Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 2

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I always think that sounds kind of obscene!!!
I hope you all had a good nitey-nite!!! We may just have our watermelon owl for breakfast!!! yumm. It's really weird, I had a dream last night that I was eating watermelon, and I hadn't seen lyzziesmom's post until just know!!! eerie!!! :scared1:
Anyway, we will just have a little toast with that melon...OK???


lyzziesmom::Glad you got a haircut you like. I have to fight waves and curls, too!!! I love it when the humidity goes down. In the summer and at WDW in August I usually look like a freak. I wish somebody would cut my hair to fit my hair type. The stylist always stretches it out and blows it dry. My hair never looks like that the next day!!!
(I think I thought last night was Wed., you have more days left than I thought!! SORRY!!)

YourMajesty :worship: ::What is it with these boys anyway!!! On Monday night I was accused of doing the dishes when all I was doing was setting the coffee pot up for the next morning!!geesh!!

Ashley::Did you get your coupon? I wish I would have known about this for our trip!! We paid for our EE photo!!! It's a really good one too!! A guy was in the single rider line and rode with me. He was good looking,too! ;)

How did Florida make it through the storm? has anyone heard? I should be ashamed. I would turn on the TV to find out, but DS would probably have to scold me!! :rotfl2:

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!!
Good Morning.

I am so upset. I cancelled my trip through AAA so I could book myself (with discount code). Anyway, I only received a partial refund (I'm missing $300). I kept asking the TA if the money was refunded correctly and I was assured it was (I no longer have the account that I used to make the deposits. Usually, Disney refunds the same way the money was received, but the TA was supposed to have the money refunded differently). Disney says they refunded the money on 08/18 and I find out last night they refunded it to the old account. The bank says they have no idea what I am talking about, Disney can't speak directly to me (since it was booked with a TA) and my TA is no help at all. She said that it can take 1-2 billings cycles for the money to appear, so I have to wait at least that long before anything can be done. I am just sick over this. :guilty:
Good morning ladies...and pozey;)!!

Amber... I love that chandalier too! there is no way Mike would let me get that though... Mickey is kind of taking over the house and I can understand we don't need him EVERYWHERE :teeth: !! I think I will get some of the garden and patio statues though, some clothes...I'd love to get the cubes, the new bookends and the new shelf that is $199 but like you were saying...just wait b/c it will go on sale :cool1: no need to pay full price!!
I was ticked at them though... I placed an order while Kenny was gone for a bunch of snowglobes and stuff... well I called Monday b/c it had been 2 weeks and it still hadn't shown up and they said b/c my shipping and billing address weren't the same they were reviewing my order :confused3 for 2 weeks!!!! Come on! Just b/c I got married and my debit card address doesn't match our new address yet... pirate: ... I've ordered w/those different addresses at least 2 or 3 times but since it was such a large order they were making sure :rolleyes: I understand it's for security reasons and yada yada but come on.... 2 weeks and that's only b/c I called and complained!! No wonder it took 2 months to get Kenny's dvd!! You have my #...call me!!! Oh well..it's on it's way now! Finally!! Guess I better get my rear to the bank today and get my address there changed, then I won't have to worry about that again!Glad you got some good stuff!!! I love that site!!

eta: :grouphug: Amber.. hope you get your refund corrected! I know it is such a pita some times!! Sounds like maybe your ta is still trying to give you headaches!!

Michele...wow, sounds like you've got a busy schedule back to school! Good luck w/Matt and his football. You're right not to worry, the trainer won't let him play if he's not ready. I'm so glad Kenny is still little and thinks I know all :teeth:

Donna...that is so cute about Nathan! He's the man of the house ya know :smooth: he has to protect you and take care of the home front! That is so cute!!

lyzziesmom!!! OMG... the BIG countdown!!!! :hourglass Yes..that is a great sale isn't it!!! :woohoo: too good to resist! That is awesome your stylist actually did a good consultation and gave you a great cut! I need one too! Have fun packing and getting ready for your trip!! :cheer2: love the melon!

Have a great Wed. everybody!! :wave2: I get to leave early...go to Child support and give them in writing my appeal to the info. the x gave them! The worksheet has 0.00 for his annual income for the year :rolleyes: Oh please! He worked here til beginning of MAY!! :sad2:

this site has a lot of great disney collectibles


I have several at home on my favorites too.... Do any of you have any favorite sites w/disney collectibles? I love the Mickey Maelstrom one but for $1975!!! I can go on a cruise for that!!
Good Morning! thanks for the toast, Donna. I would have seen the "watermelon owl?" from last night but all I got was the little red X in the box. Guess I'll go with the toast. That's too funny that you're being spied on (?) in the late nite hours... I wish I knew what the St. Louis plan was - I don't think even DH knows. He's kinda miffed at me right now because his son wants to wear shorts on Saturday to the theatre, and he jumped on the bandwagon even though he knows better - and I put my foot down!

Lyzziesmom, good to hear about good hair - hated my last cut, and went to the girl on a recommendation. Then when I get back to work the next day and she asks if I liked her, I had to be honest! The woman (hairdresser) wouldn't even listen to me! I asked her three times to do some texure in the layers - nope.

Oh, Pozey, Lyzziesmom and all you with daughters, I so wish you loads of pixiedust: in the coming years with your girls...
But, since Courtney is already betrothed to Kenny, just don't let her date AT ALL until they marry! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Michele - good luck with school starting back up again! and more pixiedust: for Matt and his knee!

:wave2: everybody!
DonnaLeah said:
I always think that sounds kind of obscene!!!
Anyway, we will just have a little toast with that melon...OK???


YourMajesty :worship: ::What is it with these boys anyway!!! On Monday night I was accused of doing the dishes when all I was doing was setting the coffee pot up for the next morning!!geesh!!

How did Florida make it through the storm? has anyone heard? I should be ashamed. I would turn on the TV to find out, but DS would probably have to scold me!! :rotfl2:

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!!

Hey Donna...I can almost get the top button on my jeans snapped. :rotfl: Thanks for the healthy breakfast. My DS son picked up right where he left off last night. He decided to take the bus just to make sure he got the school in plenty of time. :rolleyes: My younger son hates to take the bus...he likes the extra time to "goof" around at home. He told me it's too much work to take the bus. They are complete opposites.

Speaking of school...it's about time to take my DS.... :wave: hello everyone...hope you have a good Wednesday!
Good Morning!

Thanks for the Mickey toast Donna! Your DS is so cute!

The watermelon owl is so cute Lyzziesmom! 2 more days!!! :cool1:

Dznyfan- :grouphug: I hope you get everything straightened out.

Amber- I hope you get your money back soon! pixiedust:

I need to get my hair cut and dyed before my trip too. I guess I'll do that in about 3 weeks. I just want a trim. I normally don't do much to my hair!

Have a great day!
DznyFan said:
So get this - DD's ex (the one I wasn't too crazy about) is freakin' stalking her! He drives over sometimes and sits in front of the house, calls her repeatedly (I'm talking one right after another) and she won't answer. He showed up after school yesterday - at the school, harassed a girlfriend of hers, then stayed until Erin got out of staying after w/ the choir instructor (30 mins), and harassed her - grabbed ahold of her arm! I know that's nothing 'major' but that's enough for me! I'll be calling the local law this a.m. to find out just how far things have to go before we can go legal. When I got home her current beau was at the house and boy he was ready to kill! (for clarification - dad and I hadn't gotten home yet, she called him, he came over after b-ball practice - about the same time dad got home) And he's a nice, polite, respectful Christian boy... you just don't mess with our girl.

Oh, Pozey, Lyzziesmom and all you with daughters, I so wish you loads of pixiedust: in the coming years with your girls...
But, since Courtney is already betrothed to Kenny, just don't let her date AT ALL until they marry! :rotfl: :rotfl:

OMG!! I had a few x boyfriends like that in hs too :sad2: Glad she has great parents and a great boyfriend to help protect her!! He obviously isn't quite over her...thankfully it does sound like she has a cell phone to call for help if she needs to. Not sure if it varies state to state but if he keeps it up you could probably get a restraining order on him since he's harassing her and he did grab her? Worth asking about! Good luck and lots of p&pd to your dd!

Don't worry pozey...I'm raising a very polite, sweet, sensitive young man;)...he'll be a great husband! :teeth: Plus he thinks vacations and weddings are supposed to occur at wdw or on dcl :cool1: !!! lyzziesmom...hmmm I have a nephew that is 2 how old is Emma? :blush: ...

good luck Dznyfan!!! He better not mess w/Erin we'll be ready for some:

My little dinosaur will come take care of him;)

lindakmonty said:
lyzziesmom...hmmm I have a nephew that is 2 how old is Emma? :blush: ...

Emma turned 2 in June!

Kenny looks quite fierce in his dino getup, love the face he's making!

Day after tomorrow, yay!! I printed out a bunch of copies of my itinerary last night and emailed it to my dad, and thank goodness I double-checked everything this morning because I had the wrong flight confirmation # on it! I rebooked the flight a couple of times when better DING! fares came up, and I must not have updated my spreadsheet. Tonight I will be getting all my documents together & packing the carryons, so tomorrow after work I can come home, feed the girls & put them to bed early, take my Ambien and go to sleep early myself. My mom laughed at me because I bought a TON of ponchos when they were in the $1 Spot at Target, and then I found more at the dollar store & picked up a few 2-packs. I tried to tell her it's easier to just toss 'em at the end of the day than to try to dry them out, but she still thought I was nuts! Seeing the weather report now though, I'm so glad I got them!!

DznyFan, that's scary about your DD's ex. I had one like that in high school, he was one scary dude. We didn't even really 'date', just went out together in a group a few times. The guy ended up spending a few years in jail, and then he STILL stalked me after he got out. I'd see him just hanging around when I was out & about, like I'd be at the bowling alley & he'd be outside the ladies' room when I was done, or I'd be at the mall & he'd be on the other side of every store I went into. He called my friends & current boyfriends and threatened me through them. He would send his buddies to knock on my bedroom window at night and send me 'messages', even after I moved. The thing is, he never made direct contact. Weird. I was about to call the cops when I found out he was back in jail, so thankfully that kind of fizzled out. I live 1500 miles away now, so I have finally stopped looking over my shoulder. I would say definitely alert the police now, even if he seems harmless now - in case this guy crosses the line one day at least you have documentation.

Glad everyone liked my melon owl! I wish I could actually make things like that. For my baby shower before Lyzzie arrived, I did make a watermelon baby buggy and it turned out pretty nice!

I'd better get back to work... lots to do before the temp comes in for training tomorrow. Gotta whip this desk into shape!
I am going crazy!! Our computers and phones at work keep crashing. I have not been able to get any work done, but most importantly, it is cutting into my DIS time! I keep trying out responses and then the computer goes down! :badpc:

Dznyfan, did you speak to the police yet? Maybe they could speak with him and scare him a bit.

ETA: I just hit 1,000 posts :cheer2:
Congrats Amber!! :cool1: :cheer2: :banana: party: 1000 posts! :woohoo:

I thought about you pug owners last night.... I got this catalog I think it was www.thecountryhouse.com... it had something in there of pugs....it was cute! Mike had his house really decorated in the country stuff before I moved it... but that's changed now... ;)!
Hi everyone!

Good afternoon! :)

Donna, thanks for the yummy toast!!

Lyzziesmom, I can't believe your trip is coming up so soon!! You are going to have such a great time!! With all this talk about haircuts, I think I'm going to get mine done this weekend! Wish me luck!

Amber, I'm sorry about your TA. That is so frusterating!! Hopefully it will get straightened out. When I first got a TA, I was really frusterated that Disney wouldn't talk to me about my hotel reservations. I realized that I like to have control and check on my stuff so I don't think I'll even get a TA again! :blush: Mine is through the Magic For Less travel agency. I like my TA, I just like the reassurance that I can call and confirm things. I only got it because I thought it would crazy trying to book ADR's and hotel stuff the first day free dining came out...But in the future, I know I can just do it myself!

Nicole: Good luck with the sugury tomorrow!!! What time is it scheduled? I'll be thinking about you!! Are you going to be put under? I've only been put under once, when I got my wisdom teeth out, but I loved that I woke up and it was all over! That laughing gas they give you is pretty awesome too, I got that during a root canal once! :)

Linda, stop posting all these shopping links!! :teeth: You are gonna get me in trouble!!!
Linda- I like Kenny's Dinosaur mask! Maybe I'll get a Tink mask on my trip!!! :teeth:

Amber- party: Congrats on 1000 posts!!!!

Ashley- I have to be there at 11. Yes they are going to put me under. I will need it! I have a low tolerance for pain. Laughing gas is horrible!!! The last time I had some was when I was 6 and I was having some teeth pulled and I was on it for a little TOO long! I felt like I was floating!!!

Has anyone here done the College Program? I was thinking about doing it next fall. But I would not want to leave Steven and all my family, and I don't know if I could live with someone I don't know!!!
LOL thats what I liked about it, I felt like I was floating and I was totally out of it! I HATE root canals and I have problems with getting numb, and the woman was getting so frusterated with me she just gave me the gas (for free, that office charged $100 for each half hour and I was under for like 2 1/2hours) and I fell asleep and was in and out of consciousness! I would feel pain (from the root canal) and I would just think, "Oh, that hurts, oh well" and fall back asleep, LOL.
Hi everyone! Thank you for all of your thoughts. Our tropical storm is just fine. People in our county did lose power but luckily not us. I wasn't able to connect to the internet so well though, maybe bc it is wireless and the winds were still pretty strong. Who knows.
The rain and wind really started in the evening yesterday and was at its worse overnight. It is still pretty windy and we have have been getting rain all day. The good news is my boss decided that we still didn't have to come in today!! Most things are still closed. I was glad to have a "day off" I even got to watch Samantha Brown at the Grand Floridian this morning. Since then I have been maily working on school work.

Lyzziesmom - ITS ALMOST HERE!! I am glad this happened before you were here, now you only have to think about the normal rainstorms but it sounds like you are very prepared for them with all of those ponchos.

Dznyfan - I hope the police are able to "scare" him off. Keep us informed here is some p & pd pixiedust: for you and Erin(I think I got your daughters name right , I hope) and your whole family. It is good to know that her current boyfriend is sucha gentleman and does care about her.

Donna - You have been giving such nutritional breakfasts. I have always wanted to buy the toaster that you made our toast with this morning. I just a new disney laptop carrying case (that I am still waiting for) I think that will be my next purchase. Its good to hear that someone has stepped up to the role as "the man of hte house" :lmao: too cute

Nicole good luck on the surgery.

Pozey and Linda- the kids are too cute. I think its funny to how Pozey has a Courtney story about how she is a little afraid of the dinosaurs and then there is Kenny as a dinosaur! I think the real message is that Courtney is going to have the normal jitters on her wedding day with Kenny but dad will make it all right :love:
precious pixie said:
Pozey and Linda- the kids are too cute. I think its funny to how Pozey has a Courtney story about how she is a little afraid of the dinosaurs and then there is Kenny as a dinosaur! I think the real message is that Courtney is going to have the normal jitters on her wedding day with Kenny but dad will make it all right :love:

:love: :love: :love:
lyzziesmom said:
Pozey, I must say I love hearing about your family. Ya think someone is a bit of a Daddy's girl? My experiences have been with such rotten men, it's nice to hear firsthand that you are not ALL rotten. Even if you'd try to talk your wife into letting you travel with strange women.
Thank you. I like to think that I'm a pretty decent guy. I iron clothes, I do housework, I make beds, I LOVE Disney..... :cool1:

lyzziesmom said:
A little snicky-snack for our night owls:


That's just too cool!!

hellokitty86 said:
Hi everyone!

I actually figured out the Everest thing, that first level was confusing but I figured it out!!!
Yay Ashley! Fun isn't it? Now......put that certificate where you KNOW you will take it with you. :guilty:

DonnaLeah said:
I used to have that exact toaster!! Played the Mickey March song when the toast popped up. However, my toast never looked quite that good.

DznyFan said:
So get this - DD's ex (the one I wasn't too crazy about) is freakin' stalking her! He drives over sometimes and sits in front of the house, calls her repeatedly (I'm talking one right after another) and she won't answer. He showed up after school yesterday - at the school, harassed a girlfriend of hers, then stayed until Erin got out of staying after w/ the choir instructor (30 mins), and harassed her - grabbed ahold of her arm! I know that's nothing 'major' but that's enough for me! I'll be calling the local law this a.m. to find out just how far things have to go before we can go legal. When I got home her current beau was at the house and boy he was ready to kill! (for clarification - dad and I hadn't gotten home yet, she called him, he came over after b-ball practice - about the same time dad got home) And he's a nice, polite, respectful Christian boy... you just don't mess with our girl.
Man, I hate to hear that. I hope your DD is taking lots of precautions. Hugs to you and your DD. And tell her current BF not to do anything that will get him into trouble.

lindakmonty said:
My little dinosaur will come take care of him;)

Uh oh.......we MAY have a problem here........Courtney does NOT like masks or face painting on anyone. It kind of scares her. Maybe she will grow out of this phase in the next 20 years..... :rotfl2:

Amber - Congrats on 1000 posts!! Woo Hoo!! party: :rockband:

precious pixie said:
Hi everyone! Thank you for all of your thoughts. Our tropical storm is just fine. People in our county did lose power but luckily not us. I wasn't able to connect to the internet so well though, maybe bc it is wireless and the winds were still pretty strong. Who knows.
The rain and wind really started in the evening yesterday and was at its worse overnight. It is still pretty windy and we have have been getting rain all day. The good news is my boss decided that we still didn't have to come in today!! Most things are still closed. I was glad to have a "day off" I even got to watch Samantha Brown at the Grand Floridian this morning. Since then I have been maily working on school work.

Pozey and Linda- the kids are too cute. I think its funny to how Pozey has a Courtney story about how she is a little afraid of the dinosaurs and then there is Kenny as a dinosaur! I think the real message is that Courtney is going to have the normal jitters on her wedding day with Kenny but dad will make it all right :love:
Glad everything is going okay with the storm!

And I think Courtney and Kenny may be okay........but we're going to have to work on the mask/painted faces in the meantime!! :cool1:

I put it with my Magical Express stuff and my annual pass, so I better remember it!! :sunny: Hopefully I'll remember it on my Animal Kingdom day, we are only going there for 1 day.
Amber, CONGRATS ON 1000 POSTS!!!!! :cheer2: :dance3: :yay: party: :drinking1 :rockband:

Nicole:: :grouphug: I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

precious pixie::Glad the storm wasn't as severe as expected. I'm glad you checked in to let us know you're safe!! :goodvibes

Linda::Kenny looks pretty scary as a Dinosaur!! Too cute!!! :sunny:

DznyFan::Hope the ex-boyfriend quits on the stalking thing, already!! Nice to know you got the police involved, a very smart thing to do!! :thumbsup2

YourMajesty::Jeepers, I'm glad you drug yourself out of bed to take your sons to school!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Kids...you gotta love 'em!!! :goodvibes

Lyzziesmom::Hey!!! That trip is almost here!! Get some rest and try to relax!!!
I'm with you on the ponchos. The ones from the Dollar Store start to smell funny by the second day. It's best to just toss them!!

2xcited::Where have you been!! I've missed you. If you don't my asking, if your Dsis isn't moving to Florida, how does this effect the plans you had made together? Just wondering.

Well, better go for now. DS and I are going out to grab a bite to eat. Talk to you later!
DonnaLeah said:
Lyzziesmom::Hey!!! That trip is almost here!! Get some rest and try to relax!!!

Yes, it's almost here! I could count down the hours now, if I was so inclined! So get this, I go to pick up the girls from my folks' house after work today, and my dad takes a look at the itinerary (which he has had for months, and I keep sending him updated versions) and he says, "Can we change one of these dinners to one that we can see the fireworks? I don't remember where it is, but it takes 2 credits." I gave him THE LOOK. I'm sure you all know it. Thank goodness Mom chimed in with "I'd rather see the fireworks close up." He still wasn't sold, until I mentioned how last time I was going to skip the fireworks and I was in Toontown when they started, I could see them perfectly and we had a bench all to ourselves, it was empty back there. shhhh don't tell anyone. Disaster #1 narrowly averted!!

:banana: :banana: Amber, YAY for 1000 posts, you busy girl you!!! :banana: :banana:
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