Who Invited My Mother In Law? A Moderately Deluxe TR All New X 3 & PTR Link 2/3 !!

yay, I found you before I missed too much! I love the video. Maddie is so funny talking about her autographs and pictures for the princesses. My Gabbie used to make pictures for the princesses too! And my almost 5 yr old makes up knock knock jokes all the time. For awhile he was always saying
knock knock
who's there
grandpa who
chuck n cheeses (that's how he said chuck e cheese's).

I don't get it either. Then he made up this one
knock knock
who's there
tree fell in the road
tree fell in the road who?

Hi! Thanks for joining in! Mads never did give the princesses her pictures, but wants to hang on to them for the next trip. :confused3

Aren't the made-up Knock-knocks the best? Usually, her laughing at her own jokes makes me laugh, so she feels like she's told a good joke. Probably just perpetuating the cycle. :lmao:

Dara just reminded me of something else I wanted to say in my initial response but forgot until reading hers. The ones Gabbie and Maddie do are cute even though we do not fully get them. Kids are so funny.

Xander always tells unintelligible knock knock jokes as well. When I stare blankly at him, he says, "Can you laugh a little? I just told a joke." It makes me laugh every time he says that. :rotfl2:

I am with you on that cruise to Hawaii, since that could knock off two of my upcoming vacations at once. Sounds amazing.

That's hilarious. I love that he reminds you that you need to laugh. Like I said, her laughing at her own jokes gets me laughing, so that's enough for her.

That cruise to Hawaii would be heaven. We need to do that soon!

I had a MIL that made Cruella deVille look like a saint... :scared1:

But I got rid of both her and her son... They were two peas in a pod... Good riddance to both... :thumbsup2

I now have an amazing DH and I got along great with his Mom when she was still with us, but she passed away about 10 years ago... I was very lucky to have her as a MIL... :love:

Sounds like you had a rough go round the first time! I'm glad that you got rid of them and found a mom (and son) much better!


Here's a favorite joke my girls like to tell:

Why did the flower die in the spring?
Because it wasn't a flower at all; it was CANDY!

:confused: Uhm...what???
I don't get it, but has been in circulation for over a year around here. They think it's hilarious, so I guess that's all that matters.

Wow. At least they remember the same made up joke! I'm never sure what I'm gonna get-which keeps me playing along. I'm always hoping that she's gonna pull out a real one. :rotfl: Kids are so funny.

Look! I'm here! I made it! (I totally just saw a post of yours in another thread and saw the sig link and was all "dnjasnsng!!") So, here I am.

I am so excited to read along and see how many things we were only steps behind you guys! And that surprise video, oh my goodness, just the cuuuuttest thing in the world! So adorable!!

Yay!! I'm glad that you're here! Did you get your TR started yet? I need to get over there and check it out.

It's gonna be so weird if we figure out that we were right next to each other for half the trip!:rotfl:

I'm here :)

I LOVED Maddie's reaction, what a cutie!

I really enjoyed your last TR and I'm looking forward to this one, we are headed to the World in July with my Mother in Law, I've already told DH never again can't imagine what I'll be saying after! LOL

Thanks for joining in! I wish you lots of luck traveling with your Mother in Law. It really wasn't that bad I guess. Would have definitely been nicer if it was just the 3 of us though!

Just finished your other trip report- can't wait to read this one! :goodvibes

Welcome! Thanks for being here!

Love the video! I cried a little bit too. So sweet.

Thank you! It makes me cry every time. It was so much fun to surprise her.
The day was finally here! We were going to Disney! We were on vacation! With 17 ADRs! We were tired!

We got up at 3 am. Our flights left Midway Airport at 6:00 am. DH, DD, and I were flying AirTran and DMiL was flying Southwest, but both flights left at the same time and were scheduled to arrive within 15 minutes of each other. DH, DMiL, and I quickly showered and dressed. I remembered to slap the yellow Magical Express stickers on our bags, and we discussed using one of our extra stickers for MiL so that we didn’t have to wait at baggage claim. We decided against it since she was on a different airline and would have to pay to have us check the bag for her. Maddie and I both wore sweatshirts that morning—it’s cold in Chicago at 3 am no matter what time of year it is. As it turned out we’d be very glad that we had them.

At the airport things went smoothly. We got checked in and hit security. Since I was chaperoning DD through, I didn’t have to go through the full body scanner thingie, just the standard metal detector. Win! Our flight left on time, and we were lucky enough to have 3 seats together. Bryan settled in with his IPad, Maddie with her DVD player, and me with a pillow. I slept for an hour or so and then read my Kindle for a while. (I read Rob Lowe’s book Stories I Only Tell My Friends—very good if you’re at all interested in Hollywood insidery stuff, which I totally am). Our flight landed right on time (9:30 am) and we headed to baggage claim to wait for MiL. Her flight landed about 15 minutes after ours, and once we’d collected her stuff and made it over to the Magical Express area it was already 10:30. MiL had to go through the line at the ME desks (she didn’t decide to join us until 6 days before the trip, there was no time to get her documents before we left. She also had me do all of the booking for her. No biggie. I didn’t have much going on at the time). :rolleyes2

We waited outside for her to get squared away. I took some pictures to distract myself from getting irritated. Didn't work. :lmao:



Pretty soon my phone rang. It was MiL from the desk. She didn’t have her confirmation number. Did I? Like any good DISer would, I had her numbers as well as ours on an index card in my purse so I got that cleared up pretty quickly. Finally we would be on our way!

Well, we’d be on our way after the 75 or so people in front of us were on their way. It seemed like we waited in that line forever but it was probably only 25 minutes. We boarded the bus and grabbed some seats. While I was doing Maddie’s hair she mentioned how excited she was to try out the “King Tritan” slide at the pool. OOPS.

We had purposely not told her much about the trip, wanting to have little surprises for her everyday. I hadn’t occurred to us that she assumed that we’d be back at her beloved POFQ. I quickly told her the resort would be just like staying at the beach, and then I played my trump card. I told her that there were 7 pools. “The big pool is really cool Mads, it’s a pirate pool!!” “I’m scared of pirates Mommy. I think that they should be Princess Pools”. Thank God the video started.

Caribbean Beach Resort was the first stop. We hopped off the bus and tipped the driver. That’s when we noticed that it was kind of cold. It wasn’t cold enough that we needed earmuffs or anything, but I was sure glad that DD and I had those jackets. While Bryan stayed outside with the bags, MiL, Maddie, and I went inside to check in. I had done online check-in and had requested that our rooms be near one another’s. I had also requested Aruba 51 or 52 or Jamaica 45 or 46. We chose not to pay for a preferred room location, and those 4 buildings seemed closest to the bridge to Old Port Royale.

There was no line, so we walked up to the first available CM. Her name was Sherry, and she was earning her ears. Sherry was very, very nice. She just wasn’t too quick. It took so long that Bryan wheeled in all of the luggage to check on us. However, once we got through it Sherry had 2 very nice things to tell me. Our room (but not MiL’s) was ready, and it was in Aruba 51!! My first choice!

We were unsure exactly how the internal shuttle thing worked having only stayed at POFQ and BWI on our trips as adults, but Sherry pointed to a side door of Custom House and assured us that someone would be with us very shortly to take us to our building. We headed out there and saw that there were about 6 other families already waiting. One guy said they’d been there for about 20 minutes already, so we figured that the shuttle would be along shortly. For the next 15 minutes I listened to a grumpy DD tell me that she was hungry, she wanted to put on her Rapunzel dress, she wanted to go to Disney World (no amount of correction could keep her from referring to the Magic Kingdom as Disney World. She did NOT care that I thought CBR was technically Disney World), happily explained to MiL what a great room location ours was and why, and studied the resort map. I was still in very good spirits despite the lengthy waits at the airport and at the resort that we’d had so far, I was just eager to get this vacation started. So, I opened my big mouth.

“Hey guys, it doesn’t look like a very long walk to Aruba. Wanna try it?”

They did. We asked a nice CM which way to the main road that runs around the resort. He pointed it out but told us that a shuttle could take us. “That’s ok, we’re kind of tired of waiting. We’ll be fine!” We crossed the main street and hit the sidewalk.

We got about 200 yards away from Custom House before it started to rain.
Yikes. Your MIL had you book her. I love the face next to your I was not too busy statement. She is lucky you did though, since she still needed more info to board. Hopefully Maddie loved the pool even though it was pirate themed.

We did almost no research of CBR on our first stay (also in Aruba). When the CM offered to have someone take us to the room, we declined. Getting all of our bags there was quite a task. On our next stay in Trinidad North, we waited for the ride even though ME still had most of our bags. Luckily (and you know our luck with transportation), the wait was not too long. I was already nervous before you said it started raining. So sorry to hear that.
Gosh, sounds like an exciting morning! I'm glad that your flights were OK, and that you both landed on time.

I would have been irritated if at my MIL if it meant I had to wait and wait too! At that point you just want to get to Disney!

Awesome pixie dust on getting the room you wanted! We haven't stayed at CBR in 6 years, but I do have fond memories. I hope that Maddie warmed up to the pirate pool, but I do have to agree that a princess pool sounds awesome! :rotfl:

Oh no rain! I hope you didn't get caught for long!
Haven't read anything yet, but just making sure I am subbed to this TR before I get toooo far behind.
:wave: I'm joining in a little late but since technically you haven't even made it to your room yet I haven't missed too much.
OMG!! I can't believe it started to rain on you all. We stayed at POFQ for our first trip in December and loved it. For our trip in August, we were going to book CBR but then I got cold feet. We were going to go back to POFQ but we decided to try out Riverside. Anxiously awaiting more of your TR :-)
Rought start. It's a shame that your DD wasn't as excited about some of the surprises as you'd hope she'd be.

I'm glad you got MIL straghtened out and arrived at CBR. Hopefully the trend of being stuck waiting will end soon. I can't say that I was too surprised it started raining just after you started walking. Doesn't it always seem to work that way? :faint:
GOOD LORD! 17 ADRs??? How on earth did you do it??

Uh oh... long waits and then rain? I hope everything works out okay! :wizard:
Oh, MILs. Do they just not think? Yeah, you had nothing going on right then:rolleyes2. My MIL likes to complain that she never has any money (which is why we paid for her to come with us last time--mistake). She says it to us knowing full well that we have one income, five people in the family, a mortgage, car payments, one of my DD sees FIVE specialists, and I see one. It's just her and her husband at their house, two incomes, no mortgage, no car payments. So just where is her money going?? UGH. She doesn't think. Sorry, that was a little vent and might be off topic...:rolleyes1

Anyway, we LOVE CBR. We've done a split stay there before, and we're staying there again next trip (plus one other extra special place!). My girls also aren't fond of pirates (except Jake), but they love the pool there.

Can't wait to see more pictures of the resort! There are never enough!!
Oh no! Isn't that the way it always happens? Just when you give up waiting, it starts to pour. Can't wait to hear how MiL handles this!
I haven't started the TR yet! As I didn't get Tanny's pics, I only have mine & photopass, so I'm waiting for that to get in, it *should* be here by Friday, fingers crossed!

It certainly sounds like your welcome to disney wasn't as magical as it could have been! That certainly sucks! At least there's nowhere to go but up!
Oh no!!!! Sorry about tyour MIL not having her reservation number, the long wait for the ME and then waiting for a shuttle to take you to your room at the CBR. Then to top it all off, it rains! I hope things get better from here.
Excited to read the next chapter of your trip report! I absolutely loved the last one. And I'm in the suburbs of Chicago too! Love it here, hope you are enjoying your new place and that there are lots of kids in the new neighborhood to play with. :) Can't wait to hear how your MIL handled the rain...
How awful that it started raining as soon as you guys set off. Hopefully you made it back and caught the shuttle! :)
Oh dear on your MIL! I hope the rest of the day/trip goes up from there! We stayed at CBR for one night in 2009. Our room was forever away from the main building, and we had to go back 3 times to get a room key that would work. Ay yi yi! Can't wait to read more!!
Bring on the next chapter! We are going to CBR in September and I can't wait to get your take on the resort. How was your room location? We will have DD4 so distance is a concern. Love your reports by the way. You have a fantasitic sense of humour and great way of expressing yourself.


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