Where In The World #15


Yes Ma'am, HS is the park! :thumbsup2 :tink:

What so we know about this? Shop or food service?

I have been in the Fort many many times but it has been about 25 years since I have camped out there.

Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday Diane. Catching up from the old thread.

Thanks Ed.

:yay: I finally got one of your crops! :yay:

Had to go to Facebook and check and sounds like he's doing better. Quite a scare for them. He's been taking the same shot for months. He'd had a bad week with allergies and went in for the once a month shot; Emily posted after the shot he went into anaphylaxis shock. He had a breathing tube inserted at the hospital and was communicating by writing. They were hoping to get the tube removed today. :tink:

Glad Jeff is doing better. Pretty scary.:grouphug:

You're welcome; been a rough weekend for young adults. One of the young ladies I became acquainted with when I was involved in Band Boosters had her 2nd kidney transplant fail a couple months ago. One of the drugs she's on causes fluid on the heart. Her 2nd surgery to help alleviate that problem was earlier last week. She's been in ICU; last Thursday her heart stopped. They revived her with CPR and then had to go back in and repair the damage to the heart from the CPR. She's been in a coma since. Another young lady graduated from high school last week. She hadn't been feeling well and was being treated for a kidney infection. Last Friday she was experiencing intense pain and was taken to a Houston hospital. They discovered cysts on her kidney and one of her ovaries. She's apparently inherited some type of disease with no known cure. The family didn't even know the disease was in their family history. She's being treated but eventually she'll have to go on the kidney transplant list. AND NOW JEFF! :faint: Sure makes one thankful for healthy (as far as we know :scared:) kids! :tink:

:grouphug::grouphug:Hope they are okay.
Diane♥Disney;51610074 said:
What so we know about this? Shop or food service?
:grouphug::grouphug:Hope they are okay.

Thanks Diane...the families need all the hugs they can get.


This is from a shop in HS; it's a picture of a musical instrument. :tink:
ALWAYS need those sibling pictures! :rotfl: Cute and congratulations to him; the "adventure" begins now.....:rolleyes1 :tink:

That's a great picture Heather! You are going to have a blast at DW!!!!!! :banana::banana:

That is great. You are going to have a great time. The Fort is a blast. I was going to go jogging around thru it yesterday for my long run weekend did stayed home,

Great picture Heather. It looks like y'all are going to break him in half:lmao:

Thanks guys! We are SOO excited for WDW!
Sadly I was too busy working. Ugh.

Pooh! :rotfl2: That will be me the entire week ahead! Summer activities begin for DGD's...back/forth ALL week; work; summer vegetables from the garden; one of my elderly aunts passed away yesterday and I have to be in Court Wednesday morning to testify in a trial! :faint: IF I make it through this week I'll be SO ready for our DW trip! :rolleyes:


No Ma'am, not an "other". :goodvibes :tink:
:faint: For MONDAY...the beginning of my "week from hell"! :rotfl2:


MK? Top of a building on Main Street?

Busy week for me too. Nothing tonight:cool1: but have to shop for graduation stuff, Tues senior awards night, Wed spring sports awards and DD has a softball game, Thurs senior stuff and DD has a softball game, Fri senior stuff and DD has two softball games, Sat GRADUATION:banana: Sun DD has softball games.:faint: She is doing a tournament this weekend but four girls have siblings graduating on Sat so we have to play our games on Thurs and Fri.
Diane♥Disney;51611262 said:
MK? Top of a building on Main Street?

Busy week for me too. Nothing tonight:cool1: but have to shop for graduation stuff, Tues senior awards night, Wed spring sports awards and DD has a softball game, Thurs senior stuff and DD has a softball game, Fri senior stuff and DD has two softball games, Sat GRADUATION:banana: Sun DD has softball games.:faint: She is doing a tournament this weekend but four girls have siblings graduating on Sat so we have to play our games on Thurs and Fri.

:faint: For MONDAY...the beginning of my "week from hell"! :rotfl2:


It must just be a crazy week for all of us. Joe's in Boston for the week, but I signed up to play in an adult summer soccer league, and my first two games are Tuesday and Thursday. So I'm going off of what feels like 7 straight days of working (I really only worked 6, but I taught Sunday School yesterday and that's work in itself), and then my day off isn't until FRIDAY, during which I have to bake a cake, pick him up from the airport, and drive to their lake house (about 2 hours). I just want to sleep for the next 3 days....
It must just be a crazy week for all of us. Joe's in Boston for the week, but I signed up to play in an adult summer soccer league, and my first two games are Tuesday and Thursday. So I'm going off of what feels like 7 straight days of working (I really only worked 6, but I taught Sunday School yesterday and that's work in itself), and then my day off isn't until FRIDAY, during which I have to bake a cake, pick him up from the airport, and drive to their lake house (about 2 hours). I just want to sleep for the next 3 days....

Diane♥Disney;51611262 said:
MK? Top of a building on Main Street?

Busy week for me too. Nothing tonight:cool1: but have to shop for graduation stuff, Tues senior awards night, Wed spring sports awards and DD has a softball game, Thurs senior stuff and DD has a softball game, Fri senior stuff and DD has two softball games, Sat GRADUATION:banana: Sun DD has softball games.:faint: She is doing a tournament this weekend but four girls have siblings graduating on Sat so we have to play our games on Thurs and Fri.

Top of the train station?

:crazy::crazy::crazy: ED...don't you miss all of this??? :rotfl2: It's 11 AM and I can finally "start my day" :rotfl:...until 12:45 when it's off to art class. Got the golf class in without rain :yay:! Lots for you this week Diane...and your kids aren't even out of school yet! :eek: Annie...summer soccer :yay:...should be fun! The Redstorm team is practicing 3 nights a week getting ready for the Disney tournament!

...and Ed is right on the money with his guess! :dance3: This flag is on top of the Train Station! :cheer2:


So I am back home now took this week off of work even thou we are going sailing in Friday :(

But ya I had my month allergy shot and I guess my allergery a we already bad so with the shot there was a system
Over load of allergy stuff in my body and the throat and tongue got all swollen and I stop breather the doctor gave me CPR and some shots to relieve the pressure when the paramettics came the put a breathing tube down my troat and stratched it and I started to cough up a lot of blood before they get me to the hostital, I then would up 2 days later in the ICU with tunes and iv s coming out of each arm, so I stayed in the icu for 4 days and they released me today because I am no longer it critical condition

But I am very week an just laying in the couch now


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