!!!!
Hiya gals (and guys? I've not read through the entire thread, so don't be offended dudes!)

Can I join in the reindeer games? :goodvibes I need some camaraderie. Not to belittle my husband's camaraderie, as I love him dearly, but ya know what I'm saying. :laughing:

First Name and Screen name:
"Wenna", "geekymummy" (on AIM, I love chatting and don't bite *much* but am horrible about unannounced AFKs so be warned!)

What your Goal Is for Fitness:
Any sort of physical activity would be a vast improvement. :rolleyes1

Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation:
Popcorn. Dark Chocolate. Noodle Dishes (pancit canton, pad thai, etc.) Strawberries. (If I could, I'd eat strawberries until I was camped out in the bathroom. I know that's TMI, but I'm being honest here.)

Favorite Good Food for You:
Strawberries (see above). Oatmeal. All fruit perhaps.

Favorite Form of Exercise:
Long walks. ("on the beach, in the moonlight" -- kidding)

What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island:
To look in the mirror and be happy at the much-smaller me smiling back.

Hubby is my chubby cohort. We're on this diet together. He's good at listening to me complain ... or at least pretending to listen. My bebe is a 3-almost-4 year old terror whom I love with all my heart and more. She's belligerent, whip-smart and my mini-me (and that's a scary thought). I'm keeping treats around for her that would've otherwise been thrown out. True love, I tell ya. True love and will power! :love:

A little background on chubby me:
Back in 2003, we decided to go on Atkins. I was thoroughly disgusted with my appearance and had to do something about it. Lost 65-ish pounds, felt fanTABulous. We then moved overseas so my way of eating completely changed. Even with this, we managed to keep the weight down. Moved *again* and got preggers. Preggers led to chubby. So, here I am about to hop back on the crazy diet wagon -- albeit South Beach this time -- and train ourselves to stop overeating and make the right food choices for us. We started this past Monday.

Sorry for being so long-winded. Hello to all and happy to have found you! :goodvibes
:welcome: You will fit right in as we are all a bunch of :clown: (some more so than others:lmao:)

I think we are down to all gals now as our faithful guy found skinny island a while ago and I think has forgotten all about us and that we are still floating away. He better have those drinks ready when we all get there though!

If you are interested we track our current weight each week. Some people weigh in on Fridays and some on Mondays. If you are interested just PM me your starting weight then each Monday PM me your current weight (don't worry no one sees the numbers but me) and then by Wed I will post everyones +/- (hopefully more - than +) as in the post above.

Great to have you on board!
Hi Wenna....welcome to the lunacy that is *Skinny Island*!!

We have a ton of fun here and sometimes we even manage to lose weight. :lmao: Maybe it's all the laughter...we just jiggle the water weight off!

We're all in various places on our weight loss journey and there's always room for one more!

And to all of my other friends on here...

If I can manage to get through the weekend without screwing it up, I'm going to have a really nice loss come Monday morning!

Thanks for the warm welcome, ladies. :goodvibes

Lunacy? This is *my* kinda joint! popcorn:: <--- Magical Carb-Free Popcorn.

I'll be firing off a PM to you with my digits-which-shall-not-be-named, Stitchfan. Cheers!
-While I'm whining I need to vent that my little ones come to school sick so much. I wish parents knew that germs knock out teachers too. I know, I know, I probably got this germ from a shopping cart at Walmart....just can't think of any other safe place to say this out loud, KWIM? It doesn't mean I don't love my kids or my job, it's just a frustration. I'm a mom too, I know what it means to have to go to work and make those decisions about sick kids. Thanks for letting me share.

Whine away, honey, I happen to agree with you. My SIL is a teacher and she has had a bunch of sick kids in her class. She caught the worst case of strep ever (it involved 3 shots, an absess and threat of a "procedure" if it didn't clear on it's own :scared1: ) But Jane is right - parents sometimes just don't know better because they go to work sick. I've always said moms don't get a sick day, we just have to soldier on through whatever cooties we have.

Just checking in to say that I'm just down 0.5 pounds. So definately not a huge amount, but at least it was something. I joined WW online and my official weigh in date there is Wednesday, so I'll have 2 weigh in dates, but that's ok with me because I am a "more than once a week weigher" anyway!
That's a perfectly fine loss for a week - be proud of yourself!!! (I know I'm proud of you :) )

Good morning everyone! Sorry I was MIA this weekend. We laid all new wood flooring on our main level and boy was it a job. Almost finished, just have a few finishing touches to do. I am -1.1lbs this week.

Hubby wants to get into shape for the ball season ahead and he wants to bulk up. He asked me if I would be willing to do the P90X program with him. I just about died when he first asked me and my first thought was no way, I can't do it.:scared1: But I have thought about it and have agreed to commit the 90 days to do it with him. I am scared but what is the worst that can happen. I know I will have to push myself to the limits and I will have to accept that I am not going to be able to do it all the first time but if I stick with it, it will get easier - I hope. I think we are going to start within the next week so please wish me luck and think about me. Hey Julie if you hear moaning like a sick cow it is probably me because I can't move the day after we start!:lmao:

Did you put the floors in yourself? Was it difficult? We have wood floors in the kitchen that need to be refinished, and while we're at it I'd love to extend them into the family room. Just not sure how hard that would be to do ourselves.

Good luck on the P90X. Keep us posted on how it's going.


Down 3.2 this week!! :woohoo:QUOTE]

Nice job this week, lady!! You'll be back to the pre-Christmas weight in no time. Bathing suit season doesn't start until late June, eh? For us it's....next week? OK, maybe not THAT early but let's just say I've already started looking! ;)

So you're one of 4 girls... any brothers in that mix? One thing to really keep in mind - you are changing the eating habits of your generation and that's great. But you're also passing on those healthy habits to your kiddos, and for that you should be very proud of yourself. :goodvibes

OH, these holiday weeks throw me off!! IT's Tuesday!!

So I don't think I sent my weight to Heather last week (or did I?). But I'm at the same weight I was on 2/7, so I'm reporting +/-0 today.

I just can't make myself do much in the way of exercise. I keep trying to eat less of the bad stuff, but that's about it. I think about exercise at a time when I cannot do it, like at work, in my car, in the shower...you get the idea. Now, it does make me suck in my gut and do some "standing crunches", but that's about it.
For some reason, I am not that worked up about the few pounds left. I should be, I have two weeks until vacation, and wanted to get down to my previous low (three pounds from now)before we left. I can do it. I just don't seem to feel the NEED to do it. It's kind of sad, I know a few people (other than you guys) who are doing WW and doing well on it. You'd think it would motivate me. I'm happy for them, but I just go, "eh" for me.

Someone kick me in the a$$!!!!

Well, I would offer to kick ya myself but.....

... Julie beat me to it :lmao:

:rotfl2: Julie you are a comedian girl!

Hope everyone is having a good week. Mine has been okay, not bad but not the greatest either. Hubby and I are starting the P90X on Saturday (every 7th day you get a sort off rest day and we wanted that to be on Fridays:confused3Just what we decided)So I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow night and we still need to do the fitness test before we start but in a sick way I am actually looking forward to starting it.:confused: I may regret the pain once we start but no pain, no gain right!?!

Anyways here are this weeks totals...


2_EAGLE_MOM - -1


SKI_MOM - 1.5


DUTCHIE - -1.8




Some really great totals there ladies!!! :woohoo: But Heather, mine should have a + instead of a - in front of it. :sad1: I'm gonna fix that, though!

Hiya gals (and guys? I've not read through the entire thread, so don't be offended dudes!)

Can I join in the reindeer games? :goodvibes I need some camaraderie. Not to belittle my husband's camaraderie, as I love him dearly, but ya know what I'm saying. :laughing:

First Name and Screen name:
"Wenna", "geekymummy" (on AIM, I love chatting and don't bite *much* but am horrible about unannounced AFKs so be warned!)

What your Goal Is for Fitness:
Any sort of physical activity would be a vast improvement. :rolleyes1

Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation:
Popcorn. Dark Chocolate. Noodle Dishes (pancit canton, pad thai, etc.) Strawberries. (If I could, I'd eat strawberries until I was camped out in the bathroom. I know that's TMI, but I'm being honest here.)

Favorite Good Food for You:
Strawberries (see above). Oatmeal. All fruit perhaps.

Favorite Form of Exercise:
Long walks. ("on the beach, in the moonlight" -- kidding)

What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island:
To look in the mirror and be happy at the much-smaller me smiling back.

Hubby is my chubby cohort. We're on this diet together. He's good at listening to me complain ... or at least pretending to listen. My bebe is a 3-almost-4 year old terror whom I love with all my heart and more. She's belligerent, whip-smart and my mini-me (and that's a scary thought). I'm keeping treats around for her that would've otherwise been thrown out. True love, I tell ya. True love and will power! :love:

A little background on chubby me:
Back in 2003, we decided to go on Atkins. I was thoroughly disgusted with my appearance and had to do something about it. Lost 65-ish pounds, felt fanTABulous. We then moved overseas so my way of eating completely changed. Even with this, we managed to keep the weight down. Moved *again* and got preggers. Preggers led to chubby. So, here I am about to hop back on the crazy diet wagon -- albeit South Beach this time -- and train ourselves to stop overeating and make the right food choices for us. We started this past Monday.

Sorry for being so long-winded. Hello to all and happy to have found you! :goodvibes

:welcome: Welcome aboard!!! Julie's right - sometimes laughter just makes the craziness of all of this worth it. We're so glad you've decided to join our small but fun band of pirates pirate:
Did you put the floors in yourself? Was it difficult? We have wood floors in the kitchen that need to be refinished, and while we're at it I'd love to extend them into the family room. Just not sure how hard that would be to do ourselves.

Yes we did the floors ourselves. It is not hardwood (we have a dog and his nails would scratch hardwood), it is a really nice click laminate (looks like hardwood but the boards are a little wider) in a nice cherry finish. It was hard work but we have done it before. We had wood in the kitchen and familyroom that we put down about 3 years ago and we should never have put it down. We got it for a "great" price and we were concerned with it locking into place when we put it down. We should have stopped and returned it but we didn't and it kept coming apart at the seams and looked horrible so we replaced it last weekeed and did the living/dining room as well as a small landing. It is not that hard to do but if you are going to do it invest in a good pair of knee pads as hubby said they were a lifesaver this time around.
Hey Barb...

I do have a brother. Just one and he's the youngest of all of us. He takes after my mom's side of the family (she's chubby herself but not obese like my dad's side and no one else on her side has weight issues). He is as thin as a rail. It's always been a source of pure disgust to the rest of us.:rotfl2:

Thanks for the cheerful and inspiring words. I'm pretty excited with my progress from last week and so far Monday's weigh in looks to be another good one so I'm on :cloud9: .

Sometimes people up here open up their pools around the end of May but it depends on the weather. By the end of June it's a definite go so I went with that time frame (well that and also because I need that extra month to take off a few more pounds!!) :lmao:

Alright, so my total loss since the end of May 2010 is (once again) 49 pounds. Which means at present I'm six pounds from my lowest ever and 19 from Onederland so these next few months are going to be crucial. I sure hope I get to say goodbye FOREVER to the 200's within the next 10 to 12 weeks and I'll take sooner if it's possible!!

Have a great weekend ladies and keep up the good work!!
Welcome Wenna!!! We are a fun group!

I'm home today sufering from some crappy sore throat, headache and bit of a fever. Dh has had it too so I know where it came from. The good thing is that it's so hard to swallow, I'm not wanting to eat a lot. We got chinese last night and I barely ate half. That's unusual! Today I'm sticking with tea and toast and lots of honey!
Must get over this quick - I have a Girl Scout cookie booth this weekend and only 11 more days til we leave!!! I have wiped down the house with disinfectant - door knobs, handles, faucets, remotes...

Going back to nap some more. Love having a laptop so I can stay in bed!!


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