When Did I get Voted Off of Skinny Island #2: Castaway's Land Ho!!!!


One Road Trip Away From A STRAIGHT JACKET! Wanna
DVC Gold
Jan 19, 2006
Hey Guys!!!
Welcome to our second installment of this great adventure towards being fit & fabulous! :)

If you are an existing castaway...so glad you have stuck with us through the thicker and thinner parts and starts to each of our journeys. :worship:

If you are a newbie and not sure if it is an insult to be called a castaway...rest assured it is. :lmao:

Okay, not really. ;)

A castaway simply means you have found yourself off of the island of your dreams. Ya know. The one when you actually wear a bikini/swim shorts and not worry about who is calling National Geographic to say they have discovered a new species on the beach! :teacher:

We are an eclectic group of women/men and some kick butt teens who are deciding to plunge off our fat raft of safety and into the waters full of cupcakes, pasta and chocolate and maneuver back to wear we felt good, looked good and loved ourselves enough to know that a healthy weight is the only way we will be able to lead the best life we can.

Here is a link to the first post of Chapter One. It explains well I think our mission and our vision for this thread.


What I also want you to know is that there is always room for more and not one of us is more important than another or more valuable. If you decide to join this thread, know that you have a worth and it is not based on which road you take to get healthy nor how long that darn road seems to wind. :thumbsup2

We value support, encouragement and more than anything we value the fact that all of us live in glass houses and rock throwing is NOT ALLOWED! We get beat up enough by the outside world and ourselves. We do not need this to be a place of anything but sanctuary. :littleangel:

Some of us voted this past week to let a castaway be the spokesperson for this new chapter. Someone who helps others, leads by example and is a fabulous inspiration. There were many nominations and not one was better or worse than the other (how blessed does that make our thread!!) but the consensus was ....drumroll please.......

Barb/Duchie :cheer2:

Before: This was taken this past January 1/10.

After: Today 8/5/10

Here is what Barb sent for all of you to read. I hope her message of success, determination and friendship means the true spirit of Skinny Island always.

Welcome fellow castaways!

I sit here today feeling very lucky, for in 5 1/2 months I have lost 55 pounds. I know in my head it’s not luck – it’s taken hard work, determination and sacrifice. Exercise (as much as I dislike it), smaller portions and learning to cook lighter have been my “secret weapons” (well, that and Weight Watchers Giant Fudge bars).

But the real reason I feel lucky is to have found this group. This whole “lose weight/get healthy” thing is hard. I started out on my own at first but I felt scared, lost and alone. I knew that if I was going to be successful, I needed a support group. My DH and family are wonderful, but I was so afraid of failing that I didn’t even tell them what I was doing. Somehow an anonymous group of people out in cyberspace seemed liked the perfect solution.

These “anonymous”, faceless people that are my fellow castaways all became very real to me very quickly.

Together we’ve shared success stories, picked each other up after one of us has stumbled (because we’ve ALL stumbled along the way at one time or another), and provided encouragement to those who were wavering and hugs to those facing tough situations.

I chose Weight Watchers as my plan and I think I understand now why this plan works so well. First, it’s about community – finding support from the group. Since I’m only doing the on-line version, my community is my fellow castaways. And secondly, WW teaches you HOW to eat for life. In this group, we have people at all stages of their journey, and together we’re learning life-long good habits.

I’m not done yet – I still have 10 pounds to go. It really should be 20, and I think with help of this group I’ve got the confidence I need to get there.
#1 On Monday's, those wanting to be included in the group tally, will report your weight. This will be done by sending me your starting weight and then the consecutive weeks, your actual new weight. Please do not send me your plus or minus for the week. It is easier to do the math and not look up last week's weight if I only have 2 numbers to deal with. Thanks!!!!!

Send to my p.m. box please Monday mornings. I try and post them by Tuesday mornings. If you forget to send me your weight, I will send you a P.M. If I don;t have it by the time I post - I will simply put an X in your loss area and you can get me it next week!

Nobody but me will see your actual numbers. I will not post your weight on the boards.

What I will post is a list of everyone here and how they did so far for the time on our thread. Then also the total for everyone as a group.

#2 The second half of posting, is many choose to post our individual week loss on Mondays on the thread itself. Most use the format of a "-2.4" or "up 1.3" or "Same" for example.

This means we can all support the person who might be faltering (I know I have needed it huge in the past) and really keep motivating whoever is on a roll.

This is a weight loss thread as much as it is a support group and I know I need that accountability and hope you all find it positive as well.

#3 For every 5 pounds you lose WHILE A CASTAWAY, you get to add a picture representing skinny island for your siggie if you would like. Here are the pics in order!
5 pounds

10 pounds

15 pounds

20 pounds

25 pounds

30 pounds

35 pounds

40 pounds

45 pounds

50 pounds

All you have to do is quote this post, find the picture you want and copy/paste it into to your signature! Just make sure to copy the whole thing from

#4 Let's talk about inches. I am a huge proponent for knowing how our body is changing because many times inches mean more than that number on the scale. So I will be keeping track of my inches lost as well.

The key to that is having someone you trust, measure you and only one person. That way they will tend to measure you in the same spot every month.

Hips, waist, thigh, bicep, and chest will be the areas I keep track of. (If I could figure out a way to measure my chin(s) I would do that too! )

Inches for those interested, will simply be gathered on the FIRST MONDAY of the month. Sometimes it will fall on one of the last days of the previous month - just depends on the week and the dates! I will send out a reminder for that the weekend before. You can send it to me with your weights.

#5 Tracking our food: (optional as well)

Thursday is the day we start as the beginning of a week of tracking. (For me it was simply easier to not have so many things to tabulate on a Monday!)

The goal is to post here your tracking for food, however you want, 5 out of the next 7 days. Some do just calories, some do WW points, some do food journal's and some do calories and food journal's.

If you get 5 out of seven days, you get a tracking pic. For each consecutive week - you will add a x2, x7 etc... next to the pic to represent weeks total you achieved this goal. Some of us track and make sure we are getting 2 cups of veggies as well.

Here is the picture for tracking Food:

Here is the Veggie Tracker:
Saved for Castaway roll call & pics!!! Please respond to these questions and pm your answers and a pic if you have it!
First Name and Screen name:
What your Goal Is for Fitness:
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation:
Favorite Good Food for You:
Favorite Form of Exercise:
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island:

First Name and Screen name: Jane/ 2_Eagle_Mom
What your Goal Is for Fitness: I want to lose another 40 – 50lbs. I started WW in 2005 and lost 50lbs in 2 years and then I got cocky and lazy. I’ve continued to lose, but right now after 3 years I’ve only lost an additional 14lbs. I’ve got the maintenance down, I just need to get a better hold of the lose weight part. I also want to be able to keep up with my “skinny/fit” friends when we walk at lunch and not want to throw up half way through.
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: Candy, Ice Cream and Starches (sourdough bread, rice, potatoes).
Favorite Good Food for You: Fruit
Favorite Form of Exercise: Not really a fan of any of them, but walking at night with my hubby and dog is the most enjoyable.
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: To walk into a dress shop and pull something off the rack and not have to hide a portion of my body with a full skirt/bodice/sleeves.
Family: DH (Jim) We met in High school and have been married for 26 years. DS23 (Steven) DS20 (Brendan)


This was in May 2009

Name: Dawn/Dizneydawn

I started back to WW a week ago and follow the points program! Finally my brain and my heart seem to have met after being overweight since 1999.
What your Goal Is for Fitness: I will know I have arrived on Skinny Island when I can make it up the steps at BB to Summit Plummet and not have to stop to breathe!
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: Often Carbs - new Chocolate fan though! Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt!!
Favorite Good Food for You: I love homemade pizza's!!
Favorite Form of Exercise: Swimming!
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: Go to Chicago with Dan for a weekend and shop and get myself a whole new wardrobe and not feel bad about the tags for every single item!!!!
Family: Dan is my fiance and we have set a date for next July to get married! I have 3 kids who I am blessed each day with who are 19, 17, and 14.

First Name and Screen name: Barb (Duchie)
What your Goal Is for Fitness: My current goal weight is only 9 pounds away. But I recently looked it up online, and I think my "ideal weight" is more like 19 pounds away :blush:
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: Carbs - baked stuff, pasta, bread
Favorite Good Food for You: Salads
Favorite Form of Exercise: These days it's Zumba
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: I want to finally look in the mirror and like the person I see staring back at me, both inside and out
Family: My DH of 16 years, 3 kiddos (DS 13, DD 12 and DS 10), two cats and a big ol' dog.
Before: This was taken this past January 1/10.

After: Today 8/5/10

First Name and Screen name: Aimee / gellybean
What your Goal Is for Fitness: FEEL good about myself. Not feel icky at the end of the day because I didn't move enough or ate too much. To avoid medical complications from obesity that are preventable! I need to lose about another 80 lbs. I'm down 40 from my heaviest and if I feel this much better at -40, I can't imagine how good another -80 is gonna feel!!!
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: um EVERYTHING? Mainly anything that's not healthy. CARBS! Pasta, bread, chips, sweets.
Favorite Good Food for You: fruit, edamame, veggies - raw and cooked, yogurt
Favorite Form of Exercise: ZUMBA baby! Stationary bike and resistance training too.
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: To buy clothes in the normal size section!!!! To wear sexy high heels and not feel like I'm gonna break my ankle wearing them. To walk into a room and not feel like I'm identified as 'the fat chick'.
Family:I have a wonderful hubby of nearly 6 years, and two boys, age 7 and 2. I'm extremely fortunate to have a great relationship with my ex-husband DS7's dad. We are truly a blended family. But not in a creepy way. :lmao: I have two sisters and one brother. My oldest sister is my work out bud during the school year and my other sister is the one that had soooooooo many health issues over the summer that kinda derailed me a bit on this weight loss journey!

But I'm back and so ready to get into a routine again!

Here's a cropped pic of me from our trip to Disney 8/10!

Skinny Island themed and everything! :rotfl2:


Those are my size 18 bermudas I got back into! Was back up to a 22 before joining Skinny Island. My highest size was 24 pants. So I'm pretty proud! :thumbsup2 Can't wait to take a Disney pic in a size 8 pants though!!!!


First Name and Screen name: Megan / mstinson14
What your Goal Is for Fitness: to be healthy and to not be laughed at and made fun of
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: chicken and potatoes
Favorite Good Food for You: fruit
Favorite Form of Exercise: walking/swimming/exercise
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: To just be healthy and do what I want to do. To not be looked at differently because of my weight. Also to not worry about fitting in an airplane seat or amusement park seat.
My goal weight is to be 110 lbs
I'm 14 years old

Here's a picture of me from the cruise in July 2010


Hello all! I'm Amanda/Piper'sMom and I started my "new lifestyle" on May 31st of this year! I can't remember a time when I was not overweight. That being said, I had never tried to lose weight before now. I live with my 9yo daughter Piper, and stay at home because of her health issues (Cystic Fibrosis). When I started the process I was weighing in at 246, and as of today, am down to 218. My goal is to get to 146, with a closer goal of 50 lbs lost by Dec.1. I'm using SparkPeople, and have gone from not exercising to walking 20-30 miles a week. If someone had told me six months ago that I would lose 27 lbs in roughly 2.5 months, I would have thought they were nuts! The support I've gotten on the thread has been a huge part of my success thus far, and I'm sure it will continue to be. This is a "before" picture, I'll have to get someone to take one of where I am now!


First Name and Screen name: stayhomemom77/Julie
What your Goal Is for Fitness: I want to lose 120 pounds. I have split that up into two extremely unequal parts, Phase One (the first 100 pounds) and Phase Two (the last 20 pounds). Of course, 100 pounds is a lot so I’ve broken the first Phase into 10 pound increments. I did this because I won’t care as much how long it takes to lose that last 20 pounds after having been successful at taking off 100 and at that point I believe I’ll feel like I’m on the beach of skinny island. I’m using Weight Watcher’s Online as my weight loss program and I really enjoy it. I joined this thread the last week of May and since then I have lost 26 pounds.
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: Chips and Dip (although not so much these days)
Favorite Good Food for You: fresh fruit and veggies
Favorite Form of Exercise: walking
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: I want to look in the mirror and like what I see. I’ve always had a healthy self esteem but the last 10 years of slothfulness and gluttony have taken their toll on both my figure and my self esteem and I am trying to correct both of those problems.
Family: I am married to an amazing man, Randy who is also trying to slim down. He’s hoping to lose around fifty pounds total and is accomplishing that by exercising quite a lot and practicing portion control. I also have a seven year old daughter and a five year old son, two amazing kids without weight issues which Randy and I would like to see stay that way. They have learned a lot about healthy eating during this journey for which I am eternally grateful.


Here I am with my boyfriend on our April 2010 Disney Trip!!

First Name and Screen name: Stitchfan23, Heather
What your Goal Is for Fitness:I would like to loose 100lbs but I have decided to break it into 25lb instalments because honestly 100 is just too big a number and seems so far off. 25 is a number I can handle. My last fitness goal would be to be able to play with my niece and nephew without always having to take a break or sit on the sidelines because I am so out of breath
Food that Gives you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation:eating out in general. I don't like to cook and we eat out a lot which I am trying to change
Favorite Good Food for You:I love fruit (but I don't really eat it - go figure)
Favorite Form of Exercise:Started walking and I really enjoy it.
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island:I don't care what the number on the scale says if I can go into any store and buy what I like I will be one happy lady. My hubby always tells me I look good or that I look sexy but I want to FEEL it too.
Family:My darling husband, both the biggest pain in my a$$ and the love of my life . We can't have children so my four legged on will do

Here is a picture from April of this year. I am about 20lbs lighter since then but don't have an updated picture. Will have to get one taken and repost.


First Name and Screen name
: tebi73 - Allison
What your Goal Is for Fitness: I really want to lose about 100 lbs. I am going to break it down into 25 lb. segments, because 100 lbs. just seems like a really hard place to reach. 25 lbs. at a time is much more realistic for me. I had lost about 30 lbs. the year before last, but when I tore my ACL last March, all of the weight just piled back on due to lack of exercise. I want to be able to get back to keeping up with my DS9 when he wants to play.
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: Pasta
Favorite Good Food for You: Carrots
Favorite Form of Exercise: Martial Arts
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: I want to be able to go into a store and actually enjoy shopping for clothes for me. I want to be able to look in the mirror and actually be happy with what I see.
Family: I am married to my high school sweetheart, Kevin. We have one wonderful kiddo, Malachi, age almost 9. I spend most of my time chauffering Malachi between his various sports - Baseball, Football & Taekwondo.


A new chapter? Wow.... never thought I'd see that day.


And now a few inspirational quotes for the first page of the new chapter:

“What have you done today to make you feel PROUD?” – NBC’s The Biggest Loser Theme Song

“Stand up and FINISH what you STARTED!” – Bob Harper

“I cannot build DESIRE you must find your own PURPOSE.” – Jillian Michaels

“Unless you faint, puke, or die, KEEP WALKING!” – Jillian Michaels

“This is where it matters the most. This is where lives are made, it is in these moments when you can choose whether to say ‘I can’t’ or ‘I CAN.’ It is a choice that will either make or break you for life.” – Jillian Michaels

“Do you want to be skinny or what, KEEP GOING!” – Jillian Michaels

“BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS … leave it all on the Gym Floor.” – Jillian Michaels

“You’re halfway there, on your last circuit, Don’t STOP, I know what you’re thinking, you’re dying, it hurts, wah, wah, wah… You wanna be skinny or not. Shut up, and do your mountain climbers.” – Jillian Michaels

“Today’s your day, I feel it, you’ve paved the way, BELIEVE IT.” – Shakira

“It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi

“Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons WHY I CAN.” – Anonymous

“Don’t dig your grave with your own Knife & Fork.” – English Proverb

“You have a CHOICE. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face.” – Gatorade

“Even if you’re on the RIGHT TRACK, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers

“One should EAT TO LIVE, not live to eat” – Molière

“The past does not define you, the PRESENT does.” – Jillian Michaels

“I am doing the BEST I CAN given what I have today.” – Jillian Michaels

“A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul.” – Jillian Michaels

“When I say ‘DO WHAT YOU CAN’ I want half an hour five times a week. ‘DO WHAT YOU CAN!’ Walk your lunch hour. Do a video in your living room for thirty minutes.” – Jillian Michaels

“Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.” – Lou Holtz

“Words, words, words, just stop talking and DO IT.” – Bob Harper

“Why are you gonna choose FAILURE when SUCCESS is an option?” – Jillian Michaels

“Don’t ask me if the CHANGE is worth it….Ask yourself if YOU are worth it?!” – Michael Ventrella

“Last Chance Workout is about no regrets, it’s about giving it everything you have, and when you think you have nothing else, that’s when you give more.” – Jillian Michaels

“Don’t quit on me! You know why? Because quitting on me, is quitting on yourself.” – Jillian Michaels

“The only place SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi

“Even in your darkest hour, if you could only just look UP, you’ll see some light.” – Michael Ventrella

“Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.” – Vince Lombardi

“I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.” – Vince Lombardi

“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile” – Vince Lombardi

“Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit” – Vince Lombardi

“People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society.” – Vince Lombardi

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Vince Lombardi

“Success demands singleness of purpose.” – Vince Lombardi

“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.” – Vince Lombardi

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi

“The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.” – Vince Lombardi

“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi

“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.” – Vince Lombardi

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” – Vince Lombardi

“We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.” – Vince Lombardi

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.” – Vince Lombardi

“Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.” – Vince Lombardi

“Fitness to me isn't about a crunch or a push up, it's about taking your power back.” – Jillian Michaels

“You can tell me that you choose not to. You can tell me that you choose to quit, that you choose to be less than what you are and less than what God intended but don’t ever tell me that you can’t do it!” – Jillian Michaels

“My battle with weight has been the biggest struggle of my life. But I am overcoming it day by day and WILL BE VICTORIOUS.” – Mandisa

"You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there." – Anonymous

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance." - Lee Iacocca

"The seed you sow today will not produce crop till tomorrow. For this reason, your identity does not lie in your current results. This is not who you are. Your current results are who you were." -- James A. Ray

I'll add more as I find more
A new chapter? Wow.... never thought I'd see that day.


And now a few inspirational quotes for the first page of the new chapter:

I sit here today feeling very lucky, for in 5 1/2 months I have lost 55 pounds. I know in my head it’s not luck – it’s taken hard work, determination and sacrifice. Exercise (as much as I dislike it), smaller portions and learning to cook lighter have been my “secret weapons” (well, that and Weight Watchers Giant Fudge bars).

I'm new to this thread but not to WISH. I just wanted to say CONGRATS! What a tremendous accomplishment! :cheer2:
Cool a new chapter!!:cool1::cool1:

It has been a long hard road for most of us and most of us are still treading water on the way to skinny island but with the friends we have made and those we have helped along the way and for those that are treading with us, I personally wanted to send out a great big :hug: and a big THANK YOU because I know I wouldn't be where I am today without you all.

I look forward to continuing this journey with you all and since this is a new chapter I am recommiting my journey right here in print. I would ask that all of you please hold me accountable in this journey as I am determined to get to my goal. Am I happy with where I am - Of course, I have lost almost 20lbs. Should I be further ahead - YES! I need to kick my butt into gear and get moving.

I think there are times we need to reflect back on our journey through life and see what changes we would have made. I fell off the wagon hard the last 2 days and i will admit that over those 2 days I have eaten almost 1 dozen donuts!:scared1: I didn't sleep well last night as I felt so guilty at hurting what I have been working for. I got up this morning and went right away and exercised. I have spent most of the day thinking about my choices and where I want to be. This IS what I want. I WANT to be healthy, I WANT to live a long life with the love of my life and more than anything I WANT to enjoy life. I printed off the following quote and posted it on my fridge, in my workout room and in my bedroom...


This is my motto going forward and anyone who gets in my way better look out!

Wow, I am not sure where all of that came from but I just started typing and it just started flowing. I do feel better though. I will be away for the next couple of days but when I get back I will PM you the info you wanted Dawn.

Thanks for listening :grouphug::grouphug:
I'm new to this thread but not to WISH. I just wanted to say CONGRATS! What a tremendous accomplishment! :cheer2:
I just want to make sure that everyone who reads this knows it is not I....:rolleyes1 but Miss. Duchie who lost the big #'s...

Making sure credit went where do and all! :lmao: :banana: :cool1: :yay:

Cool a new chapter!!:cool1::cool1:


This is my motto going forward and anyone who gets in my way better look out!

Yeah!!!!!!! I am so glad you have a new found motivation!!! You do deserve to be proud ya know of what you HAVE done! :woohoo::hug:

Glad people have found us over here!!! :upsidedow
Hi guys, I just saw the new chapter and decided it's time to doggie paddle back to the raft after falling overboard over a month ago. Weight wise, I don't think I have gained much if any since my last check in. But I haven't tracked, weighed in or done any of the things that I have been diligently doing for the past few months. Exercise has become somewhat sporadic these past few weeks as well. I blame the weather for being too hot and humid, but deep down I know I've gotten lazy and content. Well, time to slap myself awake and realize it's an ongoing process that I must keep up with or I'll be digging up my old fat jeans in no time. So I'm back and ready for round 2!
Hi guys, I just saw the new chapter and decided it's time to doggie paddle back to the raft after falling overboard over a month ago. l be digging up my old fat jeans in no time. So I'm back and ready for round 2!

Yeah!!!!! Miss ya so much around here and I am paddling with you!:hug:
Yay! Our new thread home! :cool1:

A new chapter? Wow.... never thought I'd see that day.


And now a few inspirational quotes for the first page of the new chapter:

“What have you done today to make you feel PROUD?” – NBC’s The Biggest Loser Theme Song

“Stand up and FINISH what you STARTED!” – Bob Harper

“I cannot build DESIRE you must find your own PURPOSE.” – Jillian Michaels

“Unless you faint, puke, or die, KEEP WALKING!” – Jillian Michaels

“This is where it matters the most. This is where lives are made, it is in these moments when you can choose whether to say ‘I can’t’ or ‘I CAN.’ It is a choice that will either make or break you for life.” – Jillian Michaels

“Do you want to be skinny or what, KEEP GOING!” – Jillian Michaels

“BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS … leave it all on the Gym Floor.” – Jillian Michaels

“You’re halfway there, on your last circuit, Don’t STOP, I know what you’re thinking, you’re dying, it hurts, wah, wah, wah… You wanna be skinny or not. Shut up, and do your mountain climbers.” – Jillian Michaels

“Today’s your day, I feel it, you’ve paved the way, BELIEVE IT.” – Shakira

“It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi

“Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons WHY I CAN.” – Anonymous

“Don’t dig your grave with your own Knife & Fork.” – English Proverb

“You have a CHOICE. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face.” – Gatorade

“Even if you’re on the RIGHT TRACK, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers

“One should EAT TO LIVE, not live to eat” – Molière

“The past does not define you, the PRESENT does.” – Jillian Michaels

“I am doing the BEST I CAN given what I have today.” – Jillian Michaels

“A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul.” – Jillian Michaels

“When I say ‘DO WHAT YOU CAN’ I want half an hour five times a week. ‘DO WHAT YOU CAN!’ Walk your lunch hour. Do a video in your living room for thirty minutes.” – Jillian Michaels

“Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.” – Lou Holtz

“Words, words, words, just stop talking and DO IT.” – Bob Harper

“Why are you gonna choose FAILURE when SUCCESS is an option?” – Jillian Michaels

“Don’t ask me if the CHANGE is worth it….Ask yourself if YOU are worth it?!” – Michael Ventrella

“Last Chance Workout is about no regrets, it’s about giving it everything you have, and when you think you have nothing else, that’s when you give more.” – Jillian Michaels

“Don’t quit on me! You know why? Because quitting on me, is quitting on yourself.” – Jillian Michaels

“The only place SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi

“Even in your darkest hour, if you could only just look UP, you’ll see some light.” – Michael Ventrella

“Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.” – Vince Lombardi

“I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.” – Vince Lombardi

“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile” – Vince Lombardi

“Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit” – Vince Lombardi

“People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society.” – Vince Lombardi

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Vince Lombardi

“Success demands singleness of purpose.” – Vince Lombardi

“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.” – Vince Lombardi

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi

“The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.” – Vince Lombardi

“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi

“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.” – Vince Lombardi

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” – Vince Lombardi

“We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.” – Vince Lombardi

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.” – Vince Lombardi

“Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.” – Vince Lombardi

“Fitness to me isn't about a crunch or a push up, it's about taking your power back.” – Jillian Michaels

“You can tell me that you choose not to. You can tell me that you choose to quit, that you choose to be less than what you are and less than what God intended but don’t ever tell me that you can’t do it!” – Jillian Michaels

“My battle with weight has been the biggest struggle of my life. But I am overcoming it day by day and WILL BE VICTORIOUS.” – Mandisa

"You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there." – Anonymous

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance." - Lee Iacocca

"The seed you sow today will not produce crop till tomorrow. For this reason, your identity does not lie in your current results. This is not who you are. Your current results are who you were." -- James A. Ray

I'll add more as I find more

I LOVE your quotes. And this is a perfect place for them. :thumbsup2

I'm new to this thread but not to WISH. I just wanted to say CONGRATS! What a tremendous accomplishment! :cheer2:

:blush: Thanks. I could not have done this on my own.

Cool a new chapter!!:cool1::cool1:


This is my motto going forward and anyone who gets in my way better look out!

Wow, I am not sure where all of that came from but I just started typing and it just started flowing. I do feel better though. I will be away for the next couple of days but when I get back I will PM you the info you wanted Dawn.

Thanks for listening :grouphug::grouphug:

YES YOU DO DESERVE IT! And we'll be right here for you whenever you need us. :flower3:

Hi guys, I just saw the new chapter and decided it's time to doggie paddle back to the raft after falling overboard over a month ago. Weight wise, I don't think I have gained much if any since my last check in. But I haven't tracked, weighed in or done any of the things that I have been diligently doing for the past few months. Exercise has become somewhat sporadic these past few weeks as well. I blame the weather for being too hot and humid, but deep down I know I've gotten lazy and content. Well, time to slap myself awake and realize it's an ongoing process that I must keep up with or I'll be digging up my old fat jeans in no time. So I'm back and ready for round 2!

Welcome back - we've missed you!

Dawn suggested I post some before and after pictures. So.... here they are:

Before: This was taken this past January.

After: DH took this one today.

I'm really looking forward to Chapter 2 in this journey! :goodvibes
Before: This was taken this past January.

After: DH took this one today.

I'm really looking forward to Chapter 2 in this journey! :goodvibes

Wow, you look fantastic! Great job!

I haven't had any recent photos, but will go on vacation in CA next week so I will hopefully have some to share.
Checking in!

I haven't been on much at all, but it's a good thing. I have a new job that is very exciting and crazy busy and I have been volunteering like a maniac for my oldest son's school.

I have been consistently down and MAY say goodbye to the 17's in the next week or so. I'm in the low low 17's and hope that I can wave bye bye very soon.
Barb – Thanks so much for your concern (on the old thread). Yesterday was a bad day and I was frustrated with the assignment. Luckily my boss was out of the office today and we had an event today so I was checking people in for a blood drive and doling out ice cream bars (for participation). I talked to my co-workers and they were confused about the assignment as well so we just did the best that we could and if she doesn’t like it then she’ll have to give me some better instructions and examples of what she wants. I’m right there with you on not being a salesperson or a wedding planner (those are two things that I would NEVER be good at). I’ve had to call to request donations for things and I suck at that as well. I’m all for stretching myself to do things that I don’t know, but I also know my strengths and being creative in writing is not one of them.

I loved your introduction; it was a wonderful description of the group and agree with every bit of it.

LOVE the pictures. You look fabulous! I found my before picture. I’ll have to find a current picture that I like and post it here later.

Patrick – I think I’m going to copy and print out those quotes for when I need a little extra motivation and I’m not near a computer.

Heather – I’m with you on that wagon (or more specifically I fell off with you)! I’ve been having a hard time this week. A new chapter, a new recommitment will hopefully be just the thing to get me back on track. Today I caved to more candy and a Dove Ice Cream bar. I’m going to print your quote and paste it all over so I can see it everywhere.

Leen – Good to see you back!

Ok, like I said I’ve been in a funk lately but I really think a lot has to do with being so tired. I tried to donate blood today but my iron levels were too low. I’m thinking that once I get to talk to my doctor and get my iron back in the normal range I’ll feel better. Let me be the first to post my food log for the day (warning, not pretty)..

Breakfast – Raisin bran w/lf milk (tried to start the day off well)
Snack – 3 oz tootsie rolls (yeah – this was when my co-worker and I were talking about the assignment)
Lunch – Stuffed rigatoni with added spinach (tried to get back on track)
Snack – Dove Ice Cream Bar and yogurt (see how long that lasted?)
Dinner – 2 FF hot dogs on one sandwich thin (logged back on the computer and recommitted to do better).

Total 1525 (goal 1200 – 1550) under all my goals except for 16 grams under on protein.

August 5 DONE

I’ll be going away for the weekend – a couple of girlfriends and I are taking the weekend to rest and rejuvenate (boy do I ever need it). I’m going to try really hard to keep the calories in check. I’m taking my new swimsuit since the hotel has an indoor pool so I think I’m going to try and swim some laps to get in some exercise. Maybe I’ll find that I love swimming.

I’m going to leave now and go take a walk before it gets too dark.

I’ll hopefully be able to check in from my iPod during the weekend.
2_Eagle - Awesome! I try to remember one for the day, and it usually helps me get through the day!

Food Journal for today:

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Breakfast: Special K Cereal (320)/Frapp (200)
Lunch: 4 waffles: (360)
Dinner: Pizza (700) & Popcorn (100)
Snack: None
Exercise: NONE :(

1680 Total

August 5 DONE!

Today's quote:

"What have you done today, to make you feel PROUD?" - NBC's The Biggest Loser Theme Song
Awesome introductory post, Dawn! I'll do the profile thingy here in the next couple of days.

Barb- Congrats, you look absolutely great! :hug:

Heather- You totally deserve it, we all do! Never forget that only you can determine your worth, and you are so worth it..it's easy to let other people inside your head..even to let your own doubts sabotage you..don't let it happen!

Patrick- Very cool to post all the quotes, thank you!

Jane- I'm glad you had a better day today, hopefully things will continue to improve.

Leen- So glad to see you back!!

Tricia- Congrats on the new job!

Good day here today, did c25k again..I decided to give it a fair chance and not make excuses or rationalize stopping. My speed did improve over Tuesday, but I also got new blisters on my toes. Apparently I can either choose heels that don't slip, or a roomy toebox. The toe blisters are easier to deal with, LOL. I finally got some more envelopes..it's a home job from a local company, addressing envelopes in cursive. This is the first batch I've gotten all summer, and the $$ really helps out. Usually you have 6-7 days to complete either 500 or 1000. I take 1000 and do 200 a day. I also got another assignment starting next Friday..when it rains, it pours! That's why I haven't been around as much the past couple days.

Tracking for today-
Breakfast- Omelette w/ ff cheddar & ham, yogurt.
Lunch- WW Chicken florentine.
Dinner- Salad, tuna melt on english muffin.
Snacks- Peach, granola thin, LF ice cream, 1/2 scone, Kashi cookie.

Cals- 1652 (1440-1790)

Aug 5- Done!
Back from Niagara Falls and though I have a few flex points left, it's not many.

Can't wait to get back to a normal pattern of eating tomorrow, although there's a birthday party serving dinner and then Saturday is our family reunion so I'm not sure what's on the menu. Hoping it's going to be something healthy or I'm in trouble.

RFC was tasty but HEAFTY!!

Barb...way to go on all the weight loss...you look fantastic.

Heather, glad to hear you are picking yourself up when you fall down.

Leen...good to see you again!!

Jane...sorry to hear about your health concerns. Hope the doc is able to fix you up and you are able to get back to feeling normal soon.

Okay, subbing now and will complete the assignment from Dawn when I next check in.
well I am Back..... weighed in and I'm only 2 lbs up from my lowest weigh from last time... so I'm still at -10 total.....( have not exercized or watched what i've eaten for weeks....:scared1:)

I booked a disney trip for Oct-Nov and I am dreading the pictures.... I promised my self 2 years ago( after our last trip) that my next disney trip would not have " fat " pictures.... so here I go......
Wow! A new chapter!

Here's my tracking for yesterday...

Thursday, August 5th
Bfast: Egg & Cheese on Wheat Toast
Lunch: Slimfast Chocolate Shake
Snack: 2 Roma Tomatoes
Dinner: Jimmy Dean Bacon, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Bowl (OMG! Way too much FAT!!!!!)
Snack: 90 Calorie Snickers Icecream Bar

Total Cals: 1084

So, according to SP, I was way under on my calorie intake for the day, but a little over my fat (which I knew I would be).

Thanks everyone,:love:
I have picked myself up and I do know that I am worth it. I am going at this with a new determination. We are going away until tomorrow night to pick up more supplies for the business. I know it will be eating on the run today but I will make as healthy choices as I can. I have my water ready to go and we will kick the exercise into gear when we get back. I have decided that the dreaded ravine hill that I talked about yesterday will be part of my exercise routine. I actually think I would enjoy going for walks along the trail so I will just have to get myself out there and do it.

Hi guys, I just saw the new chapter and decided it's time to doggie paddle back to the raft after falling overboard over a month ago. Weight wise, I don't think I have gained much if any since my last check in. But I haven't tracked, weighed in or done any of the things that I have been diligently doing for the past few months. Exercise has become somewhat sporadic these past few weeks as well. I blame the weather for being too hot and humid, but deep down I know I've gotten lazy and content. Well, time to slap myself awake and realize it's an ongoing process that I must keep up with or I'll be digging up my old fat jeans in no time. So I'm back and ready for round 2!

It is so good to see you back. I was thinking about you the other day when Dawn posted the weight totals.

Back from Niagara Falls and though I have a few flex points left, it's not many.

I was going to tell you that the RF is VERY expensive in NF. Sorry I forgot to post that. We stayed away from the one on DTD because of the one in NF but when we finally went 2 years ago we couldn't believe how affoardable the DTD one was.

I talked to my co-workers and they were confused about the assignment as well so we just did the best that we could and if she doesn’t like it then she’ll have to give me some better instructions and examples of what she wants

Hopefully you can get it all sorted out. I remember in college one of our professors giving us an assignment where we have to take a vegetable and make it into something else. Well lets just say that the only 2 people who passed that assignment were the "teachers pets". The rest of us failed miserably because no one really knew what he wanted and he couldn't really explain it to us either. I understand your frustration.

I’m with you on that wagon (or more specifically I fell off with you)! I’ve been having a hard time this week. A new chapter, a new recommitment will hopefully be just the thing to get me back on track. Today I caved to more candy and a Dove Ice Cream bar. I’m going to print your quote and paste it all over so I can see it everywhere

Well then we WILL do this together. Afterall, you should never swim alone!

Dawn - awsome intro!

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will report back when I get back.


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