Where did Reddy's blogspot go?

I could just cry that someone would ruin it for all of us! Went today to use some and it was gone. Found this and another thread by searching. How sad. Anybody have another site similar? Of course it could never compare to Reddy's!
I too love Reddys work,can anyone tell me what program she used to create them,scal maybe? I'm trying to get my svgs to work in my explore and think I might need a round about way.
I think she uses a free program called inkscape. There are inkscape how to tutorials on the Internet if you want to check it out.
I've heard from several places that the explore doesn't like complex svgs. Even svg retailers have warned that not all of their items will work with explore. So you made need to open them and break them apart.
Thank you, hadn't thought of that. I got three to work but had made 18, all Disney babies for my scrapbooks.Now I need to figure out how to share them on here if anyone wants them. I'm not at all computer literate, just a bit craftsy.thanks again
Darn, didn't work, I saved each piece separately
and then tried opening them but again got nothing. just can't figure it out, not really smart enough about computers and all.
I use Inkscapes (just google it - it is free)
I use the "belize" tool & trace things with it, then adjust the lines with the second thingy where you have the "nodes" with the lines
Thank you so much for the information, I have inkscape but am not very good at it. I'm giving it a try but not sure how to save the file. thanks again.
Thank you so much for the information, I have inkscape but am not very good at it. I'm giving it a try but not sure how to save the file. thanks again.

I always save as SVG file since that is what my programs use - some people like the png files if you keep them whole so they can use them for print 'cut or computer scrapping


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