Which Pooh character are you ? April 18-22 trip report **** Completed***

Kelly! How did I totally miss that you're doing a TR until now? I'm a terrible DIS friend! :sad2:

I am absolutely loving reading your report! I have a DL trip in mind for 5 years from now, and I have already picked out DLH for my stay. Your photos and descriptions of your room are just reconfirming my choice! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read more, lady! :cutie:
Hi Billie!!:wave::hug: So glad you made it over here! Gee, you've just been slightly busy with your own fabulous reports. :thumbsup2It's thanks to you I gave this TR thing a try, I've been having a lot of fun re-living our trip... But next time I've gotta take some notes! Man this memory of mine ain't what it used to be! :blush:
The DLH is fantastic, you will love it and I'm sure you will appreciate the differences between DL and DW.

Following along! I laughed at the picture of the giant ice cream cone! :rotfl2:
Hi Colleen! :welcome: Happy to have you here! I'm going to try and wrap this TR up today after work. I know, the giant ice cream cone had us cracking up too, it was massive!
April 22 our last morning at Disneyland

My DH was nice enough to let me push our return flight home to later in the afternoon his day so that we could either get some pool time in or head back to the parks. It wasn't really warm enough that morning, so we gathered our things and left our bags at bell services and made the short walk back over to the parks. We only had about 3 hours to spend so everybody got to choose what they wanted to do one last time.

We all agreed on RSR so I was able to pull a FP for about 10:30 and the little one decided she wanted to ride ToT one last time, so she, my DH and Devin all went over there and Dray and I headed over to Calif. Screamin' which was Dray's choice for last ride. He somehow managed to talk me into going, and I kind of surprised myself that I actually went. See if you had known me about 2 years ago there was no way I would ever be able to step foot on a rollercoaster, I was a huge big chicken. My very first rollercoaster experience was only 2 years ago when we took Kiya to DL for her 5th birthday and she was determined to go on SM. I thought at that time there was no way she was going to go on it without me ( even though on SM at DL you get to sit 2x2 inserted of single file and she was sittin' with her daddy) anyhow, she went on and I forced myself to go too and I was soooo nervous, she absolutely loved it and so did I! So I had never been on a coaster that went upside down until CS. My son was so cute, he talked me through every hill and turn and warned me when the loop was coming up. I screamed.....most of the ride...and even opened my eyes a few times! :eek: I felt very accomplished after that but my voice was nearly gone! Dray's final wish was to try and find Eeyore
So cute!

We used our RSR FP's and Devin decided she wanted her last ride to be splash so we crossed over to DL and her and the little one did Splash while we waited. My last wish was to shop, I know it sounds funny but as the Mom you spend so much time doing what everyone else wants to do and I had not had any time yet to shop so We all said goodbye to the parks :sad: and headed to the WoD store to do some last minute spending before we had to leave for the airport.

I picked up his little Vera Bradley beauty and this super cute Mickey Christmas ornament ( I have this thing for ornaments), a t shirt and a few other things to bring back home. I couldn't pass up the bag since it was practically free ( ok not really but I had 2 $25 disney gift cards And a $30 rewards card from my Disney Visa!) it's the perfect park bag! yea!!:cloud9:

We headed back to the DL hotel and picked up our bags from bell services and grabbed a cab back to Orange County Airport, the guy at the luggage pick up gave up a coupon for a $35 flat cab fee to the airport which was cool! Our cab ride was pretty quiet, I think we were all kinda sad to go but we had an amazing time. One great thing that came out of this trip was that my DH totally started to understand my love for Disney and we even talked about our "next trip" next year!!!

Our family's favorites this trip:
Food: Plaza Inn fried chicken
CA - Grizzly River Run and RSR
DL - Splash and BTMRR
My favorite memory: getting to sit in the rear compartment of the monorail and having CM's wave at us as from the ground as we passed by :wave:
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Some final pictures from our trip

As we bring this TR to a close here are some of my favorite pics of DL for my Dis friends who have never been to DL or haven't been in a long time. Enjoy and thanks for " traveling" with me!

Finding Nemo Subs
Haunted Mansion
Big Thunder Mountain
Club 33 door
Grizzly Peak

CA in the early morning

See ya real soon!!


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I really enjoyed your trip report. I'm sad to see it end.
I'm sad to see your trip and TR end! But I hope you get DH to agree to your next trip, which park are you thinking??

I love the Eeyore pic!!! I also think it's amazing you all did one last thing on your last day what a great way to end the trip!!

I want to head back to DLR (haven't been in 18 years??) but I'm thinking I may wait a few years we just did WDW, and I'm pushing to go again next year :yay:.....
Great report...thanks for sharing. We are heading to Dland for 5 days in August...its a double Disney year this year as we just went to DWorld in April!
I'm sad to see your trip and TR end! But I hope you get DH to agree to your next trip, which park are you thinking??

I love the Eeyore pic!!! I also think it's amazing you all did one last thing on your last day what a great way to end the trip!!

I want to head back to DLR (haven't been in 18 years??) but I'm thinking I may wait a few years we just did WDW, and I'm pushing to go again next year :yay:.....

DH and I are planning a trip in October of next year back to DW for our 10th anniversary! No kids, just the two of us, I'm so excited! :dogdance:

You should totally go back to DLR, it's so easy if you only have 3 or 4 days. It was really fun for everyone to get to do " one last thing" I thought it was so cute that my son just wanted to see Eeyore!
Great report...thanks for sharing. We are heading to Dland for 5 days in August...its a double Disney year this year as we just went to DWorld in April!
Thanks you for following along! We had a double Disney year also, we did DW in Sept. And DLR in April, although not technically in the same "year" I call it the same year since they were within 12 months of each other. :-)
Have a great trip to DL, I love the subtle differences between DW and DL.
I enjoyed reading about the end of your trip. :)

even though on SM at DL you get to sit 2x2 inserted of single file and she was sittin' with her daddy

It amazes me how different the same attractions are. I only rode SM once and it was by myself but it must be nice to be able to sit next to your companion on the ride.


I really like the ornament. That's totally my style. I didn't see anything like that at the Christmas store in MK. :(

the guy at the luggage pick up gave up a coupon for a $35 flat cab fee to the airport which was cool!

That's nice! :)

I really like the look of the CA HM. :thumbsup2
I enjoyed reading about the end of your trip. :)

It amazes me how different the same attractions are. I only rode SM once and it was by myself but it must be nice to be able to sit next to your companion on the ride.

I really like the ornament. That's totally my style. I didn't see anything like that at the Christmas store in MK. :(

That's nice! :)

I really like the look of the CA HM. :thumbsup2
It really is amazing the subtle differences between DL and DW! I think I like the DL SM just for that reason, getting to sit with your companion. Even though it's so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face there's comfort in the knowing that they are there :hug:.
Every Christmas I decorate our tree just red and silver and I thought this beauty would fit right in, kind of like my tree's own hidden Mickey!


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