Which backpack/carrier?


DIS Veteran
May 6, 2003
I've never used a baby backpack or carrier before but alot of people are suggesting it for my upcoming trip with my 8 1/2 month old.

Any suggestions on which is best? Hopefully something lightweight and cool since we're going in the middle of summer.

Thanks much!
I was just at the parks with DH and DD, 9 months. We used the Baby Bjorn, a carrier that many posters recommended to me when I asked the same question. They're a little more expensive than other carriers (retail $79.99) But I got mine off of ebay for about $30 less, and it's great. I used it at the airport, and when DD was getting too fussy in her stroller. We also used it in places where strollers were not allowed. Sometimes she got too heavy for me, so most of the time DH was carrying her in it. She really loved it, and didn't seem to be bothered by the heat. It was pretty hot when we went last week. I would definitely recommend that you get one, you have no idea how much of a lifesaver it can be for a child that age! Good luck! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. I found that tips from other mothers are very valuable.
I prefer a front carrier over a backpack type carrier. I'm only 5'3" and the backpack carrier was too much for me to handle. I would bring both a front carrier and a stroller so you have the option.
We love our Baby Bjorn! We also have a Kelty backpack kid carrier, but I wouldn't bring it to the parks. It's too big & bulky. The great thing about the baby bjorn (or most front carriers) is that you can still sit while wearing it. So if baby fell asleep, for example, you could still sit in a chair & eat, or go to a theater show. Some people even wear them on rides. :)
We had a back pack that also was our stoller when our DD was 8 1/2 months old. It worked great (it was the only stoller we had the whole trip and we did fine.) It was made by InStep and cost 50$ at Target. She sat very upright in it, but was able to fall alseep and it also has a basket with it. It comes with a funky canapy for shade, but you don't have to use it. It also was very light wieght, folds up small and easy on the bus. I was a tad nervous not having the "normal' stroller with us, but it worked great.

She (and us) loved it. We were able to converet it into a back pack carrier with her still in it (had to be careful not to get her feet caught in it) and put it on my hubbys back. My husband was always the one to back pack her. I used a on the hip carrier, she never liked baby bjorn for some reason!

I recomend using it a head of time and getting both of you used to it.

DD was only 14 or 15 pounds at the time. We used it up until she was 18 months old, then she was a bit too big for it, her feet could touch the whells and she would drag them. It also was a great help last summer at the beach, baseball games and other places it was difficult to bring a stroller. Really it gives you the best of both worlds.

We used it as the stoller most of the time, but it was handy when we needed it. It did the job of 2 things, but only took up the room of one. Also she loved being up high and being able to see things better.

Good luck! (if you want I can post a picture of her in it.)
We also love the Baby Bjorn!!!! I am hoping my son will not be over the weight limit by the time we go in October (he'll be 8 1/2 months).

We considering a backpack carrier if he is too big, but they seem big and bulky to me!


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