When Did I Get Voted Off of Skinny Island & Why is This Fat Shadow Stalking Me?

I'm trying to distract myself from continuing the binge of crap eating I just had. Ripple chips & french onion dip is a weakness for me, and we had some left in the fridge from having friends over on Saturday.
UGH! Chips and french onion dip are one of my problem foods as well...:scared1:
I'll be thinking about you this week...hope you get some answers on Friday at Dr.'s. :hug:

cottage cheese, mandarin oranges, cheese/crackers (too much dairy! moo!)
2 light hot dogs, one bun, vegetarian beans, yoplait yogurt berry shake
July 27 done

1/2 way through Water with Lemon. So far I'd recommend it - it's a narrative-type "diet" book, goes through 8 "rules" using the story of a woman who is overweight and meets a neighbor who has lost weight. He explains each rule as they meet with each other over time. As you might guess, drinking a lot of water (with lemon or lime) is one of the rules. Another one is to eat fruit when you're hungry/hungry for sweets. I like that it's not solely a diet book, but the push is for better health (cholesterol, sugar...), that if you follow even one of these rules, you'll see weight come off over time. The authors don't believe diets work, especially ones that cut out major groups like carbs. Will keep you updated!
We're in Revival all week at my church, and I haven't had time to go grocery shopping, so my eating is not great. Just trying to make do with what we have @ home. Here's my tracking for yesterday.

Tuesday - July 27th
Bfast: Apple Jacks w/ 2% Milk
Lunch: Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich & small fries from Hardee's
Dinner: 1/2 Frozen Totinos pizza
Snack: Frozen Twix 90 Cal. Bar

Total Cals: 1634

So I am flat for the week. I am not especially happy about it, but seeing that I was +2 on Friday when I checked I guess a 0 is not so bad. Looks like my butt is getting kicked in the magnet challenge.

I wouldn't give up hope on that magnet just yet. I've been pretty flat myself, and was UP half a pound this morning when I weighed myself. *Big SIGH*

You may be getting some Wisconsin love yet. :)
I hope everybody is having a good week.

Lizzy-I'm sorry to hear about your x-ray changes :hug:

2 eagle mom-Welcome back! I hope you had a good time!

MNdisney-Have a greaaat trip! I know we're trying to diet, but have a rice krispie treat for me... Those are the best EVER!!

As promised, here are pics of the babies:

This is Pudge, AKA Pudgie, Pudgie Pie


This is Harley


Here they are together


Tricia-I have a feeling I will be sending some WI love to OfficeReg also :laughing:
Hazel – We will be there at the same time. Maybe we can plan a quick meet. We’ve decided to not do HP since we don’t want to spend the $$ for more tickets for only a couple of rides. We’ve never been to US so I can’t give any assistance there. This year we’re going to do MNSSHP on Oct 3. Congratulations on quitting smoking!!

Amanda – the choc buttermilk is my favorite and I haven’t had one in a couple of years. That is why I decided to splurge. If you like old fashion type doughnuts (not the raised kind, more cake like) you would like it. Actually, DON’T get one, they are addictive. I loved your story about the walk. It sounded so much fun, I mean as long as the temperature was warm enough, you might as well just enjoy the rain. I’m a splash in the puddles girl myself and it drives my hubby and kids crazy.

Michele – the book sounds good. I’ve got a couple of other books on my list to read but I’ll check that one out.

Tricia – the puppies are SO cute!!

My day was better today and I did drink all of my water!

Food Log

Breakfast: sandwich thin, LF PB and banana
Lunch: big salad at Sweet Tomatoes, ff all fruit bran muffin, frozen yogurt
Snack: fiber one bar, 5 dots, 2 tootsie minis
Dinner: Chicken sandwich, cherries, tortilla chips
Dessert: LF Lemon cake – I made the lemon cake with the cake substitute of applesauce. I’ll let you know how everyone likes it.

July 28 DONE – Veggies DONE
Quick food update:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Breakfast: Heavenly Ham Wrap (345)
Lunch: Single (400)
Snack: Popcorn (100)/Popcorn (100)/Frap(200)
Dinner: Pasta (450)
Exercise: uh…..

Totals: 1595 cals

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Breakfast: Cheerios (240)
Lunch: Popcorn (100)
Snack: Turkey Sandwich: 185
Dinner: Subway Sandwich (Footlong) (770)
Exercise: NONE

Totals: 1295 cals

July 27 DONE!

"Do you want to be skinny or what? Keep GOING!" - Jillian Michaels
OMG I could not get full yesterday!!! (And trust me, I tried)

Breakfast: Panera Power Sandwich, 1/3 of DH's Bacon,Egg,Cheese bagel
Lunch: Healthy Choice Salsbury Steak
Dinner: Moe's Junior Homewrecker (my way), chip, queso
Snack: 3 mini snickers bars

Total: 2082 calories!!!! And I contemplated a late night Whopper, but I didn't do it!

I did, however, walk 1.7 miles. We have a park here that twice around is a 5K, so from parking to parking is 1.7, and it's pretty hilly. So it was tough.

Today I'm walking it twice!!

July 28 DONE
Morning all! Good day yesterday, we hit the pool last night and I was able to get in 30 min of treading/water walking. We've done our walk this morning, with no complaints from Piper..hooray!

Tricia1- The puppies are adorable!

Michele- The book sounds interesting, I'll be curious to see how much you get out of it!

Jane- I don't eat yeast donuts (well, very rarely), but cake donuts are a whole 'nother story! There's a new england company called Mrs. Dunsters that makes the BEST cake donuts ever! My Aunt always brings some on her way to FL..usually she brings me about 6 bags (12 per bag) :rolleyes1 My fave is the chocolate crunch. I never looked at the nutrition info..prob don't want to know!

Has anyone heard anything from Dawn? Seems like it's been almost 2 weeks since she's posted?

Breakfast- Eggbeaters omelette w/ FF cheddar & lean ham, 100 cal english muffin w/ brummel and brown.
Lunch- WW Chicken Al fresco.
Dinner- Whole wheat penne w/ marinara & peas, 2% mozzarella.
Snacks- Choccy rice cake, yogurt, strawberry fro-yo, lean roast beef on sammie thin.

Cals- 1480 (1440-1790)
July 28th- Done!
It has been a long time. I tried to PM her my weight and her mailbox was full. When was the taking Treyner back to college?
Hey ya'll! Had a great day yesterday, but my healthy eating totally stunk! I totally know what bunkkinsmom means about not being able to get full! It's Pre-TOM for me and all I want to do is eat. And not healthy stuff either! I want greasy, fattening, yummy goodness.:eek:

Tricia - those puppies are absolutely adorable!!!!!!!!

Pipersmom - I talked to Dawn a while back and I think she is taking Treynor back to college. So they are on a road trip with the family!

Here's my tracking for yesterday (in all of its fatty glory):rolleyes1

Wednesday - July 28th
Bfast: Burger King Egg & Cheese Croissant & Small Hash Rounds
Lunch: Wendy's Single w/ Cheese & Ketchup, Small Fries
Dinner: Ham Sandwich, 1/2 Can of Spaghetti-o's

Total Cals: 1848 :scared1:

Oh - and as promised earlier - pics of Malachi's burger birthday cake...




and it tasted sooooooooo yummy!
Okay, confession time!!

I had a pig out festival yesterday!! :scared1: It's actually not too bad all things considered but man, did I eat!!

Breakfast was normal (an egg and cheese bagelwich, which is only 5 points)
Lunch was smallish but otherwise fine (a bit of fruit, some veggies and an imitation crab meat and cheese sandwich--7 points)

but then...it got ugly. :sad2:

You see...my mom was asked to spearhead the catering for a funeral (a 12 year old boy who died after a nine year battle with lukemia, so sad. He had a bone marrow transplant in January and was doing better but I guess his lungs were so badly scarred and infected from illnesses and chemo, that he wasn't able to recover and he passed away last week.).

Anyway, the family didn't have the money to hire caterers so the church ladies were asked to take care of everything and my mom was put in charge. My mom stresses about things like this so I made sure DH could be home with the kids and I offered my services to her for the day. They have a small congregation so they needed all the help they could get.

So, that took about eight hours plus my two hours of driving time which meant that I didn't have dinner until 7 pm and it was on the way home. I got McDonalds: a small sprite and two grilled buffalo chicken snack wraps. This was 13 points which left me with five points remaining of my daily totals.

For some reason, the McDonalds didn't seem like enough so I had some kettle cooked baked chips, which were sooooo tasty, I finished off the 113 g bag!! :rolleyes1 Even still, this was only about 9 points, meaning I had only used 4 flex points. This was consumed in the car on the way home and once home, I was so tired I turned to food again to get me through the evening with my husband.

At least this time I made a sandwich (5 points) and then opened a SECOND BAG of those chips (guess I'd better not buy them again...) and stole a few more...prolly about 5 points worth.

So, I used up about 14 flex points last night, mostly on chips. All in all, not the best day...although not nearly as bad as I was wont to do as recently as three months ago.

Those chips were amazing!! I'm not a huge fan of baked chips in general...they don't taste like the real thing but these babies, because they are kettle cooked I guess, were REAL chips in taste and texture but don't have the GREASE of real chips. That's why I couldn't stop eating them, well...that and the fact that there was the mindless eating while I was driving, straight from the bag. :eek:

Since I was well within my flex points, I should be okay for the week but since it wasn't a very healthy day, my goal is not to repeat it in the future.
Emily – I’ve had days like that so I know how difficult it is to keep from munching the day away. Good job on not going for the Whopper and the walking! Baby steps

Amanda – Those doughnuts sound good. Probably a very good thing that they don’t have them in CA. Dawn was at Burn Camp and this week she is driving Trenor back to school and adding a couple of days at the beach (I’ve been reading her TR, of course it is hilarious). I’m sure she will be back to skinny island soon.

Allison – YUM that cake looks so good!

Julie – You should be proud that you tracked all of your food yesterday. Knowing the points and knowing how many flex points you used up is really good. I’d just make sure you drink a lot of water to flush out all the sodium.

Today was a good day food wise. I tracked my food and most importantly stayed away from the candy at work. My coworker hit it around 10am and I could hear the wrappers rattling and I really wanted some, but just ignored the craving.

Breakfast: Cheerios with ff milk and blackberries
Lunch: Panera Strawberry Poppyseed salad with ww baguette
Snack: Yogurt and Fiber one bar
Dinner: Ribeye steak, Pork Fried Rice and cherries

I still have 202 calories left to have some dessert!

I can’t remember if I said that everyone loved the cake with applesauce last night. It was just a box of lemon cake mix, 1 cup of applesauce and 1 cup of water. Mix and bake. I put it in a bundt pan and we all just ate it without any frosting. My family is funny like that, plain cake is fine.

I got that recipe program today. I’ll be playing with it this weekend and let you all know how I like it.
Thursday, July 29, 2010:
Breakfast: NONE (woke up at 1pm...yes pm)

Lunch: Cheerios (300)
Dinner: Big Times Burger (8-900)
Exercise: Walked my Dog (-25/50)

Totals: 1100-1200 cals

July 29 DONE!

"You can come back stronger." - Drew Brees (QB of the New Orleans Saints)
Lunch: Healthy Choice Cafe Steamer
Snack: Roast Beef/Provolone on a Sandwich Thin
Dinner: Beef Tenderloin with a side of spaghetti, salad, bread (split with DH)

Total: 1391

Exercise: 3.4 miles walking
Good morning all!

Good day yesterday, spent part of the afternoon at the pool, then went to pick up meds as Piper leaves tomorrow. We've gotten our walk in this morning, and will prob hit the pool again later on. I think this evening we're going to go out for dinner. :goodvibes:

Breakfast- Rice krispies w/ skim and blueberries.
Lunch- Leftover pasta, sourdough.
Dinner- SmartOnes Turkey medallions w/ cranberries, peas, grapes.
Snacks- Granola thin, chicken sausage w/ asiago & spinach, sourdough (glad that's almost gone!), LivActiv pudding.

Cals- 1441 (1440-1790) Waaaaay too many carbs -257 (max is 275)! No more cereal for breakfast!

July 29th- Done!
Tracking for Thursday - July 29th

Bfast: Bagel w/ Egg & Cheese
Lunch: Herby Turkey Sandwich from Bruegger's Bagels w/ bag of BBQ Kettle Chips
Dinner: Tuna Salad Sandwich, 2 Rice Cakes w/ 1 tbsp. RF Peanut Butter

Total Cals: 1654

Jane: Great job resisting the candy!! :worship: I did drink a TON of water that day (I usually do) as well as yesterday so fortunately, I haven't made an enemy of the scale with sodium induced water retention.:banana:

I had a light day yesterday and was under my daily points total by 11 so I had a snack at 8:30 pm and used up nine of them. I was tempted to use up the remaining points since they were there but decided not to in the end. I may use up a couple more flex points tonight on snacks but tomorrow night there will be no after dinner snacking so I'll likely have about half of my flex points unused for the week:woohoo: I know they are there to use, but I usually try and avoid it. I'm going easy on myself since it's the summer but once the fall rolls around I'm hoping to use no more than 10 per week.:thumbsup2

The chips are now gone (thankfully) although today was grocery day and I bought some half the fat dulce de leche (sp??) Hagan Daaz ice cream. I've never tried it before but Randy switched to their half the fat vanilla months ago and says it's just as tasty as the regular stuff so I thought I'd give this flavour a chance. I thought it would be better than getting those chips again. I can control myself with ice cream but chips are another matter entirely. :laughing:

We were invited to go to Marineland with my parents and some of my siblings and after a bit of discussion, we decided to do that instead of Cedar Point. We hit Marineland on Wednesday and the kids are terribly excited. We are going to do Cedar Point next year when I'm a lot skinnier for the rides. :cheer2: We could do both in terms of schedule but we want to start saving for our cruise and we promised ourselves we would pay off the credit card balance first. Postponing Cedar Point will get us solvent that much faster so that trip bank account can start accumulating those dollars sooner!! And as everyone knows...the sooner we have the money for the cruise, the sooner we can start saving up for Disney!! :woohoo:

We're helping my sister move tomorrow so it'll be another busy day for us this week. Have a great weekend everyone!!
Hey gang, haven't read all the new posts yet, but wanted to come post a quick update.

Back from the doctor, and we're still in sort of a holding pattern. He agrees that the degeneration in my back is the source of both my pain and pelvic misalignment, but said from the limited views that he can't really determine a cause yet. He looked at the x-rays taken before my surgery in February, and said that while my pain has gotten worse, the images now look the same as they did six months ago. (I made a comment about being upset that it was visible then but no one told me, which he really didn't comment on.) Unfortunately most of my previous x-rays and MRIs have been of the cervical and thoracic areas, but he said if I can find ANY old images of my lumbar areas that it will be helpful, so they can determine how long this has been developing. I've been aware of sitting crooked for probably about two years now, so I'm very curious if, when they operated in that area 18 months ago, if they saw any of this or not.

He drew some bloodwork today to check for signs of chronic infection, and I'll go back in two weeks for an MRI. Then a week after that I'll go back to him to get all of my results. Depending on the cause, he said the course of treatment may be to do nothing, and just monitor things for now. It's a scary prospect considering my worsening pain, but he said right now that it's only a 15% curvature, and they won't operate on it until it's more than 30% curvature. He did give me some Lortab to take as needed until I see him next, which is a bit of a relief.

However, when I addressed my two biggest concerns, he indicated that even with my current level of deterioration, he sees nothing at this time that should prevent me from finishing my nursing clinicals (I was worried about all the lifting, bending, twisting), or from having future pregnancies (was concerned about the strain of pregnancy making the damage worse). And since surgery doesn't seem to be an imminent plan of action, though I guess that may change if there turns out to be infection, it seems like this shouldn't pose any threats to the WDW trip this November.
Today's Tracking:

Breakfast: Panera Power Breakfast Sandwich
Lunch: Homemade meatball sub with Low Fat swiss on a club roll
Dinner: Homemade Low Fat Beef and Broccoli Lo Mein

Total: 1536

Exercise: 3.4 miles walking

My BFF Della and I have a goal to run the city's annual Thanksgiving Day 5k!
She is thinner than I am but still needs to lose a bit of weight, so we decided today to do it. The 5k is run on the same loop that we walk, so we really are gonna do a plan to get it done!! :yay:

You never know..... I could be at the Princess 1/2 Marathon in 2012!!! What a great excuse to go the WDW!!!


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