Which foods are not allowed at border crossing?

from Canada

Feb 20, 2000
Hi all,
We are driving down in Feb. I seem to recall that there are "rules" about what food you can and can't bring into the U.S. with you. I'd love to bring fruit and veggies along for the trip. Does anyone know what is and asn't allowed?
I don't know a total list, but citrus fruits for sure

There is a sign at the border that says

Please declare all fruits, vegetables and meat products.

Might be safest just not to bring anything in those categories and stop at a store on the way down and pick some up.
We had to toss out our clementines at a garbage can right at customs in the past and last year it was questionable about bringing in apples. The customs guy said we could keep them as long as we promised to eat them before we got to the Mason Dixon line. We said thanks and made sure they were gone by then.

Unless you are prepared to lie at the border, don't bring any food with you. The only answer to the question "Are you bringing any food into the United States?" is NO. Otherwise, the door is open to a complete search and declaration. A co-worker of my BIL had an apple with her, and the customs agent made her eat it in front of him. Then, when she went to put the core in the garbage, they made her take it back across the bridge (Windsor) and put it in the garbage in Canada! You never know what they will do on any given day. My BIL never tells them that he has his lunch with him. If you take anything, pack it in the back of the trunk, or bury it somewhere in the back of your van.
I've never had a problem with processed food.

Fresh fruits or vegetables. Mostly a big pain - if you can't prove the country of origin - forget any of it. And a whole lot of other rules beside.

Beef - in any form - not yet.
We have taken food before and not had a problem.

If they would ask, if we are bringing any food, we would say just lunch and sometimes they asked if there was fruit or vegetables but they never asked to see what we were bringing.

They can also be totally unpredictable from one day to the next , so you never know what they will question.
Fruits, veggies, meats are all a big no-no.

I've brought Tim Hortons back to the States with me on every trip and never had a problem, (even though I've declared them).

Packaged processed items like granola bars, cereal, Pop-tarts, candy bars, etc., are also generally not a problem.

Declare your food! A certain percentage of cars are inspected regardless, and if you are caught with undeclared food, it can make for an unpleasant experience as you are yarded in by the customs folks.

ducklite is right, better to declare and have to throw it away than not to declare and then face the consequences.
I had bananas and oranges taken from me ... along with meat products.
Wouldn't it be just as easy to take a rest stop at a Super WalMart along the way and pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables or whatever you wanted.
They have a very good selection of fruits, vegetables, lunch meats etc. at the 24hrWalMarts.
If you are going along I-75 what is the first SuperWalmart you come to after Detroit? We will be leaving late Oakville area (around 6 p.m.) and hope to get past Detroit the first night (late night I know) and would like to stop for food as soon as possible.
Well, lucky for you Tigercat, I just bought Along I-75 by Dave Hunter today, so I looked for you.

The first 24hr store I can find past Detroit is the first exit in Ohio, exit 210, a Meijer Store (approx 1 hr out of Detroit).

At exit 193 there is a Big Kmart open 24 hrs a day, and at exit 181 there is a Meijer Store open 24 hours.

If you want to know any further than that just let me know and I can look for you.
Cruisin'Kroezes thanks. Now is Miejers a grocery store? I am hoping I get his book for Christmas. That was one of 2 things I put on my Christmas gift list. If not then I will buy it right after Christmas. I was going to get it now but was told that I might get it so don't buy it. It seems to have a lot of info. We have only driven the route twice and once was more than 19 yrs. ago (oh my God where does the time go????). The last time we had a library book of along I-75 and it was marked up. My dh got it for us the day before my sister and I left and I did 95% of the driving so I never really got to "see" it. This time I thought I'd like my own and get to know it before we leave.
I'm not 100% sure about the Meijer's but I think they are similar to the Walmart super stores, a department store with a grocery store attached.
Maybe somebody else knows for sure?
Meijers is very similiar to the Super Walmart full grocery store with a little of everything else including scrapbook supplies, sometimes a great prices, if you are into that.
abbyndrewmom I will have to look into that when we get there. I am just starting to get into that. I can't wait to go on my trip. I have asked for the I-75 book and I know I am going to get it so in a week I'll be able to look it over.
Just got back and when we crossed into the states we were told you could not bring any fruit, vegetables or meat products.


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