Where do you listen?

I usually listen at work, I get funny looks when I start laughing out loud at something no one else can hear.
I have an hour ride to work so I usually listen to the first part on the way to work, then on the way home listen to the rest.
At home. I have wireless headphones, so I just play it on the computer and do various things around the house. Cook, clean, while in the restroom, etc. I have a mp3 player, but it's so much easier, because there are no wires.
DS10 and I listen on our drives to and from Taekwon-do...one podcast last almost exactly one trip! I was already known as the crazy lady at DS's bus stop for busting out laughing while listening to some old archives, now everyone that was at our local hospital outpatient department thinks so too! I spent almost all day there on Sunday so I listened to ALOT of old shows.

MinniesBFF I LOVE your siggie pic! 10 things is one of my all-time fav movies!
Two places - the gym & the plane

The Podcast is now THE reason I go to the gym. I look forward to listening to the podcasts everyday and allow myself only to listen when at the gym. Thus my gym attendance has increased about 400%! We have TVs on, but I'm sure people give me wierd looks because I always seem to be smiling or laughing at inappropriate times - like during the most recent bombing in Iraq.

Walk for about 35 minutes at a fast pace is now nothing to me! I often find myself doing extra reps on the mat just to listen to the end of a story.

The other time is on a plane. I take my noise-canceling headphones and tune out the "real" world. No trips planned until Dec., so I'm stuck at the gym for awhile.

P.S. The iPod never goes on the plane to MCO. "I'm too excited to listen!"
I ONLY listen while running. Knowing I have the podcast to listen to helps motivate me to get out the door for my run! And the podcast makes the miles fly by. :sunny:
I generally download to my MP3 before leaving for work and listen on the way in. I sometimes try to finish up in the office with earphones but this doesn't always work well. As PP's have mentioned, too many interuptions. I'll probably finish the last 41:31 of #88 on the way home today. :goodvibes
I listen to the Podcast at work. I work in the Mailroom at a Local Bank. I love to hear the Podcast and listen to what the Podcast members at to say. All the info I hear is very helpful in planing my july WDW trip. Well done guys keep up the good work.:thumbsup2 :woohoo:
I listen at the gym too. I just recently started listening so I am way far behind. I am no where near caught up. I'm on 11/13 so today I have been listening here at home. I only have a 2 min drive to work so I don't even try in the car.
I listen at the gym. This podcast is one of the rare things that I can put on, hit the track and weights, and an hour goes by before I realize it. I'm sure that the people around me wonder why I'm giggling most of the time.
I listen to podcasts on my computer. I don't know how to download podcasts to my Ipod :(
Wow, thanks for all the responses. Maybe the DIS Unplugged is my ticket to getting into shape. I like the idea of only listening at the gym and maybe it's the motivation I need to actually GO. :)
I'm a graphic designer and photographer, so I spend a lot of time on my computer. I just found the podcasts a couple of weeks ago, so I'm letting them play while I work...

I love it!
I usually listen to them on my comupter on Saturdays while I am cleaning my house. It really does make the work seem a bit easier. We also listen (well, I re-listen and DH listens for the first time) to old ones in the car as a family.


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