Where is the funnel cake? Updated 8/13/13 Finale!!

Ha! At the beginning of this report, I said we were at Ohana the same night as you! Guess where we sat? The table right behind you :) If we had stretched our meal out just a bit longer we would have been in your pic :)

I wish we could have met you! Did you enjoy your meal as much as we did? We just love Ohana!::yes::

Oh Karla I am so sorry to read about your puss cat. Poor old girl. I think the older they get the harder to say goodbye it becomes.

Hope you guys are all bearing up.

Yes, it does get harder, but we know she is not suffering any more. She was a mooch and greedy about her food, but she never hurt any of our foster kids and only hurt our son once (but it really was his fault). She was our first baby fur or other and we will always remember her. Thanks for the kind words.

My heart is breaking for you right now and I am so very sorry for your loss. DH and I work very closely with a cat rescue group and as a result we have had many kitties come through our home and some have stayed and become our permanent babies. It is truly one of the hardest things in the world to have put down a lifelong pet. I know all too well the pain you are feeling and while it won't ever truly go away, it will subside with time. It is probably of little comfort right now but try to find peace knowing that she knew how much you loved her and that you were with her in the end. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Thank you for the lovely and kind words. I have a coworker who has 2 kittens that need a home. Our kids want to get one of them because with our Hannah gone, we only have 1 cat. All they have ever known is us having 2 cats for their entire lives. We can't take both (but I really want to, they are so cute) because of our lease, but now we have to decide which one. There is a grey striped girl and a black boy. Decisions, decisions. What to do???

I'm sorry for the loss of your cat. :(

Thanks for the kind thought. We will always have the crazy memories of her, she was a personality, our Hannah!

*****I am hoping to get an update for Sci-Fi in tonight (fighting a fever and cold right now. If it's not one thing, it's another. Never a dull moment in this house!!! *****
Day 5 Hollywood Studios, Sci-Fi Dine In Theater

*****Disclaimer for this post. We have pictures but some are not great due to the lighting in the restaurant.*****

Ok, this meal was one that I had absolutely no interest in. This was purely the choice of DH. He loves Sci-fi movies and such and he seems to think the food in here is good. While some agree with him, I am not a fan. But since this was a family vacation and not just MY vacation, I allowed this choice. I have heard it said that if you stick to the burgers, you should be ok. So that is what I had in mind to do. I told this to the children but they opted to do what they wanted to do. We were a bit hungry for this meal because it was near 1pm and we had a very small breakfast having shared our cupcakes and such. So, now with the back story in place, I shall get on with the grub!!!

Since we could have shakes for our drinks, 3 of us chose to do that. DS got a chocolate shake, DD got a Cookies and cream shake and I chose the strawberry shake. They were all good and cold and HUGE!!! DH had a flavored soda, he got a cherry coke
(sorry for the sideways shot)
DH was just getting over his stomach issues so wanted to go light with a house salad. He ate very little of it and said it was MEH.

DD was all about the chicken wings. She loved these. I tried one since I was sitting in the front seat with her. They were on the smallish side but flavorful. She ate about half of them.

DS had the BLT soup. He is a lover of soups, most kinds as well. He did say this was just ok. He might get or might not get it again. He was not moved by this the way the lobster bisque at Yachtsman Steakhouse rocked his taste buds.

I knew what I wanted for my appetizer. I wanted the onion rings. I love a good side of onion rings every now and again. These were ok, not great but not horrible. There was only the slightest of grease on them. The little dip that went with them was super delicious. I dipped everyone that I ate in it.

For our entrees, my DS went with a dish that was totally to be expected for him.
He got the Shrimp Pasta - Bow tie pasta and sautéed shrimp with olive oil, garlic, basil, and fresh tomatoes, topped with parmesan

He liked this ok and didn’t eat all of it (he’s 13; it couldn’t have been that great since he is like a grazing cow and will eat everything in site.) But he did eat all the shrimp.

DD decided to go against my advice and get the Ribe-eye Steak with garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables, served with red wine sauce.
This was the fattiest, and not in a flavorful/good way, steak I have ever sort of seen :lmao:. It was juicy, for as fatty as it was, I would sure hope it was that juicy!!! :rotfl2: She only ate about ¼ of it and ate all the potatoes (it’s her favorite). She wouldn’t get this again, and she loves steak.



DH and I both stayed on the safe side and went with burgers.
Angus Chuck Burger - flame broiled beef patty topped with cheddar or Swiss cheese, sautéed mushrooms, and crispy bacon, lettuce and vine-ripened tomatoes, served with a choice of cucumber salad or french fries
DH chose the cheddar mushrooms with the cucumber salad. He ate about half and said it was ok. But not to hold it against the food, it was most likely still his stomach.
I got mine with swiss, mushrooms and bacon with the fries. It was good. I love mushrooms and bacon. I ate about 1/3 because I got full quickly. If we ever come back here, I would get this again to be safe.

We decided to try some dessert. Let’s see how they did.
I went with the Peanut Butter-Chocolate Cake - Warm chocolate cake with a creamy peanut butter center served a la mode.


Oh so yummy this was. It had like reese’s pieces on it (or something close to those). I loved this and would get it again. I love chocolate and peanut butter together.

All the rest of my clan went with the Hot Fudge Sundae - vanilla ice cream with hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry. Not a single one of them was hungry or feeling at all adventurous.





So, what did we think of Sci-Fi. Well, they thought it was ok and I was under whelmed. I may have been slightly prejudiced having had bad experiences in the past, but I was willing to give it a try and stick to the “safe” items. This still doesn’t make me want to go back. If I have to stick to “safe” foods when I am at Disney, then there are other places I would rather go so I can get foods that I really “want”. I know of more interesting places with more interesting and better platters I could be spending time at. I don’t need to ever go back here. Now, having said that, if we do family vacations again, then we all have a say, if someone says we go there, then we will go there. But, I would try to gently “guide” them in a different direction. :lmao:
I only give this a
2 :fish: My Dining plan credits could be better spent somewhere else. Sorry if you are a fan of this establishment, I am just over it!
Our meal cost $167.89 or 4 TS credits or $41.97/credit
Up next in my report will be 50’s Prime Time, what antics will be put through there??? Come along and see what we did or didn’t have to do.
Thank you for the lovely and kind words. I have a coworker who has 2 kittens that need a home. Our kids want to get one of them because with our Hannah gone, we only have 1 cat. All they have ever known is us having 2 cats for their entire lives. We can't take both (but I really want to, they are so cute) because of our lease, but now we have to decide which one. There is a grey striped girl and a black boy. Decisions, decisions. What to do???

I doubt that you can wrong with either one. I will say though, from personal experience, solid black kitties can be some of the sweetest, most loyal cats out there. They also can be harder to find homes for because a lot of people are surprisingly superstitious. One of our permanent family members is a solid black male and he is honestly one of the best cats we have ever had. He has always been one of the first to snuggle up to the new foster kitties :) We also currently are fostering a female solid black kitty and she is just a little sweetheart full of love! Like I said though, you can't go wrong either way! Shame you can't take both though :(
Glad to know I am not the only one who feels this way about Sci-Fi. We only went once, and have no desire to return.
I just read this whole thread through from start to finish. It's great!

Can't wait to read the next installment. Thanks for writing it!
Thanks for the great, honest reviews. :thumbsup2

It is a shame about Tony's-such a great location, but horrible tomato sauce!

We were going to have lunch at Sci-Fi in Sept, but now I am kinda of glad we had to change our plans. You are right it used to be better back ages ago, its unfortunate.
I doubt that you can wrong with either one. I will say though, from personal experience, solid black kitties can be some of the sweetest, most loyal cats out there. They also can be harder to find homes for because a lot of people are surprisingly superstitious. One of our permanent family members is a solid black male and he is honestly one of the best cats we have ever had. He has always been one of the first to snuggle up to the new foster kitties :) We also currently are fostering a female solid black kitty and she is just a little sweetheart full of love! Like I said though, you can't go wrong either way! Shame you can't take both though :(

2 of our cats have been black cats and we love them dearly. The one that just past was our first black cat and we have one now. We have decided to go with the girl that way we stick to our girls and there is no alpha male issue with a baby cat and our already established in charge cat. We will love her just as much I am sure. And just for the record, I would love to take both, but don't want to be homeless.

Glad to know I am not the only one who feels this way about Sci-Fi. We only went once, and have no desire to return.

I liked it a while back then it just kept slipping over the years to us and now I don't need to go back. I want to try as many places on property as I can and if I skip this one, that gives me an extra meal to use elsewhere. DH still thinks its ok. :confused3

I just read this whole thread through from start to finish. It's great!

Can't wait to read the next installment. Thanks for writing it!

Welcome!!! Glad to have you on board. Thanks for the compliment, glad you like it and I will do my best to keep it up. Up next is 50's prime time. And we will have to see where the funnel cake is. I promise there is funnel cake at some point and it's a good one! :rolleyes1

Thanks for the great, honest reviews. :thumbsup2

It is a shame about Tony's-such a great location, but horrible tomato sauce!

We were going to have lunch at Sci-Fi in Sept, but now I am kinda of glad we had to change our plans. You are right it used to be better back ages ago, its unfortunate.

Welcome, and thanks for the nice words! Unfortunately I am over both these places now. On the good side, new places to try. We now want to try more signature places, yum!!! Hope you like the rest of the report!
Hi Karla. Sorry about your cat - so sad for you.

At Sci-Fi I stick with the "safe" burger which is good but considering I limit my options to only that I would say that it is more about the theming and ambiance. Unfortunately, Michael liked this place so I see it as a dining repeat in our future. ;)
And more breaks as our other cat, Herimone died on Monday. She got an infection of some kind, and her liver failed her. She was cremated on Tuesday.

We did pick up our new kitten. Haley is running amok doing her best to ease our pain.
And more breaks as our other cat, Herimone died on Monday. She got an infection of some kind, and her liver failed her. She was cremated on Tuesday.

We did pick up our new kitten. Haley is running amok doing her best to ease our pain.

Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this! I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for your right now but it will get easier as time goes by. You just have to hang on until then.

I am happy to hear that you have a new kitten and it's going well with her though! At least she is a ray of sunshine in all the darkness.
:offtopic: Sorry for my MIA status as of late. As my husband stated, we had our second cat in 2 weeks die. This one was totally unexpected. She had liver failure and was only 6 yrs old. She was my baby and it was very sad.

And on a very different topic than that, Happy Belated Thanksgiving to one and all. We had a relatively quiet time with just the 4 of us. Then on Black Friday, I had my 25th high school reunion :-)eek: I know, I can't possibly be that old!) Had a good time catching up with old friends.

Now what you have really been wanting, an update, I am working on my 50's Prime Time review. Thanks for sticking with me.
Day 5, 50’s Prime Time Café​

So this is the meal that I had to have. I am such a fan of this establishment. I love all the kitch and mayhem. I love the comfort food, the fun and the homey feel of this place. This is a must do on all our Disney trips. Since we had done Sci-Fi for lunch(I refused to do that one for anything but lunch), this made a great dinner choice for us. I was interested in who we would get for a server and what antics they would put us through. So without any more hesitating, let’s get on with this review.

We checked in and waited for a good while to be seated. Our family was called and we were seated at a TV table.

Carole, from Queens NY, came by and dropped the napkins and silver on the table near DH and said “set the table”, so he did. She came back and took our drink order telling us all about what we were allowed to have on the deluxe dining plan. So DD, DH and I all had cherry cokes, but our DS decided on the PB&J shake. She also took our appetizer order. DD and DH got the
Chicken Noodle Soup - Hearty mixture of chicken, vegetables, and egg noodles

This is always a good, fresh, hot, refreshing bowl of soup. This time was no different. They both loved it. The only surprise was that DS didn’t get it. He and I went with
Aunt Annie's Seafood Salad - Lump Blue Crab, Bay Scallops, and Shrimp tossed in Citrus Vinaigrette served on seasonal Greens


He saw seafood and went for it. I thought it would be light and it was. I like all the components and the seafood was very fresh. I would get this again.

While we are eating, we are noticing that our server seems to disappear for gaps of time. Now I don’t always like the full on no stops heavy crazy that some of these servers do, but some are really good and know who they can push and how far they can go with the “show”. Some don’t know the limits and push and others just don’t show up for the show at all. There was a server at the section in the same room as us but the tables behind us that “knew” what she was doing. She was good!!! She had everybody laughing and playing along as well. That takes talent and ability, and she was a good server to boot! Boy how I wish we had gotten her. But NO, we got Carole. We think she had something against our table because we were her only table in this room. She would smile and be pleasant to her other tables then come to us and be like someone put a bug up her butt.

So we ordered our mains and DD got the
Grilled Boneless Pork Loin - glazed with peppered mushroom gravy with mashed potatoes and green beans

She really liked this. She said the pork was very moist and the gravy had a lot of pepper which is a good thing as the girl is on a pepper kick.
DS went with a big surprise choice, at least as far as I was concerned. He got the
Salmon, but it is not the same as on allears menus.

He like the salmon, but didn’t touch anything else on the plate.
DH went for the all chicken meal and chose the
Grandma's Chicken Pot Pie - A creamy cheese mixture of chicken, mushrooms, carrots, celery, onions, and peas topped with a flaky pastry

He says it was ok, but no where even close to Ragland Road’s version. He would try something else next time. (His belly was still not totally back on track from earlier in the day)
I went with my tried and true
Mom's Old Fashioned Pot Roast - Slow cooked 'til fork tender, served with mashed potatoes, carrots, celery and onions

This was good fork tender yumminess. It wasn’t fatty like the last one I had here. The potatoes were good and the veggies still had some crunch to them. Over all this was a good choice. I would get it again.

So, while we are eating, we are seeing all this activity behind us and people having fun and the antics and we are having our eyes change color on us. I went from a blue eyed girl to a very green eyed girl, jealousy striking a pose in my head. Why do we always get the duds??? Oh well. At least she wasn’t mean. Or not yet anyway!

So on to dessert. She noticed that we didn’t eat all our food and said, ‘Well, that’s what happens when you get the deluxe plan”. She gave us a dessert menu (not the view finder like they had previously) and said “what do you want?” When DD couldn’t decide, our lovely server then looked her in the eye and said “ You better hurry up, I have other people to wait on who know what they want, I don’t have all day” then she walked away. As I recall, that is not part of the skit. I was not a happy camper.

She came back 5 mins later and took our orders. DD and DH got the
No Sugar Added Cheesecake - topped with fresh whipped cream and strawberry sauce

Both said it was good, just a little heavy.
DS and I got the

I wanted to try this and so I did. I am not a fan. It was hard to eat and just didn’t cut it for me, very bland. DS said they were just ok. Both of us would get something different next time.




When our server came back with the check, I was the only one at the table. DH had taken the kids to the bathroom then waiting outside. She said she didn’t do to much antics with us cause we were on the deluxe plan and she didn’t want to make the kids be force fed knowing they were so full from all the food… What? She never even asked and we never even told her anything. I am pretty sure it was just an excuse so we wouldn’t complain about her service. Whatever, she still could have been not so mean to my DD. :furious:

While I love this place, the last 2 times have each had something off. I want to go back, but everything about service screams at me to say no. But I could always get a better one next time… What to do???

We would rate it a
4 :fish: for food and a
2 :fish: for the service

So, I guess that nets us a 3ish :fish: with a slightly bad taste in my mouth.(just not from food)

We will probably go back and hope for a better result.

Our bill was $154.90 or 4 TS credits or $38.73/credit.

Up next Lunch at Wolfgang Puck Express (first time there)
I just read this all in one sitting and am loving it! You have such a great, distinct voice. Very funny!

And I'm sorry to hear about your cats.
I worry about the review I have read lately about Prime Time Cafe. It has long been a favorite of ours as well, but I am hearing more and more about the inconsistency in the service. Good to hear that your food was still good (or mostly!) as I have also read complaints there. I hope Disney addresses some of the issues so we all can enjoy the fun.
I'm a bit late to the party but I'm joining in! I love that your DD is an adventurous eater, that was me when I was 10 too! Loving all the reviews. The Raglan Road one is helpful since I'm eating there in a few weeks!
I worry about the review I have read lately about Prime Time Cafe. It has long been a favorite of ours as well, but I am hearing more and more about the inconsistency in the service. Good to hear that your food was still good (or mostly!) as I have also read complaints there. I hope Disney addresses some of the issues so we all can enjoy the fun.

I hadn't reallt read any other reviews about them recently but I can believe that it could go either way. Last time food was off a bit (nothing too crazy) and this time a less than inviting and kinda mean server. Glad to have you reading along!!!

I'm a bit late to the party but I'm joining in! I love that your DD is an adventurous eater, that was me when I was 10 too! Loving all the reviews. The Raglan Road one is helpful since I'm eating there in a few weeks!

You are only late to the party if it is already over, and this one is definitey NOT over !!!:lmao: I hope you like RR as much as we did. We will definitely eat there again when we go back next, we just can't believe that we only got there this trip and not sooner. Glad to have you joining this crazy adventure!!!
Hi there Karla! We had Carole the first time we went to 50's PT and she was meh compared to our server we always request - Cooper!! We had someone else this last time and she was ok. Sorry that she was more blunt and on the aggressive side with your family. The cheesecake looked really good though. I've heard the s'mores is difficult to eat so I think I'll steer clear of that dessert.

BTW, I finally got to the part in my TR where we ran into each other at Epcot! (I already did 'Ohana for my DR.)

Have a great weekend!
Hi there Karla! We had Carole the first time we went to 50's PT and she was meh compared to our server we always request - Cooper!! We had someone else this last time and she was ok. Sorry that she was more blunt and on the aggressive side with your family. The cheesecake looked really good though. I've heard the s'mores is difficult to eat so I think I'll steer clear of that dessert.

BTW, I finally got to the part in my TR where we ran into each other at Epcot! (I already did 'Ohana for my DR.)

Have a great weekend!

Hi Brenda,
She was just not right! I saw the update in your TR. I haven't been on the DISboards since I posted my last update. Crazy times going on here and no time. I am trying to get another update here today and maybe another tomorrow (if I have any readers left)

So this was the day that we slept in a little bit and skipped breakfast. We had plans to meet my parents at Downtown Disney and shop and eat. We had a new restaurant on our agenda, Wolfgang Puck Express. We had heard many stories about this place on the Dis and thought that it was about time our little family saw what all the hub-bub was about.
We met up with Mom and Dad and walked around a little bit to look at some stores when we decided it was time to partake of the goods. So off we went to our destination.
We had looked at the menu ahead of time and all of us said we knew what we wanted but when we arrived at the counter we were all struck dumb. It’s like the menu on the board was different than the one on the DIS. Now mind you, it was identical, but it seemed like we had never seen it before. DUH or just momentary brain fizzle from all the heat?? :confused3 Take your guess. Once we regained our composure and a line forming behind us, we decided on
DD went with the
Four Cheese Macaroni

This was some creamy goodness. She loved it and so did most of the table that tried it. I am not sure what type of pasta they use but the twists and ridges in it help to hold all that creamy cheesy goodness all over that pasta. If I had an empty belly, I would get this in a heartbeat! It is very filling.
Next up we had Mom and DH who chose the
Half Rotisserie Chicken - garlic butter, rosemary and mashed potatoes

My mom thoroughly enjoyed this entrée. My DH loved the chicken saying that it was perfectly cooked. Now I must let you know that he is not a fan of mashed potatoes but he said he really wanted that chicken so he was willing to put up with the potatoes. He did admit that they weren’t bad for mashed potatoes and that means that they were fantastic (I tried them and they were really good with that gravy, and I LOVE mashed potatoes)
Next up we have Dad and DS who both went with the
Crispy Chicken Tenders and French Fries

It was a standard option that is really hard to get wrong and they didn’t get it wrong. The chicken in the strips were still juicy and not at all dry. And they were good fries as well. Standard but good choice, everyone that tried them liked them. I wouldn’t get it but only because there are many more interesting or delicious items on the menu for me to try.
So that just leaves me. I had my eye on one special menu choice and instead of changing my mind like I normally do, I went with it. I had the
Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf - mashed potatoes, port wine sauce and crispy onion rings


Boy oh boy! When this was brought out, I was drooling instantly. The onion rings were thin and crispy and not at all greasy. The meatloaf with the bacon was heavenly. Juicy and moist and delicious and those mashed potatoes, well I already told you about those. They were really good. The port wine sauce over all of this was fantastic. It added so much flavor to my meal. I would definitely get this again or maybe try something new.
Then we had some dessert. Mom and Dad didn’t have any, but the rest of us did.
DD had some chocolate frozen yogurt and DS had a chocolate chip cookie. I tried the cookie and it was nice and soft. Nothing overly great but it was a good cookie. The yogurt was standard.
DH and I both opted for the
Vanilla Bean Cheesecake

This was good and not really heavy like some cheesecakes can be. I would get this again.

This was a great meal and very low key environment. There weren’t many people there when we were first arriving, but as we were eating, it did get more populated but not excessively full. This will definitely make my list of eateries for our next trip.

We had a great meal with great food and great company with my parents. Fun and good food was had by all.





We would rate this a

4 :fish: For a counter service meal, this actually rates better than some of the sit down restaurants that we have partaken of. I would do this again before I would go back to Tony’s or Sci-fi. (that is just me, but I am the one writing this report!! :lmao::rotfl2:) Wolfgang Puck did NOT disappoint!!! :thumbsup2

Up next is another first time… Spirit of Aloha Luau


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