Where did you experience the best pixie dust?

Where was your best pixie dust experience?

  • At my resort

  • On the bus

  • Just walking around in a park

  • At a restaurant

  • On a ride

  • At a parade or fireworks

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Quite litereally we experienced Pixie Dust. We were getting a family picture on Main St. in the Magic Kingdom and the photographer asked us if we'd ever been asked to do a special photo op. We told him we've done it many times because we've been so many times. He said he wouldn't bore us, but we insisted on it, so he asked our DD4 to come in front of him and hold her hands out and he would see if he could catch some Pixie Dust on it. Sure enough he took the picture and they placed Tink in her hands. As we were riding away in the stroller my DD was still looking at her hands. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was trying to see Tink like the photographer said.

Later that night we looked at the pictures on our photopass and showed her. Her eyes lit up and she looked at her hands and exclaimned... "she really was there. I thought I felt something." Priceless. Something so simple and yet she still talks about her hands having some Pixie Dust on them and we've been back for almost 2 weeks now...
Another birthday story, from several years ago. We took a trip with a large group of family and friends. It was the night before my DD's bday and we were all in line for BTMRR. We were just about to reach the loading platform and it was nearing midnight. My BIL had a secret chat with a CM near a microphone, who then made an announcement that we were all going to count down to midnight and sing Happy Birthday to Camryn who was turning 17. It was a lively crowd and it seemed like everyone loudly joined in counting down and singing to her! Pixie Dust from both the CM and our fellow park goers! She loved it in that sort of embarrassed but actually thrilled teenager kind of way!
I love reading threads like this...That being said, nothing ever seems to happen to us!! LOL! I don't really mind I guess because I've never "expected" it would. Though I do have to say that last summer we were there on DS's 7th birthday and nothing special happened to him at all. I did buy him a treasure chest cake for our dinner at Chef Mickey though, and since he didn't know anyone gets treated differently on their birthday he certainly didn't care. (he was even wearing his button AND the "It's My Birthday" Mickey ears)

I really like hearing about other people's special magic though!!:goodvibes

I think that the buttons might be harder to see on little kids, you know, adult buttons are right as CM eye level, where they'd have to look down to see kids. I don't think anyone noticed Bryn's bday button without us telling them. Maybe next time your DS should wear a neon strobe light! :laughing:
Let's face it - rude people happen!

I like to walk around the park and notice the random acts of kindness by others - someone stopping to pick up a blanket a toddler launched from a stroller, someone stopping to take pics for a stranger, etc.

It's these things that help bring the Magic and we can all be a part of them!
The greatest pixie dust moment happens at the first stop of every visit to WDW... walking underneath the train station at the entrance of the Magic Kingdom. I always have to make that park my first stop and I don't think there's ever been a time that seeing that train station, anticipating what's on the other side and walking underneath it and seeing the castle hasn't given me goosebumps.

On another note, as PP pointed out, the bus drivers for the most part, are wonderful. I'm not a big fan of the bus system as far as the crowds, waiting etc (but hey, at least I'm not driving). The bus drivers though have to put up with us and our complaining and still, I've never noticed any rude bus drivers. In fact most of them are very friendly and have interesting stories to tell. My hat goes off to anyone who can drive a bus in a busy area all day while dealing with overheated, frustrated tourists and still have a smile on their face and a story to tell.:thumbsup2
I think that the buttons might be harder to see on little kids, you know, adult buttons are right as CM eye level, where they'd have to look down to see kids. I don't think anyone noticed Bryn's bday button without us telling them. Maybe next time your DS should wear a neon strobe light! :laughing:

LOL!! I guess the buttons can be easy to miss, but it's hard not to see those screaming yellow mickey ears with the birthday hat on top!:rotfl:
speaking of doing kind things for others, my favorite thing to do to spread pixie dust myself is to get Fast Passes and then give them to others as we are leaving the park, i've done a few times like for Peter Pan and Toy Story Mania, which the two ladies we chose coming through the turnstiles were elated that we were giving them these! They said they were hoping to ride TSM but getting there so late in the day meant it wasnt likely unless they wanted to stand in line for hours. This was Spring Break 2009. They were so happy, it made us so happy to spread the pixie dust.
I started doing this after receiving Fast Passes from others and decided to return the favor. We were walking into MK and a teenage boy asked us if me and my DH would like 3 FP for Space Mountain. Sure! We asked around but no one wanted the extra one, but we enjoyed ourselves :)
In 2008, I experienced a bunch of pixie dust in the Magic Kingdom.

My friend and I were having a rough day with the kids when her daughter dropped her ice cream on main street (about 5 seconds after we handed it to her). The parade was starting and it was super crowded--needless to say we were in the middle of a mother/daughter meltdown. A cast member suddenly came up to us, asked us what kind of ice cream it was, and returned within minutes with a replacement. It was such a kind gesture, one that saved us a lot of stress.

That same week, I was in Adventureland buying a frozen lemonade. I had just gotten my friend's daughter to sleep in her stroller (she had been extremely fussy) and I was exhausted. The CM behind the counter commented that I looked beat and handed me a free homemade ice cream sandwich along with some words of encouragement. While the free ice cream was great, the kindness from the CM was even better.
I have a few pixie dust experiences I would like to share:

Back in 2004, when the American Vybe was performing in the American Garden Theater, my mom and I watched every single show that they performed over our week-long trip. We had seen them in past years, and we own their CD. In short, we love them! Some of the CMs overheard us talking about the group, and one of them went and got a singer to come out and meet me! And, it happened to be my favorite in the group- he was named Jeff. He took my autograph book and and got all the singers to sign it! Furthermore, there were some CMs that worked there everyday, and we got used to talking to them between each show. Well, on our last day there, they came over to me with a "Magical Moment" Certificate that named me the "Biggest American Vybe Fan," which was signed by all the performers! It was awesome! In between each show, a lot of the performers would come out to talk to me and to get pictures with me. I loved talking with all of them! Definitely one of my favorite trips ever!:dance3:

In 2008, when getting off of TSM, there was a CM handing out those multiple-FP passes, you know, the ones that have a FP for every single FP ride at DHS! Think TSM, RnR, ToT; etc. It was awesome! Later that week at my birthday dinner at Japan, the family we were sitting with gave us those same type passes for EPCOT that they weren't going to use, so we got FPs for Soarin, Test Track, Mission Space; etc. So cool! :cool1:

Also on my birthday, in the morning at the MK, a CM on Main Street wished my a happy birthday, and then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a Tinkerbell pin that was only used for special occasions- aka you can't buy them in the store. It was so nice of him! :tinker:

For my last experience, it was my parents dishing out the pixie dust. Again, it was my 18th birthday, and my dad and brother had left MK a little sooner than my mom and I did (we were doing some shopping, which doesn't really interest them). As my username shows, Stitch is my favorite disney character of all time. I had the smaller Stitch stuffed animal, but not the big, $50 dollar one. I kept talking before our vacation about how I was debating whether or not to buy it. I was in no way hinting that I wanted them to buy it- I was just talking out loud. When we returned to our hotel after MK, there was that big Stitch stuffed animal, sitting on my bed!! My parents had had it delivered to our hotel, and my dad had gone back to pick it up and put it on me bed. It was such a nice surprise!:stitch:
Sept 09 we took DD5 for her first visit. She is allergic to almost everything, dairy, eggs, nuts, peas, etc. I was concerned b/c it's tough here at home to find things for her to eat, I thought it was going to be even worse away from home. When we made our ADR's we told them the situation and wherever we ate the chef came out personally and assured us. She got so many special treats that she's never even had before. Our very first meal on our first night, the chef delivered DD's meal herself and even made the roll for her hamburger by hand and made them into Mickey's!! A couple times we were in a restaurant that didn't serve ice cream but they had someone go out and get her Toffutti b/c she loved it so much. The chefs always came out and checked on us near the end of our meal, too. All the special little touches that probably seemed so small to them made DD's trip so fantastic that she can't wait to go back next year.

Another moment was the morning after we ate at the Akerhaus princess dinner, we found out that the tape in our camcorder was ruined and we missed DD with all her favorites. I was devastated! I knew it was hopeless to get a RV for the next night at such short notice but I figured I had to try. I had called everyday for weeks to get the ADR we had. I called that day and explained the situation and the CM figured something out for us. It was a late seating, but at that point I didn't care.
I need an <All of the Above> option. I experience Pixie Dust from the very first time I start to plan a Disney vacation. That once I'm there...it just feels like I'm if I experience any more...I will just BURST. But maybe that's just the Disney optimist in me. I simply am not capable of not being on cloud nine the whole time I'm there...no matter what the people around me are doing.
When I started middle school I decided I didn't want to have birthday parties anymore so my mom would take me to MVMCP and I was allowed to bring one friend (we only lived about four hours away and all of my family lived in Orlando so we didn't have to worry about hotel costs). Way back in the day you used to have to wait in line at the gates to get in MVMCP (none of this getting in early stuff when I was a kid!) and we'd always get there about an hour before they started to let people into the park. Anywho, a CM started chatting with us while we were waiting in line and my mom mentioned that we were there for my birthday (my birthday is on Christmas Day and thus was nearly always overshadowed by the holiday festivities so my mom always made a big deal over birthday celebrations). The CM wished me a happy birthday and went on her way. A while later she came back and asked me to follow her. We went past the turnstiles to the area infront of the train station where they had the band playing some holiday tunes. She then announced to everyone waiting in line that I was celebrating my 12th birthday and proceeded to lead everyone in singing "Happy Birthday" to me while the band played along. It was such a fun and special moment for a young girl and it's a great memory.

More recently, we were at MVMCP (for yet another birthday celebration) and we were looking at the Mickey Santa hats at one of the little kiosks near the hub. I had on my birthday button and the CM at the kiosk said, "Birthday princess shouldn't wear Santa hats. They should wear tiaras!" and handed me one of the light-up Princess tiara...completely free of charge! Even though I was celebrating my 22nd birthday I still felt like a giddy little kid.
We just got back from our first WDW trip and experienced lots of pixie dust VERY unexpectedly (isn't that the best kind?). :) At DHS we stopped at Starring Rolls for a little snack in the morning. DS11 and DD8 came in to help me. When we reached the cashier, he began kidding around with the kids and chatting with them, and they responded very politely (thankfully they both got up on the right side of bed that day!). He was so impressed that he reached into the case and handed them a big chocolate-eared Mickey cookie. :) What I loved about it was not so much the bonus freebie treat but the fact that it showed my kids that adults really do pay attention to how you interact with them. They shouldn't, of course, be polite for personal gain, but it was good for them to remember that your attitude can really impact others.

Both of them also did the pin-trading thing, and most of our "pixie dust" came from those interactions. DD8 lost her Baby Snow White pin at about 10 p.m. outside of SWSA and a CM spent WAY longer than we expected looking around on the ground with a little flashlight. We kept trying to cut our losses but she wouldn't let us go -- eventually she let DD pick any pin from her pouch. A bit later at the big store in Toontown, while she was trading with a CM, DD told him about losing Baby Snow White earlier. He told us to stay put, disappeared into the back, and came out with a Baby Snow White pin!

I had heard about the "magic" before we left but didn't really expect to see much of a difference between WDW and other theme parks. Wow, was I wrong. Not one CM ever seemed annoyed by a question, we are nearly always greeted with a smile, and people truly go above and beyond. We did have one "sour" experience in DTD but the rest of our trip was so great that it's not even worth mentioning (just a guy who got up on the wrong side of bed). :)
We went to the Grand Floridian to rent a pontoon boat. After the ride, it was time to pay, $45.00 for 30 minutes, and I told the CM at the dock that this was a surprise for my DH's birthday. He shouted over to the CM at the place where you pay and told him it was my DH's birthday. So then when we went to pay, the CM said "no charge". "Happy Birthday"!!. We couldn't believe it. That was one of the nicest things that ever happed to us at DW.
We get magic everywhere when were in WDW, but the resort CM's seem to stand out. For example...

We got upgraded to Water View at the YC when the desk was unable to meet our desire for connecting rooms. That was a great stay!

During my DD's 16th B'day trip, the CMs at WL placed an autographed card from Minnie wishing her a Happy B'Day, along with a balloon and some candy on a plate. It was a nice touch!

Another trip to WL, we were upgraded from tree view to pool view just for being there.

So if anyone asks why we keep going back...
We splurged on a few nights at the Grand Floridian, garden view room. When we got there, we had been upgraded to a castle view!

I have also had CMs at the concessions cart give me my water or ice cream bar for free, just because they wanted me to have a "Magical Day".

NO other vacation holds the magic for me like Disney!
The greatest pixie dust moment happens at the first stop of every visit to WDW... walking underneath the train station at the entrance of the Magic Kingdom. I always have to make that park my first stop and I don't think there's ever been a time that seeing that train station, anticipating what's on the other side and walking underneath it and seeing the castle hasn't given me goosebumps.

On another note, as PP pointed out, the bus drivers for the most part, are wonderful. I'm not a big fan of the bus system as far as the crowds, waiting etc (but hey, at least I'm not driving). The bus drivers though have to put up with us and our complaining and still, I've never noticed any rude bus drivers. In fact most of them are very friendly and have interesting stories to tell. My hat goes off to anyone who can drive a bus in a busy area all day while dealing with overheated, frustrated tourists and still have a smile on their face and a story to tell.:thumbsup2

I agree I have had great experiences with the buses!
We've had a lot of nice moments just walking around the parks...the best was when we were chosen to be Grand Marshals in the parade :cool1: But we've had a lot of nice little moments too.

We once met "a friend of Sleeping Beauty" in DTD at the pin shop and ended up seeing her again the next morning at Akershus - she remembered all our names and invited my dd (4 at the time) to come visit her in France in the afternoon - when we did she spent a lot of extra time with dd and gave her a pin of one of the Fairy Godmothers from Sleeping Beauty.

A lot of our nice moments have come from just taking the time to stop and chat with a CM....
We have had many wonderful experiences at WDW and very few negatives. Some things I remember are:

1) Getting extra appetizers during meals.
2) CMs letting us on rides past closing.
3) WDW policy of exchanging merchandise including pins and hats that broke (even if it could have been my kid's fault).
4) Extra care given to my son when he got sick on the bus back to the resort.
5) CMs at Tony's Town Square being extra attentive to my mother and getting OJ to her when they thought that she may be dehydrated.
6) Getting bumped up at two resorts including to the Tree House Villas from a Standard Room in 1997.
7) A PhotoPass CM informing us to wait a few minutes in front of the MK Castle so that fireworks would be in the photo.
8) A CM informing my son to bring his Goofy Hat to Cape May Breakfast so Goofy would sign it.

There are probably many more.


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