Who has no idea what they want to major in...


DIS Veteran
Dec 4, 2001
I was all set and ready to graduate with a degree in criminal justice...
now I really dont know if thats what I want. I only have 2 semesters to the major but this is my 3rd semester in school. Im thinking about changing to Liberal Arts concentrating in literature and writing. I dont know what to do.

Not looking for advice just curious how many people have no idea what the heck they are doing with their life.
I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with myself after school. I went into college undeclared. But then after my CP, I decided that I wanted to work at Disney full-time. So I became a recreation major.
I hear ya!

I was a nursing major all Freshman year and then like a month before THIS semester started I decided that I hated chemistry...so now I'm a journalism and mass communcation major. I like the curriculum and the program is good and all, but I have NO idea what I want to do with it!!!

I definately do not want to be a reporter (they're so nosey sticking microphones in people's faces and all...I just couldn't do it) or a journalist (for the same reason, in a way). And for sure not advertising...ick. My last option at UWM is public relations, so that's my sub-major. But I just don't know what to do! argh!

So, I guess my issue is that I don't know what careers are out there for me to pursue, ya know? What can I do with a JMC degree besides the obvious? *Sigh* Hey maybe I'll do PR for Disney...now there's an idea! :teeth:

Hopefully during the CP this spring I'll be able to discover more things about myself that'll open some doors and help point me in the right direction.
My school makes you declare a major and its really tough to change, so you gotta know what you want to do. Personally I am a biology major, emphasis in botany. Yeah, most people think having a botany emphasis is pretty strange.
I just finished my first semester, undeclared. I'm beginning to lead toward communication sciences and disorders, because I'm beginning to think that maybe I want to be a speech therapist. But I really have no idea. I'm taking the intro course for that major this coming semester; hopefully that'll give me a better idea of what I want to do with my life.
I am very happy being in the BBA (Business) program at my university, but I am trying to decide whether to take finance along with my business legal studies concentration. It certainly is not an easy decision!
I know what you mean. Last year, my major was history. I thought I would teach it. Then I decided to major in Spanish. Now I have decided on Hospitality...but who knows how long that will last! :rolleyes: That seems like the best choice to me now, though. I would major that, and minor in German or Spanish.
Just got through my first semester and I have no idea what I'm gonna do. I guess I have too many possible choices and just haven't been able to narrow it down yet. I'm seriously considering the CP now but other than that I have no idea what the future holds.
I want to major in computer graphics. The stuff im going through right now is pretty bad. I just started my new semester today so I have to see how it goes this time but I had a really hard time last semester. Especially with drawing becasue I can't draw for the life of me. I just hope that when i get to the computer part of it everything will get better.
Doin civil engineering, have wanted to do that since i was a sophmore in high school (Before that I wanted to work with Shamu). After I get my undergrad I'll probably go for my masters in structural engineering, and then maybe my MBA some day down the road just for kicks. Should be a bunch of fun :woohoo:


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