Where do you think DVC resale prices are headed?

I would also look at the ROFR thread for average prices. Most brokers don't update their websites to show the actual price the contract sold for. For example, my first resale at BRV, the listed price was $102/point and I bought it for $93/point. My most recent purchase for SSR was listed at $103/point and is still showing that, but I am actually buying it for $95/point.
Any significant movement on prices yet ?
Most of the drop was from late March and early April. There has been some additional reductions in a few resorts but most are steady as far a selling price, though asking as crept up a little on a few resorts mostly due to a few new contracts that are 20 too 30 % above the market but so has the difference between asking and selling, though the sample size is still relatively small
I am far from an economist (I'm a lawyer which means I pretend to know everything instead of actually knowing anything), but something happened over the weekend that made me a little nervous - my neighborhood Starbucks announced it would not be reopening after the quarantine. Other than meaning I have to go further out of my way for "meh" coffee I pay too much for, it made me wonder if there will indeed be long-term economic effects of Covid-19 even if things soon start opening up significantly. I don't know if it would have closed regardless, but it's certainly concerning.
Antidotally, I’m a lawyer and loved your quote about lawyers and my local Starbucks closed too. Took the sign down already.
So what is the expectations about price if we assume that all about Disney have reopened by 6/1.

Will the price go up again, will they remain where they are as disney dont have money to buy back or will they fall due to exactly that?

my thinking is that some resorts will see a decrease if Disney don’t buy anything back and sellers need the money.
5/11 update

number of newly posted resale contracts at about 160% of average
So what is the expectations about price if we assume that all about Disney have reopened by 6/1.

Will the price go up again, will they remain where they are as disney dont have money to buy back or will they fall due to exactly that?

my thinking is that some resorts will see a decrease if Disney don’t buy anything back and sellers need the money.
Prices will continue to go down. The travel economy will be a bigger factor going forward on prices than the parks being shutdown. That will dramatically impact demand for the product.
IMO, trying to predict (or time) the resale market is akin to predicting (or timing) the stock market. You'll be right about half of the time no matter which side of the up or down bet you make.
Agreed. We set a price we were comfortable spending and are happy with that. If prices go back up, great we got a great deal, if they drop further-well we got it at a price we are comfortable with and that’s okay too
Prices will continue to go down. The travel economy will be a bigger factor going forward on prices than the parks being shutdown. That will dramatically impact demand for the product.

Yep. I think if we look at this in the microcosm of what is happening with DVC prices we are missing the macro problem of travel itself. The statements being made by the airlines regarding significant pilot layoffs are troubling.
We backed out of our contract. It’s just too uncertain when we will be able to go in the future and that’s cash we can put back in savings. I’m super sad about it but it’s best for us :(
I am sorry but I know exactly how you feel. I am sure that you will find that perfect contract again when you are ready!
I don't think this is really correct. People losing their jobs and needing to sell their contracts will not change if the parks reopen or announce a reopening. This does not bring their income back. I honestly think this is DVCRESALEMARKET's way of trying to spin the market and keep prices high.
I agree. "It is unrealistic to expect somebody to know a thing, when their whole livelihood depends on them not knowing it."
We backed out of our contract. It’s just too uncertain when we will be able to go in the future and that’s cash we can put back in savings. I’m super sad about it but it’s best for us :(
I'm sure that was a tough decision but good for you for being cautious! You're already ahead of the game knowing about the resale market so when the time is right for you, you'll still get a great deal compared to direct pricing even if resale prices go back up.
We backed out of our contract. It’s just too uncertain when we will be able to go in the future and that’s cash we can put back in savings. I’m super sad about it but it’s best for us :(
I am sorry that you are having to back out! I saw your contract details in the ROFR thread. I am looking for a similar contract. Would you mind letting me know what broker site you found the contract on? Based on the agreed upon price, that seller seems to be more realistic than the prices i am seeing listed.
I am sorry that you are having to back out! I saw your contract details in the ROFR thread. I am looking for a similar contract. Would you mind letting me know what broker site you found the contract on? Based on the agreed upon price, that seller seems to be more realistic than the prices i am seeing listed.


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