Which is better w/2 toddlers...flying or driving?


DIS Veteran
May 7, 2000
When we take our next trip to Disney the kids will be about 4 and 18 months old. The drive would be about 20 hours, but we're planning on stopping over night to break that up, and will have a tv/vcr in the car. Which do you think would be easiest, less hassle, what would the kids enjoy more, and what would be less of an ordeal for us.....to drive or to fly (about 3 hr flight, but figure airport time). Any opinions and/or advice are welcome. Thanks!
My opinion is driving is easier. I know it really sounds like more work (and definitely more hours than flying) but you are in so much more "control" of everything which is really necessary since you have to be "flexible" with things when it comes to children..... children, especially that age, do not have set eating schedules, set times to need diaper changes, etc. Not to mention you can make stops whenever you want- where as in a plane they are strapped in a seat the majority (if not all) of the time and it's cramped and you feel all stressed out trying to keep them happy so as to not disturb other passengers.

That's my take on it. Our driving trips (our last one was also 20hrs to WDW with three kids- youngest barely 2yrs old) are really not as stressful as I always think they will be. LOL And stopping over for a night is even better probably. (with us I just drove at night since I'm a nightowl anyway- everyone else slept... I wanted to get there faster also. LOL)

The tv/vcr is a great way to keep them happy with long drives- lots of snacks, frequent stops, things to do like coloring or little inexpensive new toys (especially for the 18mo old), etc can really make the trip quite pleasurable. It's a nightmare for me to fly with children that age- especially 2 or more! The old saying is right- if mama ain't happy, no one is happy. It's the same thing with stress- if mama is all stressed out trying to keep the children happy to not bother other passengers and worrying about their ears hurting/etc- the children usually aren't happy either. When mama is relaxed and feeling "in control" while doing a driving trip- the kids are relaxed and enjoy it more also.

That's my take on it... I'm sure others might feel the opposite though. We're a family of 5 but even though the COST of flying is not a deterrent- we always end up driving instead.
We did the drive this summer with a 14 month old and I have to tell ya, it really wasn't bad! She slept alot of the way (which was 18 hours total). We stopped for meals and did little walking excercises and the movies kept her haapy in the car. Sing alongs work great.
Yeah, I feel a little strongly about that one. We flew last Feb with three kids ages 5 mo's, 1 almost 2 and a 5 year old. It was a nightmare for all of the reasons Sybah shelstah mentioned. Flights were delayed, almost tow year old was scared of the noise the plane made and cried hysterically when we got on, diaper leaked and it's a pain changing a whole outfit in those tiny bathrooms, ran out of milk, kids were stuck where they were--first in the boarding area of the very boring Midway airport, then in their seats as we sat and sat and sat on the tarmac--it goes on.

Then in Dec, we drove (this is from MN, by the way) and it was a wholly different trip. We left in the evening after DH had slept most of the afternoon and drove through the night. Our roughest time was stopping for breakfast. A sit down restaurant was not a good choice at that time. (Although on the way home it worked fine.) DH will tell you that 3:00 in the morning was not a good time either since the two yo and six year old were wide awake and chatting his ear off when he just wanted to be alone and drive, but hey, at least they were happy.

On the way down we stopped a lot. The kids needed to get out and run a bit, so we went to most of the state welcome centers and a few rest stops, had a picnic lunch at a park etc. Stayed at a hotel that night and drove the rest of the way the next day. Had lots of new things to give the kids and lots of story tapes and new kids music from the library. On the way home, everyone was pretty happy so we just kept going. Ended up getting home at 11:00 at night the day after we had left at about 5:00 in the evening.

For the 4 month old--or is that a 4 year old?--Well, if the baby needs a bottle, The Right Start sells a bottle warmer thingy that wraps around the bottle and plugs into the cigarette lighter. Very handy and doesn't take up much space. Also, toys that you can hang from the handles or hooks in the back seat keep the baby entertained.
I vote for car too. And get a car top carrier. That way if they start getting on your nerves you can ....... No no!!! Bad Catwho, Bad!!!

OK, seriously about the car top carrier, get one and put as much stuff as you can in it so that you have less in your vehicle. You will all be thankful if you aren't jam packed for 20 hours in the car. If you can wing it, try doing a lot of your driving at night and early in the morning. It doesn't work for our family (I can't sleep when my dh drives because he tends to nod off if someone doesn't keep him engaged in conversation or watch for his tell-tale signs of being tired) but if you can trade off and cat nap and do a lot of driving when your kids are asleep it might be easier on everyone.

Thank you all so much for the information. We were actually planning on driving for the reasons everyone mentioned, but I wanted to get some other opinions. The thought of being stuck in one place as you are on a plane if the kids would act up or whatever, just is not appealing to me.

Disneymom3 - 18 month and 4 year old...sorry I didn't make that very clear. We'll definitely get a lot of things to entertain them both. Thanks again everyone!
I just want to add one more vote for driving. We took a flight (not to Disney but to visit family) when we had 2 kids, ages 4 and 15 months. It was a nightmare. It was an hour ride to the airport, we had to be there 2 hours before the flight, and then it was delayed by 3 hours. When we finally landed, there were no available gates so they had to bring a bus out to the plane to transport us back to the terminal. DH and I were trying to manage the 2 kids, carseat, carry ons, and stroller that we had brought right up to the gate down the steps of the plane, onto the bus, through the terminal etc. And try changing a diaper in that little closet of a bathroom!

Now we have 3 kids and last year we drove to Disney from the Boston area. MANY people told us we were crazy but we did it anyway. It wasn't bad at all! We brought the tv/vcr, crayons, magna doodle, etc. and the kids were fine. When they started to get tired we stopped to got something to eat or just walk around. We also had plenty of snacks and drinks. We really liked having a car while we were down there too. We would do it again in a minute.

As a family of 5 the cost of the flight and possibly a rental car just isn't doable and honestly isn't really worth it. We just made the drive part of our vacation and enjoyed spending the time together.

Just a warning - people will tell you that you're crazy, that flying is the only way to go, etc etc. Ignore them and have a wonderful vacation!!
Another vote for driving - we just completed a 22 hour drive from Chicago to WDW (with three DDs, 6, 4 and 1 1/2) with a stop near Atlanta on the way down and Nashville on the way back) and LOVED IT. Okay, maybe we didn't LOVE IT, but the control we had over our surroundings, the money we saved by driving vs. flying and renting a car, far outweighed the extra time it took to drive and any of the hassles. Also, we decided to cut our trip short by one day and we were able to pick up and go without any airline change fees. Thank God we had a safe trip, because I know that driving is more dangerous than flying, but we didn't encounter any trouble. In fact, we planning another drive down in July it went so well.
Well I guess I am the only one that votes for FLYING!

We have done it three times with our 3 kids. The 1st time they were 6, 2, 2, then at 8, 3, 3 and this past Thanksgiving they were 9, 4, 4. We always get direct flights that are about 2 1/2 hours. For us this works great! We have been lucky enough to get on the planes and get there with little delay. Our flight was a little late this last trip but the pilot managed to make up the time in the air. Two 1/2 hours is so much shorter than it would take us to drive. Plus we would have to cut our trip short by adding the drive time. We always bring food and games for the kids. Everyone should do what works best for them and we prefer flying.
Terribelle, I think your opinion is great! You showed a different perspective. For our family of 5 and living just 9 hours from WDW it doesn't make sense to fly (besides we like having a car and that woudl be an even greater expense oh and we bring so much stuff with us - pillows, blankets, giant stuffed Dopeys, Eeyores, Stitches, etc etc etc LOL!!) I think if we lived any further than 14 hours that we would definitely look into flying (and only be able to take a vacation every other year)

Thanks for stepping forward and showing a different view!

We'd have a 24 hour drive, so we fly. Can't waste four days in travel, even if we wanted to. Flying we spend 1/2 a day in travel each way - we can get to Disney in time for the evening parades, don't leave for the airport until we fit in a last character breakfast.

The flight is about 3 hours. It wasn't pleasant (but I don't think air travel ever is), but it wasn't the worst three hours of my life. There are lots of small kids on any flight to Orlando, so even if yours don't act up, it doesn't mean the flight will be spared the torture of someone elses crying toddler. On the way back they both slept, so that wasn't too bad.

My kids simply do not sit well for three hours - we've taken car trips of that long and I can't imagine what I'd do with them if I had to spend 10-12 hours a day in the car with them. Even with toys/games/vcrs etc - too much energy.
I drove our last two trips. It was a total nightmare. 18 hours in the car does not make happy children. But I must say that all kids are different and if yours are good at sitting and watching tv (since you will have one in the car). Driving is fine. But I would never drive now. My kids are older and fight in the back seat for an hour drive. And then there is the school issue. We would have to take two extra days for driving, so that would either have to come from there school time or our WDW time. Well our schools already don't lkike them being out, so it would surely be from our fun time. So we drive. But with smaller kids, driving may be fine. Mine always hated the car.
I vote for flying. We've flown three times with minimal hassle.

This last trip we drove....and drove.....and drove. I agree, with a family of five, it's much cheaper to drive, but I don't think it's something I want to do again anytime soon. The kids were fantastic; they only had minor bickering on the very last day on the way home. We had a DVD player and would alternate watching a movie, listening to the CD player, and quiet time. DS3 never had a problem at all; he only asked if he could get out so he could go to bed. It was just four long days. How some people drive all night, I'll never know.

Here's why I say fly:
About two weeks after we got home, I got on the interstate with the kids in the car. DS3 immediately started in with these pathetic wails - not the crying of a temper tantrum in the making, but painful wails. We couldn't figure out what was wrong; I thought he was hurt somehow. He finally managed to blubber, "I just can't do it. It's too hard!!!" Poor thing. He sobbed all the way to our exit, ten minutes later. That's when I realized how hard it really was on him. When our backs got tired, we could readjust in our seats. His carseat kept him buckled in the same position for hours.

When all the kids are all older, I wouldn't mind driving again. For now, I'm content to wait for a cheap flight or just not go.
I vote flying. We drove down to Georgia 3 times all straight through the night. It wasn't so bad for our 2 year old but it was rough on us. We drove through the night because we knew she would sleep but when it was morning she done with the car. Even when we stopped and let her run around it wasn't fun trying to get her back in the car seat. We haven't had any trouble flying. I book a flight around the time she usually takes a nap. She's in her car seat and she's comfy it takes about 20 min. for her to fall asleep. We never have a problem with her ears. I give her a drink or a lollipop and everything is fine. It's a little hard getting things through the airport and I know that by the time you get up drive to the airport, land and everything else the total time is about 7 hours for us. But at least my DD can run around the airport until the flight leaves, and to be in FL. in 2 1/2 hours is way better to me than driving for 20 hours in the car. But eveyone is different.
We are flyers too. We live in Texas and I just hate to use up time I could be spending at Disney driving. Of course my 2 oldest 15 yrs and 12 yrs so they can help ds and I with the 2 yr old and the baby who is 9 months old right now.
For our Sept trip we flew. We left late (were supposed to leave at 8pm, left 1.5 hours later) and the 2 little ones slept quite a bit. Of course the flight delay made it harder on everyone but all in all it wasnt to bad.


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